Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1206

In contrast, there are 26 more people than last time, but there are actually several fewer people above the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing.

Strictly speaking, compared with the last time, the power of the demon temple has not significantly improved except for twelve more Tiangang and Disha.

At the beginning of the last time, the blood clan just sent out a demon blood descendant, which has beaten the demon temple.

Now there are two demon blood descendants lurking in the moonlight city. If we don\'t solve the two demon blood descendants, the emperor\'s martial mirror will go down from the eighth heaven, which is no different from dying.

Xingfei was a little unconvinced and said, "the left envoy\'s words are bad..."

Seeing Shen Lang staring over, Xingfei nodded in his heart, immediately bowed and said, "I mean, why deduct ten Tiangang and Disha strong men and two commanders?"

"With them, our strength is unprecedentedly strong. There are two commanders to contain the demon bone blood clan. The blood clan is like a bird with broken wings and can\'t jump."

"Besides, there are two heavenly kings..."

Shen Lang sneered and said, "Tiangang and Disha? Two heavenly kings? Because you fooled around, both heavenly kings were seriously injured and almost fell into the hands of King Dapeng with golden wings. You can\'t come back!"

"Although mother-in-law Feng rescued the two heavenly kings, they have been seriously injured."

"Do you think they will allow Tiangang and Disha to go out with you idiots and fight in disorder?"

The faces of Xingfei and others turned pig liver.

Shen Lang drank leisurely and said, "not only that, the two heavenly kings before closing the door once said that they would settle this account with you when you come back! Do you still want to find them?"

"OK! Ling Xue, take this guy to the secret room where the two heavenly kings are closed!"

Ling Xue immediately came out: "please, Lord Xingfei!"

Xingfei almost fainted.

Shen Lang has made it clear that "the king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind" hate these magic generals. Who takes the wrong medicine and dares to invite them at this time?

Want to die?

"I... that\'s what I said. Why should Zuo envoy take it seriously." Xingfei completely lost his sense of propriety and said while wiping his sweat: "the two heavenly kings are injured. Naturally, they should have more rest. Healing is important. Yes, healing is important."

All the people in the devil general\'s house were sweating hard.

Especially those who came back alive from Luocha city.

Being called "idiot" by Shen Lang was directly skipped by them.

Because of them, the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha were seriously injured, and even almost fell... I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to make such things big and small.

People just thought about it. The group of strong people who had maintained neutrality before had looked over with murderous spirit!

A group of people forgot all the things they were just discussing, and their thinking completely deviated.

Their heads are full of... How can they dispel the anger of the two heavenly kings?

This is exactly what Shen Lang wants.

It\'s cheap for them not to let Grandma Feng kill them.

But if Shen Lang doesn\'t kill him properly, it\'s just outrageous!

Shen Lang immediately sent a voice to Shuying, so, so, so

Shuying was stunned and immediately returned to normal.

She has almost felt Shen Lang\'s temperament.

This one, that\'s the Lord of "splitting the refined meat on the egret\'s leg and the fat in the mosquito\'s belly"!

If anyone provokes him, he can only wait to be slaughtered!

Shuying immediately read a message to the people in the demon generals\' house and said, "gentlemen, I\'m afraid it\'s only our left envoy who can save you."

Everyone was stunned.

Thin shadow also said: "the relationship between the two heavenly kings and our left envoy doesn\'t need me to say, do you understand?"

"Even if they don\'t consider this relationship, they are saved by mother-in-law Feng. The relationship between mother-in-law Feng and our adults... That\'s all I have to say."

"But now the two leaders of Tiangang and Disha are here. You can have a good chat with our Zuo envoy privately about these things."

Everyone, suddenly look up!

At this moment, all the people in the Magic general\'s house felt that Shuying this woman... He was so cute!


Isn\'t the Savior right in front of you?

As long as Shen Lang is willing to help, it\'s absolutely nothing to deal with the two heavenly kings!

In this plague land, it\'s only Shen Lang who can handle the two heavenly kings and let them expose this matter, except mother-in-law Feng?

Grandma Feng, they can\'t move, but Shen Lang can!

A group of people subconsciously gathered around.

However, as soon as they moved, a group of people were stared back by the thin shadow, so they had to keep this matter in mind and prepare a big gift to secretly find Shen Lang after the matter here was handled.

Shen Lang took a look at these people and knew that it had been done. He smiled more brightly.

He smiled and said, "I think I\'ve made it clear enough? Two heavenly kings and the strong ones of Tiangang and Disha, you can\'t expect."

"If you really want to go, I won\'t stop you."

"But I\'ll tell you the ugly things ahead. What do you want to do? I won\'t stop or participate, and the rosefinch house can\'t participate. Grandma Feng won\'t pay attention to your bad things. As for your Excellency the Eastern Emperor... See if you can move."

There was a silence.

Before Shen Lang said this, someone really thought about grandma Feng and the Eastern Emperor.

After all, these two people are the role of the town on the side of the demon temple.

