Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1185

Hearing Xueshi\'s voice, Shen Lang closed his eyes and whispered, "advance to the emperor\'s martial mirror the day after tomorrow, then refine the green dragon\'s blood essence in the fengtianding, and finally go to the Wanyao mansion as the left envoy of the rosefinch mansion."

"Take Alice back to the moonlight woodland after the temporary armistice between the two sides."

After seeing the eternal tree in the amber dream and witnessing the strength of the green dragon family, Shen Lang is no longer worried about the eternal tree.

In the amber dream, there are already three Dragon Kings and a group of strong people of the green dragon family;

The ice emperor also helped them to hit the three great kings of the blood clan.

It seems that the four great emperors have also noticed this side;

Under the condition that the four great emperors of the blood clan have been seriously injured, even if there are terrible demons such as demon bone blood descent, the blood clan can\'t get the green dragon family.

The green dragons are only afraid of blood ancestors and demon masters.

The others didn\'t pay attention at all.

Although the demon blood descendants are powerful, and many may even have the cultivation of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, this thing that has been refined like a puppet can\'t be stronger than the great emperor.

In front of the great emperor, the number of demon blood descendants could not pose a threat at all.

Since there is no threat to the eternal tree, the green dragon\'s blood essence has also been obtained. Shen Langlai\'s goal of barbarism has basically been realized.

After rescuing the people of all races who are the source of pain and seizing the source of pain, Shen Lang will go to the secret place of the witch family next, and then prepare to find the heavenly book and the five Heavenly God soldiers.

Shen Lang told thin waist and others to protect the eternal tree and stop fighting with the ten thousand demon house, but he was perfunctory and even fooled the strong men in the demon God hall.

With the strength of the blood clan now revealed, there is no alternative to the green dragon clan with three emperors.

After the armistice between the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion

On the one hand, Shen Lang got a gold medal for those people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall;

On the other hand, Shen Lang marginalized the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall in the battlefield of the plague place through the armistice, leaving the main battlefield to the blood clan and the demon God hall.

Let the two sides start a tug of war here and kill each other\'s strength!

The battlefield connecting the dark gate of the blood ancestral mausoleum may have been formed or will be formed.

On the other side of the dark gate, presided over by the four great emperors, attracted thousands of families and countless sects in the world, which is a real big battlefield;

As for here, when the blood clan emperor did not dare to come again, it was at best a small battlefield.

But if Shen Lang plans here, the small battlefield can also make him big.

No, just after the confrontation, the blood clan and the demon God hall have almost lost hundreds of powerful imperial martial mirror!

This war situation is almost unimaginable!

If the eternal tree is not found, the blood clan will not stop, and the demon God hall will not withdraw.

Then let the battlefield continue.

Let them bite the dog and fight forever

These are just Shen Lang\'s plans. Xue Shiyin didn\'t hear Shen Lang explain too much.

But she is connected with Shen Lang and has experienced all this. She has almost figured out Shen Lang\'s ideas.

Xue Shiyin also knows that what Shen Lang cares about now is the people trapped by all major races in the source of pain in Moonlight City.

After this group of people are rescued, Shen Lang can let go and promote the demon God hall and blood clan war.

Then, sit and watch a good play!

After watching several good plays, it is estimated that Shen Lang will also leave the plague land to find Tianshu and the five Heavenly God soldiers.

Looking at Shen Lang from behind, Xue Shiyin\'s eyes showed deep love.

This man is always so extraordinary.

No matter where it is, it can bloom like a star.

But this extraordinary man always only cares about others, never cares about himself, and doesn\'t know how to take care of himself

I often make myself like this.

Shen Lang felt the emotion of snow poetry sound, turned his head slightly, gently patted the back of a snow poetry sound\'s hand and comforted, "don\'t worry, it\'ll be fine. You\'ll have a good practice in it during this time."

"HMM." Xue Shiyin\'s face was a little red and said, "what kind of monster is that demon bone blood clan? Are there many demon bone blood clan? I don\'t think those guys in the demon Temple know very well. Don\'t you explain to them so that they can be ready?"

Shen Lang sighed and said, "the level of the left and right envoys of the main devil generals should know something about the devil\'s blood and blood. I\'m too lazy to tell them in detail."

"Demon blood descendants are the first batch of demon servants of blood ancestors. It is said that there were demon blood descendants before the blood families were born."

"The first group of demon blood descendants are said to be gifted human strongmen. Later, they were transformed into etheric demons by blood ancestors."

"They don\'t need to suck blood, but they are extremely powerful and can wantonly absorb the energy of chaos between heaven and earth."

"The strength of the flesh is indestructible, as strong as a God or devil."

Shen Lang\'s face was a little dignified and continued: "in the blood clan rebellion millions of years ago, the blood clan had obvious advantages and almost reached the peak. In addition to relying on the spread of viruses, it was because there were demons like demon bones and blood descendants."

"Most of the accomplishments of these demons are in the military realm of the great emperor, and the number is also extremely large, which once plunged the ten thousand ethnic coalition into a bitter battle."

"Later, it was said that it took tens of thousands of years for the strong of all major races to specifically target these demon blood descendants and cut them off one by one."

