Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1197

The three success forces of Shuying can make the robbery cloud change madly.

What\'s more, it was the ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, the night nether?

The whole cloud robbery has been crushed by the dark night of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm. The direct consequences are absolutely beyond the endurance of ordinary people!

At the moment, the robbery clouds have not really gathered together, but a disturbing and frightening atmosphere has haunted a group of strong men in the middle and later stages of Emperor Wu mirror.

The dark night is really cruel!

Nothing is more damaging and shameless than this move

How can Shen Lang survive the last thunder disaster after the dark night?

The thunder robbery disturbed by the ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, let alone Shen Lang who has just advanced to the second heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Even if a strong man like Bailiping, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, goes in, it\'s a problem whether he can come back alive!

Can it be said that the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, rising like a comet, is about to fall as soon as the bright stars are released?

A group of people in Zhuque mansion hate their teeth.

Even tens of thousands of foreign fighters who have gone far know that night Youming is plotting against Shen Lang, and they all curse the old monster night Youming in their hearts.

At this time, two figures rose into the sky in the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion.

The "king of the sea and water" and "king of the sky and wind", who are closing, are disturbed by this huge movement and noise, and also run out.

As soon as they came out, they looked at the dark night and the light moon over there, and then at grandma Feng and Shen Lang here, as well as the robbery clouds gathering in the air. They immediately knew what had happened.

"The moon is clear!"

They almost spit out these three words from between their teeth.

It was this smelly woman who did this to both of them.

It was this woman who disturbed them to shut up and almost drove them crazy!

How much did they owe this woman in their last life?

Is it over!

The two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha almost wanted to directly rush up to deal with yueqingqian, but when they thought that they were seriously injured, the other party still carried a sacred sword in their hands. They also got beaten up, so they had to endure their anger and stand behind mother-in-law Feng.

At this time, mother-in-law Feng endured her anger and said: "the ghost statue, one of the three ghost statues in the hall of thousands of souls, even shot at a younger generation. Aren\'t you afraid to be laughed off?"

"Just after you entered the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, you did such a ridiculous thing. The ghost statue really deserves its reputation... But are you not afraid of damaging the reputation of the thousand souls hall?"

The dark night quacked with a strange smile and said, "Feng Ling, I haven\'t seen you for so many years. Shouldn\'t you ask me how I\'m doing first?"

Many people in the demon temple were moved: the name of mother-in-law Feng was "Fengling"?

Night Youming said again, "when did I give a hand to this young man? If I really gave a hand to him, do you think he can still stand here alive?"

"He wants to rob thunder more powerful. I\'ll help him. It\'s that simple."

At this time, Shen Lang, who had not spoken for a long time, said, "don\'t boast. There are many people who want to kill me. I\'m still alive now."

"My mother-in-law put all her heart on me, which made you find a gap and crush the robbery cloud."

"If you really hit me, do you really think you can hurt me?"

A group of strong men in the demon Temple couldn\'t help sweating.

When is it? Why is this boy so calm and dare to talk to ghost zunye Youming like this?

This old monster is a role that frightens the people in the demon temple!

That\'s before he didn\'t advance to the martial arts realm of the great emperor!

Now, he has advanced to the martial realm of the great emperor!

Even mother-in-law Feng may not be able to get him now!

Night Youming was run by Shen Lang and said with a sneer: "boy, you are brave enough. You dare to be so arrogant when you are dead!"

"When the robbery clouds gather and take shape, I\'ll see how you deal with it!"

The crutch in mother-in-law Feng\'s hand is in the void and pokes down

"Click, click, click!"

The void below the position where several people stood was like glass, with cracks.

The crack spread out wildly, frightening a group of strong people in the demon temple around to climb and run away.

Grandma Feng is really angry this time.

Besides, I\'m afraid she\'s really going to do her best!

Now she hasn\'t done anything. After all, she is still worried about Shen Lang and worried about Shen Lang\'s robbery.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Granny Feng\'s voice was filled with ferocity.

Once the old look changed, a terrible smell like an ancient fierce beast spread out in circles.

The dark night said faintly, "I don\'t want to do anything, just play."

"The boy gave me a black hand in the dragon scale temple, put me together, robbed my magic army and ruined my great event... Why did I suffer such a big loss in the night nether world?"

"After such a big loss, if you don\'t do something, it\'s a little unreasonable."

There was an uproar on the field!

The ghost statue of the nether world, one of the three ghosts in the hall of thousands of souls, suffered a loss in front of Shen Lang?

Shen Lang robbed all the magic soldiers in his hands?

And in front of the life and Death Gate of the dragon scale temple, before Shen Lang saw through his whereabouts?

If it hadn\'t been said by night Youming himself, I\'m afraid the people present would never believe such a thing.

Mother-in-law Feng said coldly, "then you can roll now."

"Go away, go away. Ha ha, boy, I hope I can see you again later, ha ha ha!" ghost zunye Youming laughed.

The ghost fog suddenly fluctuated in the air and disappeared into the void.