But it\'s hard to say whether you can please these two.

Now it seems that mother-in-law Feng can\'t move except Shen Lang;

Many people have understood that grandma Feng didn\'t come to this plague place for the sake of blood clan.

As for the Eastern Emperor, his cultivation is unpredictable, but he comes and goes without a trace. He is alone and does not belong to any demon general\'s house. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy for him to fight?

If you want the Eastern Emperor to fight, you can fight two demon blood descendants alone, not to mention that you may not be able to fight, and it is impossible for others to help you fight?

Looking at the strong people in the demon temple like eggplant beaten by frost, Shen Lang knew that it was finally natural.

The people of the previous demon generals must have known that Shen Lang wanted to alliance with the ten thousand demon mansion.

Now tell this matter again, these idiots should not have much rebound?

In a few words, Shen Lang played with these demons and made these guys ready to be slaughtered and grateful to Shen Lang.

If you are known, you will definitely open your mouth for half a day.

Shen Lang smiled and added a fire: "I want to explain one thing to you. Fight. It must be fought, but not now."

"It\'s not that you shout like this and then rush out... At least you\'re also a strong man who has been famous for many years. Do you mean to fight like a hooligan?"

The faces of a group of strong people in the demon Temple turned red.

The strong man in Xuanwu mansion, who knew current affairs very well, asked again, "what does the left envoy mean?"

Shen Lang continued: "first of all, the long-distance portal has been successfully built, and strong people have come to the headquarters of the demon God hall one after another. If we wait one more day, we will have a lot of strength;"

"Secondly, we should find out the power of the blood clan and determine how we should deal with the demon blood clan?"

At this time, it was the star flying in the poor strange house again. He asked timidly, "don\'t you think there are only three demon blood descendants? One has been killed by the king of golden winged Dapeng, and now there are two. In this case, it must be nothing to say that one of the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha will take one?"

Aofeng and Aoyun were so angry that they almost killed Xingfei!

Their accomplishments are much worse than the "king of the sea and water" and the "king of the sky and the wind". Both heavenly kings lost in the battle with the devil\'s blood. Let them go to fight the devil\'s blood one-on-one. Don\'t you take the wrong medicine?

Don\'t say you may not be able to fight, even if you can, who is willing to carry such a heavy burden?

But they couldn\'t admit that they couldn\'t fight in public. They were so depressed that they just wanted to kill Xingfei.

At this time, Shen Lang saved the two commanders: "how do you know that there are only two demon blood descendants in the blood clan? What if two leaders come out when they fight? What consequences will happen then? Can you bear it? Do you have a grudge against the two leaders?"

Xingfei shivered all over and immediately saw the murderous eyes of the two commanders of Aofeng and Aoyun.

"I... no, no, I didn\'t..." Xingfei was completely flustered.

Shen Lang added: "there are two giants of the blood clan, Milos and ox. although Milos is half abandoned, it is not sure whether the blood clan has the means to recover... You should also know that the blood emperor ladaos was disabled and sealed by people, but when he appeared in the blessed land of yumudong not long ago, the seal has been removed, his injury has healed, and he has advanced to the martial realm of the great emperor!"

"It can be seen from here that the blood clan may have some strange means."

"In addition, it is now known that there are at least two demon blood descendants, but it is still unknown whether there are demon blood descendants comparable to the strong ones in the military realm of the great emperor;"

"Also, you should all know... Just three days ago, after I advanced the imperial martial mirror, a strong man of the nine heaven of the blood clan imperial martial mirror touched and peeped nearby. As a result, she was killed on the spot by mother-in-law Feng. This man is no weaker than Milos and ox!"

"And in the information we know before, there is no such person!"

"Before I closed the door, I deliberately looked for my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law told me something..."

Everyone pricked up their ears for fear that they might miss a word.

Shen Lang said with a flash in his eyes, "outside the plague land, more than a million - miles southwest, there are a group of more powerful blood families."

"This group of people should be the reinforcements of the blood clan, but I don\'t know why. They didn\'t arrive at the Moonlight City for the first time to meet Milos and them."

"What? The blood clan\'s reinforcements are coming?" the strong men in the demon Temple took a breath of cold air!

Milos and ox alone have two demon blood descendants, which is difficult to deal with.

Blood clan reinforcements have arrived?

If there are several strong men like Milos and ox among the reinforcements, and they also have several demon blood descendants, plus the covetous eyes of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, how can they match the power of the demon temple in the plague land?

If this group of people really rush to fight with the blood clan again, and the blood clan reinforcements take advantage of the situation and attack on both sides, wouldn\'t it be worse than the last time?

A group of powerful people in the demon temple were sweating profusely.

Everyone was afraid for a while. Fortunately, they were stopped by the rosefinch house.

Otherwise, it\'s a matter of two words whether the trade can come back if it calls rashly.

A group of people\'s hatred for Shen Lang turned into gratitude.

Shen Lang\'s eyes have completely changed.

The strong man of Xuanwu mansion spoke again: "then, sir, what should we do?"