Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1210

Shen Lang\'s previously exposed means is a means to control the overall situation and be at ease;

But what Shen Lang has revealed now is a more cruel, domineering and bloody means than the demons in the demon temple!

Control evil with evil, stop killing with death!

Overbearing, bloody crazy!

This is Shen Lang.

Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion!

All the people in the demon Temple seemed to know Shen Lang for the first time, and they had a new understanding of Shen Lang.

Those who had wanted to oppose him were now terrified.


In everyone\'s shocked eyes, Shen Lang\'s claw penetrated the chest of the strong man of the poor strange house and directly caught his soul!

"You regard my people as mole ants, but you don\'t know that you are worse than mole ants in my eyes!"

Shen Lang vomited his strength on the palm of his hand, condensed the soul of the strong man in the poor and strange house into a ball and sealed it directly.

In everyone\'s eyes, a red flame, bang, burned on the ball.

Rosefinch fire!

This guy can really use rosefinch fire as a Terran!

The legend about Shen Lang began to flow in the minds of the demons in the demon God hall.

Many things that I didn\'t believe at all before. This time, no one dared not believe it again!


In the red flame, there was a scream of the strong man of the poor and strange house.

As soon as Shen Lang threw it away, the burning ball was thrown into the air like the sun

"Send someone to stare at me until his soul burns out. Who dares to touch the fireball will be killed!"

At Shen Lang\'s command, the two strong men of Zhuque mansion shook their bodies and flew into the air to hold the ball.

Just because the people in poor Qi mansion hurt his people, they died miserably on the spot one by one;

Just because the people of poor Qi mansion seriously injured a group of aliens, Shen Lang destroyed the human form and God!

Even the demons in the demon temple, no one dares to be cruel to Shen Lang!

The word "evil star" was completely printed in the minds of the strong in the demon God hall this time.

On the other hand, those people of the major races around were moved to tears.

They destroyed their homes and united together, but there was no resistance in the face of blood clan and demon God hall. Now they finally stand firm here.

Now they have such a leader.

For them, they broke into the hinterland of the blood clan alone and rescued thousands of people;

For them, dare to speak hard and start to offend the devil general\'s house;

For their sake, they not only killed the strong people in the poor and strange Mansion by thunder, but also beat their souls in front of so many strong people!

It is no different from mole ants in places like the demon temple, whether it is the alien of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror or the alien of the emperor\'s martial realm.

But now, who dares to treat all the magic generals and all the powerful imperial martial mirrors like this again?

Who dares to treat them as mole ants and kill them wantonly!

Savage alien, advocating power, need heroes.

And this hero, stand in front of them now!

In addition to being moved, all foreign races have given birth to hope for the future.

Under the leadership of such a person, there can never be despair!

Even in the face of blood!

All the aliens, biting their lips and looking at Shen Lang, have bright eyes


Suddenly, the whole Wolverine mountain shook violently.

It\'s like a giant beast waking up at the bottom of the mountain, trying to collapse the whole mountain!

The terror and ferocity of the poor and strange from one of the ten divine beasts filled the whole mountain.

In addition to the strong ones in the demon temple, the people of all other nationalities were stunned, crazy and far away from the wolf mountain.

"The young master of the poor strange house is very powerful."

"The boy is used to being arrogant and domineering in the demon temple. Unfortunately, he met Shen Lang this time."

"Even if his father came, it would be a disaster... How stupid do you think people should be to dare to move Shen waves so arrogantly? Is it too long for a woman to move Shen waves?"

"Stay away from the people in poor Qi\'s house. Poor Qi\'s house angers Shen lang. if this little poor Qi is killed by Shen Lang, both sides will never die... The most important thing is that poor Qi is no longer qualified to fight Shen Lang!"

The strong men of the devil generals looked at all this indifferently, just communicating with God.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and suddenly sank to the ground.


Xingfei of the poor strange house looked like earth and stretched out his hand to stop it. Finally, he only said one word and dared not say the second word any more.

At the next moment, the shaking of Dilang mountain became more and more violent.

All the people on the ground wolf mountain are smacking their tongues and rising in the air.


A good mountain has split from the middle. It\'s really falling apart!


"Bang bang!"

It was like the sound of angry thunder blowing from the bottom of the earth.

Then he saw a huge figure rising up from the crack at an extremely fast speed. While rising, he kept screaming!

The mountain monster is snow-white, looks like a tiger, has two light golden dragon horns on his forehead, a pair of wings, and his hair stands upright like a hedgehog.

It\'s one of the top ten beasts!

The people of the main devil generals looked at each other, and their faces were very strange.

The poverty as big as a mountain was kicked up by the Shen waves below!

Just below the poor strange, Shen Langtou kicked his legs like the wind, kicking them in the abdomen of the poor strange!

