Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1192

"Three hundred and forty-eight pulse gates, in this way, all burst open? Four minutes or five minutes?"

"I didn\'t see what he was going to do at all. How could he be so relaxed and casual?"

"How could there be such a thing? I\'ve never heard of it even in the demon temple!"

"It\'s just that he has just hit the imperial martial mirror. How can the breath be so terrible? What kind of skill is he practicing?"

A group of strong men in the demon temple were constantly wiping cold sweat.

However, after a few breaths, Shen Lang was connected with hundreds of veins!

This is beyond the recognition of the strong emperor Wujing present.

And the tens of thousands of elite of the barbarian alien race are completely stupid.

It\'s not only shocked by Shen Lang\'s means, but also because they haven\'t seen anything... It\'s over!

They came here because adami and Shi Hao wanted them to see the power of Shen Lang and learn at the same time.

Now they see the heavy waves.

But when it comes to learning

Shit, I broke through all the bottlenecks with a bang. What\'s the method? What about the process?

What a thunderbolt!

On the other hand, don\'t say you haven\'t seen or learned at all. Even if you learn, who dares to use it? Who can use it?

It is impossible for anyone to have the spiritual power needed to impact the 9981 pulse gate alone!

If someone really has such a vast spiritual power, the body may not be able to support it, and may explode and die before hitting the bottleneck!

Just when everyone was stupid, Shen langwu was happy and carefree, and he was still in the state of forgetting both things and me.

He is feeling everything in his body.

At the moment when he hit the imperial mirror, Shen Lang clearly felt the change of his body.

That feeling is very different from the feeling of breaking through the emperor\'s martial mirror in the emperor\'s memory.

After an ordinary warrior hits the imperial mirror, he will feel the following

First, I felt that my whole body was weak to the extreme, while Yuan Fu and Dan Ying would follow the trend and crazy absorb the aura between heaven and earth, and become stronger and stronger, ready to meet the subsequent thunder robbery;

Second, there is a 30-50% chance to feel and communicate a certain artistic conception of their cultivation, further improve this artistic conception and touch the rules of heaven and earth Avenue;

But Shen Lang is totally different.

At the moment of breaking through the bottleneck, Shen Lang only felt as if he was reborn.

After absorbing a lot of energy in the Tai Chi diagram, they are all chaotic gods that have really recovered to the peak. At this moment, it is like a semi exhausted great lake. After brushing, it is filled with water and reaches the peak!

Not just reaching the peak

The ten divine beast particles in the chaotic God body are still coming out crazily.

Double and double growth!

Shen Lang not only didn\'t feel a little emptiness, but felt the strength of his whole body rising, as if there was no end!

Moreover, the connection between the ten divine beast particles and Shen Lang became clearer and clearer.

Let Shen Lang feel that the ten sacred animal particles, like the fetus, are growing and expanding!

On the other hand, in Shen Lang\'s brain, Shen Lang knows the depths of the sea, and the concentrated artistic conception that Shen Lang has realized so far is presented consciously.

Ice artistic conception, water artistic conception, death artistic conception, abyss artistic conception;

Sword intention, war intention, Emperor artistic conception

No matter how far these artistic conception are understood, they all appear in the sea of knowledge.

Each artistic conception is like a world floating over the sea of knowledge.

The looming golden silk threads are released from the artistic conception, passing through Shen Lang\'s body and linking to the nether void!

At this moment, the meaning of various rules becomes very clear in Shen Lang\'s mind!

It was at this time that the Tai Chi diagram below Danying suddenly began to rotate.

Like a blink, the Tai Chi diagram suddenly appeared in the sea of Shen Lang\'s understanding, and fell under the artistic conception everywhere!

It\'s like a huge tray holding artistic conception.

Then, the power of the tree of the world in the Tai Chi picture turned into green lines of sight and suddenly penetrated the Artistic Conception!

The artistic conception is connected with the golden silk thread of nothingness, and in an instant, it is wrapped with circles of green silk thread.

The golden silk thread and the green silk thread are entangled together, from the original small silk thread to a thick rope!

That is, at this moment, the connection between Shen Lang and the rule in the nether world became clear ten times, a hundred times!

The unspeakable feeling is reflected in Shen Lang\'s heart.

I almost cheered when I touched the regular waves!

Where is the 30% chance?

Where is the 50% chance?

Even Shen Lang\'s artistic conception of water, which has not been used much, is madly advancing towards the field that the great emperor can control by leaps and bounds!

However, Shen Lang was ecstatic and wanted to feel the meaning of the rules carefully

Overhead, a feeling that made him tremble all over shrouded his whole body!

Thunder robbery is finally about to begin at this time!

"Is he right?"

Shen Lang was so angry that he made a rude remark.

It\'s hard to understand the rules for thousands of years. Even Shen Lang can\'t say whether there can be such luck in the advanced stage in the future!

