Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1182

Shen Lang took the pendant with both hands. After a moment of silence, he said respectfully, "thank you, mother-in-law!"

Thanks don\'t need to say too much.

Since Shen Lang came to this plague land, he has noticed the kind of love shown by mother-in-law Feng.

It seems that mother-in-law Feng came here. As expected, Lan\'er sent her to protect him.

"If you drop a drop of blood into the pendant, you can quickly communicate with the pendant." grandma Feng said with a smile, "but the spirit in it is stubborn and has been killed by me 50000 years ago. You need to find a suitable spirit by yourself."

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "boy, I understand."

In front of the crowd, Shen Lang immediately put a drop of fresh blood in with a pinch of fingers.

That drop of blood instantly melted into the pendant and completely wrapped the armor in it.

In an instant, Shen Lang had a very clear connection with the armor in the pendant!

This armor has no spirit, but the whole armor is psychic.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved. His armor turned into wisps of light and flew into xumijie.

The pendant sent out the power of thousands of thunder and shrouded Shen waves.

The black electric snakes made a crackling sound and quickly coiled around Shen Lang to form a black and shiny armor!

Shen Lang, who was dying, put on this armor like a different person. His breath became towering and huge. He stood on the spot like a Thor!

Shen Lang closed his eyes and felt the smell of armor.

At this time, the black Pluto armor seems to be connected with his soul. It is not like a foreign object at all, but more like its own muscle and part of its own body!

According to Shen Lang\'s mastery of the power system and the weapon refining system, I\'m afraid the black hell armor has reached the level of the top ten Heavenly weapons without the tool spirit!

If you can seal an instrument spirit with the same attributes, doesn\'t it mean that this object will surpass the ten Heavenly instruments?

The holy thing of the dark family is really strong enough to be unimaginable!

"Well, the old lady came to see the young master and went out." mother Feng nodded very satisfied and said, "the young master has this black hell armor, and don\'t wear other armor."

Although the last sentence is vague, the meaning of concern and reminding Shen Lang is very obvious.

When Shen Lang fought with Murong Changfeng, Shen Lang could feel a strong spirit lingering around him from beginning to end.

The power of the divine mind has reached the point of ghost respecting the night and the dark.

And full of goodwill, just like escort.

If it hadn\'t been for Shen Lang\'s understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth, it would have been unimaginable and hard to perceive.

At that time, Shen Lang had guessed that it was grandma Feng\'s idea.

In other words, mother-in-law Feng not only watched him fight with Murong Changfeng, but also protected him all the time!

If Murong Changfeng succeeds and Shen Lang loses, I\'m afraid she will do it directly!

Shen Lang was moved by this.

Now granny Feng even sent a pair of armor when she knew that Shen Lang had captured the killing armor. She also said that with this black hell armor, she would not wear other armor

This is basically reminding Shen Lang not to wear killing armor!

"It seems that the evil spirits in the killing armor are not trivial. Even mother-in-law Feng is very afraid."

Shen Lang sighed: "well, this killing armor is meant to be left to Mo Ge. I really lack a pair of armor. The black Pluto armor integrates Yin and Yang, from Yin to Yang, as if it was tailor-made for me. You can\'t ask for it!"

Shen Lang was a little moved and said respectfully, "I see. Mother-in-law, you\'d better take your time. When I\'m done with the matter at hand, I\'ll talk with her a lot."

"OK, ok..." grandma Feng smiled happily and patted the back of Shen Lang\'s hand.

Looking at mother-in-law Feng walking out of the conference hall, Shen Lang stroked her armor and felt its powerful and unparalleled power. His heart was also filled with joy: "the legendary black Ming nationality is really different. It unexpectedly has such armor."

"Look at the forging technique, the mystery of the spirit array in it, and the materials that are difficult for me to distinguish. I\'m afraid they are also from the upper world, not from the strong people in the world!"

"The power of thunder in the armor is surging and vast. How many thousands of years of thunder has been absorbed to achieve this?"

"It\'s obviously a defensive armor, but it has both attack and defense... Once the thunder power in it is used, it can immediately urge the yang to gang thunder power to hit the enemy hard. With the \'thunder god formula\', even if the killing armor is weak, I\'m afraid it won\'t be too far away?"

So far, the armor that can move Shen Lang is the black Pluto armor and killing armor.

This gift from mother-in-law Feng shocked even Shen Lang!

"Robbing thunder in the Tai Chi diagram is about to be refined successfully. When I understand the rule power of robbing thunder, the \'thunder god formula\' will be able to break through the peak of the world and become another big killing move in my hand!"

"After the variation of the \'thunder god formula\', the power of the black Pluto armor will certainly go to a higher level through the refining and urging of the thunder god formula!"

Shen Lang couldn\'t help smiling like Mona Lisa.

