Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1198

Just when Baili Bing was ready to hit people

Shen Lang changed his face very quickly. He immediately straightened his face and said seriously, "well, don\'t sing!"

Although I don\'t sing anymore, these two lyrics have been completely remembered by the people in the demon temple.

From this day on, these two lyrics have become popular in the demon temple, spreading more and more widely.

Every time Baili Bing takes out the "star god evil wheel", people who see this will immediately think of Shen Lang\'s song.

He was so angry that Bai libing wanted to kill.

The "star god evil wheel" stained with blood and full of evil spirit was made like a joke by Shen Lang\'s two lyrics.

Finally, no one even mentioned the name "star god evil wheel". Every time we talk about this thing, everyone says "five rings"

Every time Bai libing thought of this event, he had an impulse to strangle Shen Lang.

But these are later words.

When everyone was still trying to hold back and didn\'t dare to laugh, Shen Lang really didn\'t laugh.

His eyes quickly swept past the strong people around him.

There are more than 80 strong imperial martial mirrors in the demon God hall.

And mother-in-law Feng is even stronger than the great emperor.

With such a powerful force, Shen Lang\'s grasp of coping with this crisis has reached at least 70%.

Besides, Shen Lang still has a killer mace!

After a while, Shen Langyou said, "this time, I\'m afraid I\'ll trouble you present."

Taotie Fufeng stepped out for a hundred years and said, "don\'t be polite, Ambassador Zuo. If you can use us, just tell me!"

A group of strong emperor Wujing immediately made a voice and showed their willingness to help.

At that moment, Shen Lang immediately took out a jade slip and gave it to mother-in-law Feng, who personally presided over the array.

Mother-in-law Feng of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, together with more than 80 strong emperor\'s martial mirrors, such a lineup is really shocking.

Even if there are so many qualified in the demon temple, there can\'t be many.

After explaining to grandma Feng, Shen Lang sat cross legged in the void and began to think about countermeasures.

Black Pluto armor and this powerful defense array are still not enough.

In this day\'s time, it is possible to cope with this crisis by further greatly improving our strength.

But now there is no thunder to swallow. Even if the Taiji diagram is fully powered on and crazy to absorb the yuan force in the yuan force fragments, it will be a drop in the bucket in a day.

Ghost zunye Youming knows Shen Lang\'s identity. They have a deep relationship. Of course, they can\'t really want to kill Shen Lang.

But in the face of so many strong people in the demon temple, the night nether either didn\'t do it, but he couldn\'t do it.

As a result, Shen Lang really had a big problem with this skill.

"The old monster night ghost really thinks highly of me!"

"With such a skill, a careless Lao Tzu will disappear. Thanks to him, he can do it!"

Shen Lang scolded the night ghost in his heart and sank his mind.

A day is too short.

In such a short time, it is really difficult to greatly enhance the strength.

The power of the previous mines is still being absorbed.

Chaotic gods continue to grow stronger.

This degree of enhancement has been extremely rebellious in the past or in others.

But it is not enough to put it on Shen Lang, especially to deal with the upcoming terrorist thunder robbery

So, use this day to understand the rules captured in the destruction space?

If you can understand this rule thoroughly in one day and finally control the power of lightning robbery, the threat of lightning robbery will be solved naturally.

You can even control the power of robbing mines in the future

But it\'s a joke to spend one day understanding the rules and want to fully understand them!

It is impossible for the tree of the world to do such a thing.

So, what should we do?

Do you really want to take out the last mace?

Shen Lang took out two jars of strong wine, lifted the jar and poured it directly.

Drinking at this time seems to outsiders to have a feeling of drinking before execution.

Although Shen Lang drank happily, it was natural.

But in the eyes of outsiders, there is always a tragic feeling of "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he has gone".

No way. It\'s really big this time.

I\'m afraid no one is optimistic about Shen Lang except mother-in-law Feng.

After all, what Shen Lang is about to face is too scary and exaggerated.

"Do you really want to refine the green dragon blood essence at this time? It\'s absolutely impossible to refine the green dragon blood essence in front of the people in the demon temple, but if you don\'t refine the green dragon blood essence, it\'s hard to get through this crisis..."

Shen Lang\'s killer mace is naturally the green dragon\'s blood essence.

Those who can make Shen Lang\'s accomplishments soar several times or even dozens of times in a day can\'t have anything else except green dragon\'s blood essence.

Even Yuan Li fragments can\'t do it.

The key is that there are a large group of strong people in the demon temple.

Among them, mother-in-law Feng has reached the point of Emperor Wu territory!

Even if grandma Feng is kind to him, Shen Lang doesn\'t dare to take such a risk.

When he got the Qilin blood essence from chiyanfeng, Shen Lang suspected the demon temple.

The ten divine beasts were born from chaos, and all of them have an original law.

