Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1202

This sentence of mother-in-law Feng is simple, but it is full of domineering!

This sentence only expresses one meaning

I didn\'t hit your blood clan base camp. I\'m too lazy to care about your bad things.

Dare to run here and kill one!

Even the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian peak is a word of death!

"Well done!"

The people in the demon Temple immediately shouted in unison.

The resentment of being half dead by the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion was finally released.

On the other side of Wanyao mansion, King Dapeng with golden wings grew up.

There was a drop of cold sweat on her face

"Lord ghost, how far has the old woman\'s cultivation reached? The strong man of the blood family emperor Wujing Jiuchong heaven didn\'t even have a trace of resistance, so he was blown out by him?"

The strong men of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall in the hall also looked frightened and stared at the ghost fog in the void.

The guy who was stabbed to death by mother-in-law Feng\'s crutch has never been seen, but he is definitely not weaker than the two giants Milos and Oakes!

Such a strong man of blood clan secretly went to Cuixia mountain to see Shen Lang\'s advanced level. In an instant, she was killed by mother-in-law Feng. It\'s a simple death

This quiet old woman is terrible!

The ghost fog immediately spread out the strange laughter of the dark night: "the old woman is really hidden. Before I crushed the cloud, he slapped me. As a result, my heart shook and almost vomited blood."

"Otherwise, where would it be so easy to leave?"

The strong people present were surprised: "what?"

Night Youming said again, "if I think it\'s right, she should have just advanced to the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm."

"And I\'m just advanced to the great emperor\'s martial arts. There\'s a big gap... I can\'t count on the Tao."

The ghost zunye Youming, who has never been very convincing, admitted that his is far behind mother-in-law Feng. The faces of the strong people present changed again!

Night Youming was a little unwilling and said: "I thought that in those years, her cultivation was nothing more than Bo Zhong. Unexpectedly, when I got the Youming fire in the yumudong blessed land, I devoted myself to cultivating for thousands of years, and finally broke through to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, she was already the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm..."

"People are really more angry than people."

"In particular, the old woman has got the help of the rosefinch family in understanding the rules of space. I\'m afraid she can\'t have an enemy under the great emperor."

"If it weren\'t for her fear of Shen Lang\'s safety, we wouldn\'t be so easy to leave."

"It was very wise of you not to provoke her before."

A group of strong men, such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, were sweating hard.

If Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, had not stopped these people, they would have shot Shen Lang long ago.

When these people want to fight Shen Lang, they all think that yueqingqian can contain the old woman.

Now think about it, this wishful thinking is really frightening!

The golden winged ROC king yueqingqian sat down again and youyou said, "Lord ghost has suffered from the boy before?"

It\'s kind of like lifting a pot when it doesn\'t open.

However, the night Youming didn\'t care much about the moon\'s shallow nature. Hehe smiled and said, "this boy is not simple. You can see that he can\'t kill him in this way. His luck and strength are not generally strong."

"He is not only ruthless and bold, but also decisive and ruthless. He is also bold, thoughtful and cunning like a fox..."

"Listen, don\'t provoke this person easily in the future!"

"This..." all the strong men looked at each other.

The night nether\'s evaluation of Shen Lang has exceeded people\'s imagination.

At this time, he said he wouldn\'t provoke this man. Let this boy develop for another period of time. Don\'t you have to turn around and run away when you see him?

And just a few days ago, this boy was the cultivation of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Which of the strong people present has not practiced for thousands or even tens of thousands of years?

If there is no comparison, a group of old guys feel like vomiting blood.

Night Youming is also well intentioned. For fear that these guys will find Shen Lang, he gave a preventive injection first.

At this time, Yue Qingqian asked again, "where did the strong blood clan who was killed by the old woman come out? Even before me, I didn\'t feel it. The power of the blood clan is hidden deep enough."

Ghost Zun said faintly in the dark night: "there are a large number of blood clans hidden in the southwest of the plague place. The guy killed by the wind spirit came from there."

"Reinforcements arrived at the demon God hall, and reinforcements also arrived at the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall. Naturally, there are more powerful forces coming to the blood clan."

"However, those blood clans are stationed outside the plague place and don\'t move... It seems that there is serious infighting among the blood clans. They want to see Milos and oaks suffer bad luck and finally come out to clean up the mess."

A strong man of qianhun hall came out and said respectfully, "then, Lord Guizun thinks, what should we do now? How to deal with the demon God hall and blood clan?"

The night ghost took a cold look at the strong man of the thousand soul hall and said softly, "deal with the demon God hall? Why deal with the demon God hall?"

Everyone was stunned.

Isn\'t the demon Temple our biggest enemy?

Didn\'t you almost destroy the demon temple in Luocha city?

Didn\'t you go to rectify the shenlang and almost drive people out of their wits?

Don\'t think of a way to deal with the demon temple. Do you want them to come to the door and burn their eyebrows, and then find a way to deal with it?

