Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1205

The devil generals are used to intrigues. The people of candle dragon mansion, Phoenix Mansion and Taotie mansion have long known grandma Feng\'s attitude towards Shen Lang.

Unfortunately, these guys sent these messages back to their magic generals\' house, but they didn\'t reveal half a word to the rest of the magic generals\' house.

Otherwise, the people of the main devil generals would not have shouted so much before.

Knowing that there is such a terrible figure standing behind Shen Lang, who will come up to die?

That\'s good. Obviously, she hasn\'t done anything yet. Grandma Feng wants to kill

At this time, the candle dragon mansion stepped forward and said, "ambassador Zuo, we just want to discuss how to deal with the blood clan together, not disrespectful to Ambassador Zuo... We\'re here to protect the eternal tree, and now it\'s the time to hire people. Can you give me another face and expose this matter?"

Candle dragon mansion was originally on Shen Lang\'s side.

Those swept out by mother-in-law Feng have no people in Zhulong mansion.

The thin waist came out and spoke, and those evil generals who suffered immediately owed her and the candle dragon mansion a favor.

The woman with thin waist is not simple. She has the right time and has great courage!

If other people from the devil general\'s house come up and beg Shen Lang so much, Shen Lang won\'t see it in his eyes.

But Shen Lang and thin waist still have a little relationship.

"Remember, you owe me a life."

This is what Shen Lang left after saving his waist at the blessed land life and Death Gate in yumudong.

With such a relationship, they seem strange, but they are actually acquaintances.

Shen Lang took a faint look at his waist and smiled.

Of course, he was eager for his mother-in-law to kill these people.

It\'s better to eradicate these demons directly.

But this is obviously impossible.

He wanted to enter the demon Temple early in the morning. By doing so, he directly offended and killed dozens of demon generals.

More than 100 people are divided. There is a magic general\'s house here, at most four to five people.

Even if it is all killed, in fact, there is no great loss to these magic generals, let alone shake the foundation of these magic generals.

The deal is not worth it.

At this time, the two leaders of Tiangang Disha also began to send a message to Shen Lang, hoping that Shen Lang would show mercy.

Shen Lang was arrogant and overbearing as soon as he came out. They were really afraid that Shen Lang really nodded.

He nodded. How many people are there in the plague place?

Shen Lang sneered in his heart, but he smiled brightly on his face and said, "Lord slender waist said so. How can I refuse?"

"In fact, I don\'t need my mother-in-law to do it... If someone bullies me, I will kill him myself."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang walked to Xingfei very kindly and raised Xingfei\'s hand.

Xingfei hates, fears and doesn\'t know what Shen Lang wants.

Seeing that Shen Lang was very skilled, he wiped off the Xumi ring on Xingfei\'s finger

"Shen Zuo sent you!"

Xingfei almost died of anger.

He has been in the devil\'s temple until now. He has become very popular with others because he is far more vicious than others. Even if he meets other devil generals, people are polite to him. Why did you think that there would be such a day?

Unexpectedly, I met a more shameless and arrogant guy who came directly to wipe xumijie in front of him and so many people?

Shouldn\'t he kill the other party for such a thing?

Now I\'m still alive, alive, all right!

Xingfei grabbed it with five fingers, condensed the sharp magic Qi, and grabbed it towards Shen Lang\'s palm!

The speed is so fast that even the emperor Wujing\'s eight powerful people are surprised!


Granny Feng gave a gentle hum.

With this simple sound, Xingfei\'s anger dissipated and suddenly remembered his current situation!

It seems that a bucket of ice water is poured head-on. Xingfei only feels that it is really cool, cool, cool

"Ah! I didn\'t expect that envoy Shen Zuo would take a fancy to me. Ambassador Zuo is really a good judge!"

Xingfei changed his face very quickly, and his face changed from anger to ecstasy: "my Xumi ring is made of cold iron and refined gold, which can avoid water and fire. It has infinite uses... I just prepared some gifts and put them in Xumi ring. I\'m going to give them to the left envoy of Zhuque mansion!"

As soon as the strength of Xingfei\'s grasp hand was recovered, it changed from grasp to push, and pushed Shen Lang\'s grasp xumijie hand onto Shen Lang.

It\'s like giving gifts. I\'m afraid Shen Lang won\'t accept it!

The change of expression and movement is just like flowing clouds and flowing water, which makes Shen Lang marvel at it.

A group of powerful people in the demon temple around them are sweating in cold sweat. Subconsciously, they receive xumijie in their hands in the sea of knowledge... Shen Lang is shameless. Can\'t run to them to find xumijie in the sea of knowledge?

"Mr. Xingfei is polite. How nice is that?" Shen Lang put away Xingfei\'s "gift" with gratitude on his face.

Xingfei almost cried.

Xumi ring, a Xumi ring is not worth much money no matter how expensive it is, but Xumi ring is not an ordinary magic weapon.

