Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1204


In front of so many powerful people in the demon temple, he was beaten and fooled one after another. The big man completely collapsed.

When he was still on the ground, he gave a loud roar, and the strong breath was released from him. The people around him had to use their skills to resist and keep retreating.

Just when the man was angry, his breath was released, and then turned his face


Shen Lang turned into a bunch of residual shadows and kicked him in the face.

The protective Gang gas shield released by the man broke instantly and had no resistance. He was kicked up by Shen Lang and hit the wall made of cold iron. He fainted instantly.

Shen Lang didn\'t give a "hand" from beginning to end, just a "foot".

However, although his legs are simple and free, there is no trace of moves, but they are fast and fast!

Three or two times, he knocked out a strong man in the seventh heaven of the imperial martial mirror.

And that guy, who obviously had time to resist and fight, showed no resistance at all

Everyone present was silent.

If the strength does not show the degree of rolling, it is impossible to knock out a strong emperor\'s martial mirror seven times at will.

However, what people don\'t understand is that since this guy is Shen Lang, how can he have such strong cultivation?

Didn\'t you say that you succeeded in upgrading the imperial martial mirror three days ago?

Even if the thunder robbery encountered during the advanced stage is severe, it\'s not like to smash his cultivation directly, right?

At this moment, the strong men of each demon general\'s house began to mutter.

Even Xingfei, who also wanted to do it, was cluttering in his heart. When he got to his mouth, he immediately swallowed it.

And the power he just urged was also taken back without trace.

The guy who was knocked unconscious is the emperor\'s martial mirror of Bifang mansion. He is not much weaker than Xingfei.

But I was knocked out so many times

Xingfei knows that he is not the opponent of the man in front of him. Going up is to die.

What\'s more, the other party dares to fight in such a place, and in the face of so many strong imperial martial mirrors, it\'s obvious that the comer is not good!

"Do you dare to kill the blood clan and eradicate the ten thousand demon mansion?"

Shen Lang snorted and sat carelessly on the chair moved by Ling Xue, looking coldly at Xingfei who wanted to return to the crowd.

"A group of tujiwa dogs, open their mouth and shut their mouth to kill this and that. Can you kill who?"

"I really don\'t understand where your self-confidence comes from?"

Three arrogant words made the noisy hall completely quiet.

The eyes of the people in Bifang mansion are extremely bad. Unfortunately, except for the one who was knocked down by Shen Lang and another person, the others are injured people who escaped from Luocha city and are unable to compete with Zhuque mansion.

At the moment, one\'s own people are beaten, pointed to the nose and scolded for garbage, and can only swallow it.

The eyes of other devil generals were angry, but the matter had not yet fallen on them. They were not willing to go up and find a place for the people who had just been beaten.

And everyone has seen one thing

This boy is Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion!

Besides Shen Lang, who dares to be so arrogant and presumptuous in front of hundreds of strong imperial martial mirror?

Everyone\'s eyes fell on Shen Lang and looked carefully.

Shen Lang was shrouded in thoughts, trying to see through Shen Lang\'s reality.

Unfortunately, as soon as everyone\'s mind reached Shen Lang, it was blocked by the power of violent thunder on the black Pluto armor, and then flew out in an instant!

Xingfei, another person who was beaten by Shen Lang before, saw that Shen Lang was so fierce, and immediately moved to shrink back.

While Shen Lang was talking, this guy had been quietly retreating and had stood at the edge of the crowd.

In this case, people who don\'t play the leading role are usually very difficult to deal with.

Xingfei is such a person.

At first he came out and stirred up the situation. Now he found something wrong and immediately turned himself into a "passer-by"!

However, it is not so easy to become a passer-by in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang squinted at the man and said calmly, "before I came, you rubbish shouted loudest; when I came, you wanted to hide in the crowd. Are the people in poor Qi house so useless?"

The people of poor Qi mansion immediately glared at Shen Lang.

Although he is very afraid of Shen Lang, Xingfei is a dignified figure in poor Qi mansion after all.

Shen Lang pointed to his nose and scolded the garbage, but he couldn\'t hang his face: "isn\'t it too much for envoy Shen Zuo to start first and scold others later? I Xingfei has been famous for many years, and I am also the only one in the poor strange house. I\'m a senior general under the Lord of the poor strange house. Dare you call me garbage?"

"If I\'m rubbish, what are you people in Zhuque mansion?"

This guy has a smooth mouth.

Shen Lang grinned, shook his head and said, "don\'t get me wrong. I\'m not saying you\'re rubbish."

Xingfei immediately smiled proudly, thinking that Shen Lang regretted being so arrogant: "Hey, I\'m afraid you don\'t dare!"

Shen Lang smiled, pointed to the people in the demon general\'s house behind Xingfei and said, "I mean, all the people who want to kill the blood clan are rubbish."

