Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1191

"You are the earth buns!" several young people of the stone people laughed and scolded, and kicked duanmuzheng.

Duanmu Zheng said with a strange smile, "I\'ll tell you, the world is very big, very big, and my boss is a freak... Er, I can\'t find other suitable words. Let\'s say so."

"The boss is not only the ten yuan mansion is full, but also a force under my boss, war wolves and thousands of people, all with the help of the boss. The ten yuan mansion is full!"

"Hum, if I hadn\'t been a zombie, my cultivation ways would have been different. Now I would have been happy in Shiyuan mansion!"

"I\'m too lazy to talk nonsense with you. When you arrive at our xuandaozong, you will understand whether you are a steamed stuffed bun."

The whole audience was quiet.

Only the thunder rumbled in the air.

Duanmu is really scared to death. It\'s exaggerated to say that Shen Lang\'s ten yuan mansion is full. It\'s said that Shen Lang\'s ten yuan mansion has thousands of people?

Bragging doesn\'t have to be taxed?

Are zombies bragging kings?

It was the cave man adami who turned his head quickly. As soon as he turned his eyes and looked at Xue Shiyin with ecstasy, he asked timidly, "Xue... Sir, about the yuan house..."

Xue Shiyin\'s eyes have never left Shen Lang, and she faintly replied, "Duanmu Zheng is telling the truth."


Everyone took a backward breath of air conditioning.

Xue Shiyin smiled and said, "it\'s not impossible for uncle adami to make Xiaolang make a big success of these young people of your major races."

"But there are many things about Xiaolang here in the plague land. It\'s estimated that we\'ll have to wait."

Adami jumped three feet high: "wait! We are willing to wait! Wait 10000 years!"

Shi Hao, an honest man on the edge, wiped a cold sweat... Ten thousand years, ten thousand years later, you and I have become ashes.

A large group of young people from different ethnic groups burst into tears.

Don\'t say that the ten yuan mansion is full. Even the eight yuan mansion is full, it\'s something you can\'t dream of.

If you can achieve the grand fullness of the eight yuan mansion, or even the grand fullness of the ten yuan mansion, your future achievements will be unlimited!

Not to mention the others, Emperor Wujing will definitely succeed!

It\'s just a matter of time!

Everyone looked at the Shen waves in the array with great excitement, as if they were worshiping the gods worshipped by their own race!

At this time, adami pressed down his ecstasy and suddenly pulled Shi Hao and the boss of other races, almost growling and saying, "yes, send orders quickly and don\'t let these bastards spread this matter!"

"Keep it a secret! Everyone should keep it a secret! If this thing gets out, there will be no peace in the future, my Lord!"

Xue Shiyin couldn\'t help looking at adali and said secretly that the old guy\'s head is turning fast. At this time, he can still think of this stubble.

"Who dares to spread, kill!" Shi Hao and other leaders of major races immediately issued orders.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Duanmu is looking forward to Zixiong in the eyes of everyone.

How powerful are the strong gods of the great demons? Naturally, they listen to everything in their ears. At the moment, they are also in a dull state.

Ten yuan mansion is full. This kind of thing is unheard of, even if it is a strong emperor\'s martial mirror!

It is completely beyond the cognition of these powerful imperial mirrors.

What\'s more unimaginable is that Shen Lang, who is full of ten yuan mansion, can help other martial artists achieve the same full of ten yuan mansion?

That\'s an exaggeration.


In this way, can\'t Shen Lang create a group of "geniuses" as long as he is willing?

In this world, which race and which strong man has this ability?

It seems that the means of Shen Lang before are just the tip of the iceberg!


"It\'s almost time."

Shen Lang\'s mind moved and urged chaotic divine power and thunder power to rush directly towards a pulse gate!

Just under people\'s attention, around the Shen waves, the light in the sky appeared, just like the stars in the night.

Shen Lang is in the center of the starry sky, surrounded by bright stars, slowly rotating around him.

Among them, 348 stars are the brightest, which is the projection of the 348 pulse gates and gateways of the imperial martial mirror!

"Don\'t use the power of the yuan house, my Lord is really prepared not to use the power of the yuan house!"

Someone couldn\'t help shouting again.

At this stage, the projection of the yuan mansion should have appeared together with the 348 pulse gates and porches.

But the projection of 348 pulse gates appeared, but the people still didn\'t see the projection of yuan house!

But these people really misunderstood.

Shen Lang is not unwilling to use the power of Yuan mansion.

But Shen Lang has no yuan house now!

The power of the ten yuan houses has been integrated into the ten divine beasts some time ago.

If you have to say the yuan mansion, every ten divine beast particle in Shen Lang\'s body is a yuan mansion!

And the power is far above the yuan house!

At this time, the left and right people held their breath and looked at the Shen waves in the array.

