Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1199

Countless light spots transformed from the green dragon\'s blood essence penetrated into Shen Lang\'s meridians and bones, and went straight to the ten divine beasts.

The ordinary cells were swept by the light, as if they had been guided, and immediately showed the virtual shadow of the ten divine beasts!

Among the ten divine beast particles that have been born, each one comes out with dazzling golden light!

The green dragon virtual shadow in it, after absorbing this light, changes from virtual to real!


A dragon chant sounded from the ten divine beasts, deafening.


The kylin real shadow among the ten divine beasts didn\'t want to fall behind and howled.

Those ten beasts have been growing up crazily for a long time, growing bigger and stronger!

Shen Lang\'s guess was right. It\'s really not as simple as one plus one equals two!

It\'s just two or three breaths. These ten divine beast particles are more than ten times stronger?

And this is just the beginning

The chaotic power originally called by Shen Lang was taken back again.

Ten divine beast particles become chaotic, the divine power is surging, and the light is dazzling!

At the beginning of chaos, various images of the birth of the divine beast Kirin and the green dragon began to flash in Shen Lang\'s mind.

Shen Lang is just like witnessing the creation of the world!

The track of Tiandi Avenue and the information of countless rules have become very clear at this moment and are displayed in Shen Lang\'s mind one by one.

All kinds of mysterious and unspeakable feelings swept Shen Lang\'s body.

"You can\'t miss it. Write everything down first!"

Shen Lang concentrated on one, desperately trying to write down the pictures flashed in his mind.

At this moment, Shen Lang has the feeling of entering the destruction space and capturing the rules.

This feeling made Shen Lang want to roar with joy!

However, Shen Lang\'s joy did not last long. It was only more than 20 seconds, and the picture came to an abrupt end.

"So fast?"

Shen Lang is a little disappointed.

However, this scene did not appear when refining Kirin\'s blood essence.

Now it\'s hard to imagine capturing the information of this natural avenue for 20 seconds.

At this time, the overwhelming light is not only spreading, constantly scouring hundreds of millions of cells.

Ten sacred animal particles are constantly producing, growing and strengthening;

Shen Lang\'s meridians and bones... Are constantly changing under the scouring of this force.

At the moment, his whole body is like jade, his bones are bright, and his internal organs are shining with strange light, such as a glass treasure lamp, flawless and scale free.

Such a change has not improved on the original absorption of Unicorn blood essence, but directly broke through to a new level!

Shen Lang can clearly feel that at the moment, the hardness of his bone has reached an incredible level, comparable to any magic weapon.

After this power soared, Shen Lang even felt that he could crush the heavenly weapon!

However, Shen Lang\'s mind is still clear.

Know that the power now can\'t be crushed to pieces.

This is just a natural thought in the warrior\'s mind after the growth of power is beyond imagination.

Shen Lang felt the breath of each of the ten sacred animal particles.

Pondering the difference between the ten divine beast particles now and the previous time.

Since refining Qilin\'s blood essence, the ten divine beast particles have come to life.

Can practice alone and grow!

Now, after refining the green dragon\'s blood essence, the growth of the ten divine beast particles is beyond imagination... Shen Lang even gave birth to an illusion, as if every ten divine beast particle would become a pill baby in the next moment!

Long ago, Shen Lang guessed that after absorbing the green dragon\'s blood essence, the chaotic divine body would undergo qualitative change.

But still did not expect, will come so fast!

Shen Lang originally thought that the ten divine beasts particles were like fetuses, refining the blood essence of the ten divine beasts, just like pregnancy in October, one step at a time.

But now it has absorbed the blood essence of Kirin and green dragon. Now the growth of the ten divine beasts has reached a level that Shen Lang can\'t imagine!

"Absorb, let go of everything, and completely absorb the power of the green dragon\'s blood essence."

Shen Lang opened his hands, as if calling all the ten divine beasts.

At the same time, the unicorn and the green dragon in the ten divine beast particles cheered and opened their mouths to devour the power of the green dragon\'s blood essence!

Time passed minute by minute.

Thirteen hours later, Shen Lang took a long breath.

The time of refining the green dragon\'s blood essence this time is much longer than that of refining the unicorn\'s blood essence last time.

And Shen Lang\'s harvest is much greater than the last time.

The ten divine beast particles have emerged geometrically and grown madly, and the power of Shen Lang is also rising.

This time, the green dragon\'s blood essence also contains the power of the great emperor in the sky.

In these 13 hours alone, the power of the Dragon Emperor cannot be completely absorbed and turned into his own.

But this has made Shen Lang very satisfied.

Silently feel the surging and unpredictable power, and then quantify it and compare it... More than ten minutes later, Shen Lang has roughly determined the level of power now

Imperial martial mirror six heaven peak!

I\'m afraid the emperor of war would have incredible eyes when he saw such a surge in cultivation in a short time?

The power of the prince of the blood clan and other imperial martial mirror strongmen stored in the Tai Chi diagram;

The power of the source of pain stolen from the source of pain tower in the Moonlight City;

Refining and absorbing the power of "99" mine robbery;

Stimulation from green dragon blood essence to chaotic divine body;

The green dragon blood essence contains the power of the Dragon Emperor;

All these gathered together, pushing Shen Lang\'s power to the six heaven of Emperor Wu Jing in a short time!

