Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1203

After waiting for Shen Lang for three days and three nights, they still didn\'t wait for Shen lang. these demons of the main war faction completely broke out the resentment in the hearts of the powerful people in the mansion.

These demon generals\' mansion was destroyed by the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion.

That evil spirit had lost their minds and covered their eyes.

Now the power of the demon temple has increased greatly. Even the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha have arrived. Where can these people endure?

They want to break through Luocha city directly, rush into Moonlight City and kill all blood families!

Then turn back and wipe out those guys in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!

Fang Xiaoxin\'s hatred!

In the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion in Dilang mountain, all the powerful demons and gods in the plague land gather here with clear array bases!

The main war faction and the conservative faction are tit for tat.

If you don\'t agree, you\'ll fight!

The atmosphere has become unprecedentedly tense!

At this time, grandma Feng and the Eastern Emperor were not in the hall.

Tiangang Disha chose silence and neutrality this time.

The momentum of the conservatives can\'t compete with that of the main war faction. Zhu que mansion and others work hard to support

Tiangang Disha is the power that belongs to the black dragon demon king. It is free from the demon general\'s house.

Before, they supported Zhuque Mansion because of Shen Lang\'s face, but this time they strangely chose neutrality.

There was no way. The two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha were abolished. The resentment and hatred in the hearts of these strong Tiangang and Disha were no worse than those unlucky devil generals.

Moreover, the two commanders haven\'t met Shen Lang... Commander Tangtang Tiangang Disha can\'t dominate here and has to wait for the left envoy of Zhuque mansion to leave the customs. In a sense, the two commanders can\'t keep their face.

The two sides quarreled again. Tiangang Disha, the strong man, chose silence.

As soon as they were silent, the people of the main war faction immediately became more arrogant!

"What do you want in the Zhuque mansion?" a strong man in the poor strange mansion said angrily, "you said a few days ago that you wanted to wait for Shen Lang to leave the pass, but now Shen Lang doesn\'t know where the nest is for cultivation. It\'s kind of you to let us continue to wait like this?"

"What does Shen Lang mean when so many evil generals wait for a few days and the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha wait so long?"

"What are you talking about!" a group of strong people in the Zhuque mansion were furious, and they all clapped their hands!

The strong man of Zhuque mansion said coldly, "Xingfei, you\'d better be polite. If you don\'t respect the left envoy, don\'t blame me for being rude to you!"

The strong man of Xingfei\'s poor strange house is short and thin, less than one meter and five meters. From the back, he looks like a child.

However, the breath released from his whole body is incomparably powerful. It is already the peak state of the seventh heaven of the imperial martial mirror.

This man is famous for his insidious cunning and cruel behavior in the demon temple.

And very vindictive, even if someone said a word casually, if he thought it was aimed at him, he might stare at others like a poisonous snake for ten years and a hundred years, and then destroy people as soon as he found a chance!

However, this guy is not only insidious and cunning, but also never gives people a chance to get close. He also practices the magic skill of "like smoke like a dream" and runs away as fast as lightning.

Once chased and intercepted by a group of enemies for a hundred years, he still escaped easily.

Is a very difficult devil.

Seeing Shuying talking, Xingfei said with a strange smile: "Shuying adult misunderstood. I don\'t dare to disrespect Ambassador Shen Zuo. I\'m just explaining a fact... The two heavenly kings handed over their rights to him because the strong man of Tiangang and Disha didn\'t come. Won\'t you deny this?"

"And now the two commanders of Aofeng and Aoyun have arrived. If the left envoy is here, should he hand over his rights to the two commanders?"

This guy is very cunning. He scolds Shen Lang wildly in his heart, but he doesn\'t offend Shen Lang on the surface.

On the contrary, it led the contradiction to the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha!

The two leaders Aofeng and Aoyun sat in their chairs and didn\'t speak, but after hearing Xingfei\'s words, they both picked their eyebrows.

It seems that they are dissatisfied with Shen Lang.

At the sight of Aofeng and Aoyun\'s face, the shadow is getting worse!

As expected, Xingfei seized the opportunity and continued: "the two heavenly kings handed over the power to Shen Zuoshi. Naturally, we dare not have other ideas, but since he took this job, he also said something in front of the two heavenly kings. It\'s a little unreasonable to hide and don\'t show up now?"

"Shouldn\'t he come out and maintain the situation at this moment?"

"Shouldn\'t he hand over his power to the two commanders at this time?"

"Since he left us all here and ran away alone, why should we listen to him again?"

"Why wait until he leaves the pass, and then decide whether to fight against the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion?"

Many people immediately joined in.

For Shen Lang\'s understanding, these people have only heard of some of the things he did in the dragon scale temple, including his relationship with Miss Xue Dingdang.

