Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1184

Seeing that he did not speak, all the strong men present did not speak.

The two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha were tossed like this by Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, but they still readily agreed to Shen Lang\'s "alliance" plan.

It can be seen how much they trust Shen Lang!

Mother-in-law Feng, who can\'t be invited by the major devil generals, has promised to accompany Shen Lang to the ten thousand demon mansion. It can be seen how important Shen Lang is in mother-in-law Feng\'s heart.

Looking at this, the standing lines of Zhulong mansion, Taotie mansion and Phoenix Mansion were indeed brilliant!

At this time, Wang Chunyang, a strong man in the right envoy Department of Zhuque mansion, stepped forward and asked respectfully, "Sir Zuo envoy, what should we do now?"

They immediately stared at Shen Lang without blinking.

The demon temple was defeated so badly. Now the situation is delicate. Everyone feels helpless. They can only place their hope on Shen Lang.

Shen Lang waved his hand a little tired and said, "what else can I do to rest."

"It\'s almost impossible to wait for the strong one from the devil\'s side for less than a month and a half, unless you rely on the portal... I\'m surprised that the strong ones in the martial mirror of the devil Temple run everywhere, and the resources are unparalleled in the world. Why are you so lazy that you haven\'t even built a portal?"

Wang Chunyang blushed and said timidly, "all the people in the devil general\'s house think that with our strength, we can directly eradicate the blood clan in less than a month, so they have never thought of continuing to send troops..."

To put it bluntly, the people in the demon temple are too confident.

I thought I could sweep everything with such a powerful force now.

I never thought about preparing for a long war.

Shen Lang pressed his temple with a headache and said, "well, next, you should build some portal first, and the cost will be charged to those who came back alive."

The farther away the space portal is, the more difficult it is to build.

The resources and efforts required for construction are also very huge.

From the place of plague, build a portal to connect the headquarters of the demon temple... If you don\'t like it, you can almost ruin a strong man in the five Heaven of imperial martial mirror!

Seeing that Shen Lang still remembered the cost of the portal at this time, they all turned their eyes when they counted the cost on those people who came back alive.

This guy really shouldn\'t be the left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

More suitable for his position, should be the finance minister of Zhuque house!

The right envoy turned his eyes, winked at the people of the right envoy department, and quietly wanted to leave the conference hall.

"Right envoy, wait a minute." Shen Langtou didn\'t lift his head and stopped Baili Bing.

Bai libing bit his teeth and stopped, rolled his eyes and said, "is there anything else for the left envoy?"

Shen Lang smiled: "you envoy, can\'t you forget the gamble between you and me?"

"Before the battle between the demon temple and the blood clan, you and I had a bet..."

The rest of the people in the devil general\'s house looked very excited.

Shen Lang continued, "if I lose, I will be blamed by the upper authorities and I will bear all the things. In addition, in the future, I will be the right envoy to follow suit and will never disobey."

"If I win, you will listen to me in the future. Don\'t mess around all day."

"Now that the demon temple has been defeated and returned, does the right envoy have anything else to say?"

All the people in the first Department of the right envoy looked at the right envoy Baili Bing strangely.

Bai libing opened his mouth several times, and finally said in a deep voice, "I\'m willing to admit defeat. In the future, the first Department of the right envoy will obey the instructions of the left envoy, and there will be no second words!"

After saying this, right envoy Baili\'s ice face turned red, squinted his eyes and glared at Shen Lang.

It\'s really humiliating to lose the bet this time.

However, although she lost face, she had to admire Shen Lang.

This guy is terrible

Everything seems to be in his hands.

In other words, everything was in his expectation!

No wonder the "king of the sky and wind" let him sit here and command all the strong before he left.

In the meeting hall of Zhuque mansion, all the people in the right envoy department were in low spirits;

The left envoys are full of energy and momentum;


Baili Bing threw his cloak behind him and walked out of the conference hall without looking back.

Right make a group of strong men, like a defeated rooster, hook up their heads and go out behind Baili Bing.

Thin waist and other demons surprised the strong men in the mansion... This guy has just arrived here and has already finished Baili Bing?

Anyway, the right envoy Baili Bing is the real top of the imperial martial mirror eight times!

Moreover, after so many years in Zhuque mansion, the forces are deeply rooted.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fought against Shen Lang, they were defeated like a mountain. In the future, the right envoy will listen to Shen Lang, the left envoy?

Originally, everyone thought that the left and right envoys would toss around for a period of time!

Is that a little too fast?

Shen Lang\'s means are really

Shen Lang didn\'t bother to pay attention to the strange eyes of the people. He touched out a jade slip and handed it to Shuying and said, "Shuying, take eight strong imperial martial mirrors with more than six days. Help me arrange this array in one day."

"Choose your location, just outside the cold iron hall."

