Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1178

When the legendary demon blood descendant appeared in a strong posture and his breath soared

Pay attention to all the strong people in the demon temple over Luocha city. They are all stupid.

The number of wars at this level is not very useful.

Just like the blood emperor ladaos who was besieged by a large group of powerful people in the later period of Emperor Wu Jing at the door of yumudong blessed place, they were beaten miserably and ran around by the blood emperor ladaos.

If the power of the blood clan can reach the great emperor\'s martial realm, or infinitely close to the great emperor\'s martial realm.

Then, no matter how many strong emperor Wujing are in the demon temple, they are by no means their opponents!

Not to mention, there may be more than one demon blood descendant.

Even the strong men in the middle and late period of the imperial martial mirror in the demon God hall looked at everything on the light curtain, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably at the moment.

As Shen Lang said, it is right to stay here.

Such a terrible thing is beyond the ordinary emperor\'s power to intervene.

It\'s no wonder that those people who ran to the pale valley were so defeated, and then they were chased and killed to understand the power of resistance.

Such a terrible monster can only be dealt with in the heyday of Tiangang Disha, or Tiangang Disha\'s four heavenly kings!

"Fortunately, after listening to Shen Lang\'s words, I didn\'t go to Luocha City, otherwise..."

A group of people who stayed in the cold iron Hall of Zhuque mansion secretly rejoiced and looked at Shen Lang with gratitude.

"Let Sun Mo and them all come back, all come back!" the strong man of Zhulong mansion shouted violently at the light curtain.

The right envoy of the rosefinch house, Bai libing, glanced at his waist and gave orders to the light curtain in a low voice: "they can\'t cope with the devil\'s blood and bones. Tell sun Mo to let them all come back!"

The spy\'s response came from the light curtain: "please follow the order of the right envoy!"

Soon, a cool female voice broke into a roar and sounded over the plague land: "attention of the powerful devil generals, I am the cloud of rosefinch house! The devil\'s blood and blood have appeared, and Feier and other capable enemies. The right envoy of rosefinch House asked everyone to return immediately and return immediately!"

The sound echoed in the air.

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly, and there was an impulse to strangle his waist directly at the bottom of his heart.

I saved her at the beginning, just thinking that it might be useful to stay.

Unexpectedly, she broke herself at the critical moment!

If sun Mo and others really turn around and come back, wouldn\'t their previous "pains" be in vain?

At this moment, the strong ones of the demon temple on the other side of the pale valley began to approach Luocha city.

However, none of the strong men in Yigan demon Temple who ran here to support returned to Luocha city at a faster speed!

Thin waist and Bai Li Bing were cold in their eyes and scolded: "fool!"

But Shen Lang almost laughed in his heart!

"Capricious enough, I just like you!"

Shen Lang stared at the light curtain. His brain was like a computer, calculating the speed of both sides quickly and madly!

The cycle of heaven, retribution!

Damn it, none of them can escape!

The possibility of the two sides taking Luocha city as a battlefield war was very small.

However, in Shen Lang\'s calculation, this possibility is now getting greater and greater!

In Shen Lang\'s calculation, the strong people of the demon Temple who were chased and killed by the blood clan are likely to meet with the group of people who ran to support near Luocha city!

At that time, the blood clan behind must have caught up with the strange speed!

Plus the current war, the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha who are retreating again and again and the descendants of demon bones and blood

The blood clan and the demon temple are likely to have a war near Luocha city!

Suddenly, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed: "no! It\'s not very possible, it\'s absolutely! Absolutely!"

Shen Lang noticed a detail... During the battle between the blood clan and the strong in the demon God hall, there were constantly terrible thunder and wind blades in the sky, and endless wind, thunder and fire continued to fall and roar towards the strong in the demon God hall!

This is not the power exerted by the strong of the blood clan.

This is the power of the array!

Luocha City, Moonlight City and other five main cities originally formed an ancient array!

Now the venue of the war between the two sides is still covered by this ancient array!

Strictly speaking, it is not just because of the powerful demon blood descendants that the strong ones in the demon God hall returned after a big defeat. It is likely that this group of idiots have been consumed by the ancient array, and many people may even be directly killed by the power of the array!

The key problem is here

The Luocha city was destroyed by the Nara king and the dragon king before. The big array enveloping the Luocha city was also completely destroyed by them with the method of Shen lang. until now, it has not been built!

In other words, this node in the ancient array of the five main cities of the blood clan is a gap.

In the area of Luocha City, there is no array shrouded.

Blood clan can\'t get array bonus in this area!

As long as the heads of these people in the demon temple are normal, they will find this when they hit here, and then break away from the ancient blood clan array as soon as possible, and then reach Luocha City, or even cross Luocha city!

As long as they have to pass through the Luocha City, the blood clan who can\'t let go will also reach the Luocha city!

According to this reasoning, the blood clan and the demon temple will pass through Luocha City anyway!

