Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1186

Xihuang Zhuque mansion.

LAN Mengling sat on the king\'s chair and looked at everything on the light curtain without expression.

Everything on the light curtain is what happened in the wild plague!

Scenes of shocking things flashed from the light curtain, but LAN Mengling remained silent.

When the scene switched to the meeting hall of Zhuque mansion and fell on Shen Lang, LAN Mengling\'s face changed and his eyes stopped on Xue Shiyin, a woman dressed as a man next to Shen Lang!

"Snow poetry!"

Blue Mengling\'s hand on the throne trembled slightly, and the back of the chair was shattered in an instant!

Softly sipped as like as two peas, and a shadow slowly rose from the blue dream spirit, and then condensed into a dream of the same blue dream.

LAN Mengling, who stood up, gently moved the lotus step and said in a cold voice, "send a message to Baili Bing in the plague land. Within three days, let her build a one-way portal from the West wasteland to the plague land."

"I want to go to the plague place myself."

In the void, a shadow appeared out of thin air, knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "yes!"


In the spacious secret room of the cold iron Hall of Cuixia mountain, the sound of snow poetry has fallen asleep.

A large Dharma array on her bed is releasing circles of soft light to envelop her.

At this level, martial artists actually don\'t need sleep.

However, the war between Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng was so thrilling. Xue Shiyin watched the whole audience in Feng Tianding, and her mental fatigue was no worse than Shen Lang.

Therefore, under Shen Lang\'s persuasion, she let Shen Lang arrange it, concentrate on restoring the Dharma array and sleep.

Shen Lang sat two meters away, quietly looking at the sleeping snow poetry. In his eyes, there was a brilliant flash.

People who have been entangled in previous lives and this life.

Always make him so distressed.

Should I change my willfulness of giving up all crazy fighting

A real man should not let his women be afraid.

Shen Lang sighed softly and closed his eyes.

But my thoughts thought of the devil\'s blood.

Until this time, Shen Lang had time to think about the devil\'s blood.

When the demon blood descendant appeared, Shen Lang found a detail, but he never told anyone.

When the demon blood descendant appeared and chased the strong ones in the demon God hall, Shen Lang clearly saw a thick smell of corpse and death!

In this plague land, the corpse Qi and death Qi are the most intense, so no one in the rest of the strong demon Temple noticed the strangeness.

Only when Shen Lang\'s grasp of power is accurate enough to be incredible, can he find that the corpse Qi and dead Qi are much more surging and pure than those here in the plague land!

Moreover, it is all distributed by the demon bone blood descent itself!

The legendary demon blood descendants can absorb many kinds of energy between heaven and earth, even violent chaotic energy, or magic Qi.

But the final transformation is basically the "blood energy" which is not different from the blood family.

Simply put, in the records of the war temple, the demon blood descendants have never used corpse Qi or death Qi.

But the demon blood descendant who was killed by the golden winged ROC king is like a zombie like Duanmu evil!

No, although zombies also have dead gas, zombies mainly control dead gas. They can\'t have such terrible and pure dead gas!

Only from this detail, it seems that even if the demon blood descendants can use corpse Qi and dead Qi, it doesn\'t seem to be a great thing.

But not long ago, Shen Lang learned the most detailed information about the "ultimate war" of the blood clan chaos in the amber dream

In that war, the soul ancestor was wounded by the blood ancestor, the corpse ancestor was suppressed by the blood ancestor mausoleum, and the other ancestors were also injured.

Moreover, Shen Lang is beginning to doubt that all this is the calculation of Xuezu!

This makes Shen Lang have to guess

Did the blood ancestor obtain the cells and blood essence of the other five ancestors, and then use the "blood god atlas" to create a more powerful demon bone blood descendant?

If so, it would be a big trouble.

If the five ancestors above the five emperors are used by the blood ancestors and the blood ancestors themselves, then the six ancestors have gathered together!

No one can be sure that the demon blood descendants created by the blood ancestor through such means will be far more than the martial realm of the great emperor, close to or even reach the level of the great emperor?

Mass production of the great emperor, even Shen Lang\'s mind was startled!

"The demonic blood descendants now are extremely terrible, which is far from being comparable in those years. I hope my guess is wrong, I hope I am groundless... Anyway, the great emperor needs to control the field and understand the rules to achieve it."

"No matter how strong the devil\'s blood is, it is just a man-made tool. It\'s better to say that a puppet is a machine. It\'s just a pure violent power. It\'s definitely not to say that it reaches the level of the great emperor."

"But if the demon blood descendants no longer have the power of the great emperor\'s martial realm, but can break through the triple heaven or even the quadruple heaven in the great emperor\'s martial realm, and there are a large number... How can the human world deal with such a disaster?"

At the bottom of Shen Lang\'s heart, there was a rare uneasiness: "no, no matter what, let the demon God Temple face the blood clan and let them die!"