Between the stars around Shen Lang, spiritual lines began to appear, connecting 348 stars slowly.

The speed of those spiritual lines didn\'t seem to be very fast, but they were smooth to the extreme and didn\'t stop at all.

Each spiritual line links two stars, which is natural and not far fetched.

No effort!

Those spiritual lines constantly swam among 348 stars. Soon, they painted a mysterious pattern.

Not only the martial arts of all races, but also the powerful imperial martial mirror in the air, all stared at the pattern and kept in mind the whole process and details of the drawing, as well as the final shape of the pattern!

An expert knows whether there is one!

Shen Lang painted this array easily and casually. Even those strong imperial martial mirrors were shocked when they saw it!

Its mystery has exceeded the imagination of these powerful imperial mirrors!

"Your spiritual array has been successfully arranged. It seems that you are going to start preparing to open these pulse gates. I think you should be relaxed when arranging the array. I\'m afraid it won\'t be difficult to open the pulse gate and the entrance. You can\'t open half of the pulse gates in a day!"

Adami said with a wisp of beard.

It takes at least five or six days for a strong ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror to advance.

Each time you open a pulse gate or gateway, and then get ready again, and then open the second pulse gate. If you go on like this, the general strong can open nearly 100 pulse gates a day.

Adami said that Shen Lang could get through half in one day. However, no one in the audience had doubts about such an exaggeration.

Instead, they all nodded secretly.

One day, half of the pulse gates or gateways were opened, which was not absent in history. A legendary great emperor once reached them.

Adami put Shen Lang in the position of the great emperor!

And it\'s still the kind of emperor!

Just when everyone was shocked, Shen Lang moved again.

"Xinhai, Yuming, broken!"

"Tiangong, heiting, broken!"

"Long que, Shen Li, broken!"

"Yangfeng, Miquan, yaochi, broken..."

Just when everyone was stunned, Shen Lang\'s voice sounded constantly in the void.

Stars continue to bloom, dazzling brilliance, and then soar dozens of times!

The scene that people expected to recover their strength after opening a pulse gate did not appear.

Shen Lang unexpectedly urged his strength to rush all the way along the spirit line!

carry all before one!

However, in a moment, more than 30 pulse gates have been suddenly connected!

"Tu Xing, Shan Zhong, broken!"

"Xuanji, Tiantu, broken..."

Shen Lang didn\'t stop and his speed didn\'t slow down. With each breath, he opened two pulse gates!

"..." everyone present was dumbfounded.

It takes a lot of power to open the pulse gate. After opening it, you have to spend your mind and power to control it and finally stabilize it.

Generally, the strong people of the Jiuchong heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror want to impact this bottleneck. They start to impact one pulse gate at a time. After the impact is successful, the Lingli turns to Danying and opens up this pulse gate stably.

It\'s like leading a war. Don\'t chase the poor aggressors. Take back the troops and go back to Korea.

After gaining momentum, impact the next portal.

In the middle, you may have to swallow many prepared pills or Tiancai Dibao.

This is a long process.

It takes five or six days for most of the quasi imperial martial mirror Jiuchong tianwu to completely open all the pulse gates.

But now, in the blink of an eye, Shen Lang has opened dozens of pulse gates.

And there is no trend to stop!

If you go all the way, you will never stop. Let alone the lack of follow-up power, even if you want to maintain the open pulse gate, you will run out of oil and light in a short time!

Getting through the pulse gate is not only difficult, but also extremely dangerous.

Where on earth did Shen Lang come from, so brave and so rebellious?

How did he go all the way to the end?

The crowd looked at the stars around Shen Lang and burst out dazzling brilliance, completely stunned.

Whether it\'s the martial arts of the alien race or the strong emperor\'s martial mirror of the main magic generals, it\'s a stunned posture

In this strange atmosphere, a few minutes passed.

The 347 pulse gates were completely opened up by Shen Lang without any effort!

Only the last pulse gate is left!

348 pulse gates, only the last pulse gate is left!

At this time, many people are back to God and swallow a mouthful of saliva!


In Shen Lang\'s last soft drink, the last pulse gate opened!

The torrent of energy passed through these pulse gates and formed a strange cycle in Shen Lang\'s body, sending out the sound of rolling waves.

When all the bottlenecks of the imperial martial mirror were broken, Shen Lang\'s breath exploded like a comet!


The wind howled and blew like a knife.

Flying sand and stones, thunder and wind howl!

A vast and unpredictable breath of terror emerged from Shen Lang!

The breath was unfathomable and as vast as the sea.

It also gives people an ancient meaning of vicissitudes polished by countless years.

It\'s like a demon God waking up from his deep sleep, stepping on the ground and supporting the sky, ready to accept the worship of hundreds of millions of creatures