However, it is said that this kind of thing, first of all, Tiangang\'s evil spirit was severely frustrated in yumudong blessed land, which was very humiliating, and many things were covered up intentionally or unintentionally;

Many people believe that the legends are exaggerated to a great extent. A boy who is just Wang Wujing is absolutely impossible to play any means in front of a group of strong imperial Wujing.

Most people don\'t dare to offend Shen lang. now it\'s because of his relationship with the eldest lady.

Not Shen Lang\'s own cultivation or means.

At this time, Xingfei cunningly opposed Shen Lang and Tiangang Disha, and all the powerful demons in the mansion began to laugh and agree.

"That\'s good! There\'s only a left envoy of Zhuque mansion. He really holds chicken feathers as an arrow?"

"Now there are not only ten strong men of Tiangang and Disha, but also two leaders of Tiangang and Disha. When is it your turn to give orders?"

"The two heavenly kings gave Shen Lang the right. That\'s because the two leaders of Tiangang Disha haven\'t arrived yet, so they let him act as their agent. Now the two leaders come with the strong ones of Tiangang Disha. Where can Shen Lang speak?"

"Let Shen Lang speak!"

In the chaotic situation, the popularity of Zhuque mansion itched, but it was hard to speak.

These guys moved out the two commanders of Tiangang Disha, which vaguely meant to provoke the relationship between Zhuque mansion and Tiangang Disha.

If you follow their words, you will really annoy the two commanders of Tiangang and Disha.

Seeing that the people in Zhuque mansion were silent, the main war faction became more and more arrogant.

Xingfei took an inch and said, "hum, your rosefinch mansion is timid and unwilling to take action, but you haven\'t hurt a hair, so you can stand and talk without waist pain!" "but we demons have suffered heavy losses. How can we swallow this evil spirit?"

"If you want to be a shrinking turtle, then continue to be. We must destroy the blood clan and the ten thousand demon house and find this face!"

"Otherwise, our faces in the demon temple will be lost. How can we command the world in the future?"

The people in the main devil generals\' house were like their anger was poured with oil and burned wildly.

"Destroy the blood clan and eradicate the ten thousand demon house!"

"Catch the golden winged mire king, take off her clothes, ravage her for three days and nights, and let her taste the power of the men in the demon God hall!"

"Yes, we have to wait for a little boy here for so many days. After he comes out, I have to teach him a good lesson..."

Although the people of Zhulong mansion chose the conservative side, they kept silent all the time;

People in Taotie mansion want to speak for Shen Lang, but they are alone;

The Phoenix Mansion and the other devil generals are wise and self-protection;

The people of Tiangang and Disha remain neutral;

When the crowd was excited, the Zhuque mansion was a little out of control

Just then, the figure in the hall flashed!

During the strong wind, the surrounding people were on alert and retreated one after another.

"Bang bang!"

Many people present didn\'t even see what was going on. The big man who shouted to teach Shen Lang a lesson and Xingfei who provoked the contradiction didn\'t have time to respond, so he was kicked to the ground and turned into a rolling gourd!

"What a fast speed!"

The eyes of everyone present shrunk and became more and more cautious.

"Who! Who dares to kick me!"

"Yes, dare to kill me?"

Xingfei two people bared their teeth, scolded and wanted to stand up.

Before they could get up, they looked up and saw a boy in Dark Armor standing in front of them with his chest in his hands, looking down on them indifferently.

On the edge, the people of poor Qi house and Bi Fang house wanted to come forward, but they had already been blocked by strong people such as the thin shadow of Zhuque house.

In this hall, there are more than 40 people of the devil general\'s house, but these devil general\'s houses were destroyed in Luocha city before.

Not many people have come over these days. There are at most four people in each Magic general\'s house. For a single Magic general\'s house, there is no one here who can compete with the rosefinch house.

The atmosphere on the court became very tense and strange.

Those who come here will naturally be Shen Lang.

"Little beast, you..."

The man who just got up was furious. A mass of magic Qi quickly formed on his palm and immediately prepared to fight Shen Lang.

But he is fast, and the waves sink faster!

The dark evil spirit on the big man\'s palm just condensed

Shen Lang stepped into the middle palace, took an arrow step out of his leg, and kicked on the great man\'s pulse gate. In an instant, he scattered the strength he had just gathered!

Without waiting for the big man to cry out in pain, Shen Lang turned quickly, and a whirlwind leg kicked the big man in the face!

With a wail, the big man tossed his body in the air for countless times and fell to the ground.

"Little rabbit, I want you to die!"

The big man was dizzy and angry. He turned back and was about to blow out his right hand.

"Hoo!" Shen Lang stretched out his left hand and put his five fingers on the big man\'s side quickly!


The big man was attracted by Shen Lang\'s left hand. His eyes involuntarily looked at Shen Lang\'s left hand, and his right hand paused in the air for a moment.

It was at this moment that Shen Lang raised his foot, kicked him in the abdomen and kicked him out again!