The ghost respected the dark night and said with a cold hum, "the demon God hall must be beaten, but it is definitely not in the place of plague."

"What are you doing here?"

"Isn\'t it just to expel the blood clan and protect the eternal tree?"

"From this point of view, the devil temple and our purpose are the same."

"If the blood clan succeeds, the eternal tree will be destroyed, the Qi of Yin will be difficult to suppress, and the whole world will accelerate to destruction."

"As I expected, the demon temple may first propose an alliance and temporarily cease war with us."

"No?" the crowd looked at each other and said, "with the arrogance and arrogance of the devil temple, how can they first propose an alliance and ask for a truce?"

The night ghost smiled strangely and didn\'t speak again.

According to the night nether world, it is basically impossible for the demon temple without Shen waves to do such a thing.

But Shen Lang is now in the demon God hall, and look at this posture, he has also been taken care of by Feng Ling. He can let more than 80 strong imperial martial mirrors arrange a cross robbery array for him. His status is absolutely extraordinary.

Since Shen Lang has the power to dominate the demon God hall in the plague land, in order to take care of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, he will certainly stop the demon God hall and protect the people of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall when he wants to jump over the wall.

However, these words could not be said by the dark night.

He didn\'t speak, and the strong immediately began to talk.

The king Nara and the Dragon King of the war god temple looked at each other and nodded secretly: "the old ghost is really powerful. As soon as he came to the plague land, he can guess that the demon God Temple will ask for an alliance by relying on such a little information! Even if the two of us had not heard from the emperor before, we would never have thought of such a thing!"

Yue Qingqian hesitated and said, "what do we mean now?"

The dark night said faintly, "wait, wait for the noise from the demon temple."

"After that, I will personally deal with the blood clan and kill all the demon bones and blood descendants."

"Take advantage of the fact that the blood clan does not appear to be strong in the military realm of the great emperor, drive them out of the moonlight city first, and let us occupy the moonlight city!"

"Otherwise, once they find the eternal tree, everything will stop!"


Because Shen Lang destroyed the whole Cuixia mountain, Zhuque mansion had to move the base camp away.

The cold iron hall was also placed on the top of Dilang mountain in the south of Cuixia mountain.

A group of strong men in Zhuque mansion led more than 100000 foreign fighters to fight together, and soon opened up Dilang mountain into a solid city.

When everything was stable, three days had passed.

After Shen Lang came out of the pit that day, he has been closed for three days.

At this time, a long-distance transmission array has been successfully built by the strong in the demon temple.

At the headquarters of the demon temple, the strong men sent by the black dragon demon king arrived one after another.

In addition, there are the Eastern Emperor at the peak of the end of the emperor\'s martial mirror and mother-in-law Feng, who has been in the martial realm of the great emperor, and the demon God hall is ready to move.

The strong man of the demon God Temple who escaped from Luocha city also returned to the demon God Temple tragically.

When the demons went out of the house, there were more than 180 strong men, but only 45 came back.

The demon temple has never been so defeated!

The commander of Tiangang Disha who arrived was so angry that he almost took people to the blood clan.

Finally, he was held by the people of Zhuque mansion, so he didn\'t mess around.

However, when the group of people who escaped narrowly gathered together with those who arrived through the portal

The demon Temple immediately separated two factions.

The main war faction and the conservative faction.

The main war faction, of course, is the house of these evil generals who have suffered a great loss;

These people used to be arrogant and domineering. Have they suffered such a big loss?

One by one, they are clamoring for revenge, tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

Kill the blood clan first, and then kill the ten thousand demon house!

The Conservatives insist on waiting until Shen Lang or the two heavenly kings of heaven and earth pass.

I don\'t want trade to rush into another chaotic war without plan.

Zhuque mansion, Zhulong mansion, Taotie mansion and Fenghuang mansion naturally belong to conservatives.

In addition to the four magic generals\' houses, the Conservatives also have Xuanwu house, gouchen house and jiuying house.

Compared with the other dozens of magic generals, there are only six magic generals on this side. It seems that they are really alone and can\'t get on the table.

But the reality is that on this side stood mother-in-law Feng, the Eastern Emperor and Tiangang Disha.

In fact, the momentum is so strong that it has completely overwhelmed the party who shouted to fight and kill.

Although there were still many people in the Magic general\'s house shouting a few words from time to time, they didn\'t point at Mai mang as before, and almost fought a civil war.

The day passed

Shen Lang didn\'t appear.

Two days later

Shen Lang still didn\'t appear.

When the third day came, the repressed main war faction finally couldn\'t help it!

"Call Shen Lang out!"

"We\'re going to Moonlight City to kill!"

"Kill the blood clan, and then kill the thousand soul Hall of the ten thousand demon house, and return blood for blood!"

"The two commanders of Tiangang and Disha are here. Why should we wait for Shen Lang and listen to Shen Lang?"

"Kill, kill!"

The roof of the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion was almost removed!