Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1208

"How possible!"

He was pierced by the snow poem sound long sword in his hand, and the young man of poor Qi mansion roared strangely.

Based on the cultivation of the third heaven of Emperor Wu Jing, poor Qi\'s real body was broken by the prospective Emperor Wu Jing Wu.

This is incredible!

At this time, Xue Shiyin\'s long sword pulled back and cut easily.

Between the lightning and flint, the long sword was cut on the index finger of the man\'s right hand!


In the sound of gold and iron, blood burst out, and the young man shouted in pain, subconsciously retreating quickly!

"Dare to hurt me, young Lord, die!"

The young man was so angry that he turned his palm into a knife and cut it off towards Xue Shiyin!

How terrible is it when the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong?

The void seemed to be cut open, and a vacuum channel appeared.

There\'s a lot of magic around, flying sand and stones!

With this knife, the martial arts under the emperor\'s martial mirror almost have only one way to destroy the gods and souls!

However, at this moment, what Shen Lang transmitted to Xue\'s poetry through soul connection shows its power.

Although Xue Shiyin\'s cultivation is only qualified for the six heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, his understanding of the potential of heaven and earth has far exceeded the strong of the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror!

At such a dangerous time, Xue Shiyin kept calm.

She took strange steps between lightning and flint, like a swimming fish, avoiding the control of the threat of the knife.

At the same time, Xue Shiyin wielded his long sword quickly, leaving mysterious tracks in the air.

The sword Qi, with unparalleled accuracy, fell on several flaws in the gang!

"Boom, boom!"

In the eyes of the six strong men of the poor strange house, it seems that the power is far from that of the sword gang. It turns out that the palm knife of the strong man of the poor strange house emperor\'s martial mirror is directly cut into several pieces and easy to crack!

"There is such a thing!" several strong men in the poor strange house stared at the thief.

Even the young man was suddenly absent-minded.

"Bitch, you live impatiently!"

The face of the strong man who was stabbed by Xue Shiyin suddenly couldn\'t hang.

He stepped on the ground with his right foot, shot the sand and stone on the ground, and punched xueshiyin in the air!

This punch is twice as strong as the previous one?

Even if there is a huge mountain ahead, I\'m afraid it will be crushed into powder in an instant!

The fist blew out, and the wind, thunder, earth and fire came out together. The martial artists of all ethnic groups around were only scratched by the edge of the fist strength, and then they shouted miserably and flew out directly!

"Who dares to hurt my landlady!"

When the mountains shook and the earth moved, Duanmu, who was up to ten feet high, rushed here with violent corpse Qi. He clenched a big hammer like a hill in both hands and threw it down at the fist gang of the strong man in the poor strange house without hesitation!

"Duanmuzheng, stop!" Xue Shiyin exclaimed.

Such a battle is no longer possible for duanmuzheng, a zombie at the end of Huangwu territory.

You know, we are facing the strong emperor Wujing!

Duanmuzheng\'s momentum is strong enough and his power is amazing enough, but where can he get on the table in front of the strong emperor\'s martial mirror?

But Duanmu is eager to protect the Lord. Knowing that he can\'t resist, he still refuses to retreat!

As soon as xueshiyin here exclaimed, the giant hammer Duanmu was holding had blasted on the terrible fist Gang!


The wind is strong and the earth is shaking.

The boxing gang that condensed into essence paused under the shaking of duanmuzheng, and then suddenly broke out!

Duanmu couldn\'t control it one by one. The huge hammer in his hand bounced back and hit him on the chest in an instant.

Between the giant hammer and Duanmu\'s armor, violent Qi burst out immediately.


Duanmu was howling like a piece of wood and was blown out by his own giant hammer!

If it weren\'t for his strong armor, even the zombie body would be blown to pieces!

Where can he bear the strike of the three heavenly strongmen of the imperial martial mirror at the peak of the imperial martial realm?

That is, as Shen Lang\'s men, their equipment is strong enough, so they don\'t disappear without a blow.


Duanmu Zheng\'s huge body fell to the ground and rolled quickly on the ground.

Rushed over to hold his bones. One bone, two or four bone demons didn\'t hold him. They were pressed to cry and rolled into a piece.

"Duanmu Zhenggu!"

Xue Shiyin shouted eagerly.

On one side, four Shura women were still held in their hands by the young man, while Duanmu Zhenghe and four bone demons were beaten to death.

Xue Shiyin didn\'t know whether to save the Shura woman first or to confirm the life and death of xiaduanmu Zhenghe\'s four bone demons. She was furious for a moment!

"Little zombie, how dare you meddle in our affairs? I\'ll give you a taste of the destruction of form and spirit!"

Seeing that his second attack still didn\'t work, the strong man of the poor house was furious.

It\'s a great shame that the great emperor\'s martial mirror is a triple heaven strong man. He didn\'t hurt a prospective emperor\'s martial mirror twice. It\'s a great humiliation!

At this small meeting when Xue Shiyin hesitated, the man\'s shoulder shook and suddenly appeared in front of Duanmu Zheng!

