Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1190

At this time, the sky is bright from time to time, and the purple red lightning extends in all directions like a cobweb, and the destructive power is still increasing.

The breath of Shen waves in the array is also constantly improving, impacting towards the peak of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

"My Lord!"

Ling Xue and Ling Yue also cried anxiously.

Don\'t do it for a long time. Shen Lang is really excited and doesn\'t need black hell armor. That\'s terrible!

A group of people in Zhuque mansion stared at Zhulong mansion, and then all their attention was on Shen Lang.

The problem is that there is no way for outsiders to help set up or maintain the array!

Even a large group of powerful people in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror can only watch the robbery cloud become more and more terrible, but they can\'t help at all!

"Be quiet."

Shen Lang in the array said faintly.

At the same time, the energy flowing out of the Tai Chi diagram has reached a certain level, and Shen Lang\'s whole body is filled with unspeakable power.

Chaotic divine power and thunder power mixed together and began to walk in one meridians.

Just like the layout of the war between the two armies, Shen Lang is ready to attack the bottleneck after his strength has been accumulated to a certain extent.

At this time, the people of Zhuque mansion saw that Shen Lang still refused to wear black hell armor, and their eyes became more and more eager.

"Why does it feel a little wrong? Before the left envoy starts to attack the bottleneck, how can the robbery clouds over have accumulated and formed, as if they are about to fall at any time?"

"In theory, the cloud robber will continue to accumulate strength and finally fall after the warrior breaks through the bottleneck of the imperial martial mirror. Now this situation is... It\'s really a little strange, but it\'s true that the thunder robber will fall before the help really breaks through all the bottlenecks?"

"Don\'t talk nonsense. I\'ve never heard that robbing thunder will fall before breaking through the bottleneck... If there is such a thing, it\'s unfair!"

These strong women in Zhuque mansion couldn\'t help scolding their mothers.

Because the robbery cloud in the sky has really reached the final stage and seems to be falling at any time!

This is totally against common sense!

The quasi imperial martial mirror of any race, the nine heavenly strongmen attack the imperial martial mirror, and the thunder should fall only after he breaks through all bottlenecks and reaches the imperial martial mirror.

It\'s like when Shen Lang attacked Wang Wujing, the impact was successful. After Dan Ying came out, the thunder began to fall.

Absolutely no one has heard of this kind of thing before breaking through the bottleneck!

You know, after breaking through the 348 pulse gates and gateways of the imperial martial mirror, although the martial artist will be very weak and exhausted, he has been regarded as the imperial martial mirror after all.

If you don\'t rush away, it will still be the Jiuchong sky of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

The thunder that might not be carried by the strong emperor\'s martial mirror fell on the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror Jiuchong tianwu... It\'s incredible!

God is playing tricks!

A group of people in Zhuque mansion, as well as tens of thousands of foreign fighters, all felt numb and trembled uncontrollably.

They want to shout and make Shen Lang wear black Pluto armor.

Want to release the fear and discomfort at the bottom of my heart.

But I\'m afraid it will affect Shen Lang.

A group of people are suffocating, shortness of breath, undulating chest and staring

"By the way, why hasn\'t the envoy left the power to urge the yuan house up to now?"

Suddenly, someone asked timidly.

All the strong people present were stunned. When they looked at Shen Lang, there was no projection of the yuan house!

Not to mention the robbery of thunder, according to the steps, Shen Lang should be urging the power of the yuan house to lay out 348 pulse gates and gateways, ready to attack the gateways.

Adami, Shi Hao and others let a group of younger generation come here to study, which is also the truth.

When Shen waves hit the porch and pulse gate, every yuan house will have a projection around him.

At the same time, the 348 pulse gates and entrances will also appear on Shen Lang because of their powerful power.

In this way, how Shen Lang used the power of the Yuan government to arrange a spiritual array at the 348 pulse gates, and then how to impact the pulse gates and gateways, everything will be displayed in front of everyone.

For those under the emperor\'s martial mirror, this is a rare opportunity in a thousand years.

People like Shen Lang don\'t care about these.

If other martial artists attack the emperor\'s martial mirror, they will not only find a quiet place, but also clear the square miles!

Because those techniques that impact the pulse gate and the entrance are also the secrets of the martial arts.

Moreover, the impact of emperor\'s martial mirror can not tolerate the influence of foreign objects.

If you are not careful and are interrupted, you may be doomed!

But until now, the thunder in the sky seems to be falling, and Shen Lang hasn\'t urged Yuan Fu!

In other words, he hasn\'t even started to urge his strength to layout 348 pulse gates and gateways?

In this way, if the thunder is really as predicted by the powerful martial mirror of the emperors, it will fall in advance abnormally, isn\'t it all a mess?

