Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1201

The hand of the evil god in the killing armor is too fast and too short.

Although the killing gas is powerful, it is completely restrained by the power of robbing thunder.

As soon as you touch the light pillar of the thunder, it is crazy to dissipate!

To outsiders, this situation is like a fire and putting out the fire with oil.

Although there is a lot of oil, where can we put out the huge fire?

The evil god in the killing armour doesn\'t know whether it\'s because the killing armour has no owner or because the evil god doesn\'t want to be calculated by Shen Lang and consumes too much of his own power, so he doesn\'t urge his power to compete with the thunder again!


When the evil gods in the killing armor were unwilling to continue to fight, they were still defeated by the thunder after all.

After the power of robbing thunder was consumed by the killing gas, the killing armor was directly blasted down in an instant.

Between the lightning and flint, Shen Lang circled the killing armor into the fengtianding.

His right hand shot dozens of punches up like lightning!

"Boom, boom..."

The next moment, endless light burst out!

The violent force that frightened the powerful at the end of the imperial martial mirror swept away in all directions.

Mountains and rivers burst and heaven and earth collapsed!

People captured the last picture before the dazzling light broke out

The light column between Shen Lang\'s hands soared several times, as if he wanted to block the thunder.

But the power of robbing thunder was too strong. Shen Lang\'s desperate bombardment only supported three seconds.

Then, the light pillar of the thunder was destroyed and shattered the light pillar held up by Shen Lang\'s hands.

Instantly hit him on the chest!

In an instant, unparalleled power spread wildly, and Cuixia mountain was blasted into nothingness.

And Shen waves fall down like meteorites!

The endless light covered everything after this moment

In everyone\'s eyes, there is nothing but dazzling light.

"Ambassador Zuo!"


A scream was mixed with the sound of collapse.

The light covers everything.

The smoke and dust all over the sky rose, and the destructive robbery clouds in the sky finally began to disperse.

Dozens of figures flew in the direction of Cuixia mountain.

In the smoke and dust, the figure of mother-in-law Feng first appeared over the original position of Cuixia mountain.

Then came the Eastern Emperor.

Then the right envoy Baili Bing and others


As soon as mother-in-law Feng brushed her palm, the dust was swept away by a storm.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone took a breath of air conditioning!

The towering Cuixia mountain has turned into nothingness, and in the place where it was originally Cuixia mountain, there is a huge sinkhole with no bottom!

In the Tiankeng, the power of fierce and unparalleled thunder is rampant, just like a world of thunder,

The smell of Shen Lang has disappeared without a trace


The sad and indignant snow poetry rushed and fell like a meteorite towards the pit that day.

In the void, the Eastern Emperor stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to hold Xue Shiyin.

But the palm immediately retracted and was not noticed by others.

The right envoy suddenly raised the speed of Baili Bing and held her hand before the snow poem fell into the violent thunder pool.

The five "star god evil wheels" rolled around and surrounded her and Xue Shiyin, fending off the impact of the chaotic thunder force around.

A group of people in Zhuque mansion screamed and threw themselves into the pit.

But all stopped above the Minepit.

The horror of the thunder pool, if not with the help of powerful magic weapons, I\'m afraid that the strong man of the imperial martial mirror and eight heaven, such as Youshi Baili Bing, may not dare to enter.

Not to mention the others.

"There is no one who knows him better than you. Do you even think he is so easy to die?" Bai libing said in a hoarse voice when he saw Xue Shiyin struggling hard.

This sentence finally calmed de Xue Shiyin down: "don\'t believe it! I don\'t believe he will be anything!"

Baili Bing took a deep breath and said, "the violent mine robbing force below is still raging. Even if I go down, I may not be able to retreat."

"Give him more trust. Even if I\'m not familiar with him, I already know that this guy will never do anything uncertain easily."

"Besides, he told you not long ago that he would never worry you again."

"I believe that all this must be expected by him."

"Everything is under his control!"

Xue Shiyin looked at Baili Bing, and then nodded fiercely!

Bai libing immediately turned around: "Shuying, you protect Shiyin girl. Everyone is on standby. I\'ll go down myself!"

At this time, powerful thoughts have penetrated into the Tiankeng and wandered wildly.

A group of strong men in front of the demon God want to find the breath of Shen waves.

It\'s a pity that the remaining power of robbing thunder is too violent and chaotic. Even the emperor\'s martial mirror\'s eight strong heaven dare not easily let the divine mind go too deep.

"The young master will be fine." mother-in-law Feng in the air said gently, "Your Excellency, what do you think?"

The Eastern Emperor was silent for a moment before he said, "this son\'s luck is amazing. It\'s not short-lived. I... Don\'t believe he will die here."

