Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1200

The cultivation of chaotic divine body is quite different from the traditional cultivation method in the human world.

It is very difficult to compare with traditional measurement methods.

Besides, Shen Lang not only inspired the top skill of shielding cultivation in the memory of the war emperor, but also urged Feng Tianding to gather all the breath. How can people in the demon God hall see the depth of Shen Lang?

Grandma Feng can see a lot, but it is impossible to tell these people.

Shen Lang grinned, raised two fingers and said, "I have reached the double heaven of Emperor Wu Jing, yeah!"


A group of strong men waved.

That is, Shen Lang, if someone else changes, it is estimated that they will raise their middle finger.

Imperial martial mirror double heaven?

The ghost will believe such words!

Just before the dark night played tricks, Shen Lang\'s breath had reached the double heaven of emperor Wujing, and his strength in dealing with the penultimate lightning robbery was more than 100 times that of emperor Wujing\'s double heaven?

At that time, he was far beyond the double heaven of emperor Wujing. Now he is still lying with his eyes open!

If the imperial martial mirror is double heaven, then he will be dead next!

How can you show this calm attitude?

"I\'m kidding. In fact, I\'m already in the triple heaven of imperial martial mirror." Shen Lang raised three fingers and said again sincerely.

Everyone began to roll their eyes and didn\'t bother to pay attention to him.

"Believe it or not, don\'t believe it."

Shen Lang shrugged, smiled and raised his head.

Above the sky, the robbery cloud has already taken shape and is still gathering strength madly.

The tens of thousands of foreign fighters have already withdrawn from Cuixia mountain and are two thousand miles away.

Even the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion was removed.

It seems that they have completely abandoned Cuixia mountain.

"The formation will take about an hour to complete. It will take more than two hours for the cloud robbery to finally take shape. After more than two hours, my strength can increase greatly. That\'s enough."

Shen Lang took out the black hell armor and put it on him. His mind swept through the killing armor in the fengtianding array.

A faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

Shen Lang stood with his hands down, closed his eyes and immersed all his mind in the understanding of the artistic conception.

At this time, the artistic conception of death, the artistic conception of water, the artistic conception of knife, the artistic conception of war, the artistic conception of abyss, the artistic conception of emperor and the artistic conception of cold ice still maintain the connection with the regular space of the nether void.

When Shen Lang didn\'t make any moves, there was another artistic conception beside these artistic conceptions

Destroy the Artistic Conception!

Moreover, because Shen Lang\'s consciousness enters the destruction rule space, the destruction artistic conception has reached the Dacheng state!

Far more than other artistic conception!

This makes Shen Lang ecstatic!

A kind of artistic conception is divided into such levels: primary comprehension state, Xiaocheng state, medium-term state, Dacheng state, peak state and great perfection state.

There is a world of difference between each class.

Before Shen Lang advanced the imperial martial mirror, the strongest artistic conception of Shen Lang was the artistic conception of knife, death and Emperor.

These three artistic conception have reached the medium-term state.

The rest are almost Xiaocheng realm.

Unexpectedly, because the Tai Chi diagram refined the robbery of thunder, Shen Lang was able to enter the destruction space, directly understood the destruction artistic conception, and then reached the state of Dacheng!

Just after the emperor\'s martial mirror was advanced, it reached a great realm of artistic conception. It is absolutely unprecedented and will never come again!

With the bonus of destroying artistic conception, the power of any move and attack of Shen Lang will increase exponentially!

This harvest is not small.


"The more fully prepared you are, the better."

One day later, Shen Lang has changed completely.

Apart from the development of chaotic gods for a period of time, Shen Lang can benefit immensely from the further understanding of these artistic conception and rules.

The understanding of these rules and artistic conception may not play its terrible power at the time of Emperor Wu Jing, but it has laid a solid foundation for Emperor Wu Jing.

The goal of surpassing the emperor of war is getting closer and closer

An hour later, the big array presided over by mother-in-law Feng finally took shape.

Supported by countless top-grade spirit stones and powerful magic weapons, a powerful defense array envelops an area of 500 miles with Shen wave as the center.

After mother-in-law Feng left three coveted pills, she retreated 500 miles away with everyone.

More than two hours later

The robbery cloud is fully formed!

Above the sky, the terrible robbery clouds rolled wildly, and endless lightning and thunder lit up the night sky.

The power of exterminating the world shrouded down. Even the first-class strongmen of imperial martial mirror who withdrew hundreds of miles felt their blood churning and wanted to spit blood.

Not only all the strong people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall paid close attention, but also the blood clan in the more distant Luocha city sent out their gods and peeped towards Cuixia mountain.

A quasi imperial martial mirror is an advanced imperial martial mirror with nine heavenly martial arts, but it has attracted the attention of all the top powers here in the plague land.

It\'s hard to imagine.


Cuixia mountain is completely shrouded by this robbery cloud.

After the ghost respected the night and the nether world intervened, the horror of robbing the cloud was undoubtedly revealed!

