Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1181

When ox approached the city of rosha with two demon blood descendants

The strong of the demon God Temple in Luocha city have already felt the fierce power of the demon bone and blood descent.

One by one, their faces suddenly changed dramatically. They could not care about anything else. They all used their secret skills recklessly and tried their best to escape outside Luocha city!

The blood clan that was beaten half dead also gathered its strength and slowed down at this time.

Finally, a group of powerful blood clan chased out of Luocha city!

Even the strong blood clan who escaped from Luocha city returned and chased the strong people in the demon temple!

The sound of deforestation is still ringing.

However, an earth shaking war has come to an end here.

In the meeting hall of Zhuque mansion, a large group of strong people in the demon God hall saw that their chest was undulating, frightened and speechless.

The people in the demon temple are being chased and killed like bereaved dogs.

Although the blood clan can\'t pursue and kill too far, the group of people in the demon temple on the side of Zhuque house can\'t be happy at all.

Under such circumstances, even the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha have been crippled. How many people can they come back?

Even if a few people can come back, I\'m afraid they have incomplete limbs and are half dead?

This is... The total annihilation of the army!

"People\'s hearts are scattered, so it\'s hard to take the team." Shen Lang sighed and said, "if you listened to me, you wouldn\'t be so miserable... Just, I don\'t bother to say it again. I\'ll discuss what to do when the two heavenly kings come back."

A group of strong men in the demon Temple looked at each other.

What else can you do?

Now the power of the demon temple in the plague land has almost fallen to the lowest point.

If mother-in-law Feng hadn\'t been here again, I\'m afraid the blood clan or the ten thousand demon mansion would have taken advantage of the opportunity to attack!

Even if they don\'t attack, now the demon God hall has been greatly weakened. What else can they do?

The only way is to ask for help from the big devil generals and even the black dragon demon king

"Da, Da, Da..."

Soft footsteps came from outside the conference hall, and an old woman on crutches walked slowly.

"The king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind" followed her, bending down and lowering their heads, just like grandchildren.

The old woman didn\'t look amazing, her face was full of wrinkles, and even her eyes were very muddy.

It\'s like an ordinary old man who hasn\'t practiced at all.

If it appears elsewhere, I\'m afraid it won\'t attract anyone\'s attention.

But as soon as she appeared here, the whole audience was moved!

This one, but it is said that even the black dragon demon king is polite!

A group of Tiangang Disha leaders, as well as four heavenly kings, should call themselves junior in front of her!

"Grandma Feng!"

The group of people in the demon Temple rushed over.

The fastest ones are Shen Lang and Youshi Baili Bing.

Shen Lang ran over like a loach and held mother-in-law Feng\'s right hand: "mother-in-law, I wanted to see you early in the morning, but something happened, so it has been delayed so far."

"You don\'t blame me, do you?"

Granny Feng stopped, turned her head to look at Shen Lang and grinned: "you\'re welcome, young master. How dare the old lady blame the young master?"

"Young master?" everyone present shrugged.

Many people know that Granny Feng is a courtier of the rosefinch family.

It is said that even among the rosefinch family, only LAN Mengling\'s brother will be called a young master by her.

Shen Lang is obviously a human, not a rosefinch, but she doesn\'t call Shen Lang Zuo envoy or his name, but she calls Shen Lang "young master"?

She calls LAN Mengling "Miss" and Shen Lang "young master". Doesn\'t it mean that she has put Shen Lang\'s position in the same position as LAN Mengling?

This is incredible

Many people have been wondering why grandma Feng appeared in this plague place before.

Because everyone knows that mother-in-law Feng never cares about anything in the rosefinch house.

Although the black dragon devil is the boss of the rosefinch house, she can\'t move her.

She ran to the plague place and had such an attitude towards Shen Lang... Did she come for Shen Lang?

Is it because of the eldest lady or because of LAN Mengling that she values Shen Lang so much?

When people keep guessing at the bottom of their hearts, grandma Feng is looking at Shen Lang up and down.

It\'s like looking at your good grandson. The more you look, the more satisfied you are.

Grandma Feng looked at Shen Lang, nodded and said, "OK, OK, OK."

She won\'t say what\'s good.

But there was an uncontrollable joy in the turbid eyes.

Shen Lang urged Feng Tianding early in the morning to cover the Tai Chi diagram and the life power in his body, so he didn\'t worry about being looked at by mother-in-law Feng. Just let mother-in-law Feng look at it.

"Mother-in-law, please sit down."

After a while, Shen Lang said.

Mother-in-law Feng waved her hand and said, "young master, no, the old lady just came by to see you."

"The blood clan still has things to deal with in the ten thousand demon mansion. I won\'t delay you."

"Don\'t dare." the crowd nodded and bowed.

Even the two heavenly kings, who were dying and still alive, could not care about their injuries and bowed down to speak at the moment.