Shen Lang compared the information before and after and found that the demon temple was looking for the ten divine beasts all over the world. At that time, he suspected that there was a heavenly book on the Demon Lord.

Through the book of heaven, Shen Lang can absorb the source law from the top ten divine beasts. Other people with the book of heaven can do the same.

Now it has been confirmed that there is a heavenly book on the demon lord, and Shen Lang\'s suspicion is almost close to reality.

If Shen Lang was known by the people in the demon temple at this time and knew that he gained strength by swallowing the green dragon\'s blood essence, it would be hard to say whether he would be caught by the Demon Lord to slice and study and strip the heavenly book at the first time.

"When I asked Lan\'er for rosefinch blood essence, I forgot to tell her more and let her keep it a secret. It\'s a secret..."

"If you want to quietly refine the green dragon\'s blood essence and improve your strength here, it seems that you have to enter fengtianding."

Shen Lang looked inside at his body, and his mind kept circling on that drop of green dragon blood essence.

The green dragon blood essence was shrouded by the light of fengtianding. Even Grandma Feng didn\'t find it.

"There\'s no way, enter the seal Tianding!"

Shen Lang thought about it. Unexpectedly, he decided to use the green dragon blood essence.

When he moved, he entered the fengtianding for the first time, and disappeared out of thin air under the eyes of the strong man in the demon God hall.

"What\'s the matter? Where\'s the left envoy?"

"The robbery clouds are still gathering, and there are no other changes, which means that others are still in Cuixia mountain, but our mind can\'t capture his information at all..."

"Did he use magic weapons or Kung Fu? It\'s incredible that he can escape the thoughts of us with his cultivation of emperor Wujing\'s double heaven or so!"

The people outside and the Eastern Emperor floating in the air were shocked when they saw Shen Lang disappear out of thin air. Everyone\'s mind could no longer catch Shen Lang\'s breath!

In front of so many powerful imperial martial mirrors, Shen Lang said that he would disappear.

And it\'s weird that no one found him.

Shen Lang\'s secrets, one by one.

Shen Lang\'s means are more and more frightening

"It\'s no wonder that the role of the night\'s nether world suffered under him. This little evil star really can\'t be provoked." the people of the candle dragon mansion looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Mother-in-law Feng, who is sitting in the center with a crutch, said faintly, "this big array is mysterious and complicated. You should calm down and concentrate."

Those powerful people in the demon Temple who were surprised and inexplicable immediately shut their mouths and put their mind on the arrangement of the array.


As soon as he entered the fengtianding, Shen Lang didn\'t stop. He immediately took out the green dragon blood essence next to the Yuan Li fragment!

The violent atmosphere from the ancient dragon family swept the whole audience, setting off huge waves and strong winds in the fengtianding!

It\'s also a divine beast\'s blood essence. The power of the green dragon\'s blood essence obtained from Yuntian on longhuang road is more than 100 times that of Qilin\'s chiyanfeng?

If at the time of xuandaozong, Shen Lang didn\'t get the Qilin blood essence of chiyanfeng, but this drop of green dragon blood essence, Shen Lang would never dare to swallow it directly.

The power of the green dragon\'s blood essence is too huge and too violent.

With the strength of Shen Lang\'s body at that time, it was impossible to absorb such terrible power.

Apart from the stimulating effect of dragon blood essence on chaotic gods, only the power of the Dragon Emperor contained in the dragon blood is enough to sweep a large group of strong imperial martial mirror into ashes!

Inside the sealed tripod, the strong wind swept through and awed the sky and earth.

Shen Lang\'s long hair is flying, which urges his whole body to stabilize his body in front of the dragon blood!

"It\'s up to you to deal with the thunder robbery."

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his mouth and swallowed the green dragon\'s blood essence!

As soon as the green dragon\'s blood essence entered the body, it ran around!

"Boom, boom!"

Shen Lang\'s body is like an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex imprisoned. He is madly crashing around to break through the cage!

As a result, Shen Lang\'s meridians were crushed in an instant!


Shen Lang took a mouthful of blood and burst out.

"How unreasonable!"

Shen Lang, under his great anger, called out all the chaotic powers for the first time!

At that time, Shen Lang was shrouded in a circle of gray chaotic light.

In his body, the chaotic divine power seemed to form an ocean, trapping the green dragon\'s blood essence in it.

In an instant, the original crazy and tyrannical green dragon blood essence seemed to be a mortal believer who saw the gods he believed in. Not only did he have no sense of tyranny, but he became very excited and surrendered to worship!

Then, it was like the green dragon blood essence of a small universe. Like the original Kirin blood essence, it suddenly turned into thousands of light spots, covering Shen Lang\'s whole body!

Shen Lang\'s body made a strange sound.

The meridians and bones originally broken by the green dragon\'s blood essence began to grow again.

Let Shen Lang feel reborn and reborn