Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1194

After absorbing the rules of robbing thunder refined by the world tree, Shen Lang made his breath infinitely close to robbing thunder, and then absorbed all the power of 99 robbing thunder.

When the ten divine beast particles crazy devour the power of robbing thunder

Shen Lang\'s consciousness, however, accidentally bumped into a strange space.

This is the space of thunder;

Space for destruction.

This space is filled with the smell of robbing the sky and destroying the earth, and the smell of tyrannical destruction.

Strangely, Shen Lang\'s relatively weak consciousness is not at all dangerous in such a terrible space.

Instead, there is a feeling like a fish in water!

Not only that, but also let Shen Lang have a very familiar feeling

Like I\'ve been here before?

This is a very strange and very clear feeling.

"Why is there such a familiar feeling? Is it because the chaos is very similar to that in the Tai Chi diagram? It seems wrong... Not only does this space make me feel very familiar, but even these divine thunder with different colors and great power make me feel familiar."

"God thunder? Why does such a word come out of my head?"

Shen Lang looked at the thunder floating in the palm of his hand and felt more and more strange.

"It\'s strange. I don\'t have any consciousness calling or urging these thunder forces, and the tree of the world hasn\'t completely refined the 99 thunder. I just \'saw\' the rules in the thunder, but I haven\'t had time to understand them. Why do these thunder forces behave like this?"

"Why are these thunder forces so close to me?"

"Just like old friends I haven\'t seen for thousands of years... I can feel the joy in their hearts and their cheers. How can this happen?"

Looking at the thunder in the palm of his hand, Shen Lang hesitated: "before the tree of the world takes the last step and completely refines the thunder, I can at most make my breath infinitely close to the thunder, and then with this move, I can reduce the damage of the thunder to me to the greatest extent and absorb the power of the 99 thunder to the greatest extent..."

"With my understanding of myself, the rules of mine robbing and the control of power, I can be sure - I can\'t really urge the power of mine robbing now, nor can I control the power of mine robbing."


Shen Lang in a different space reads something and waves it with his hand!

The thunder force just gathered in Shen Lang\'s palm roared and burst out a light column one meter thick and thin, instantly making a big hole in the void!

The thunder and lightning on the way were smashed in an instant, sweeping a long passage!

When you do it, it\'s powerful, Jos!

The rules of mine robbing have not been understood, and the power of mine robbing can not be controlled at all. Why can it be used?

Is it because there are thousands of thunder here, close to yourself, so you can move with your heart?

Shen Lang was slightly stunned. His palm poked out and slowly pushed out towards the robbery thunder in front. At the same time, he imagined his appearance in his mind and drank softly: "congealing shape!"

The vast and unpredictable force of thunder gave a shout of joy, quickly gathered, and condensed a figure like God and devil... It\'s just like Shen Lang!

"If so!"

Shen Lang was puzzled that the force of thunder in this space actually acted according to his own mind.

Such means are a little similar to Shen Lang in the Tai Chi diagram.

But it\'s just similar.

In the Tai Chi diagram, Shen Lang is the real master, controlling everything and changing thousands of things. I am satisfied with myself.

But in this space, Shen Lang has no sense of control, just because those thunder forces are close to Shen Lang, they seem to regard Shen Lang as their closest friend and listen to his call.

Hell, why?

Shen Lang seldom racked his brains to think about things he couldn\'t figure out.

Instead of delving into the matter, he focused on the strange space.

"This space is full of endless thunder power, but it is not a pure thunder space."

"I can clearly feel that there are other destructive forces in this space, the forces from the five elements... Each force seems to be developing and destroying towards an extreme!"

"In this space, a series of invisible and touchable rules are filled with them."

"Is this the space to destroy the rules?"

"Unfortunately, you can only enter here consciously, otherwise you can urge to break the false silver eyes to find out!"

Shen Lang\'s consciousness began to extend and spread in all directions of this space.

This action immediately made Shen Lang find something more strange.

Shen Lang\'s consciousness is obviously not very strong, but just a wisp of divine thought. However, this wisp of divine thought can be continuously and continuously ascended into the sky and extended upward along the way of robbing thunder!

This is completely beyond common sense!

In this case, Shen Lang can only do it when he is in the Tai Chi diagram!

Shen Lang\'s mind is like this. It seems that with the help of very thin lightning, he climbs in the void, shuttles through this different space, spreads all the way, and extends to the whole void.

This is a very strange and boring practice.

But it seems that something is attracting Shen Lang to do so.