"What\'s going on? Why is it like this?" the right envoy Baili Bing paced back and forth in the air. After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "thin shadow, you go and invite mother-in-law Feng. The scene has been a little out of control. Even I can\'t see through all this!"

As soon as Shuying nodded, he was about to start, but suddenly stopped again.

She leaned over as if listening respectfully.

After a while, Shuying was greatly relieved and said, "you envoy, grandma Feng reassured us. She believes that Zuo envoy will be fine."

Right envoy Bai libing opened his mouth and wanted to stop talking. Finally, he nodded fiercely and looked at the Shen wave in the array.

The foreign fighters in the periphery are still talking about the yuan mansion.

"The breath of adults is soaring wildly, and their strength is still rising wildly, but the yuan house is missing. Is it possible that adults don\'t have the yuan house at all?"

"This martial arts system was originally handed down from the upper world. Except for some special races, it basically needs to open up the yuan house. Zuo envoy is a strong man of the human race. His cultivation is so powerful. How can there be no yuan house?"

"Then why not urge the yuan house? The yuan house is equal to the second Dan baby. The more yuan houses opened up, the better. It is impossible to break through 348 pulse gates and gateways by relying on the power of Dan baby alone?"

Duanmuzheng, standing in the crowd, finally couldn\'t help it: "fool, you know a fart. My boss\'s ten yuan house is full. How can there be no yuan house?"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, ice, yin and Yang, all of which are owned by the boss. He disdains the power to urge the yuan house!"

Brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush.

At this time, a tall stone man youth beside duanmuzheng said, "hahaha, duanmuzheng brothers are just joking. Who doesn\'t know that the grand round of the yuan house is the grand round of the eight yuan house? You unexpectedly come up with the grand round of the ten yuan house!"

"I\'m afraid I\'ll kick you thousands of miles away if you let adults know that you flatter so disorderly. Ha ha!"

The martial artists of all nationalities around also laughed.

However, in only one day, these people have become one with Duanmu Zhenghe and the four bone demons, but they don\'t have much ridicule.

Laughter also has goodwill.

Shen Lang has already deeply convinced this group of alien elites.

It\'s just that three-year-old children know such things as ten yuan house and eight yuan house. Duanmuzheng\'s Zombie flatters this thing. As expected, he\'s not very enlightened.

As we all know, the elements between heaven and earth are divided into three systems, and the main body is twelve elements.

The first is the natural system, including gold, wood, fire, water, earth, ice, wind and thunder;

The second system is the space-time system, including space and time;

The third system is the creation system, including Yin and Yang;

Theoretically, the twelve elements can be condensed into a corresponding yuan house.

But this is just theory.

In fact, it is completely impossible.

The time and space of the space-time system are not enough. For example, the rosefinch family can control part of the space rules. In history, a great emperor also controls the space rules. Although it can not be said to be perfect, it is controlled after all.

But when it comes to time, it\'s impolite to say that even the gods and demons in the upper world are difficult to touch!

How can ordinary warriors in the world open up two yuan houses of time and space?

Under the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, unless the rosefinch family is a congenital divine beast, where is the qualification to contact the unpredictable rules of time and space?

Although time and space are one of the elements, they are also the supreme rules of heaven and earth.

Rules, this is something that even the most powerful may not be able to touch.

The "Yin" and "Yang" of the creation system are at most a little worse than the time rules, and they are also the highest level elements.

Yin includes all kinds of shadows, such as the dead Qi between heaven and earth;

Yang, including all the energy of the bright class from Yang to gang, such as Lei Li;

The combination of yin and yang can evolve the five elements and breed life!

A martial artist can finally open up the Lei Yuan mansion of Zhiyang Zhigang because he practices the Lei family skills, but he can\'t have the opportunity to condense the "Yang" Yuan mansion if he doesn\'t reach the Wu realm of the great emperor in the understanding of the natural Avenue.

Yin yuan mansion is the same.

"Yin" and "Yang" have been far beyond the level of Yuan government and directly communicate with Tiandi Avenue.

If you want to open up Yin yuan mansion or Yang Yuan mansion, it\'s impossible.

It is even more impossible for someone to open up these two kinds of positive and negative extreme Yuan government at the same time.

Everyone laughed and felt that duanmuzheng flattered the horse\'s legs.

As we all know, once all the eight yuan houses in the Department of nature are opened up, the yuan house will be a perfect state.

There are eight powerful quasi emperor martial mirrors in the Yuan Dynasty. It\'s not rare. I haven\'t heard of it at all, okay!

Not to mention, even Yin yuan house and Yang Yuan house have opened up people.

When Duanmu saw the crowd laughing, he laughed and said, "you guys, if I say you are steamed stuffed buns, the boss may be angry, but compared with my experience, you are really no different from steamed stuffed buns!"