Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1180

On the edge of Luocha City, Milos was forced to a desperate situation by the moon.

At the time of crisis, he urged the escape method of wasting cultivation and turned into thousands of illusions.

Among them, more than 20 figures finally broke out of the blockade of the moon\'s light blade, and fled to the pale valley like lightning!

The speed of the golden winged ROC king is almost unmatched. If you go after one or two of them, you can catch up.

But it is impossible to catch up with more than twenty.

This is Milos\' blood clan secret method, which is similar to Shen Lang\'s "Vientiane demon".

For a while and a half, yueqingqian didn\'t distinguish that figure is the Buddha.

Just in a flash, Milos had run away

Shen Lang uses Vientiane demons, which does not damage his accomplishments at all;

And Milos used this secret method, even if he fled back to Moonlight City, there was only half of his life left.

Milos could not use this secret method without being forced by the moon.

"Some people say that the blood clan is a race good at running away. Today, it deserves its reputation."

The moon, who had been expressionless all the time, flashed his anger in his eyes, and the operation skill sent this sentence out.

This sentence in the void sounded like thunder over the plague land.

The blood clan in Moonlight City is so angry!

At this time, moon Qingqian suddenly turned around, waved his long knife and cut it off with an oblique knife.

Cutting the sky shaking blade of the void, the six blood princes who were about to escape from Luocha city were killed on the spot!

Seeing that yueqingqian dealt with the blood clan, mother-in-law Feng of Zhuque house stopped directly and quietly.

In Luocha City, it has become an upside down Butcher - kill

No matter the blood clan or the demon God hall, they are all the targets of powerful people such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!

It was dark and dark!

At this time, the "king of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" caught and thrown out by mother-in-law Feng flew towards the due east like two missiles.

However, they had no time to be happy, and suddenly their hair stood up again!

Two figures that were completely unexpected came out from below!

In the hall of the God of war, the king Nara is reincarnated as a marquis, and the Dragon King is in heaven!

They waited here for a long time, and this shot was like a thunderbolt, with one fist and one palm, which instantly hit the hearts of the "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind"!

The accomplishments of King Nara and the Dragon King are the eight heavenly peaks of the emperor\'s martial mirror. Speaking, there is more than one difference between the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha.

But both of them were ready to go, and the timing was extremely accurate;

The sky gang and the earth Sha two heavenly kings are already candles in the burning lamp

Under this bombardment, the "king of ocean and water" and the "king of sky and wind" screamed, and their blood gushed!

The armor that had already been broken was all broken and exploded, revealing its bloody body.

The two figures hit the ground like meteorites!

At this moment, the space behind the two king Nara suddenly broke, and a breath like an ancient wild beast escaped from it!

An old palm suddenly popped out, broke a series of large cracks in the space, and grabbed them at the king Nara.

"Damn it, it\'s the nine day devil bird again!"

King Nara and the two felt the unparalleled ferocity and were startled.

Although they were unwilling, they didn\'t dare to fight in the face of such a strong man. They urged Yuan Gong fiercely and threw forward at the fastest speed!


The huge palm grabbed the ground in front of him, and Shengsheng grabbed a mountain into pieces!

The king Nara and the Dragon King, who had fled far, looked back, and with a fluke, they directly tore the void, ran to the Luocha city and killed the half dead strong in the demon God Temple and the blood clan.

The palm that came out again grabbed the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha out of thin air and took it back.

Thin waist and wind waited for a hundred years. They turned around and knelt down together towards the south of the cold iron hall.

"Ask mother-in-law Feng to save the people of my Phoenix House!"

"Mother-in-law Feng, please help the old man to save the people of my candle dragon mansion!"

"Ask mother-in-law Feng to save the people in Taotie mansion!"

However, there was no sound in the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion.

The legendary mother-in-law Feng didn\'t sell the faces of other devil generals at all, but saved the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, and then left the people of other devil generals in Luocha city and didn\'t want to do it anymore

The right envoy Baili Bing looked at Shen Lang and stopped talking.

She knew that grandma Feng came here for Shen Lang.

If Shen Lang speaks, grandma Feng will do it.

But Shen Lang had no reaction at all.

"It\'s a pity that when the blood clan poured out, if I were in the source of pain tower, it would be the best time to save the strong of all races." Shen Lang sighed gently.

According to Shen Lang\'s original calculation, it should be to use the silence to destroy the God thunder king to destroy Luocha city again. Then the king Luo and the king went up and hacked indiscriminately, and finally led Milos and ox out.

Then Shen Lang quietly rescued the strong of all ethnic groups on the pain source tower.

By the way, he robbed the source of pain in the blood pool.

Although we have gained a lot now, the best time to save the strong of all ethnic groups has been missed.