"Only with the help of the power of the demon temple can we deal with such things as demon bone blood descendants!"

After making up his mind, Shen Lang pressed down his uneasiness and began to practice.

The day after tomorrow, we are going to attack the emperor\'s martial mirror. There is only one day left for Shen Lang.


Shen Lang guessed the trend of blood clan and ten thousand demon mansion.

Under the supervision of the strong man of Zhuque mansion, after chasing and killing the demon God hall for a distance, the blood clan all withdrew and began to rebuild Luocha city;

On the other side of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, they are strictly guarded and ready to prevent the devil temple from attacking again.

More than a day has passed, and the smoke and dust over the plague has not dissipated.

But finally entered a strange calm.

More than 200 miles to the south of the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion, at the edge of Cuixia mountain, Shen Lang\'s large array handed over to Shuying and others has been successfully arranged.

Around this large array, tens of thousands of wild aliens surrounded it.

A group of strong people in Zhuque mansion are suspended in the void and separated around.

Most of the strong men in the Zhuque mansion are women. They are valiant and have a huge atmosphere, which has attracted tens of thousands of foreigners.

Everyone was waiting with great excitement, and no one dared to make a noise.

In that void, terrible thoughts hovered nearby.

That\'s the spirit of the strong in Fenghuang mansion, Zhulong mansion and Taotie mansion.

Shen Lang had to attack the imperial martial mirror before he recovered from his serious injury, which obviously made these strong men very curious.

There was no noise on the court, but every thought was communicating rapidly.

"It\'s said that the left envoy hasn\'t recovered from his serious injury. Why are you ready to attack the imperial martial mirror at this time? Shouldn\'t you be prepared for the Zerg to attack the legendary realm of the imperial martial mirror?"

"If you change someone else, you must prepare a lot and be escorted by a group of strong men, but our leader is not ordinary... Do you know why he was injured? It\'s because he killed the strong man of imperial martial mirror with the cultivation of quasi imperial martial mirror!"

"Shit, really? Although the leader is powerful, you cave people won\'t flatter him to such an extent?"

"Praise your sister, this is what our clan leader said personally! Don\'t you know to ask your Shi Ren clan leader?"

"It\'s nice to see the strong men in Zhuque mansion. Everyone is better than our clan leader, and so many beautiful female strong men are under our leader\'s hands, tut tut..."

"Are you impatient? Dare you talk about the adults above? Do you think you and I communicate with God below, which the adults can\'t hear?"

"I\'m not talking. I\'m praising them for their good looks, which are better than the Shura women... Aren\'t they?"

"Shut up and look, the ambassador left is coming!"

Everyone\'s eyes, brush, looked to the West.

Far away, Shen Lang strided calmly from the void, followed by snow poetry and thin shadow.

And behind Xue Shiyin, there are four bone demons, such as Duanmu Zhenghe and bone... These guys are about to become followers. They have to join in any excitement. They don\'t want zombies and bone demons anymore.

Shen Lang, who walked in front, did not make any special moves.

But his every move has a natural and unrestrained dignity.

His eyes swept, and the time on the field was so quiet that the needle could be heard.

Everyone raised their heads and looked excitedly at the legendary "leader" of the alien alliance, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

"Why are so many people here?"

Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the cave man adami, the strong man of the stone people, Shi Hao and others in the air.

Adami was a little embarrassed and said, "these young people are the elites of all ethnic groups in the plague land. They have never seen adults. They know that adults want to attack the emperor\'s martial mirror, so they all want to see and learn."

As he said this, adami clearly had a sly flash in his eyes.

Shi Hao and others did not speak, but they all nodded together.

Shen Lang just looked at adami\'s expression and understood that it was deliberately done by the heads of all ethnic groups.

On the one hand, people of all ethnic groups are still very strange to Shen Lang, the leader;

So adami deliberately let them come here to witness Shen Lang\'s advanced imperial martial mirror and see Shen Lang\'s power.

This is much more useful than their commands and verbal explanations.

The savage alien worships strength and warriors. Only by showing them the extraordinary of Shen Lang can they really be convinced.

On the other hand, the advanced imperial martial mirror can not be found. For any martial artist under the imperial martial mirror, it will benefit infinitely.

Especially adami and Shi Hao, who are the peak of quasi imperial martial mirror.

Look at this advanced level. Maybe it will be advanced soon

Therefore, after discussing with Shuying, adami and others selected the elites of all major races and sent them here.

Shen Lang nodded slightly, fell to the ground and was ready to enter the array.

"Sir, wait a minute."

Shi Hao, the eldest of the Shiren clan, shouted.

Shen Lang turned around and said, "is uncle Shi Hao still busy?"

Shi Hao bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang

"I, the stone people, want to make some modest efforts before adults attack the emperor\'s martial mirror."

As soon as the voice fell, the strong man of the huge stone people came out from behind Shi Hao step by step.