Even if Shen Lang put on the black hell armor, even if a large group of powerful imperial martial mirrors jointly arranged a large array, the people of Zhuque mansion are still worried about Shen Lang\'s accident.

Thousands of miles away, the voice of snow poetry in the crowd trembled all over and was a little unstable.

If bone one and bone two had not supported her left and right, I\'m afraid the snow poetry would have been paralyzed to the ground at the moment.

The worrying moment has finally come

Above the huge robbery cloud, a purple column of light fell straight towards the Shen wave below!


Even tens of thousands of miles away, you can see the purple red light column connecting heaven and earth!

The unimaginable power of the "99" thunder robbery ran through the world and blasted on the big array shrouded in heavy waves.

The whole Cuixia mountain swings wildly at this moment.

mountains fall and the earth splits!

The protective layer formed by the large array began to press down.

Endless power of robbing thunder, shooting outward, huge waves!

When everyone was frightened, Shen Lang in the array looked up and looked at everything in the air without blinking!


The powerful array swayed.

The power of robbing thunder is being eliminated, but the power of the big array is also decreasing rapidly!

At this moment, Shen Lang stared round, urged the chaotic God and began to call all the chaotic powers!

The breath of Shen Lang is rising at this moment and changing rapidly towards the breath of robbing thunder!

In the eyes of all the strong people who pay attention to this place, the air is a 99 robbery thunder that is constantly consumed with the power of the big array, and Shen Lang has become a robbery thunder in the big array!

Not only that, the thunder power in the black Pluto armor was also absorbed by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang\'s power is climbing crazily. Although it is human, it is more and more like a violent robbery thunder!

He used to devour and rob thunder, which is exactly what he did.

It is precisely because the Tai Chi diagram refined the thunder robbing that he can transform his breath into the breath of the 99 thunder robbing, and infinitely close to the thunder robbing!

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five..."

Shen Lang urged the power of the chaotic divine body, called the power of thunder in the black Pluto armor, stared at the sky and silently counted the time.


In an instant, the big array that resisted the thunder burst!

Big array, it will be completely destroyed soon!

"Right now!"

Shen Lang gave a violent drink, shot like lightning and threw it suddenly into the sky!

The killing armor he put in the fengtianding early in the morning was taken out by Shen Lang at this moment and thrown at the light column above!


Shen Lang screamed wildly. At the moment when he threw out the killing armor, he urged all his strength and suddenly punched up!

"The wind moves with the fist like crazy, the palm rotates, the static mind is high!"

The fifth move of "Five Emperors dragon boxing", try your best!

A light column is only one circle smaller than the light column in the air, but it is also purplish red. It is a spiral light column from bottom to top, and instantly explodes under the killing armor.

Crazy top the killing armor!


The sound of the earth breaking came, and the 99 lightning pillars in the air were heavily bombarded on the killing armor!

At this moment

Above the killing armor is the purplish red light column of the 99 robbery thunder;

Below the killing armor is the spiral purple column of light blasted by Shen Lang;

Two very similar forces, with killing armor as the medium, have a fierce confrontation!

Circle after circle of terrible ripples, rippling outward, destroying mountains and mountains!

A group of strong people around me held their breath subconsciously and looked at it unbelievably.


Inside the killing armor, there was a scream.

The spirits of a group of strong imperial martial mirrors were immediately frustrated and had a splitting headache!

"What\'s going on? There\'s something in the killing armor!"

"This howling is terrible. What is it?"

The stronger ones of all parties with weaker thoughts were immediately frustrated by the roar, and their thoughts immediately retreated like a tide!

At this time, the light of the lightning pillar in the air soared, pressing down the killing armor madly.

The mountains at the foot of Shen Lang collapsed instantly, and the sand turned into powder and shot outward in circles.

Shen Lang\'s figure, as if he couldn\'t find a strength point, fell down quickly!

"Dare to calculate this God, Shen Lang, you will regret it!"

A roar, like the roar of an ancient evil god, came from the killing armor.

Although the evil god in the killing armor is so powerful that it is unimaginable, the thunder power of Zhiyang Zhigang is just its nemesis.

And it\'s still the most powerful 99 thunder

But this time, the thunder light pillar has been consumed most of the time, but the killing of the evil god in the war armor was not under the defense, so he was also hit hard!

A furious roar!

Those who know the inside story of killing armor in the demon temple are as pale as earth one by one.

"Shen Lang doesn\'t just want to use the killing armor to resist the thunder, but wants to use the power of the evil god in the killing armor!"

"This evil star is so crazy, he is so crazy! He even plans to kill the evil gods in war armor at this time!"

"There are evil gods hidden in the killing armor. Not many people in the demon Temple know it. How did Shen Lang know? How dare he do that? Why is this guy so desperate!"

At this time, a powerful killing spirit came out of the killing armor with the smell of destruction.

The unimaginable black light column instantly pushed up the light column of the 99 thunder robbery!

"The evil god in the killing armor shot!"

The eyes of grandma Feng and others suddenly shrink!

If Shen Lang can use the power of the evil gods in the killing armor to block the thunder, it may not be a big problem.

However, at this time, the situation has changed again