Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1179

In a place where no one is paying attention, Wang yueqingqian, a golden winged ROC, is closely watching the war in Luocha city with strong people such as Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall.

Around these people, all the strong men in the thousand soul hall spread their hands upward at the same time and arranged the invisible border.

That dark cloud is their disguise!

It is also the magic of these strong people in the thousand soul hall that makes this large group of strong people hide here silently!

The hiding method of the strong in qianhun hall is unparalleled in the world!

However, although this boundary is strange and powerful, I\'m afraid it can still be found if the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha are in their heyday, or if they are not fighting with demon bone blood descendants.


The two men were still seriously injured, and now they were trapped in a whirlpool.

Where do you have time to pay attention to the surrounding things?

Even if they expected that the ten thousand demon mansion might peep and wait for the opportunity, they couldn\'t manage so much.

"Your Majesty..."

The strong demon rhinoceros of Wanyao mansion came to yueqingqian and asked softly.

The moon\'s shallow face was expressionless and said faintly, "continue to wait."

"Yes!" the demon rhinoceros nodded respectfully and retreated.


Outside the whirlpool of the war, that is, a little ahead of the hiding places of the strong such as the ten thousand demon house, the Nara king of the war Temple reincarnated the Marquis and the dragon king Qi Tian hid at the bottom of the ground, rubbing their hands excitedly.

"I haven\'t seen such an exciting thing for a long time!" the dragon king Qi Tian\'s eyes were full of war, and he wanted to rush out immediately and have a big war.

King Naro was much calmer and said softly, "calm down."

As he spoke, he wiped the axe in his hand again and again.

It seems that it is just calm on the surface, while the heart is excited and even manic.

It\'s no wonder that they hid here, just waiting for the blood clan to build Luocha city again, and then send information to the emperor.

Finally, the city of Luocha was destroyed again through the silence of the God thunder king.

But what I never expected was that the blood clan and the demon God hall came to Luocha city at this time!

And the strong do their best!

It\'s lively. It\'s rare to see it for thousands of years.

Later, as soon as the silent God thunder King explodes, brilliant fireworks will bloom in Luocha City, announcing the end of the unlucky goods of blood clan and demon God hall. How exciting it is!

The war god temple was hit in the crack of time and space, and the war emperor fell. This kind of shame and anger, it\'s time to charge some interest from the demon God Temple!

Near the plague land of Luocha City, a chaotic war shocked all sides.

Hundreds of powerful imperial mirrors fought with all their strength;

Four imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian peak strongmen, crazy to boom;

Fist to foot, sword to shadow.

Divine soldiers and spells fly together, and the sea of blood is the same as chaos.

Its tragedy has reached unimaginable levels!

Near Luocha City, there was a wave of destructive storms, destroying mountains and mountains, and the world collapsed!

The war continues

Everything in Shen Lang\'s plan is going on perfectly.

Because five main cities

The battlefield between the blood clan and the demon Temple finally arrived at Luocha city after many moves!

It\'s time to lose, time never comes again!

Shen Lang in the meeting hall of Zhuque mansion, while everyone was paying attention to the war, his eyes flashed, prompting the mind of the silent God thunder king in Luocha city!


On the light curtain, endless strong light penetrated through the layers of smoke and burst out from Luocha city!

"What\'s going on?"

Everyone is subconscious. At this moment, they look away.

The sound of heaven and earth breaking came from the light curtain.

When everyone opened their mouths and looked at the next moment of the light curtain

They were all stunned at once.

A gorgeous mushroom cloud is rising from Luocha city.

Heaven and earth!

The sky and the earth are gray, the vigorous wind is blowing, the sand and stones are flying, the lightning and thunder are thundering, the space cracks are constantly emerging, and the space storm is sweeping the whole audience!

"Silence kills the God thunder king!"

Right envoy Bai libing spoke a frightening name in a hoarse voice.

Before everyone could react, the smoke on the light curtain was suddenly dispersed into a space.

Hundreds of figures appeared around Luocha city out of thin air!

One of the three kings of Wanyao mansion, King Dapeng with golden wings, is the first one, wearing armor and holding a sacred sword!

"It\'s over!"

The hearts of a group of strong people in the demon Temple fell to the bottom of the valley.

King Lei, the God of silence and destruction, may not be able to completely kill the strong ones above the seventh heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

But with the golden winged Dapeng Wang and others guarding nearby, who still has a chance to escape?

Sure enough

As soon as the golden winged ROC King Yue Qingqian appeared, he didn\'t stop for a moment, and the sacred sword was raised in an instant!


A touch of the light of the world killing knife cut through the terrible mushroom cloud and went straight down!

And a group of strong people in Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, such as tigers and sheep, immediately invested in Luocha city!


