Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1209

Xue Shiyin\'s cultivation today is just the six heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Among the aliens behind her, the strongest cultivation is the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror three or four heaven.

On the side of the demon temple, the leading young man is already the triple heaven realm of Emperor Wu Jing, with a big gap and a world of difference.

If Xue Shiyin\'s armor was not strong, and the power of divine sword Tianqi frightened the people in poor Qi mansion, I\'m afraid even Xue Shiyin himself would be seriously injured at the moment.

It was absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen.

At the moment, all the strong people in the Zhuque mansion are concentrated in the hall. Under the wrong circumstances, the tragedy has been irreparable

The leading Shaofu master of the poor Qi mansion looked at the bleeding palm and laughed.

This man was dressed luxuriantly and looked superior at any time, as if he was born superior, as if anyone in front of him was a lowly mole ant.

"The left envoy of the Zhuque mansion? Is that the boy who relies on the eldest young lady?" the master of the Shaofu said quickly and slowly: "it\'s a bit insulting to threaten Ben Shao with a waste that is no more than a king\'s martial mirror?"

"The law of the jungle in the demon Temple doesn\'t have enough strength. A little relationship can\'t last long."

"A strong man like Ben Shao calls the wind and rain in the poor house. He never can\'t get what he wants!"

"The weak like Shen Lang, even if he gets the favor of the eldest lady and the cultivation of Wang Wujing, can only be crushed and trampled on in the end."

"Even if he is here, he can only watch Ben Shao, kill all the people he wants to protect, and take away the beautiful women of the Shura people under him!"

"In front of Ben Shao, who is strong in Imperial martial mirror, he can\'t protect anyone!"

"And you, you are all as cheap as ants in my eyes, not worth mentioning!"

Shaofu master smiled darkly and said, "the magic weapon in your hand is really powerful. Unfortunately, it can\'t play any power in your hand. Give it to me. It will shine in my hand!"

"If you take the initiative to give me this sword, I can consider taking you in, let you serve around, and let you get wind and rain in the demon temple!"

"Beast, you\'ll regret it!" Xue Shiyin clenched her teeth, poured all her skills, and screamed, "Xiaolang!"

On the Dilang mountain, the two words... Xiaolang!

At the next moment, all the other races around shouted: "my Lord!"

Everyone is calling Shen Lang

Everyone seems to think that when Shen waves appear, they can turn the tide.

This is unforgivable in the eyes of the Lord of poor Qi mansion!

Do they really think that when Shen Lang comes, he can defeat the poor and strange young master of the imperial martial mirror triple heaven?

Do they think that Shen Lang, who knows the power of the fox and the tiger, can avenge them?


As long as the eldest lady is not here, Shen Lang is a bird!

The Shaofu master was furious: "give me something shameless. I\'m the Shaofu master of poor Qi house. I like several women and a magic soldier of Shura family. How dare you refuse?"

"Dare not listen to Ben Shao\'s advice?"

"Good. Now I\'ve changed my mind."

"I want all these Shura women, and I want the divine soldiers in your hands. As for you... I will trample you to death and let you know what hell is!"

As soon as the voice fell, thunder roared in the void.

A palpitating murderous Spirit fell from the sky.


A group of people in poor Qi mansion felt the vast murderous spirit, like a great enemy, and all looked into the air!

Just above that high altitude, a figure like a God and a devil fell directly towards the Shaofu master like a meteorite!

The air exploded, and unparalleled strength burst out from the man\'s feet.

The threat of terror enveloped several people in the poor strange house. In an instant, the six people in the poor strange house were suppressed to their knees!

"Young master, go quickly!"

One of the tyrants of the poor strange house gave a violent drink and took out a huge axe to attack the mysterious man who came out of nowhere.

However, he took out his huge axe, but he couldn\'t lift it at all!

Shao Fu\'s head vomited blood when he heard this... If he could leave, he would have left long ago. Isn\'t he completely restrained and unable to move?

"Ben Shao is the leader of the poor and strange mansion. Dare you..."

Before the Shaofu leader finished his words, the soles of the man who fell from the sky had trampled on his forehead!


In the huge roar, the arrogant master of the poor and strange house was directly stepped into the ground!

A bottomless black hole is left on the ground, leading from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain!

"My Lord!"

The fighters of all nationalities wept with joy.

Shen Lang glanced around with a dark face, moved his body, kicked out, and burst the head of a powerful martial mirror of the poor and strange house recently!


Shen Lang whirlwind like a turn, a punch hit another person on the back, directly flattened the person\'s body to the ground!

The other strong men in the poor and strange house even forgot to run for their lives and looked at all this blankly, thinking they were dazzled.

What kind of people dare to kill the people in poor Qi mansion?

