Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1196

"Very good, ha ha ha, very good!"

Shen Lang laughed twice and his momentum soared.

"This change state, this evil star!"

The people who were ordered to kneel by the thin waist before the candle Dragon House wiped sweat and looked at the crazy Shen waves with fear.

Because of Shen Lang, they lost such a big face and were ordered to kneel in public.

The resentment in these people\'s hearts is very big, but they don\'t dare to reveal it again.

However, Shen Lang\'s crazy behavior and the frightening thing of swallowing the 99 robbery Thunder have wiped out the resentment in these people\'s hearts!

A person who can swallow the 99 thunder robbery, a change - state who doesn\'t think the power of the thunder robbery is big enough, a crazy and tyrannical role with endless means, and a tough guy in the background

Who can afford it?

If you want to find a chance to deal with him in the future, you\'re looking for death!

Now the advanced imperial martial mirror is so exaggerated that it directly breaks through the double heaven of imperial martial mirror.

In a few more days, he will rush into the five and six heaven of God\'s martial mirror. Who can get him?

These people in Zhulong mansion immediately threw away the plans they had put in mind to deal with Shen Lang.

At this time, they realized that the previous thin waist severely ordered them to kneel, but saved their lives!

Later, when these guys knew that Shen Lang was still in the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, they crushed Murong Changfeng wearing a killing armor with a pair of meat fists. They didn\'t return to their senses for a long time.

Murong Changfeng, wearing the killing armor, had reached the four heaven of emperor Wujing in strength and breath at that time.

They were crushed to death by Shen Lang.

After Shen Lang advanced to the emperor\'s martial mirror, he swallowed so many robbing thunder again. Who knows how powerful he is?

The new zuemissary of Zhuque mansion has overturned the traditional yardstick of martial arts cultivation.

From this day on, even if Shen Lang\'s cultivation remained at the first level of imperial martial mirror for a long time, no one dared to regard him as the first level of imperial martial mirror.



Due to the interference of the thin shadow, the lightning with increased strength fell down and made the waves stagger.

However, it is limited to this.

"Such a violent robbery of thunder... It can almost kill the strong man of the imperial martial mirror four times in an instant. When he fell on him, he just made him stagger a few steps! What\'s the extent of this guy\'s physical violence? Isn\'t this guy a human race, and what race is he?"

"No race can stand such a terrible thunder. I am canglan ice crystal beast. In addition to Lord Taotie, how many people in Taotie mansion can compare with me? But even if it is me, when I meet this kind of thunder at the beginning of imperial martial mirror, I have to be maimed."

"He should have practiced some strange skill!"

People in the main devil generals\' house talked and became more and more interested in Shen Lang.

In everyone\'s eyes, Shen Lang just stumbled a few steps, and the terrible power of robbing thunder was completely absorbed and disappeared!

The beautiful and terrible thunder light lingered all over Shen Lang.

The glow is burning and the mist is churning.

Countless mysterious runes began to flash on Shen Lang.

Other martial artists can only use a little power of robbing thunder to forge their bodies, and then use a little power of robbing thunder to oppress Dan Ying\'s soul power into the yuan house.

But Shen Lang swallowed up the whole power of robbing thunder!

At the same time, the body is forged with the power of robbing thunder to give birth to ten divine beast particles;

At the same time, he oppressed Danying with the power of robbing thunder and shared the soul power on Danying to the ten divine beasts particles - Shen Lang directly treated the ten divine beasts particles as the yuan house!

At the same time, the ten divine beast particles are still humming and swallowing the power of robbing thunder and expanding their own body!

Shen Lang felt the rising power, the growth of the ten divine beasts like a fetus, and the powerful power to walk all over his body, moaning soundly.

"It\'s far from reaching the power required by the emperor\'s martial mirror triple heaven. The last two, the last two, will be almost stronger."

Shen Lang drank softly and said, "thin shadow, continue, this time with three success forces!"

Right envoy Bai libing gnashed his teeth and said, "this madman!"

Shuying stared at Shen Lang for a long time. After confirming that the previous thunder did not cause much damage to Shen Lang, he nodded fiercely and shot again!

This mine robbery is almost more than 20 times stronger than the last one.

The unimaginable terror and pressure, a group of imperial martial mirror strongmen who had been brought close, began to wipe sweat and retreat at the same time.

However, the thunder that destroyed the sky and the earth just blew Shen Lang in all directions this time. It didn\'t take long to be swallowed up by Shen Lang!

After swallowing the thunder, Shen Lang finally entered a wonderful state.

After sharing countless soul power from Danying to the ten divine beast particles, Shen Lang felt a sense of collapse.

But the feeling didn\'t last long.

Soon, a strange breath of life broke out on each of the ten divine beast particles!

Shen Lang can clearly feel the existence of these particles and their breathing and growth.

The illusion of "hundreds of millions of separated bodies" made Shen Lang ecstatic!