Thinking like this, Shen Lang thought and collected the black hell armor into his body.

The black Pluto armor changed and directly wore it on Shen Lang\'s little Dan baby.

The "king of the sea and water" saw that Shen Lang was finally busy and clapped his hands gently, attracting everyone\'s attention.

"Pa Pa!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, King Feng and I were seriously injured. We need to find a place to reduce the injury as soon as possible."

"Even if those bastards can come back, it\'s estimated that it will take a few days. We\'ll come out in a few days and settle the account with them!"

This sentence came out of the sea king\'s mouth and was murderous.

The "king of the sea and water" is in a very bad mood.

I just came to this plague place and didn\'t do anything. I was trapped by a group of guys in the devil general\'s house!

If mother-in-law Feng hadn\'t done it, he and King Feng would not have come back this time!

All this is caused by the bastards in the devil general\'s house!

If they hadn\'t run out to fight with the blood clan and finally got caught in the blood clan trick, why would he and the wind king be so miserable?

The "king of the sea and water" has a murderous heart.

He held down the rising killing intention in his heart and said coldly, "we are going to close down for 15 days. Within these 15 days, all things here in the demon God hall will be handed over to envoy Shen Zuo."

"If anyone refuses, kill him!"

The voice of "king of ocean and water" is getting weaker and weaker, obviously lacking Qi.

But the murderous spirit still moved everyone present.

The two heavenly kings once again handed over the power to Shen Lang, which made everyone present rejoice... They were optimistic about Shen Lang and stayed!

At this time, Baili Bing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, said in a deep voice: "before the arrival of the two heavenly kings and you, the left envoy once proposed a plan to discuss cooperation with Wanyao mansion. Even if the cooperation failed, he would temporarily stop the war and deal with the blood clan first. I don\'t know what the two heavenly kings think of this proposal?"

"King of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind" were stunned.

Cooperation with the ten thousand demon mansion, if others put it forward, I\'m afraid they\'ve been beaten to vomit blood at the moment!

Who gave them such a miserable look now?

Who is the ghost of the silent God thunder king?

Who almost killed the two heavenly Gang earth evil kings?

Even said to cooperate with Wanyao mansion?


The plan was put forward by Shen Lang.

And it was put forward before they arrived.

Calculate this time, if Shen Lang put forward this plan before they came, and then was accepted by the major demons, and then really stopped fighting with the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, will the demon God hall be destroyed?

As for the two of them, they were blown up like this by the king of annihilation thunder, and then almost split by yueqingqian\'s knife?

"The king of ocean and water" and "the king of sky and wind" thought of this, and suddenly had an impulse to spit blood.

Bad times, bad times!

As long as they come one day early, no, as long as they come an hour early, and then use their power to implement Shen Lang\'s plan, how can they become such a poor look now?

People have bad luck. It\'s true that drinking cold water will tear their teeth.

Fart and hit your heels!

According to this calculation, Shen Lang\'s plan is not only very forward-looking, but also very correct!

When they thought about this, they not only didn\'t get angry with Shen Lang\'s plan, but also felt sorry for it, and they were a little ready to cry without tears.

"The king of the sky and the wind" said in a deep voice, "the idea of ambassador Zuo is undoubtedly very correct."

"It\'s a pity to be stirred up by these king eight eggs!"

He scolded the people who rushed out to fight with the blood clan, but all the people in the first Department of the right envoy of the Zhuque mansion changed their faces!

Before, right envoy Bai libing didn\'t agree with Shen Lang\'s proposal of alliance!

Fortunately, the king of the sky and the wind immediately said, "these wastes not only mixed up the plan of the left envoy, but also harmed the two of us like this... Just calculate this account later, and do as the left envoy said!"

"Find a way to negotiate a truce with Wanyao mansion first!"

Just when the people looked strange, "the king of the sea and water" also said: "before entering this conference hall, I and I have sent back the situation here to the devil. There will be more strong people coming to the devil soon."

"But their arrival will take some time."

"During this period of time, all rely on the left envoy."

Shen Lang politely hugged the fist: "the sea king is polite. I\'m the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. It\'s my duty to do my best for the demon temple."

If these two people want to break their heads, they will never think of it

It was no one else who hurt them so badly. It was Shen Lang, the left envoy they valued most now!

But Shen Lang won\'t feel a little guilty.

All he has in mind is regret

It\'s a pity that Yue Qingqian didn\'t kill these two people because of mother-in-law Feng\'s action!

Once the opportunity passes, it will not be so easy to deal with these two people next time.

In the memory of the war emperor, these two people have killed many strong people in the war temple.

Even more, he has flattened many legendary sects. He has a sea of corpses and countless lives. He is a first-class demon!

These two people were met by Shen lang. how could Shen Lang let them go?

In any case, Shen Lang will kill these two people with the knife of the devil\'s blood!