In front of a large group of foreign fighters and Xue Shiyin, the man reached out and grabbed duanmuzheng, who was half dead, photographed duanmuzheng, grabbed duanmuzheng\'s left hand and pulled it out!


Duanmuzheng\'s left arm was torn off by that life, shoulder to shoulder!


Duanmu Zheng, who had been in a coma, woke up and exhaled miserably.


Xue Shiyin didn\'t hesitate any more. Tianqi, the divine sword in her hand, suddenly shook and attacked the man\'s back.

This sword is different from before.

This sword is the power of Chi lian\'er, who has urged the spirit of the instrument!

In the past, Xue Shiyin almost never did that!

The divine sword Tianqi was transformed by the war emperor when it was sealed on xueshiyin\'s arm.

As long as the red lotus doesn\'t appear, it won\'t be recognized easily.

At the beginning, in the imperial capital of Zichu state, Xue Shiyin faced the people in Zhulong mansion, because considering this, even at the most critical moment when she was besieged by a group of strong people in Zhulong mansion, she still didn\'t summon Chi lianer.

Later, Shen Lang once told her that if there was a crisis, there was no need to consider so much.

Call out Chi lian\'er and stimulate the greatest power of the divine sword Tianqi. Let go and kill.

At the moment, the divine sword Tianqi did not release its strongest power, but watched Duanmu Zheng be abused - killed, and Xue Shiyin\'s anger rushed to the top!

When this sword is sent out, it roars fiercely, and the wind and cloud changes color!

The strong man of the poor strange house, who was going to tear Duanmu Zheng\'s limbs, couldn\'t help but frown and turn back.

At the same time, all the martial artists of all the surrounding nationalities rushed at the man.

"A group of ants, get out!"

The man kicked Duanmu out with one foot, his body shook slightly, and his strong energy swept out in all directions.

Before the fighters of all ethnic groups approached, they were rushed out by the strong Qi and fell to the ground!

He shook the rest of the people away. The palm of his hand shook and took out a square seal to block him... When Chi lianer\'s power broke out, the power of divine sword Tianqi did not dare to resist even the three strong heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!


The dazzling light burst out, and a loud noise made all the martial artists around rumble in their minds.

"Bang bang!"

The powerful man of the poor strange house holding the square seal was driven back by the violent force, leaving a long string of deep footprints on the ground!

Xue Shiyin beat back the man with a sword, but he didn\'t attack again.

But quickly rushed to the edge of duanmuzheng and helped duanmuzheng up.

"There should be such a thing! There should be such a magic weapon in the hands of the martial artist of the six heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?"

The strong man of the poor strange house who was defeated looked at the square seal in his hand in disbelief.

On top of his famous magic weapon, there was a deep scar. Around the scar, cracks like cobwebs spread outward.

Even the spirit of the square seal made a sob... It has been badly hurt!

On this side, several people behind the young man showed great joy: "Shaofu master, this is your luck, your luck! I didn\'t expect you to meet so many Shura beauties and such divine soldiers just here!"

"Take these Shura women, and then take this magic weapon. It\'s a good trip, young master!"

The Shaofu master looked at the long sword in Xue Shiyin\'s hand with a flash of fire in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey..." he smiled.

At this time, the open space, which was only twenty miles away from the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion, was in chaos and chaos.

The ground is full of big pits, gravel and people lying on the ground.

Many people are either missing arms or broken legs, one by one dying.

The only one who can stand is the snow poem with the highest cultivation and the best equipment.

There\'s no way. It\'s the emperor Wujing triple heaven strongman of poor Qi mansion, and the strongest of these alien strongmen is the quasi emperor Wujing.

But this time, it happened to be the time of the conference over there!

The demons gathered the people of the house together. There was no one from the rosefinch house on the field!

But just a few breaths, the tragedy has been caused.

"These beauties are mine; this long sword is also mine."

The feminine Shaofu master left four Shura women behind and walked slowly towards xueshiyin!


Xueshiyin shouted angrily, holding the divine sword, Tianqi pointed forward.

A cone-shaped fire red light curtain was released from the divine sword Tianqi, which protected a group of Shiren warriors and a group of Shura women behind and kept retreating!

At this moment, Chi lianer, the spirit of divine sword Tianqi, began to roar and wanted to control the divine sword.

Seeing all this, Chi lianer is ready to completely urge the power of divine sword Tianqi.

However, the master of the poor and strange mansion who came towards Xue Shiyin, and the blood hole in the palm of his right hand, still had blood falling drop by drop.

On the blood hole, there was a fierce sword Qi, which was constantly raging, making it difficult for the wound to heal.

For him, who is poor and strange, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

If you can break his mana and poor Qi\'s body simply by relying on the power of the weapon, even if it is a heavenly weapon, this long sword definitely belongs to the very top level!

Because of this, this person\'s attention has shifted from the Shura women to the divine soldiers in xueshiyin\'s hands!

"Beast! Get back!" Xue Shiyin said coldly, "these aliens in the plague land are already from the Zhuque mansion and the left envoy of the Zhuque mansion. If you dare to move them, you will die without a burial place!"