Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1183

Rao is the "king of the sea and water" and "king of the sky and wind". He has seen countless storms and waves, and he can never guess. They both ended up like this. It was all the ghost of the smiling left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

When they entrusted Shen Lang with the important task of the demon temple, they couldn\'t imagine more. Shen Lang was thinking about how to cut their heads with the knife of the devil\'s blood!

"It\'s important for the two heavenly kings to heal their wounds. I\'ll take care of the rest. There won\'t be any trouble with me." Shen Lang said with great concern.

"Thank you, Ambassador Zuo." the two heavenly kings looked at Shen Lang gratefully, nodded slightly, and disappeared into the conference hall out of thin air.

As soon as the two men left, Shen Lang frowned.

If these two people are angry and want to fight with the blood clan or the ten thousand demon mansion, there are still many opportunities to take the opportunity to kill them.

With these two people\'s current virtue, two dozen and one dozen can\'t beat the devil\'s blood, and two dozen and one can\'t beat the moon\'s shallow.

The chances of killing them are great.

But these two people can settle down and shut up under such circumstances.

Sure enough, he has the ruthless nature of the great devil!

They hide like a shrinking turtle. There is mother-in-law Feng in charge here. Shen Lang is not good at playing with these two people for the time being.

There are four heavenly kings in Tiangang and Disha, and their status is still above the leaders.

Yu Mudong\'s blessed land was overcast by Bai Luobing. These two should have been destroyed directly, but they were saved by mother-in-law Feng!

It seems that there is no end

"Ambassador Zuo, Congratulations!"

Taotie mansion right envoy Feng stepped forward a hundred years and hugged Shen Lang.

When the others saw this, they all came forward one by one and congratulated Shen Lang.

"The main demons in the demon God hall are intriguing. The strong are respected. With my current cultivation, I can\'t suppress the strong with perverse temperament... How happy is it?"

Shen Lang looked at Feng for a hundred years.

He is forcing this group of people to take a stand and stand in line.

Sure enough, when Shen Lang said this, Xiang Xiaoya, the strong man of the Phoenix House, came out and said, "the left envoy is worried too much. With the means of the left envoy, plus the power given by the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, and mother-in-law Feng to support you, it\'s nothing to take care of those waste firewood."

"Besides, on the one hand, you have the support of Zhuque mansion, on the other hand, you also have our support. Those guys can\'t jump!"

Shen Lang couldn\'t help taking a look at this Xiaoya.

He met this woman once when he was in the dragon scale temple and didn\'t feel much.

And before that, the woman never spoke.

But at the critical moment, he was the first to react. It seems that he is not an easy person.

If Shen Lang remembers correctly, black phoenix Lin Yafeng is a little wary of this woman... The head of Phoenix House is wary of a subordinate, which can explain more problems.

"When Lord Xiang said this, I was relieved. I hope you will take good care of me if anything happens at that time." Shen Lang said with a salute.

At this time, Taotie mansion wind for a hundred years and candle dragon mansion thin waist all reflected.

They also came forward and said something like Xiang Xiaoya.

The meaning is nothing more than that we are on your side. If other devil generals are not satisfied, we will beat him together!

The four demons unite the house, plus the chicken feathers of the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha... Oh, no, it\'s the Lingjian, and then grandma Feng as the backing. Who dares to be crazy?

I\'m kidding

This boy is about to become the son-in-law of the devil Lord. The house owners of the devil generals may not be qualified to be brothers with him!

Now the attitude of the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha shows unreservedly. Shen Lang is backed by mother-in-law Feng, who is stronger than Tiangang and Disha. Who dares to oppose him?

Moreover, the strong people in Zhuque mansion are unharmed, all in their peak state.

If you really want to conflict with other devil generals, which devil can resist it?

What\'s more, the boy himself is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Although this guy hasn\'t reached the cultivation level of emperor Wujing, he almost always controls the overall situation. He is as intelligent as a demon. His eyes are always cloudy. Being stared at by him can make the strong of emperor Wujing angry. He is definitely not a good offending Lord!

Now he has so much power that he angered him and sent your devil\'s house directly to the front as cannon fodder. What can you do?

Thin waist and wind for hundreds of years all regretted that they reacted too slowly and were robbed of the limelight by Xiang Xiaoya.

Shen Lang was not willing to be such an embarrassing "leader" in his heart.

However, with such a few forces in hand, it is somehow a little dependent, and it is not afraid of fewer people when fighting.

And if you get this right, it will be more convenient and convenient to pit the demon temple.

It is conceivable that a man engaged in underground work broke into the enemy and became the enemy\'s most powerful leader.

At that time, how brilliant it will be!

