Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1193

Shen Lang endured a headache and absorbed all the lightning robbery rules refined by the tree of the world.

At this moment, Shen Lang has three uses!

Comprehend the artistic conception and rules in the dark and void;

Understand the lightning robbing power and rules refined by the tree of the world;

In response to the continuous falling thunder dragons, thunder tigers, thunder unicorns, thunder clouds

In the eyes of the public outside, the Shen wave movement began to become slow and laborious.

"Right emissary!" Shuying couldn\'t help calling out a right emissary Baili Bing.

You know, this thunder robbery is just the beginning!

Originally, everyone was frightened by the breath of Shen Lang after he advanced. They all thought that even if he robbed thunder in 1999, he couldn\'t get Shen Lang anyway.

But at the beginning of the thunder disaster, how did Shen Lang show a weak posture?

Thunder robbed one after another, and it\'s getting worse and worse.

If the front is so hard, how can we deal with the more severe mine robbery in the back?

Right envoy Bai libing stared at the Shen waves in the array, waved his hand and said, "no, it\'s not what we see!"

"The power of Zuo Shi\'s adult not only hasn\'t weakened, but also is improving crazily!"

"This level of mine robbery can\'t help him!"

The strong people present were surprised: "still getting stronger? How is this possible?"

In people\'s opinion, the moment when the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced is the strongest and weakest moment of martial arts cultivation in the realm.

It\'s the strongest. It\'s compared with the quasi emperor martial mirror before the advanced level.

In a word, the weakest emperor martial mirror is also a hundred times stronger than the strongest quasi emperor martial mirror!

The key is that this moment is indeed the weakest moment of the warrior!

Theoretically, because of the previous impact on 348 channels, although the martial arts Danying and Yuanfu have changed completely, they should be exhausted to the limit.

And Shen Lang, not only did not weaken, but also strengthened?

What kind of skill is this?

What constitution?

The right envoy Bai libing said again, "I can feel that most of the power of robbing thunder poured into his body after the left envoy scattered a robbing thunder. After this power poured into his body, he would become very painful, but... His power would immediately increase wildly!"

"He is using the power of robbing thunder to scour the meridians!"

"He also uses some mysterious skill to devour the power of robbing thunder!"

The demons stared at the strong men in the mansion and were completely speechless: "without any defense, do you use the lightning strike forging body? Or 99 lightning strike? And swallow the power of lightning strike?"

"Ninety nine thunder, is such a destructive force that the human body can bear and devour?"

Ling xuena, the strong one of the left envoy, asked, "since the strength of the left envoy is constantly increasing, as if it is synchronized with the strength of robbing thunder, why does he seem to be working harder and slower?"

The right envoy Baili Bing hesitated for a moment and said, "when the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced, the artistic conception of any martial artist will communicate with the dark and the void. There is a 30-50% chance. At this time, he will improve his realm and understand the rules of a higher level and even the field."

"But the thunder that left envoy faced was too strange and came too fast. There was almost no space after he advanced. He didn\'t give him time to understand the rules of heaven and earth."

"As I expected, the left envoy probably separated his mind. While dealing with the thunder robbery, he was constantly understanding the meaning of various rules connected with the nether world and the void!"

"What?" the people of the main devil generals were numb.

In the face of such a terrible thing as the 99 thunder robbery, it is unimaginable to resist with flesh.

Shen Lang was distracted to do other things at this time?

How powerful is this guy?

In this way, if one is not careful, he may be destroyed by the terrible thunder!

He can calm down and separate his mind to understand the artistic conception and rules?

"Haha, haha, haha!"

Suddenly, Shen Lang with his eyes closed laughed wildly.

The strong people present looked at each other.

Can he still laugh so happily at this time?

As like as two peas of sweat, the wind of the glutton house has been wiped out for hundreds of years. "This kind of laughter has found a treasure with a poor man."

Who is the poor!

A group of women in Zhuque mansion immediately glared at him.

At this moment, Shen Lang, who had received the information from the tree of the world after the 99 mine robbery, suddenly made an action that scared everyone half to death!

He suddenly opened his hands and relaxed, as if to embrace the world.

It\'s nothing to open your hands.

What\'s fatal is that at this time, the thunder in the void is about to fall!

This time, the thunder robbery condensed into a Thunder Tiger, purple red all over, as big as a hill.

Before jumping down, it has made people hundreds of miles below feel ferocious and difficult to breathe!

This one is at least six times stronger than the first one!

Did Shen Lang give up even the least resistance when he made this gesture?

He wants to fight with his flesh?

How can there be such a domineering, arrogant and crazy person in this world?


People didn\'t even react. There was a loud noise. The Thunder Tiger condensed from the robbery cloud had arrived at the top of Shen Lang!