He wants to see the world clearly, capture the rules of the world, and figure out why he feels familiar

In this way, Shen Lang\'s mind continued to extend out and spread to the void.

It seems that thousands of years have passed.

Finally, Shen Lang could not even distinguish himself from this space.

It seems that he has integrated with this different space

At this time, he even forgot who he was.

He can be on the infinite sky in an instant;

And you can instantly reach the deepest part of this infinite space;

When Shen Lang finally stopped, he looked down at the world from a high altitude.

A sense of sadness and loneliness suddenly filled his heart.

Between heaven and earth, he was alone for thousands of years

"Who am I? Why am I here?"

"This lonely feeling is so uncomfortable, but it\'s so familiar..."

When Shen Lang and this heaven and earth become one.

In a trance, the destructive rules contained in this space began to become clear in Shen Lang\'s mind.

A glimmer of insight came out of Shen Lang\'s mind.

This heaven and earth is me, I am this heaven and earth;

This destruction is me, I am this destruction


At this moment, there was a change in the Tai Chi diagram connected with Shen Lang\'s mind!

The 99 robbery thunder, which was thoroughly refined by the Party committee and hung on the tree of the world, suddenly exploded and scattered, turned into light spots, and completely integrated into the tree of the world!

The tree of the world gave a shout, and the huge trunk was immediately wrapped in circles of thunder and lightning.

Then, crazy soaring!

The roots of the tree of the world immediately grow towards chaos in all directions!

The whole world in the Tai Chi diagram seems to have become the world of thunder.

There are thunder explosions everywhere, and the color of thunder and lightning is changing towards purplish red!

After obtaining the rules of robbing thunder, the tree of the world began to grow madly.

The space in the Tai Chi diagram is constantly expanded, and the crazy belt extends in all directions.

Three million Li, four million Li, five million li

Until the diameter of this space reached 13 million - Li, the tree of the world finally stopped growing!

Not only the expansion of space in the Tai Chi diagram and the growth of the tree of the world, the chaotic ocean also began to change. It was no longer chaotic, but began to become vibrant, as if... Some life was about to be conceived!

After absorbing and refining the rules of robbing thunder, the Taiji diagram has undergone qualitative changes!

"Destruction is me, I am destruction."

The Shen waves in that different space, such as Min Min penetrating the top, suddenly had an epiphany.

But when he had an epiphany, the huge movement in the Tai Chi diagram attracted his attention.

Shen Lang\'s consciousness immediately escaped from this space.

When he opened his eyes, Shen Lang\'s eyes stopped on a group of strong people in Zhuque mansion outside.

These people are staring at him now with shock in their eyes.

Shen Lang stared at these people and felt that they seemed a little familiar.

"Where is this? Why am I here?"

Shen Lang made a voice like a babble.

A group of strong people who were shocked and speechless almost fainted!

Can it be said that Shen Lang was badly hit in the head by the thunder and was fooled by the thunder?

How did you say that?

"I am destruction, destruction is me... By the way, I am destruction, destruction is me!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes suddenly showed the color of madness and tyranny.

At this moment, an endless breath of destruction escaped from him.

Among the people\'s thoughts, it was like a god of destruction, and began to wake up slowly!

This terrible breath even goes far beyond the threat of robbing clouds in the void!

People don\'t understand why the heavy waves at this time send out such a frightening smell?

No matter how good Shen Lang\'s talent and strength are, it\'s just the double heaven of imperial martial mirror at present?

How can the breath of emperor Wujing\'s double heaven strong make the emperor Wujing\'s eight heaven strong tremble?

"You are Shen Lang! You are not destruction!"

Seeing Shen Lang, Xue Shiyin in the crowd was so anxious that he stepped out and shouted loudly: "Xiaolang, look at me, it\'s me, I\'m Shiyin!"

"Wake up, you\'re still crossing the thunder!"

The voice of snow poetry is ready to cry, shouting and shouting against the Shen waves.

At this time, above the robbery cloud in the air, a more terrible robbery mine is about to take shape!

Shen Lang slowly turned his head and looked at the snow poetry.

"What a familiar face, it seems that her image is printed in the depths of her soul... Who is it and why can\'t you remember?"

Shen Lang frowned slightly, and his eyes kept turning on Xue Shiyin\'s face, but he just couldn\'t remember her name.

Xue Shiyin looked at the thunder in the void and was about to fall. At this time, this abnormality appeared in the Shen wave. Two lines of tears flowed down