Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1207

This guy in Xuanwu mansion is like a chess piece arranged by Shen Lang, who will take over at critical moments.

Cooperate with Shen Lang in a tacit understanding.

The key is that Shen Lang has never arranged such a person at all.

I don\'t know this guy.

Shen Lang took a little surprised look at this man and saw that he was a middle-aged man with a simple and honest face.

It belongs to the kind of goods that you will never find in the street.

But it was such an ordinary looking guy that Shen Lang took a fancy to: "Xuanwu... Under the appearance of simplicity and honesty, it is a cunning heart like Xingfei. However, it\'s very good, hehe."

Shen Lang smiled and said, "what should we do? First, wait for our reinforcements; second, unite with Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall."

Finally speaking of uniting with ten thousand demon mansion.

Before today, a large group of powerful people in the demon Temple actually wanted to take this point to run against Shen Lang.

However, when Shen Lang made this suggestion, everyone felt it was reasonable and everyone nodded again and again!

Even the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha were thoughtful and thought that Shen Lang was thoughtful.

Shen Lang said with great satisfaction, "many people must be very unhappy about the alliance with the thousand soul Hall of Wanyao mansion."

"Because the previous defeat and the previous extinction God thunder king have a direct relationship with them."

"But the alliance is not a compromise!"

"We are not afraid of anyone in the demon temple!"

"Now there are king Dapeng with golden wings and ghost Zun night nether world on the other side of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall. These two people are our swords!"

"We just want to borrow their knives to cut off the hands and feet of the blood clan!"

The strong man in the demon Temple nodded secretly. The morale suppressed by Shen Lang was lifted up again by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang continued: "when you come here, don\'t forget the demon king\'s order... We want to eradicate the blood clan and protect the eternal tree!"

"If the eternal tree is over, I\'m afraid the world is over. Finally, the blood clan takes advantage of the situation to take the world. All of us are sinners in the demon God hall!"

The simple and honest man of Xuanwu mansion spoke again: "the left envoy is right. We should first unite with Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall to destroy or drive away the blood clan!"

"The eternal tree is protected. We\'ll deal with the ten thousand demon mansion later!"

Shen Lang couldn\'t help looking at this guy again.

If he didn\'t have any impression in his memory, Shen Lang almost thought that this guy was a traitor in the God of war hall.

Seeing him looking over, the strong man of Xuanwu mansion immediately smiled foolishly and honestly.

Shuying immediately thought aloud and said, "Sir, this guy is the brother of the head of Xuanwu mansion. His name is Dongjian. He practices\' not breaking the sword way \', and his defense is strong. He has always been very friendly to our Zhuque mansion."

"Don\'t break Kendo?" Shen Lang was stunned.

"Don\'t break Kendo" is a method of taking defense as attack and focusing on defense.

Dongjian is really a bitch

Your Xuanwu clan\'s own defense power has shocked the world. It\'s difficult for any race to compare. Are you still reasonable in cultivating this defense oriented "unbreakable Kendo"?

I\'m afraid this guy will show his "unbreakable Kendo" at that station. Even a large group of people with better cultivation than him can\'t cut it?

Shen Lang turned back and said faintly, "I just said the solution. What did the two commanders say?"

Ao Feng and AO Yun, two commanders who had not spoken much, finally came out at this time.

Ao Feng nodded slightly at Shen Lang and said, "since the two heavenly kings have handed over the great power to Shen Zuo envoy, even if Shen Zuo envoy asked me to kill the blood clan now, we won\'t be speechless."

"Besides, Ambassador Shen Zuo\'s plan is justified and the most appropriate law at present. We have no reason to oppose it."

This guy also speaks beautifully.

In a few words, they passed their neutrality before Tiangang and Disha.

It\'s like they\'ve been standing on Shen Lang\'s side.

Shen Lang didn\'t think so, and said lightly, "in that case, I\'ll go to the ten thousand demon mansion myself later."

When this was said, a group of great demons stood in awe.

Dare to go to ten thousand demon mansion. It\'s really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Now there are king Dapeng with golden wings and ghost Zun, and the night is dark.

Those two people are not the role of playing cards according to common sense. When they have a temper, they can do everything!

At this time, Shen Lang seemed to suddenly think of something and hooked up with Ling Xue.

Ling Xue was stunned and leaned over her head.

Shen Lang whispered, "by the way, how much do you know about the Eastern Emperor? Tell me?"

In his memory, there was no such person as the Eastern Emperor.

Obviously, all the memories of the Eastern Emperor have been sealed by the war emperor.

Before Ling Xue spoke, a virtual shadow condensed behind Shen Lang, and the Eastern Emperor appeared on the spot out of thin air.

"Do you want to know about me, Ambassador Zuo? Just ask me directly." the Eastern Emperor said faintly.

It\'s like peeping into a woman\'s bath and being caught.

Even the strong people in the surrounding demon Temple feel embarrassed for Shen Lang.