The whole hall was quiet again.

The needle can smell!

Then, the big demons roared loudly!

"Shen Lang! You are too arrogant!"

"What a arrogant and ignorant guy! If you don\'t give him some color to see, you really think we demons have bullied the mansion?"

"Do you really think your rosefinch mansion is unharmed and can compete with so many evil generals?"

"We must teach him a lesson, otherwise how can we save the face of so many evil generals?"

The wild and unparalleled breath gathered together and rolled towards the Shen wave like a huge wave!

A group of strong men in Zhuque mansion were surprised and immediately wanted to stand in front of Shen Lang and resist the terrible pressure for him!

You know, this is the pressure released by nearly 160 strong imperial martial mirror!

And still angry!

Even if a strong ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror can resist for a moment, I\'m afraid it will be directly scattered to know the sea and become an idiot!

The people in Zhuque mansion move very fast, but some people move faster than them.

An old figure appeared in front of Shen Lang out of thin air.

It is mother-in-law Feng who sees the Dragon first but not the tail!

Granny Feng, who is on crutches, waved her hand, just like catching flies


Unmatched Qi burst out in an instant!

Before the strong men in the house could resist, the big demons were thrown out by this powerful force!

"Bang bang!"

One shadow after another, mercilessly smashed on the cold iron wall with dense prohibition.

A group of famous Imperial martial mirror strongmen fell seven meat and eight vegetables!

In front of mother-in-law Feng in the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, the demons in the demon temple are no different from three-year-old children.

Especially the group of people who escaped from Luocha city were seriously injured and half dead.

Now she is so thrown by mother-in-law Feng that she can\'t even get up.

"Young master, are you all right?"

Grandma Feng turned and asked kindly.

At this time, Shen Lang had stood up, bowed slightly and said, "it\'s just a small matter. I\'m bothering my mother-in-law again."

Mother-in-law Feng smiled calmly, nodded slightly and said, "young master, do you need the old woman to kill all these garbage?"

Even Shen Lang was stunned when he said this.

The group of strong men who were thrown out were trembling for a long time, completely without the previous arrogant and domineering posture.

One by one, the whole body trembled uncontrollably!

Even the two commanders of Tiangang Disha stood up at the moment, with a flattering smile on their faces and winked at Shen Lang.

Grandma Feng has been silent for many thousands of years.

The evil name of the nine day devil luoniao has almost been forgotten.

Although the legend of her fierce power was still circulating in the demon temple, it has really become a legend after 100000 years.

But she didn\'t show up very much, even in the memory of many powerful people in the demon temple, she has been diluted.

However, dilution does not mean complete forgetting.

When mother-in-law Feng said this as if it was a joke, a group of strong people in the demon temple only felt that their whole body was wrapped in ten thousand years of cold ice and cold into the bone marrow!

They want to run, but they don\'t have the courage;

They want to beg for mercy, but they can\'t say a word!

A recent legend about grandma Feng finally emerged in these people\'s minds at this time

Once there was a demon general, the master of the mansion, who said a frivolous word to the blue dream spirit of the rosefinch mansion.

As a result, the whole devil general\'s house was killed overnight!

Including the master!

When the other devil generals who made friends with the devil generals wanted to investigate the matter, they were stopped by the black dragon demon king and finally pressed down.

Such a big event, just let it go.

Later, the black dragon devil was even more furious and scolded the Lord of the house who was killed!

After the disappearance of the rosefinch family, the power of the rosefinch house is in the Magic general\'s house. In fact, it has come to the end.

But because of this incident, because of the fierce power of the nine sky devil luoniao, and because of the protection of the black dragon devil, the rosefinch house is unique, and few forces dare to provoke it.

Even the strong people in Tiangang and Disha are polite when they see the people in Zhuque mansion.

If it weren\'t for mother-in-law Feng\'s qualifications and LAN Mengling\'s qualifications, where would those ferocious and domineering devil generals be deterred?

The people in Zhuque mansion can\'t afford to be provoked.

Rosefinch mansion can\'t be provoked because there is a wind mother-in-law!

The nine sky devil luoniao, with a fierce reputation, is the devil among the demons!

What big demons are like little children in front of her!

She was in the rosefinch mansion, but she never listened to the devil temple.

The Black Dragon Lord can\'t move her!

But in this plague land, she has shot again and again because of Shen waves!

The people of the devil generals\' mansion have heard that mother-in-law Feng is very good to Shen Lang.

But I never thought it would be so good!

This contradiction has just begun. Speaking of it, it is a trivial matter of wrangling. Grandma Feng even said she would help Shen Lang kill them all!

Now, as long as Shen Lang nods, where can these people run away?

Many big demons who call the wind and rain outside are fighting up and down their teeth now