Xumijie is used to store pills, spirit stones, divine armor and so on.

Although it is said that there are three caves of cunning rabbits, a carry on xumijie almost places more than one-third of the wealth of a martial artist!

How can you be taken away unless someone kills you?

Just came out to pick out a few words. Xingfei was not only kicked, scolded as garbage, but also touched xumijie. He didn\'t dare to get angry, but also accompanied a smiling face

This makes Xingfei feel like dying.

If I had known today, I would have regretted it

I knew the evil star was so difficult to provoke. I should have hidden away before!

Well, xumijie has been touched away.

At this time, Shen Lang came back and said to mother-in-law Feng, "mother-in-law, please go back and have a rest. These little things will be handled by yourself. I\'ll handle the things here later, and then go to chat with you?"

Mother-in-law Feng nodded slightly, "that\'s good."

When Shen Lang saw off mother-in-law Feng, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people are in a cold sweat.

It\'s in the main hall. It\'s almost a river of blood!

A group of people of the main war faction are pale and dare not be arrogant any more.

In this world, the strong are respected, and the jungle law of the law of the jungle has been developed to the extreme in the demon God hall.

Whoever has a big fist is the boss.

It\'s the same whether it\'s in the devil general\'s house or between the devil general\'s houses.

As a disciple of the black dragon demon king, Zhulong was seriously injured in fighting against the northern underworld Jitian sect. In the end, he was killed by Taotie mansion?

As the master of candle dragon, the black dragon demon king only needs one word, and the gluttony has to stop. Why doesn\'t the black dragon Demon King say a word?

It is always right to win in the end.

If the candle dragon is killed by Taotie, it can only mean that he is dead.

This group of people angered grandma Feng. Grandma Feng can kill everyone with only one finger.

Finally, the main devil generals can only pretend to be mute and keep silent.

It\'s so cruel in the demon temple!

If the possibility that Shen Lang will become the son-in-law of the Demon Lord in the future is not enough to restrain these unruly demons, mother-in-law Feng shows such a hand and says such a word, even if she completely frightens these people.

After this farce, no one shouted and killed in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang sat down again and said with a smile, "you must be very dissatisfied. You think I\'m using my mother-in-law\'s power to oppress you. You think I\'m a villain who pretends to be a tiger and supports others..."

"No, no, no! No such thing!" a group of strong men in the demon Temple shook their heads like rattles.

Shen Lang\'s face is more frightening than the ancient wild animals in the eyes of these demons.

At this time, the man who was kicked unconscious by Shen Lang in Bi Fang\'s house rubbed his head and stood up: "yes, my head hurts..."


Without saying a word, the man was punched in the head by the people of his demon house, and was knocked unconscious on the ground again.

Shen Lang glanced at the guy and continued, "what do you think? In fact, I don\'t care... Well, you\'ve been making trouble for so long. Now you can talk about business."

A group of demons will wipe the strong in the mansion with cold sweat... NIMA, aren\'t you making trouble?

When did it become us?

Look at the boy\'s action and expression of Xingfei xumijie and his ability to confuse black and white. It\'s really not easy to provoke!

When the story of yumudong blessed land was spread back to the demon God hall, some people said that this guy was a evil star. Now it seems that he deserves his reputation!

"So... What does envoy Zuo mean?" a strong man of Xuanwu mansion behind Shen Lang asked.

Shen Langtou did not reply: "before I came out, you were divided into two factions. One wanted to fight now, and the other wanted to wait until I came out to discuss."

"I don\'t understand. Do those who advocate hitting the past now have water in their heads?"

Everyone stopped talking.

Shen Lang scolded another group of people with this sentence.

Although many people are very angry, who dares to say no to the fierce power of mother-in-law Youfeng?

Shen Lang sneered and said, "you are not convinced to scold you like this, so I\'ll tell you."

"Now in this hall, after deducting the people who have been seriously injured from Luocha City, how many people are there with more than three days of emperor Wujing? How many people are there with more than three days of emperor Wujing who ran out to fight with the blood clan last time?"

Under the triple sky, Emperor Wujing was basically regarded as a reserve army. Therefore, when Shen Lang came out of the amber dream, there were a group of demon temple and a group of "reserve army" were watching and confronting the people of the sword sect.

Among the halls, those with the worst accomplishments have reached the fourth heaven of emperor Wujing.

Without the imperial martial mirror, almost no one is qualified to enter the hall!

Shuying immediately came forward and said, "after deducting these people who were seriously injured, plus the people in Zhuque mansion, there are 185 people in total who are four heavy days and above of emperor Wujing. The last time I went out, it should be 159 people."

Shen Lang\'s mouth turned slightly and said, "how much stronger can you be compared with the previous batch of people, after deducting the twelve strong people in Tiangang and Disha? Didn\'t you see that the previous batch was beaten so badly?"

"With such power, you want to destroy the blood clan?"