The old ghost will come and go. I\'m afraid it\'s impossible even if grandma Feng wants to keep him.

However, after all, this is the territory of the demon temple, which has a huge advantage.

Night Youming was obviously not ready to fight with the demon temple at this time.

The golden winged ROC king on the other side retreated slowly, and his body became blurred.

"Donghuang, I look forward to one day, you fight with me openly!"

The light voice of the golden winged ROC King moon sounded faintly in the void.

At this time, her figure completely disappeared and turned into nothingness.

The mysterious figure wrapped in a black cloak is the Eastern Emperor of the three emperors in the temple of the God of war!

The voice of the Eastern Emperor, Gu jingbubo, replied, "Your Highness the moon king is joking. How can it be dignified?"

"You and I have no hatred, so why fight again?"

"Those who want to kill me most should be the people in the temple of the God of war. Why should your Highness the king of the moon intervene again?"

In the void, there was a faint hum of the moon.

Then there was no sound.

Seeing the dark night and the moon receding, Shen Lang took a casual look at the back of the Eastern Emperor, and then raised his head.

Over the sky, the momentum of the robbery cloud is getting bigger and bigger, more and more terrible.

"Young master..."

Mother-in-law Feng looked at Shen Lang apologetically.

With her ability, she failed to stop ghost zunye Youming and let Shen Lang encounter such a crisis. Grandma Feng felt very uncomfortable.

Now the cloud robbery has begun to gather again. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to get through the crisis of shenlang

"Don\'t worry, mother-in-law. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. There is a limit to how strong the thunder can be." Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy for the dark night to kill me."

"Looking at the gathering speed of the robbery clouds, it is estimated that it will take more than a day. This time is enough for me to prepare."

At this time, all the demons in the demon God hall returned to the emperor\'s martial mirror strongman.

"My Lord, what should we do now? Do we need to arrange the array again?" Ling Xueling asked eagerly.

A group of people in Zhuque mansion were all red and anxious like ants on a hot pot.

I can\'t do much in one day.

The action of the night nether in the emperor\'s martial realm is tantamount to completely "angering" the robbery clouds in the air.

After the robbery clouds finally gather, I\'m afraid the whole Cuixia mountain will be blown to fly ash!


The snow poem in the air is urgent, angry and sad.

But she was afraid of Shen Lang\'s distraction, but she didn\'t come forward to speak.

The Eastern Emperor on the other side turned his head and looked at the snow poetry in the crowd.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes were sweeping over a group of strong imperial martial mirrors in the demon God hall.

Then Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the nearest right envoy Baili Bing.

At this time, Baili Bing was next to Shen Lang, holding five strange circles of different colors in his hand.

The five circles are red, orange, yellow, green and green respectively. Countless images of mountains, rivers, plants, trees and monsters are carved on each circle, with countless runes shining, releasing the breath of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, showing an endless power and heaviness.

Shen Lang looked at the circle in Bai Li Bing\'s hand and suddenly grinned.

"..." Bai libing laughed inexplicably and thought there was something wrong with him.

Hurriedly looked down, but no abnormality was found.

"Did you have your head broken by the thunder?" Bai libing said bitterly, "now you are dying because of the intervention of the night nether world. Can you laugh?"

The crowd nodded.

Few people believe that Shen Lang has any means to deal with this crisis.

After all, even Grandma Feng feels helpless now!

Shen Lang smiled and said, "the divine soldier of the right envoy is very unique?"

Everyone was a little speechless.

When are you still concerned about the magic soldiers of Baili ice?

Besides, the magic weapon of Baili Bing is called "star god evil wheel". Its shape is simple and not strange?

Shen Lang sighed and said, "seeing the divine soldier you envoy reminds me of a song."

As soon as these words came out, Baili Bing\'s eyes were black and he almost fainted.

The strong people in the surrounding demon temple also have an impulse to beat this guy up.

When are you still talking about the magic soldiers of Baili ice? What songs do you think of?

Do you know that you can\'t survive this crisis and the broken jar is broken?

Instead, mother-in-law Feng laughed.

Shen Lang is so calm that mother-in-law Defeng is relieved.

Under such circumstances, there are only two possibilities to be so calm

One is lack of heart;

One is to be ready;

Shen Lang is certainly not short-sighted.

However, in the eyes of the rest of the strong in the demon temple, Shen Lang is really short-minded at the moment!

Because he opened his mouth and began to sing

"Ah... Ah... Ah, the fifth ring, you have more rings than the fourth ring."

"Ah... Ah... Ah, the fifth ring, you are one ring less than the sixth ring."

"Pooh!" heartless Ling Xue and Ling Yue took the lead in laughing.

A group of strong people in the demon temple around them put on a serious face and controlled themselves, so they didn\'t laugh.

One by one, their faces were swollen with pig liver color.

And the right envoy Baili Bing came out with all his face, just like opening a dyeing workshop.

Without waiting for everyone to react, the circle in Baili Bing\'s hand will fall towards Shen Lang!