Shuying was stunned: "array? Sir, what is this array used for?"

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "what are you doing? I\'m going to attack the emperor\'s martial mirror the day after tomorrow? Arrange a defense array to deal with the thunder robbery."

"Ga?" everyone was dumbfounded.

This guy is not bragging. Are you really going to attack the imperial martial mirror the day after tomorrow?

Well, mother-in-law Feng gave him "black hell armor". Even if she really hit the emperor\'s martial mirror, there should be no great danger.

The candle dragon mansion looked at the jade slips in Shuying\'s hand with a slight movement and said, "unexpectedly, there is an array to help advance the emperor\'s martial mirror in the hands of the left envoy. It seems that the left envoy is proficient in the way of array?"

"Slightly understand, slightly understand." Shen Lang responded with two sentences.

A group of people have straight eyes - a little understanding, a little understanding, how much?

"Everyone has dispersed. Let\'s have a rest."

Then Shen Lang yawned, turned and walked out.

The strong man of Zhulong mansion was surprised and hurriedly shouted, "don\'t you arrange it, Ambassador Zuo?"

Shen Lang turned impatiently and said, "what\'s the arrangement? Are you afraid of the blood clan or the ten thousand demon mansion?"

The thin waist didn\'t speak, but her eyes showed that she was worried about it.

Not only is she worried, many people present are worried.

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "well, well, neither the blood clan nor the ten thousand demon mansion can fight under such circumstances. They are not as free as you."

"There is mother-in-law Feng in the demon temple, and there is king Dapeng with golden wings in the Wanyao mansion... And the people in the Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall are unharmed, and their momentum is at the peak. This time, the blood clan is also seriously injured. As long as ox\'s head is not ill, it is impossible to continue to work under this situation."

"In addition, the blood clan has been taking a defensive stance. Why?"

"To find the eternal tree!"

"They didn\'t come to this plague place to compete with the demon temple for life and death!"

"Really, it\'s also after destroying the eternal tree and letting the Qi of Yin permeate the whole world."

"I even dare to promise that as long as the ten thousand demon house and the demon God hall don\'t start, the blood clan will keep silent until they find and destroy the eternal tree!"

Thin waist was a little embarrassed by Shen Lang, and his head lowered slightly.

Shen Lang said again, "ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall can\'t fight at this time."

"The reason why they don\'t call is the same as the above one."

"As long as mother-in-law Feng is here, they don\'t dare to move. Moreover, they come here running for the eternal tree in order to find and protect the eternal tree."

"Now the moonlight forest land is occupied by the blood clan. Killing or expelling the blood clan as soon as possible is what they want to do most!"

"Come and fight with the devil temple, and then the cheap blood clan. This is what idiots do."

Then Shen Lang pointed to the light curtain and said, "open your mouth and shut your mouth to destroy this and that. Only these fools can do it!"

This time, it\'s not just a thin waist. A group of strong people in the demon temple are a little embarrassed by Shen Lang.

In fact, there are Taotie mansion, Zhulong mansion and Phoenix Mansion who rush out to fight with the blood clan.

Otherwise, they wouldn\'t want to ask grandma Feng to do it before.

Shen Lang continued, "please think about it. What is the reason why the demon king sent you here?"

"To destroy the blood clan and protect the eternal tree is the first important thing!"

"Otherwise, why do I say I want to talk about cooperation with Wanyao mansion?"

"The two heavenly kings were put together by the ten thousand demon mansion and were seriously injured. Why did you promise to cooperate with them?"

"It\'s all because you want to hold the eternal tree and don\'t want the eternal tree to fall into the hands of the blood clan!"

Shen Lang said a few words and fooled the strong men in the demon temple into dizziness... Nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of this, Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "let\'s go and have a good rest."

"The day after tomorrow, after I advance to the emperor\'s martial mirror, I\'ll follow my mother-in-law to the ten thousand demon mansion... You build the portal as soon as possible so that the strong in the demon temple can arrive early, that\'s all."

With that, Shen Lang swaggered out with Xue Shiyin.

A group of alien strongmen followed and dragged a long dragon.

The people of Zhulong mansion, Taotie mansion and Fenghuang mansion completely dissipated their contempt for Shen Lang without leaving a trace.

In the room, Xue Shiyin stood behind Shen Lang, clenched his hands and was beating Shen Lang\'s shoulder regularly.

On her fist, a circle of spiritual light shines continuously. When she hits it, a group of spiritual power will break into Shen Lang\'s body.

"What about the back...?"

Xue Shiyin finally couldn\'t help asking.

There is no one who knows the identity of the annihilation God thunder king and Shen langzhan emperor better than Xue Shiyin.

The demon temple and the blood clan are both defeated this time. Others don\'t know. How Can Xue Shiyin not know that Shen langgan did it?