What kind of people will kill all after beating the Shaofu master?

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s legs were like the wind and kicked their heads. The scene was so bloody that even the powerful demons who followed Shen Lang were stunned.

At this time, there was only the man who tore off one arm of Duanmu.

"Do you know why I left you?"

Shen Lang turned his head slightly, like a fierce beast staring at his food. His voice was as cold as from the nine Youming prison.


The man watched several poor and strange house strongmen who were stronger than himself die, his mind completely collapsed, stepped into the air and tried his best to escape!

"Go back!"

In the void, the figure of Shu Ying, the strong man of Zhuque mansion, appeared out of thin air, kicked the man on the chest and kicked him back directly.

"Zuo envoy, show mercy!"

Several strong men from the poor and strange mansion who followed out of the hall shouted loudly.

However, they are not close yet. Several strong men in Zhuque mansion have blocked in front of them!

Shen Lang glanced obliquely at the poor people in the air and said coldly, "if you don\'t want to shut up forever, you\'d better not let me hear you again."

Those people in poor Qi mansion were sweating hard. They really didn\'t dare to say a word any more.

Shen Lang walked slowly to the strong man of the poor and strange house and looked down at the guy with no human face.

The man\'s whole body was like pounding garlic and trembled constantly: "no, no... don\'t kill me! I have no eyes and offended adults. Please don\'t kill me!"

"Do you know who I am?" Shen Lang asked indifferently.

Of course, the head of the strong emperor Wujing can\'t be too stupid, but this person has been frightened by Shen Lang\'s bloody means. How can he think who the evil star is in front of him?

"No... I don\'t know..." the man shook his head.

Shen Lang said with a cruel smile, "my name is Shen lang."

The strong man of the poor and strange house was stunned. He still didn\'t connect this Shen Lang with the left envoy of the Zhuque house who only had Wang Wujing\'s cultivation in the legend.

Shen Lang looked at the martial artists of all ethnic groups around him. They were bleeding all over, lacking arms and legs, and their breath was weak.

He pointed to these people and said in a cold voice, "these people who have been beaten to death by you are all my people."

The strong man of the poor and strange house thought a little, and finally found out the identity of the stranger in front of him... Shen Lang, the left envoy of the Zhuque house, Shen Lang!

But didn\'t Shen Lang only have Wang Wujing\'s cultivation a few months ago?

The guy who only achieved the cultivation of Wang Wujing a few months ago can kick and explode the head of the triple heaven strongman of emperor Wujing?

Can you smash the body of the triple heaven strong in the imperial martial mirror with one punch?

Can you step the Shaofu master into the ground?

He didn\'t understand these problems and had no time to think about them.

Shen Lang pointed to duanmuzheng and said, "the zombie is also my man. Do you understand?"

"Understand... Don\'t understand... Sir, spare your life!" the strong man of the poor house was full of fear. He knelt down and kowtowed to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang put his right hand on the man\'s shoulder, stopped the latter from kowtowing and said, "my people have always been very safe and won\'t easily provoke right and wrong."

"Why are they so calm, but you still want to bully the door?"

"Why are you so vicious when you do it?"

Shen Lang\'s voice became colder and colder: "they trusted me and thought I could protect them, so they chose to follow me. Why did you let me look up in front of them?"

The strong man of the poor and strange house shook his head again and again, sweating like rain, and couldn\'t say a normal word in his mouth.

"I\'m in a bad mood now, you know?" Shen Lang smiled cruelly. "When I\'m in a bad mood, I want to kill those who hurt my men and those who make me feel bad."

Then Shen Lang gently held the left hand of the strong man in the poor and strange house and pulled it out

One arm of the strong man in the poor strange house was simply torn open.

Like paper paste.


The blood burst out, and the strong man of poor Qi mansion howled miserably.

Around these people, most of them in the demon temple are big demons who kill without blinking an eye, and most of the wild aliens are crazy and tyrannical characters trained from blood and fire. However, watching this scene, the corners of their eyes still jump suddenly!

They can hear the anger and killing intention of volcanic eruption from the sound of Shen waves!

"My name is Shen lang." Shen Lang repeated, "one of my greatest advantages is that I will repay my enemies and protect my weaknesses!"

The strong man in the demon Temple began to wipe cold sweat.

When did it become an advantage to protect one\'s weaknesses?

And show off?

Shen Lang continued, "I like to answer friendliness with friendliness and cruelty with cruelty."

"Whoever dares to touch me, I will make him Regret living in this world."

"If you tear an arm of my men and seriously hurt so many of me, I\'ll make your life worse than death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang tore the other arm of the strong man in the poor house.

All the foreign people around felt their blood boiling and almost cheered!

The strong men in the demon God hall looked at each other, and there was a cold air at the bottom of their hearts.