Many screams gathered together.

Many people who pay attention here subconsciously turn their heads and don\'t dare to see it.

Even the strong emperor Wujing in the demon temple is very uncomfortable at the moment.

Obviously, Shen Lang did it on purpose. When the power of robbing thunder is too great, even the emperor\'s martial mirror may not be able to resist.

Shen Lang fought directly with his body

Knowing that Shen Lang did it on purpose, many people still came up with the scene that Shen Lang was beaten into coke and ashes.

Only those strong men whose accomplishments have reached more than seven days of the emperor\'s martial mirror are staring at Shen Lang in the array without blinking, unwilling to let go of a detail.

Only by their nature of mind can they remain calm under such circumstances.


Although there was a process when the thunder fell to the top of Shen Lang, it was so short that few people could distinguish it.

"Rumble" and "click" sounded at the same time.

Then he saw the Thunder Tiger roaring at the top of Shen Lang\'s head!

At this moment, right envoy Baili Bing and others seemed to see a circle of gray fog rising from Shen Lang\'s head.

However, the fog was fleeting, and everyone\'s eyes were immediately filled with endless thunder, and there was nothing else

Bai libing and others closed their eyes, and their strong thoughts shrouded in an instant, sensing everything in the array.

This "look", everyone\'s heart is cold

Originally, people thought that Shen Lang would be seriously injured if he suffered such a robbery thunder.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang in the array was unharmed under the induction of divine thought!

At the moment, the big array has been completely shrouded by the terrible smell of purple thunder.

And Shen Lang is like bathing in a hot spring.

The power of thunder and robbery with destructive power not only did no harm to him, but seemed to nourish his body. It whirled around him wildly, forming a vortex and quickly converging towards his body!

Even the legendary Beiming jitianzong destroyed by the candle dragon is just a legend that can guide the power of robbing thunder to fight the enemy.

But where is the power to guide the thunder robbery?

The power of robbing thunder has clearly become his nutrient!

However, when has the world heard that someone can absorb the power of robbing mines?

When did you hear that someone could nourish and refine his body with the highest level of 99 thunder robbery?

At this time, Shen Lang still keeps his hands open.

He is like being immersed in a minefield. Countless fine purple red lightning twines around him, cheering and jumping, as if he had found his destination and found his best friend

"How comfortable!"

Shen Lang couldn\'t help moaning.

However, the sound was so small that it was completely covered up by the sound of thunder.

The scene that people saw was unimaginable enough.

But the scene that people can\'t see, that is, everything in Shen Lang\'s body, is actually more shocking!

Thousands of purplish red lightning wandered wildly in Shen Lang\'s meridians, flesh, bones and cells.

The chaotic God body is like the hometown of robbing thunder. Let the power of 99 robbing thunder wander in it and be happy.

The incessant thunder roared in Shen Lang\'s heart, lungs, viscera, mind and mind.

Tens of thousands of ten divine beast particles have emerged madly.

Shen Lang\'s breath, climbing higher and higher, straight into the sky!

Even the destructive power of the thunder pool outside was covered and suppressed by his breath!

After understanding the rules of robbing thunder refined by the world tree, Shen Lang turned himself into a robbing thunder with the help of the power of chaotic God

A unique mine in heaven and earth!

Shen Lang, with this attitude, bears and absorbs all the power of the just robbed thunder!

"Hua la la!"

Shen Lang waved his hands.

When the speed of the thunder force in the thunder pool was raised, the long whale absorbed water, and all of them merged into Shen Lang\'s body.

Nothing left!

Shen Lang\'s whole body was wrapped by thunder and lightning, emitting a destructive breath that even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror feared. He closed his eyes and didn\'t move.

And his consciousness has gone to a different space

This strange space is very much like the original appearance in the Tai Chi diagram. The world is still in chaos.

It is full of crazy and tyrannical thunder and lightning.

The rest is only pure nothingness, eternal nothingness

Watching the various kinds of thunder and lightning colliding with each other, stirring up brilliant sparks, Shen wave\'s consciousness, sent out a long exclamation.

"Originally, this is the world of thunder. This is the beginning of chaos!"

At this moment, Shen Lang touched the essence and mystery of thunder, perceived the call of thunder containing destructive power, and peeped into the rules of Zhiyang Zhigang thunder!

"It\'s really strange. It\'s clearly the first time I came here and felt these for the first time. Even the emperor Zhan hasn\'t touched here. Why do I have a very familiar feeling?"

In Shen Lang\'s sigh, his consciousness condenses and forms in that different space.

Floating in the air, Shen Lang stretched out his right hand.

The power of thunder immediately converged on his palm, as if shaking hands with a friend I\'ve heard of for a long time.