"After cutting off these demon bones and blood descendants, the ten thousand nationality coalition finally trapped the blood ancestor in the \'nightmare abyss\', finally sealed it, and then broke the blood ancestor mausoleum into the space-time crack."

Xue Shiyin said with a fretting look: "since all of them have been cut off, how can there be three now? Did the blood clan stay in the blood ancestral mausoleum millions of years ago, or did the blood ancestor recreate it after being sealed in the blood ancestral mausoleum?"

Shen Lang hesitated and said, "it\'s possible... According to the current information, it\'s more likely to stay in the blood ancestral mausoleum."

"Since the blood ancestor is not dead, I\'m afraid the blood clan now has more than three or two."

"The blood clan rebellion millions of years ago, the more I see it, the more it looks like a calculation of the blood ancestor. He hides his really powerful power in the blood ancestor mausoleum and waits for the nine stars to connect beads. This time, the trouble in the world will not be smaller than that in those years."

Xue Shiyin looked surprised and said, "if they had been in the blood ancestral mausoleum millions of years ago, and these demon bones and blood descendants had been bathed in the power of blood ancestry for millions of years, then... How terrible is that?"

"If the blood ancestor didn\'t die and hid most of his power in the blood ancestor mausoleum early, wouldn\'t it be much more terrible than that?"

Shen Lang pretended to be relaxed and said, "don\'t think so much. Things haven\'t been so bad yet."

"The blood clan is strong, but it\'s also hard for the upper demon temple."

"The demon Temple didn\'t know why and didn\'t do it."

"But now it\'s different..."

Xue Shiyin was stunned: "why is it different?"

Shen Lang said in a low voice, "because jingle is in the world, because she is the eldest lady of the demon temple. The demon temple will be desperate to protect her."

Xue Shiyin\'s palm suddenly trembled: "why... Why is this? Dingdang is clearly from my snow family. She has nothing to do with the demon temple from beginning to end. Why is this?"

After a moment of silence, Shen Lang sighed and said, "poetry..."

Xue Shiyin was stunned.

In the past, Shen Lang seldom called her that.

"What\'s the matter?" Xue Shiyin went around in front of Shen Lang, squatted down and looked up at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was about to stop talking. After a while, he said, "you\'ve heard this sentence."

"An old guy told me that you and tinkle are likely to have two flowers."

Xue Shiyin was surprised, immediately smiled and said, "so what? I don\'t care at all. I don\'t know what will happen to Liangsheng flowers."

Shen Lang closed his eyes and murmured, "there\'s one thing I haven\'t understood, but I chose to believe."

"Someone told me that you and Dingdang are actually the same person in their previous lives. It\'s just a soul in two. The reincarnation becomes you and Dingdang."

Xue Shiyin stared round with beautiful eyes and said, "I\'m the same person as Dingdang\'s previous life? This... How can there be such a thing?"

After saying this, she smiled again, shrugged and said, "isn\'t that good, i... I don\'t have such a big burden in my heart. I don\'t have to bear the pressure of traditional ethics, very good!"

"Well... In fact, I also believe it. If it is not the fetters of previous lives and this life, why do I recognize you at a glance and have no reason to recognize you?"

"If Dingdang and I were one person and two souls in our previous lives, there was an accident. You... Didn\'t protect us. Remember, you owe us all your life!"

The more free and easy the snow poetry is, the more uncomfortable Shen Lang is.

Shen Lang opened his mouth and said with a little difficulty: "the legendary twin flowers, also known as the other shore flower, can\'t see the leaves when the flowers bloom, can\'t see the flowers when there are leaves, the flowers and leaves don\'t meet, and the birth is wrong."

"The Buddhist Scripture says: the flowers on the other side will bloom for a thousand years and fall for a thousand years. The flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not cause and effect, and fate is doomed to life and death."

Xue Shiyin smiled: "I don\'t know what this means, and I don\'t understand what the two flowers are... Does it mean that Dingdang and I will go to tragedy? I don\'t care at all."

"I\'m satisfied to be with you for so long."

"I don\'t dare to expect the world to grow old, but I cherish every minute and second we are together now."

"God let me find you and stay with you. This is my greatest reward."

"If fate is doomed that one day, there is only one person alive between me and Dingdang, let me leave with a smile and let Dingdang come with you..."

Shen Lang\'s nose was sour. He couldn\'t help holding Xue Shiyin\'s palm between his hands: "don\'t say such silly words!"

Xue Shiyin pursed her mouth and looked at Shen Lang without talking.

Shen Lang said in a hoarse voice, "nothing in this world is doomed."

"I don\'t understand the matter of liangshenghua, but I understand that I won\'t allow anyone or anything to hurt you!"

"Whether he is a God or a devil, or fate!"

"Since I am the son of fate, since I can rewrite fate, will I let fate tease us at will?"

Shen Lang sat in his chair, leaned forward, gently leaned his forehead against the forehead of Xue Shiyin, and murmured, "promise me, don\'t give up at any time. Love is not a choice."

"The thorns in front of us work hard to break open, accompany me down, and grow old slowly together, okay?"

"Grow old slowly together..." she looked at Shen Lang with determination. In an instant, Xue Shiyin burst into tears.