At this time, if you give him a few days to understand the rules.

Even if we can\'t make every artistic conception reach the peak, we can at least span several levels and benefit infinitely!

But Lei Jie is making trouble at this time. Where can Shen Lang have the time and energy to sink his mind to understand all this?

It\'s like a table of "man Han banquet" is placed in front of you. Then you find that the man Han banquet is placed on the train track, and the train in front has been whining and rushing over

Do you eat or not at this time?

"One heart and two purposes, we must not lose this rare opportunity!"

Shen Lang bit his teeth and stood up slowly.

Half of the mind, immersed in the perception of artistic conception and rules;

Half of my mind was used to deal with the 99 thunder robbery!

If others know what Shen Lang is doing now, they will exclaim... This boy is playing with his life!

The 99 thunder robbery, even if it is dealt with wholeheartedly, it may not be able to pass safely.

This guy is still in such a crisis, sinking his mind to understand the artistic conception and rules!

It\'s not going to die!

As soon as Shen Langgang stood up, he immediately made a terrible sound like a funnel.

The whole Cuixia mountain shrouded by this robbery cloud suddenly vibrated!

Then, a red thunder formed a Thunder Dragon and shot it down from the air towards the Shen wave!


The Thunder Dragon with the smell of destruction hit the array hard and forcibly opened a crack in the array.

Then, with a fierce breath, the Thunder Dragon crossed the crack and came straight to the top of shenlang!

The purpose of this large array is not to stop the mine robbing, but to consume the power of mine robbing.

After the Thunder Dragon falling on the nine days passed through the array, it has consumed a full third of its power by the array.

But even if only two-thirds of the power is left, the horror of the 99 mine robbery is not what ordinary people can imagine!

Outside the array, a group of strong people in Zhuque mansion screamed repeatedly.

He saw Shen Lang\'s long hair flying in the strong wind. Without fear, he punched out at the Thunder Dragon!

The power used in this fist is the pure power of thunder in the Tai Chi diagram.

Although the power of thunder is far less than that of robbing thunder, with the urging of "thunder god formula", it can withstand the first robbing thunder at the beginning.


The dazzling light made everyone subconsciously look away, but in their ears they heard a voice like the collapse of mountains.

When I was in the Shen wave, I only felt a loud explosion in my mind. After being dispersed by him, the terrible force of thunder poured down like water and fell on him.

The crazy force of thunder instilled into Shen Lang\'s body, which made Shen Lang feel an unspeakable sting and suffering.

It was as if there were thousands of sharp knives cutting his flesh and bones.

A violent force from the \'99 thunder robbery, swam wildly in Shen Lang\'s muscles, bones and meridians, impacted, and finally reached the cells!

Countless ten sacred animal particles have sprung up like bamboo shoots;

The awakened ten divine beast particles are crazy to devour the power of the thunder, and become stronger!

Shen Lang felt the unspeakable pain, but he also felt the joy from the ten divine beasts.

Heaven and hell are intertwined and difficult to separate.

"The 99 thunder robbery in the period of emperor Wujing was so powerful?"

Shen Lang\'s mind suddenly trembled and was surprised.

In his expectation, the blow came out, and the power of robbing thunder should have been eliminated by more than half.

The last half will be completely swallowed up by him with a chaotic divine body.

But what was eventually dispersed by this punch did not meet half of this expectation.

If it weren\'t for the chaotic God\'s strong metamorphosis, this small mistake might have caused Shen Lang a heavy blow!

But what Shen Lang regrets is not the possible consequences of his own mistakes.

But the loss of the power of the 99 thunder robbery!

He doesn\'t wear black Pluto armor, just doesn\'t want to waste the power of powerful thunder robbery with rules!

Shen Lang not only wants to use this power to forge the body and trigger the ten divine beast particles in the chaotic God body, but also wants to completely devour this power and turn it into his own!

"No waste, no waste... But the strength of chaos God still can\'t fully bear this destructive power and can\'t swallow it all!"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

"99 rob thunder, 99 rob thunder!"

A flash of light flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind!

Hasn\'t the Tai Chi diagram swallowed the 99 thunder robbery before and has been refined to this day?

Shen Lang urged his internal strength, blasted up again, and scattered the falling thunder.

His mind sank into the Tai Chi diagram at this moment.

When Shen Lang\'s mind becomes one with the tree of the world in the Tai Chi diagram, the tree of the world refines all the understandings of the 99 thunder robbery. At this moment, it is instilled into Shen Lang\'s mind like a flood!

Shen Lang only felt a stabbing pain in his mind, as if he were going to burst!

"The 99 mine robbery has not been completely refined, but the information of this rule is so huge!"

Looking at the thunder hanging on the branches of the world tree, Shen Lang was shocked.