In the shrill sound, the light of the divine knife opened the mushroom cloud and divided the demon blood descendants with several broken arms from beginning to end!


The devil\'s blood screamed.

The blood gushing from the demon bone blood descendant began to roll back towards his body.

The separated two petals of the body also have a tendency to converge again!


The moon hummed coldly, and the sword skill reappeared, and another knife cut obliquely in the past.

This Dao light is linked with the previous one, forming a crooked "ten".

Instantly divided the demon blood into four parts.



Those two knife lights that have not dissipated suddenly bloom, just like thousands of angry thunder burst open.

Instantly burst the body of the demon blood into nothingness!

The power of these two sabres, yueqingqian, has really reached the peak!

The two knives are not only sharp, but also contain such cruel and explosive power.

Just two knives, he killed the badly hurt demon blood on the spot!


Two knives killed the demon blood descendants who had been badly hurt. Yue Qingqian drank softly and cut them out again like lightning!

The target of this knife attack is the "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind" climbing out of the ground!

These two people were wounded, and then suffered a silent God thunder king. They were already half dead and could not even stand. But where could they escape such a powerful knife?

People can see clearly that the two heavenly kings have shown despair in their eyes

Right now!

An old and huge palm suddenly appeared and grabbed the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha!


The two heavenly kings had no resistance, so they were caught by the palm of their hand and thrown out!


In the harsh sound of explosion, the terrible Sabre Qi formed by Zun divine knife cut on the old palm, rippling a violent energy ripple.

But there was only a faint scratch on the palm!

On the contrary, it was the violent energy ripples that shook some of the surrounding demon temple and blood clan strongmen to pieces!

"It\'s grandma Feng!"

Right envoy Baili Bing exclaimed.

Thin waist and wind for a hundred years were surprised, and then they were overjoyed: "is grandma Feng coming? Great!"

Just when everyone\'s heart was tightened by the catalpa, the old and huge palm turned into a knife and went up with it!

A space crack in the void, like lightning, extends towards the king of golden winged rocs!

The speed is incredible!


Moon Qingqian stared at the three meter wide space crack and snorted. Suddenly, his body shook, and a virtual shadow of a golden winged ROC appeared behind him.

The virtual shadow of the golden winged ROC suddenly flapped its wings between the lightning and flint!

The hurricane suddenly started, and the light figure of the moon had crossed thousands of miles and reached the other end of Luocha City, which made mother-in-law Defeng\'s knife fail.

She is also extremely afraid of mother-in-law Feng\'s attack

It was at this time that the moon cut into the void with a knife!

In the empty void, Milos snorted and was beaten out!

"King Dapeng with golden wings, don\'t deceive people too much!"

Milos was so angry that he fled to the pale valley.

At the same time, oaks, another giant of the blood clan in the Moonlight City, also shot

A blood red palm suddenly appeared and grabbed at the moon!

If ox Ben Zun is already near Luocha City, Yue Qingqian will have to fight very hard to deal with it.

But if you attack from the moonlight city over 200000 - Li, where will you put it in the eyes of yueqingqian?

With a wave of the divine knife in her hand, the void was cut open, and the blood red giant palm was cut in half, and then turned into an overwhelming blood mist and floated down.

Yue Qingqing\'s face was expressionless and his sword was like the wind. His peerless sword skill cut through the space and made namilos scream constantly!

Milos, who had been seriously injured, no longer had the previous posture of being king over the world. He was involved in the moon\'s shallow knife net and couldn\'t escape.

But yueqingqian has a divine sword, and Milos\'s strange armor is also quite in order to get it. He was stabbed in the front, but he still didn\'t completely break!

The moon was light and slightly frowned. Her body suddenly rotated rapidly in the air. She waved three knives at a speed difficult to distinguish by the naked eye: "the formula of breaking the moon demon knife, one knife is absolutely empty;"

"Two knives break the moon;"

"Three knives break the pole!"

In the cold voice, the edge of peerless Sabre skill blooms.

Only three knives completely sealed all the paths of namilos.

And these three sabres are more than ten times stronger than the previous attack!

"King Dapeng with golden wings..."

Milos was frightened and roared. Suddenly he turned into hundreds of millions of blood shadows and rushed out in all directions!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

It was like Milos deliberately bumped into the light of the moon. Thousands of blood shadows were cut into nothingness by the light of the knife in the scream.

However, the blood clan\'s desperate secret method still has its strange and powerful side.

Any kind of skill has its flaws.

Tens of thousands of blood shadows, like suicide, crashed into the light of the knife. Unexpectedly, more than 20 blood shadows escaped from the flaws of the three knives and flew out in all directions!

Milos\'s Secret skills in life-threatening should not be underestimated.

The speed of these more than twenty blood shadows was more than ten times that of Milos\'s heyday!