"Amitabha, goodness is goodness. A wise man will make a mistake if he thinks about it. I was so excited that I didn\'t find it. It\'s a sin."

"Maybe, it has become inevitable." Shen Lang sighed in the bottom of his heart: "the time, place and people are harmonious. I\'m all occupied. I\'m sorry not to give you a silent God thunder king."

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Shen Lang sneered again and again.

The coverage area of the silent God thunder king is about three thousand miles.

The most ideal state must be that the people in the demon temple and blood clan directly regard Luocha city as a battlefield.

Including the devil\'s blood and two heavenly kings!

As long as they are in or near Luocha City, even if the silent God thunder king can\'t kill them, he will make them take off their skin!

Especially the "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind".

These two people are outside the blessed land of yumudong. They have eaten Bai Luobing, a silent God thunder king!

At that time, they were lucky. At the cost of destroying two strange treasures, they offset the destruction impact of the silent God thunder king to the greatest extent.

The other two heavenly kings, and most of the strong men of Tiangang and Disha, were not so lucky.

A group of strong people die and waste

Otherwise, the four heavenly kings will not only come this time.

If this time they get the thunder king of silence and destruction again, it is estimated that they will have to be abolished.

It is impossible to recover without a few thousand years.

Shen Lang wants to use silence to kill the God of thunder king to make a big, but he really didn\'t expect that the demon temple should be so "cooperative". At the moment, his expression is also a little abnormal.

However, under such circumstances, few people present could keep calm.

Even if someone saw Shen Lang\'s posture, they thought he was frightened by the scene like himself

But where would you think that this guy is laughing wildly in his heart at the moment?

At this time, seeing the arrival of "the king of ocean and water" and "the king of sky and wind", a group of powerful people in the demon God Hall who fled for their lives finally slowed down and turned around to fight with the powerful blood clan who came from behind!

The devil\'s temple is worthy of the devil\'s temple. The confidence and arrogance of the strong in the devil\'s temple can not be compared with other forces.

They, who had been beaten to vomit blood, thought that the reinforcements were coming, and the evil fire caused by the defeat like a mountain, finally broke out at this moment.

Everyone howled and turned back to fight with the blood clan!

The two heavenly kings of the demon Temple fought against the demon blood descendants and Milos;

Hundreds of strong people in the demon Temple fight more than 200 strong people in the blood clan!

And sun Mo and other people who went to support will arrive soon

It\'s a world war. It\'s amazing!

Even the spies from the rosefinch mansion had to withdraw three hundred miles later.

After more than ten breaths, the strong man of the demon Temple who rushed from the Suzaku House finally arrived near the Luocha city!

On the side of the demon God hall, the power increased greatly, and the weak was pulled back in time, temporarily balancing with the blood clan!


In the conference hall, the right envoy of Taotie mansion shouted for a hundred years.

"What a fart!" the thin waist shouted angrily: "oaks didn\'t come out, and other demon blood descendants disappeared. This is the best chance to escape. A group of idiots turned back to fight. Is it impatient to live?"

In fact, there\'s still one thing thin waist didn\'t say... The two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha are obviously in a weak position. At most, it\'s just to delay the devil\'s blood. Are these bastards blind?

If you don\'t run at this time, when will you stay?

But she dared not say such words.

As soon as he said it, he completely offended Tiangang and Disha.

Even if this sentence is true.

"Bitch, what nonsense are you talking about!"

The hatred between Taotie mansion and Zhulong mansion is hard to dissolve. Seeing the thin waist talking like this, Feng Bainian and a group of strong people in Taotie mansion immediately get angry.

Feng scolded angrily for a hundred years: "bitch, I just said that the situation is finally stable, not applauding them for returning to the war. You\'re so fierce! Have you forgotten the feeling of cutting you at the dragon scale temple?"

"Believe it or not, I\'ll crush you!"

A group of people in Taotie mansion immediately agreed and laughed.

The people in Zhulong mansion were weak, but they were also angry and shouted at each other.

Taotie mansion and Zhulong mansion are in this conference hall. You stare at me like a cockfight, and I stare at you, blushing and thick neck.

Then they rolled their sleeves one by one and were ready to fight a big war.

At the critical moment, Shen Lang\'s mood at the theatre was ruined by this group of people. He couldn\'t help but say coldly, "this is the territory of Zhuque mansion. If you want to fight, please go outside."

"If you can, by the way, give us a thousand miles to spread the film. Let\'s see your good play here at the same time."

Both sides of you and me immediately became mute.

Everyone\'s eyes returned to the light curtain again.

And at this moment, no one noticed

In the sky 3500 miles outside Luocha City, in a dark cloud, Wanyao mansion, qianhun hall, sword sect and other legendary forces are fully armed and paying close attention to the war on the other side of Luocha city!

Wearing a suit of armor, Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, sat calmly in front of the crowd with her legs tilted.