Poor Qi has no resistance at all. He just screams and rises rapidly!

"Young master..."

Several strong men in poor Qi mansion were bitter and wanted to stop Shen Lang, but they were stopped by people in Zhuque mansion.


Shen Lang grabbed poor Qi\'s leg and threw it hard. In the sharp sound of breaking the air, the terrible force directly straightened poor Qi\'s body, and then hit it hard towards the cracked mountain!

Poor Qi\'s mountain like body, with an amazing speed, lined up the air like a sea wave, sent out a harsh scream, and smashed the half of the wolf mountain down with a bang!

"This guy..."

The right envoy of Zhuque mansion shook his head and pushed his hand towards the cold iron hall.

A circle of brilliance came from her palm, and the cold iron hall turned into a small ball and fell into her hand.

"I\'ve been busy for so many days. I finally took root in the local wolf mountain and destroyed it for me... Cuixia mountain, local wolf mountain, are you the left envoy of Zhuque mansion or the king of destruction?"

Hearing Bai libing\'s words, everyone didn\'t laugh.

In this case, no one can laugh.

The poor Qi screamed and was thrown away by Shen Lang again, flattening the half of the wolf mountain directly!

Centered on poor Qi\'s huge body, a circle of terrible energy ripples radiated wildly around.

Wherever you pass, whether it\'s boulders or trees, they are all turned into fly ash!

The cultivation of the Shaofu master of the poor Qi mansion is the triple heaven of the imperial martial mirror. After he became himself, his strength increased sharply. Even if the strong man of the quadruple heaven of the imperial martial mirror saw it, I\'m afraid he would have to turn around and leave.

Unfortunately, it was Shen Lang.

Imperial martial mirror quadruple heaven?

Just a few days ago, when Shen Lang was still in the Ninth Heaven of emperor Wujing, he extinguished the Murong Changfeng, which is equivalent to the fourth heaven of emperor Wujing!

Now it\'s no different from playing with a grasshopper if you want to hold this little poor man!

The fierce and powerful poor Qi was thrown on the ground like a toy by Shen Lang, which made it dusty and filled with Tiankeng!

A good land wolf mountain. After a while, it was smashed into nothingness by Shen waves!

"You... Who are you? What the hell do you want to do?"

The young master of the poor Qi mansion was really afraid of being smashed and shouted with all his strength.

"My name is Shen lang. I want your life."

Shen Lang\'s voice was so calm that he couldn\'t hear any anger.

But this calm, calm terrible, calm frightening

"Ah... Shen Lang! Don\'t go too far!" the young master shouted wildly, "I\'m the young master of poor Qi mansion. If you dare to touch me, my father will never let you go!"

"I won\'t worry about the later things. How can I move you? I just want to kill you." Shen Lang said coldly. He hit poor Qi on the back like lightning, which made the young master scream.

In his mouth, it seems that the word "kill" is like a family affair.

Don\'t talk about the Shaofu master. Even the strong emperor Wujing in the demon temple around him was cold.


Shen Lang flung it suddenly and threw the poor Qi out.

The poor strange wailed. Taking this opportunity, he wanted to run away as soon as he had a wing!


Poor Qi\'s wings have just opened, and the Shen wave is like a missile. It has rushed up into the air. The last one comes first, from top to bottom, and one punch hit poor Qi\'s head!


The domineering fist power made the poor strange eyes black and blood burst out!

It also hit the surrounding demon temple, and the corners of the strong man\'s eyes jumped suddenly... Yes, is his fist harder than the poor monster\'s head?

Didn\'t you just advance the imperial martial mirror?

Even if the cultivation improves quickly, how can the flesh be so strong?

Just as a group of people swallowed their saliva, Shen Lang hit the poor Qi with his fists like the wind.

Shen Lang\'s fists are indeed comparable to the sharp weapons of divine weapons - no, the Shaofu master would rather be smashed by any other sharp weapons than by Shen Lang\'s fist!

His fist hit the flesh, and his strange spiral force burst into the Shaofu master\'s viscera, making the Shaofu master\'s blood gush!

"Bang bang!"

Crazy Qi is raging in the air.

Poor Qi\'s huge body is like a small piece of wood in a tornado, which is thrown here and there.

But no matter how you throw it, you can\'t get out of the control of shenlang!

The blood is constantly spilled.

Screams, one after another!

"Wang Ba egg!" the young master shouted hysterically, "I won\'t let you go!"

With his shriek, the strength accumulated by the Shaofu master over this period of time finally broke out!

His sharp claws, which could easily turn the mountains into powder, glittered with frightening light. When everyone thought he had no resistance, he clawed at Shen Lang\'s chest!

When this claw is wielded, it directly tears the space, making the sharp claw appear spider web like space cracks through expenditure!

If you are firmly grasped by this claw, you will end up as King Kong!