Although it is only the sixth heaven of imperial martial mirror, the growth of chaotic gods, together with black hell armor and defense array, is enough to deal with the last wave of thunder.

The power of the chaotic God\'s imperial martial mirror is very different from that of the traditional imperial martial mirror.

Otherwise, how can Shen Lang destroy Murong Changfeng wearing a killing armor when he is in the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?

"The ten divine beast particles continue to grow, but they still haven\'t broken through to the last layer. It\'s a pity that there is no final condensation baby."

When Shen Lang stopped, the ten beast particles were infinitely close to Danying.

Unfortunately, it still didn\'t succeed in the end.

It seems that we can only wait for the next time to obtain the blood essence of other divine beasts.

The next time you get the divine beast blood essence, the ten divine beast particles will condense the baby, "hundreds of millions of separated bodies", which can\'t be imagined in the world, will appear on Shen Lang!

Although the ten divine beast particles did not coagulate the baby in the end, they have been infinitely close to the Danying, and their strength has surpassed the Danying of Shen Lang.

Such changes have made Shen Lang a little incredible!

"I\'m more and more looking forward to obtaining the blood essence of other divine beasts..."

"By the way, what is the law contained in the dragon blood essence?"

Shen Lang thought and suddenly remembered it.

He just opened his eyes and immediately closed them again.

Shen Lang was shocked as soon as he sank down!

At this time, he found that the book of heaven had run by itself, slowly running under the Tai Chi diagram!

Among the light spots in the sky transformed by the blood essence of the green dragon, there are clearly wisps of small smoke, which is being absorbed by the book of heaven!

"Swallowing the heaven and burying the devil" corresponds to the law of death, so it\'s easy to absorb the law of death in Qilin\'s blood essence. How can you absorb the law of dragon\'s blood essence? "

This discovery surprised Shen Lang and delighted him.

When Shen Lang looked at it, he immediately found the key... It turned out that the Taiji diagram over the Tianshu was releasing a light, covering the Tianshu. The Tianshu was actually absorbing the power of the law in the blood essence of the dragon family with the help of the power of the Taiji diagram!

Although the speed of absorbing the law power in the dragon family\'s blood essence is far less than that of absorbing the death law in the Kirin\'s blood essence, Shen Lang is still ecstatic!

"The big brother and the little brother cooperate well, ha ha!"

Shen Lang felt a little, and his connection with Tianshu immediately became clear.

"The law of fate, the law in the dragon family\'s blood essence is the law of fate! Good, continue to work hard."

Tianshu seemed to feel Shen Lang\'s idea, sent out a cheer and worked harder.

Although overjoyed, Shen Lang temporarily put aside the law.

At present, the most important thing is to deal with the big trouble brought by the dark night.

Law is still a little ethereal. It\'s too late to think about it later.

With a move in his mind, Shen Lang immediately came out of the fengtianding.

Outside, it was late at night.

The mountain wind is howling, and the big array presided over by mother-in-law Feng has reached the last step.

A group of people immediately exclaimed when they saw Shen Lang appear!

This guy disappeared as soon as he said he disappeared, and appeared as soon as he said he appeared. In the eyes of a group of strong men in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror, he became mysterious.

A series of thoughts immediately covered Shen Lang.

The strong men in the demon temple were stunned when they didn\'t check it.

Everyone present could not understand Shen Lang\'s cultivation now!

In the traditional sense, the test of cultivation depends on how powerful Danying is at the stage of emperor Wujing.

From Danying\'s point of view, Shen Lang was a little different from now before he disappeared, but the difference is not too big.

In other words, after Shen Lang left for more than ten hours, Danying didn\'t grow much.

But all the spirits of the strong Emperor Wu Jing felt an unspeakable smell on Shen Lang.

This taste is indescribable, unclear, ethereal and impermanent, which makes people feel like facing ancient gods and beasts.

This feeling is palpitating and difficult to breathe!

Dan Ying\'s weakness contrasted with the mysterious atmosphere. All the strong imperial martial mirrors were stunned.

"This guy, what level of cultivation have you reached? How can you have such contradictory information?"

"I can\'t even see through his accomplishments. How is it possible?"

"It should have used some kind of secret treasure to cover up the breath."

"His breath is very limited, but it always gives people an uneasy feeling. It seems that there are ancient fierce animals dormant. What skill did he practice? Where did he go before?"

"Have you noticed that although this guy\'s breath is shielded, there has been a great change between his gestures and the previous ones, as if his every action coincides with the way of heaven and has a regular track!"

"Lying trough, how is that possible? After all, he has just advanced to the imperial martial mirror. How can he reach this level of understanding and understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth?"

A group of powerful people in the demon Temple exchanged ideas and guessed one after another.

Shen Lang is still that Shen Lang, but Shen Lang\'s momentum and inexplicable breath seem to be integrated with the world. All the powerful imperial martial mirrors in the demon temple are surprised.