Many times, no matter how accurate the calculation is, there will still be accidents or errors.

Man proposes, god disposes.

I\'m afraid we have to make another plan to save the strong of all ethnic groups on the source of pain tower.

Shen Lang glanced at the light curtain lightly and said leisurely, "I said I would temporarily form an alliance with the ten thousand demon mansion and have a truce. You think I\'m farting;"

"I said to wait here. Don\'t go to Luocha city. You still think I\'m farting..."

After a pause, Shen Lang\'s mantra of Chu Qingcheng came out of his mouth: "Hey, lonely!"

Xue Shiyin almost didn\'t laugh when she tilted her mouth.

The right envoy of Taotie mansion, Feng, whose face has been earthy for a hundred years, said in a trembling voice, "ambassador Zuo, what should we do? What should we do... Grandma Feng refused to do it again, and we couldn\'t move at all."

"Are the people who are looking at us like this killed by those bastards in the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall one by one?"

Everyone\'s eyes for help turned to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang glanced at Feng for a hundred years and said, "grandma Feng is not unwilling to do it, just because she doesn\'t need it anymore."

"Because she knows that it is not so easy for the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall to catch all the people in the demon god house and the blood clan."

"What?" everyone was stunned and thought they had heard wrong.

Now it\'s a one-sided massacre. How can we say it\'s not so easy?

It\'s a miracle that a group of people in the demon God hall have been blown up by the blood clan. It\'s a miracle that they can still get up now. How can they resist the strong people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul Hall who are at the peak of their essence?

Let\'s talk a few more words here. We\'ll be killed there!

Shen Lang said with a positive complexion, "if what I expected is right, the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall will withdraw soon."

Everyone was surprised again... Where do you start?

The people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall were killed.

And this opportunity is hard to come by for thousands of years. How can it retreat immediately?

At this time, two shrieks of exterminating everything and penetrating gold and stone came from the direction of pale Valley!

This howling set off huge waves in the sky, one wave higher and one wave more ferocious.

When heaven and earth moved again, they saw two giants tearing up the space and running to Luocha city with great strides!

"Two more demon blood descendants!"

Right make Baili Bing can\'t help screaming.

The blood clan is not just a demon blood clan!

Everyone finally understood what Shen Lang had just said.

It seems that oaks on the other side of the moonlight city could not help seeing Milos screaming and could be killed by the king of golden winged rocs at any time!

"The blood clan is hidden deep enough."

As soon as the two demon blood descendants came out, the moon in the void looked at the direction of the pale valley.

Immediately, she changed into a golden winged ROC that almost covered the sky!


With a shriek, the golden winged ROC king suddenly slapped his wings.

Countless vortices immediately formed, and the powerful people present, such as the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, were wrapped in them with incomparable accuracy, and quickly rose.

At the next moment, the feathers on the golden winged ROC suddenly unfolded one by one, like thousands of magic knives, and suddenly shook towards the lower part of Luocha city!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Tens of thousands of blades were formed in an instant, and the strong ones of the blood clan and the demon God hall below were cut indiscriminately!

If the strong of the demon temple and blood clan try their best to defend in their heyday, plus defense magic tools, they still have a chance to block such scattered and hasty attacks.

But now in this situation, the strong men in the demon temple and blood clan are half dead one by one, and all their armor is broken, weak in attack and defense.

But how can you resist the sword skill of King Dapeng with golden wings?

By this knife, more than ten people were cut in two!

And others, whether blood clan or demon temple, are howling miserably

In the sky, the huge golden winged mire King\'s wings shook, and it was ten thousand miles away!

This month Qingqian can afford to put it down. Knowing that things can\'t be done, he made a quick decision and returned immediately with a group of strong people!

Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly: "the moon is clear and shallow. This chick has changed a lot. She is calm and has no impulse in those years."

"It seems that her ruthless Dao has almost reached the peak..."

In Shen Lang\'s view, the practice of moon Qingqian is undoubtedly very correct.

The silent God thunder King exploded at the nearest distance. Even the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha couldn\'t carry it.

Those whose accomplishments were below the sixth heaven of the imperial martial mirror were almost destroyed by the power of the thunder.

Even if the emperor Wujing\'s eight strong people were attacked by strong people such as Wanyao mansion, they could not survive much.

Even if it can survive, it is almost in the state of edition fee. Without three or five thousand years, it is impossible to walk out.

After this battle, the blood clan and the demon God hall were seriously injured.

The unharmed ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall took the initiative in this plague land.

Such a great victory, unprecedented!

The month was clear and shallow, and without hesitation, it came to a successful end for the war.

And when she left tens of thousands of miles away with the strong

Ox stood on the shoulder of a demon blood descendant and was close to Luocha city!