Mother-in-law Feng said again, "after the war between the young master and the Murong boy, the loss was huge, but the harvest was quite fruitful. I\'m afraid I\'m ready to attack the emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"..." the people present were stunned.

Although most of the people present don\'t know about Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng, look at Shen Lang now... His breath is weak, his armor is broken, and his blood hasn\'t been wiped clean!

In this case, are you ready to attack the imperial mirror?

Don\'t you want to die?

Emperor Wu Jing, it\'s not Qiwu realm or Lingwu realm!

When impacting this realm, which strong man is not prepared to do it for ten or eight years, and then impact it when he is at his peak?

Mother-in-law Feng said that Shen Lang had begun to prepare?

Look at Shen Lang\'s virtue now. It\'s estimated that when he attacked the imperial martial mirror, first, I never set or wrote this sentence in the book... The silent God thunder king must be nearby to detonate. (annihilation thunder King\'s explosive radiation range is more than 3000 miles. Do you want to die with the enemy with this thing?)

If you have to detonate nearby, Shen Lang left one in Luocha City, and then people ran to Moonlight City. Did you take the wrong medicine? The two cities have been separated by more than 200000 - Li - of course, he can control the silent God thunder king of Luocha city in Moonlight City.

Otherwise, such valuable things are left to the blood clan? That\'s too generous.

Second, please think about the setting of the silent God thunder king before. How does the silent God thunder work? Open it with the secret method of the northern underworld polar heaven sect, and then put your mind in it!

In the dark moon abyss, because Zhuge xian\'er also knew the secret method, Zhuge xian\'er took the annihilation thunder from qianluo, wiped Shen Lang\'s mind in front of Shen Lang in the abyss, put his own mind on it, and then threatened Shen Lang with death together.

Third, following the second point, there is indeed a distance limit after the divine mind is deposited on the silencing divine thunder. However, this restriction has nothing to do with silencing God thunder. It only has something to do with the user\'s cultivation, or the strength of God\'s mind.

This distance can not be extended indefinitely, even the great emperor, let alone be used in different spaces.

But the distance is so far that... It can\'t be explained by "nearby".

As for keeping a wisp of divine thoughts in utensils or magic weapons, it\'s actually the same as cultivating immortals can fly. It doesn\'t need to be explained, because almost all fantasy or fairy Xia novels have it.

Whether it\'s Xuanhuan or Xianxia, you\'ll find that it\'s normal for many powerful people to leave a wisp of divine thought on the magic weapon, spanning millions of miles. Even if the Buddha died for thousands of years, the divine thought may still exist.

Fourth, when it comes to this, the reader will certainly ask, when Shen Lang got the king of annihilation thunder, he clearly said that it was useless for him to get the king of annihilation thunder. If he couldn\'t blow up others, he might blow up himself?

I also reply: when Shen Lang got the annihilation God thunder king, his cultivation was still shallow, and his strength depended on magic weapons and chaotic gods. Even if you deposit your mind, it can\'t reach more than 3000 miles (people in Lingwu territory can just release your mind, and it\'s very difficult to deposit your mind on utensils). Therefore, Shen langcai would rather have several silence God thunder than the most terrible silence God thunder king.

At the same time, as mentioned above, annihilation thunder is used by martial artists to save lives because of its power and characteristics... For example, when they are chased and killed by people, they use it to turn the situation around and kill the enemy.

From this point of view, even if the emperor\'s powerful martial mirror wants to attack others with the annihilation God thunder king, it is also a matter of death, unless he can escape at the first time.

Bai Luobing is not an exception, because Bai Luobing is already the peak of imperial martial mirror.

When Shen Lang got it, just like ordinary people, his first thought was naturally how to use it to protect his life or kill strong enemies.

It is absolutely impossible to think, bury this thing in a place and hide three thousand miles away.

Even if he did, at that time he really hid three thousand miles away. With his cultivation, how do you know if the enemy stepped on this "mine" that won\'t explode? So at that time, he had a problem with the old man of the northern netherworld polar sect... If you give me a useless silencing thunder king, you might as well give me some silencing thunder with much less power!

It\'s still that sentence. It hasn\'t been written from beginning to end. It says that the king of silence and destruction thunder can only detonate nearby.

The distance detonated is only affected by the connection between the God and the Buddha!

It\'s impossible to put the king of annihilation thunder in Luocha city and then urge him in Moonlight City or Zhuque mansion.

But now Shen Lang is the pinnacle of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

It\'s easy to do such a thing!

This thing is not the "grenade" imagined by some book friends, because it has placed the mind, so it can also be a "mine" and "time bomb". In this way, the book friends in question should understand it?

I also wrote a thousand words later, but I feel too much. It\'s not good to send it here. I still deleted it after thinking about it.

If you have any questions, it\'s better to add a group. No matter what questions, Lao Hai will try to answer them.

There are mistakes and typos. I will correct them as soon as possible after my book friends put them forward. Thank you.

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