"King of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" looked at each other, and their eyes were full of horror.

They don\'t understand what grandma Feng and the Eastern Emperor think.

It\'s all like this. Can Shen Lang survive?

It\'s hard to resist that level of lightning robbery, even if they are strong in this level!

Shen Lang even used the array to kill some of the power of robbing thunder, resisted some with killing armor, and wore black hell armor, but

At this time, the "star god evil wheel" of Baili Bing shrouded her whole body and began to fall down, ready to go deep into the pit that day to find the trace of Shen wave.


The thunder robbing energy like lake water in the Tiankeng seemed to find a vent, and suddenly rushed crazy down!

"Ha ha ha!" mother-in-law Feng in the air laughed, and her old face was very pleased.

"He came out." the Eastern Emperor said faintly.

At any time and in any place, the Eastern Emperor\'s voice is floating, hoarse and ugly, so people can\'t tell whether it is a man or a woman.

A group of strong men in the demon God hall were stunned, and their thoughts immediately went to the depths of the Tiankeng.

After a while, a figure like a God or a devil finally appeared in the mind induction of the strong!

I saw the deepest part of the pit that day. Shen Lang stepped on the earth and his hands were holding the sky. I don\'t know what kind of terrorist skill was prompted. He was crazy absorbing the power of robbing thunder in the pit!

That day, the chaotic and violent power of robbing thunder in the pit was absorbed by him like a long whale absorbing water.

In the huge Minepit, the terrible power of robbing mines is decreasing.

The mine robbing power of the pool of water keeps falling, falling

Slowly, the scene in the depths of the Tiankeng was finally clearly revealed in front of everyone.

"Woo woo!"

Xue Shiyin even believes that Shen Lang can\'t have anything, but looking at all this, she can\'t help crying with her mouth covered.

The Eastern Emperor in the void seemed to look at the snow poetry below, suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared on the spot.

A group of people in Zhuque mansion are roaring with joy!

More than six hours later, the white fish belly appeared in the eastern sky.

The chaotic and violent power of robbing thunder in the Tiankeng was absorbed by the Shen wave.

Shen Lang, wearing a black hell armor, was wrapped in circles of purplish red lightning, rushed to heaven and stood in front of xueshiyin!

"Sorry, I didn\'t do what I said, which worried you again..."

Xue Shiyin shook her head and threw her head into Shen Lang\'s arms.

This is the first time she has made such a bold move with Shen Lang for so long.

A group of strong men in Zhuque mansion looked at this scene and their faces became extremely strange.

Everyone knows about snow jingle and Shen Lang;

Many people also know about blue Mengling, the leader of Zhuque mansion, and Shen Lang;

Now Shen Lang, however, hugged a woman whose face was a little similar to that of Xue Jingdang

Amorous since ancient times, spare hate.

In the end, who will this hate fall on?

Lady snow jingle in demon temple?

Blue dream spirit, Princess of rosefinch family?

Or this woman with the same surname of Xue and a little similar to Xue Dingdang?

A group of people in Zhuque mansion sighed in their hearts.

Just then, the sudden change protruded!

Grandma Feng, standing over the Tiankeng, suddenly grabbed it to one side!


The space was crushed directly, and a canopy of blood mist burst out!

Then, the blood fog stirred wildly and spread wildly, as if trying to escape!

In the sky of Cuixia mountain, there is a strong blood clan!

In the roar of a strong man in the demon temple, mother-in-law Feng disappeared out of thin air.

When her old figure appeared again, it was three thousand miles away!

At the moment when grandma Feng\'s figure appeared, at her feet, a figure that seemed to be condensed by blood appeared.

It\'s the strong blood clan who just escaped!

The strong man of the blood clan was frightened. When he looked back, he didn\'t expect mother-in-law Feng to be on his head.

Soon, the crutch in the hand of mother-in-law Feng gently poked down. Simply, it poked on the head of the strong blood clan.

"Click, click..."

The whole body of the blood clan suddenly solidified and became transparent, as if it had become a glass man.

Then, tiny cracks appeared all over the glass man.

With a bang, it broke into thousands of glass fragments.

The strong people in the demon God hall can vaguely see that among the thousands of fragments, there is a frightened face of the blood family strong man.

But this face didn\'t appear for long.

As soon as the thousands of fragments burst out, they made a crackling sound again and completely burst into nothingness.

Peeping into a group of blood clan strongmen in the distance, he was so scared that he withdrew his mind and dared not come near Cuixia mountain again!

Mother-in-law Feng still looked like an old woman. She bent down, clapped her back with her backhand and said, "when I\'m old, I don\'t like fighting and killing, but I don\'t like it, but it\'s not that I can\'t fight and kill."