Even if this kind of thing is still out of reach, at least Shen Lang already knows that he is right!

At least now Shen Lang knows that his practice route is correct!

The mystery of chaotic divine body is indeed beyond the imagination of human martial artists.

Even if it\'s just a small corner, it\'s frightening!

"Thin shadow..."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and began to prepare for Shuying to start again.

This is the last thunder.

However, his words are not finished yet

"Boy, let me help you."

An old and familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, a crack suddenly appeared in the void. A huge claw in the crack suddenly popped out and smashed the robbery clouds in the air with a bang!

"The dark night, you him!"

Shen Lang was so angry that he almost vomited blood and roared!

The strong man in the demon God hall was surprised and smashed the man who robbed the cloud. Is it the ghost of the thousand souls hall?

At the moment when everyone was stunned, an old palm suddenly covered the void and blew the ghost claw out of the night!

However, although mother-in-law Feng made a quick move, she was still a step late.

The robbery cloud has been completely crushed by the night ghost

The two strong men fought each other, and the fierce spirit swept the whole audience. As soon as the strong man of imperial martial mirror couldn\'t control his body shape, he was directly thrown out!

"Hateful!" the right envoy Bailiping and others took out the divine soldiers, and their thoughts circled quickly, trying to catch the invading enemy.


In the void, the sound of swords hitting each other came out, and the sword Qi was rampant again!

"Emperor Wujing eight days below, all step back!"

Mother-in-law Feng drank lightly and threw away her sleeve robe. A force that could not be countered at all coerced the powerful people of the house and threw them all out!

There are only a few people left in the imperial martial mirror bachongtian.

Those strong men at the peak of Emperor Wu Jing\'s seventh heaven have no resistance in front of mother-in-law Feng!

"Great... Great emperor Wu territory! Grandma Feng is already great emperor Wu territory!"

Right envoy Baili Bing and others were surprised and happy.

But the surprise didn\'t last long.

The fight in the air is dazzling. The storm hasn\'t stopped. All the strong men in the Magic general\'s house can see that the night nether has a match with mother-in-law Feng!

Ghost Zun is in the dark night. Unexpectedly, he has arrived at the great emperor\'s martial arts realm!

When the old ghost was in the dragon scale temple a few months ago, he was still the peak of Emperor Wu Jing.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, he has advanced to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm!

Not only that, it was not only the dark night that came here.

There\'s another man!

King Mirs with golden wings in Wanyao mansion, the moon is clear!

On the side of the demon God hall, in addition to mother-in-law Feng, there are also many mysterious strong men who fight with the light of that month several times like lightning!

"Boom, boom!"

No less than the sound of the 99 thunder explosion, sounded over Cuixia mountain.

When the right envoy Baili Bing and others were ready to rush up, the four figures in the void had been separated.

Then everything was calm

The figures in the void flashed continuously. The strong man in the demon God hall was divided into two parts. One part stood behind mother-in-law Shen Lang and Feng, and the other part stood behind the mysterious man in the black cloak, eyeing the ghost zunye Youming and the king of golden winged Dapeng!

The strong ones in the demon Temple below the eighth heaven of emperor Wujing were on alert and quickly retreated back with the group of people of other nationalities.

It\'s hard for them to get into the battle of this level.

Forcibly taking part in such a battle may also mess up one\'s own position.

In the east direction of Cuixia, the overwhelming ghost fog shrouded half of the sky, and the two blood Reds in it were flashing, which was the ghost night ghost of qianhun hall;

On this side, Shen Lang was in the original position of the big array. Mother-in-law Feng stood in the void with Shen Lang on crutches and confronted the ghost night nether world. Behind her were hundreds of miles of ice and hundreds of years of wind;

On the other side, Wang Yueqing, a majestic golden winged ROC, dressed in silver armor and holding a sacred sword;

The man who confronted Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, was a mysterious figure wrapped in a black cloak.

The man was dressed in a black cloak, and his body was wrapped in a circle of black fog. His body appeared and disappeared from time to time, which was very untrue.

It seems that the breath is far less than that of the golden winged ROC king, but looking at the eyes of the golden winged ROC king, it seems that he has just lost a little!

On the left and right sides of this mysterious man are the two strong men of Phoenix House and candle dragon house.

Just looking at the battle between the two sides, the demon God hall has a great advantage.

However, no matter how big the advantage is, the purpose of ghost respecting the night and the nether world has been achieved.

Rob Yun was crushed by him. His plot against Shen Lang is irreparable now.

Above the void, the sound of the sky breaking and the earth breaking continues to ring out. The robbery cloud, which is ten times and a hundred times larger than before, is slowly converging!

It was disturbed by the dark night of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm to rob the cloud. How terrible should it be after the robbery cloud recovers?

When the clouds finally converge.

I\'m afraid Shen Lang\'s death is coming