"If you don\'t kill you completely, how can you be worthy of the two heavenly kings? But if you want to pit, you still need to take the blood clan to pit. You still need to protect them at the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall."

Shen Lang happily patted Feng\'s shoulders for hundreds of years.

The people who were patted on the shoulder by him were also very happy.

In the conference hall, the atmosphere is quite harmonious and harmonious

At this time, Shuying of Zhuque mansion suddenly said, "Sir, what should I do to negotiate in Wanyao mansion?"

"If you go to the ten thousand demon mansion at that time, my subordinates will go with you."

"Take the elite of our Zhuque mansion..."

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "what are you doing with so many people? It\'s not going to fight."

"If you really want to fight, it\'s just the power of Zhuque house, which can\'t compete with the combination of several forces such as Wanyao house and qianhun hall."

"I\'ll go alone."

"What?" the eyes of the strong men in the presence of the demons suddenly stared round.

In this sentence, not only the strong people of all ethnic groups in the plague land behind, but also the strong people in the demon Temple who were a little indifferent to Shen Lang, now have to obey.

Shen Lang\'s current cultivation is the quasi emperor martial mirror.

Even if he can advance smoothly in two days, it is just the beginning of emperor Wujing.

This kind of cultivation can easily crush anyone who comes out of the ten thousand demon house or the thousand soul hall!

It\'s no exaggeration to say that there is a dragon pond and tiger\'s den over there!

"No," he said. "Before we set out from the rosefinch house, the highness of the princess told us again and again to protect the adults even at all costs."

"In such a hostile situation, it\'s very dangerous for adults to go alone!"

"I\'m sorry to be rude. I can\'t agree to this!"

At this time, all the left envoys came forward, eager to persuade Shen Lang.

Right envoy Bai libing never spoke, but his eyes changed a few times. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, an old and plain voice sounded in the hall.

"Don\'t be impatient. Just let the old woman accompany the young master at that time."

Everyone present was stunned.

Immediately overjoyed: "grandma Feng!"

"Grandma Youfeng goes with the left envoy. No one in the ten thousand demon mansion can hurt the left envoy!"

Shen Lang bowed respectfully towards the South: "thank you, mother-in-law."

Mother-in-law Feng laughed twice and lost her life again.

Unite with the ten thousand demon mansion. It was ready when Shen Lang came to the plague land.

But the idea at that time was to unite the demon temple and the ten thousand demon house to deal with the blood clan through the combination of these two forces.

We still have to unite, but the purpose is different.

The so-called moment by moment.

I wanted to do this because I was afraid that the blood family would find the eternal tree.

So we need to gather all our strength to solve the blood clan as soon as possible.

But Shen Lang first found the eternal tree and knew that the eternal tree was hidden in the amber dream and guarded by the powerful green dragon family.

Even the three great kings of the blood clan were badly hurt!

In this case, Shen Lang\'s hanging heart was put down.

Theoretically, at this time, there is no need to unite the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon mansion.

Unless the blood ancestors come out, or the blood clan sends out more powerful forces, there is no way for the green dragon family.

Maybe even amber dreams, they can\'t find them.

But when Shen Lang came to the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion, he put forward the idea of combining the demon God hall and Wanyao mansion for the first time

This is because among the three forces of blood clan, demon God hall, Wanyao house and qianhun house, Wanyao house and qianhun house are their own people and the weakest!

The demon God hall wanted to eradicate the strong people such as the ten thousand demon house early in the morning!

Shen Lang is just looking for an excuse to get a death free gold medal for Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!

Now, the demon God hall is almost completely destroyed. It seems that the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall have won a battle.

But the key is that the real strength of the demon temple is far more than that.

The devil temple was forced to jump over the wall. The strong people here, the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, are unstoppable.

It\'s hard to say. There are only a few strong emperor Wujing like King Dapeng with golden wings in the ten thousand demon mansion.

And the strong people like the demon Temple catch a lot!

Although most of the Tiangang Disha was destroyed, many Tiangang Disha commanders did not appear in dragon scale temple.

Among the great devil generals, there is also the existence of mother-in-law Feng, which is stronger than the king of golden winged Dapeng!

Not to mention the demons who barely showed up.

Therefore, Shen Lang came forward, the two sides had a talk, and there was a truce.

Then, Shen Lang will kill the demon God hall with the help of the blood clan!

The most ideal situation, of course, is that the blood clan kills a group of strong people in the demon God Temple, and the demon God Temple kills another group of blood clan, and then the blood clan pounces back and tugs at it back and forth... In this way, the power of the demon God Temple and the power of the blood clan are bound in this plague place for ten or eight years, or even longer.

This wonderful situation, just think about it, is exciting.

Fortunately, Shen Lang was not excited.

Shen Lang is frowning and planning all this.