However, Shen Lang not only didn\'t feel a little embarrassed, but turned around and asked, "when did you betray the God of war hall? Why did you betray the God of war hall? Oh, you don\'t have to mind. I\'m just curious."

Then Shen Lang looked at the Eastern Emperor.

But in the cloak of the Eastern Emperor, there was no head or face. It was nothing.

Shen Lang couldn\'t see anything at all.

All the strong people in the demon Temple subconsciously turned around and pretended to be busy with other things.

Even a group of people in Zhuque mansion secretly complained.

This kind of thing about the Eastern Emperor has always been a taboo for the Eastern Emperor.

The Black Dragon Lord has long ordered no one to mention this topic.

Only those who take the wrong medicine dare to run to the Eastern Emperor and ask directly!

The Eastern Emperor\'s voice was as calm as ever: "no comment."

Shen Lang said again, "what\'s your relationship with the emperor of war?"

"No comment." the Eastern Emperor still said this.

Shen Lang frowned and said, "is your Excellency the Eastern Emperor a man or a woman?"

The Eastern Emperor still said, "no comment."

"Forget it, I\'d better ask someone else." Shen Lang said shamelessly.

After being shut down, he still looks the same. The strong people in the demon Temple admire Shen Lang\'s shamelessness more and more.

"Oh." the figure of the Eastern Emperor faded again, and then disappeared completely.

Shen Lang stood up, relaxed and said, "I\'m going to find my mother-in-law. Now I\'m going to the ten thousand demon mansion. Let\'s go."

As soon as his voice fell, the figure of the Eastern Emperor appeared again: "I\'ll go with you."

Shen Lang turned his white eyes and said, "Your Excellency, it\'s frightening. Can you stop haunting like this? Can\'t you make a noise when you appear?"

"I squeaked, you didn\'t hear." the Eastern Emperor replied without salt.

"Shen Lang was speechless.

Suddenly, a seeming scream came in from outside the cold iron hall!


This is the voice of snow poetry.

After operating all the skills and gathering together with the divine mind, we were able to penetrate the prohibition and protection of the cold iron hall.

Everyone present was stunned.

The next moment, Shen Lang, who had always been very lazy and even a little careless, released an atmosphere of tyranny and terror!

It\'s like a terrible beast that breaks through the sky. It\'s completely angered


A deep footprint was left on the ground of the cold iron hall, and Shen Lang had disappeared on the spot!

The people of Zhuque mansion followed them out for the first time!

"It\'s over. The people in poor Qi mansion are in big trouble..."

In the hall, all the powerful demons in the general\'s mansion were a little gloating.

But those people in the poor strange mansion were as pale as earth!


Push the time forward six minutes.

When Shen Lang spoke out his proposal to unite with the ten thousand demon mansion, six people from poor Qi mansion stepped out of the portal and went up to the ground wolf mountain.

As soon as he arrived at the Dilang mountain, the leading young man facing the feminine was attracted by a group of Shura women.

"It is said that the men of the Shura nationality are extremely ugly, while the women are all beautiful. Unexpectedly, this is the case... You guys come to accompany Ben Shao. As long as Ben Shao is happy, you will be popular and spicy in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, the young man grabbed it!

Four Shura women not far away screamed and were caught out of thin air by an invisible powerful force!

"Asshole! What do you want to do!"

There was a roar around. In the strong wind, several tall stone people youth waved their huge fists and rushed at the young man of poor Qi house like a god!

The young man did not pay attention to these stone people at all.

With a red bath look in his eyes, he kept staring at the three Shura women who were caught in front of him. He stretched out his hand and was about to tear the clothes of one of them.


Behind him, a strong man in the poor and strange house gave a soft drink and didn\'t even move his hands and feet. It was just a domineering momentum, which blew out a group of stone people warriors who rushed over!

All the warriors of the stone people are like being hammered in the chest by a heavy hammer. They spray blood one by one and fall to the ground!

The cultivation of Huangwu realm is really like straw in front of the strong emperor\'s martial mirror. If it is broken, it will be broken.

"King eight egg!"

The fierce nature of the people of all ethnic groups around them was aroused. Knowing that they were defeated, they did not retreat but entered, and surrounded them fiercely.

At this moment

"Beast, let them go!"

A nimble figure suddenly appeared. Xue Shiyin in armor waved his divine sword and cried, stabbing at the young man!

"How dare you be arrogant in front of me?"

The young man of the poor strange house sneered and grabbed the sword edge at the divine sword Tianqi.

A thick dark purple light curtain was immediately released from the palm of the man\'s hand.


Xueshiyin\'s divine sword Tianqi stabbed on the dark purple light curtain, just like stabbing on the soft and thick cotton. Although it pressed a little inward, it was blocked by this force, which was difficult to enter and draw out!

"Pearl of rice..."

The youth of the poor house sneered.

However, before the words were finished, the light on the long sword made a loud puff. The long sword actually penetrated the dark purple light curtain released by him, and then passed through his palm in an instant!