Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1175

The strong man at the end of the imperial martial mirror, one of the four heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, shot a group of blood families in the middle of the imperial martial mirror in a rage, but none of them died

And still in front of so many people!

"King of the sea and water" is furious!

"How dare you make a fool of yourself?"

As soon as the voice fell, he grabbed it again!

This catch is more than ten times stronger than before?

Even if the strong men of the blood clan are the elders under the emperor, they will definitely die!

The prince of the blood clan who had just drilled out of the sea of blood was suddenly frightened. Before he could grasp it, they turned into blood bats and ran in all directions!

However, under the terrible pressure of the huge palm, thousands of blood bats seem to have entered the swamp. No matter how hard they try, they are difficult to move!

When the huge palm came down, it became crazy again and shrouded all the blood bats.

Seeing this group of blood princes doomed

Milos, one of the blood clan giants, suddenly heard a cold hum in the air: "the king of ocean and water is so powerful?"

Immediately, a palm that seemed to be completely condensed by blood appeared out of thin air, and suddenly caught thousands of blood bats with the power of lightning!

At the moment when the "king of ocean and water" grasped it, he fished all the blood bats in advance!


The palm of the "king of ocean and water" grasped the edge of the bloody fist.

Burst out the movement of mountain collapse and earth crack!

Although it was only hit to the edge, the huge blood red fist was still hit to the ground.

Smashed the ground out of a deep pit!

The next second, the huge blood red fist grabbed a group of blood bats, like a snake, slipped and suddenly retracted.

Disappeared in an instant!

"I\'ve heard a lot about the name of the four heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, so it\'s just like that!" Milos\'s mocking voice sounded in the air: "with your ability, if you dare to come out and face the demon blood, you will die!"

"Milos, you\'re crazy!" roared the "king of the sea and water".

Once again, I lost my face. "King of ocean and water" was so angry!

I know Milos is a fierce general, but in front of so many people, and there are a large number of strong people in the demon Temple who are being chased and killed by demon blood descendants, it is difficult for the "king of ocean and water" to think about it.

At this time, the "king of sky and wind" drank softly and said, "sea king, don\'t be impulsive. Save the people in the pale Valley first!"

Immediately, "the king of the sky and the wind" suddenly turned to Shen Lang and said, "it\'s not too late. I and the sea king went to rescue the people of the devil general\'s house. All matters here will be handed over to the left envoy!"

"What?" everyone at the scene was surprised!

You know, there are many left and right envoys of the devil general\'s house, and even those who are more important than the left and right envoys among the Tiangang and Disha.

The "king of the sky and the wind" handed over his leadership to Shen Lang?

Not waiting for Shen Lang to speak, not waiting for everyone to react

They shot at the same time, tore the space in front of them directly, and then immediately escaped into the space crack.

"Ambassador Zuo! What should we do?"

A figure emerged from the crowd and ran to Shen Lang.

The crowd stared and was stunned.

Shuying immediately sent a message to Shen Lang: "this man is the right envoy of Taotie mansion. His name is Feng centennial and his nickname is\' God of war smile \'. The left envoy also met him when he was in the dragon scale temple that day."

"\'God of war smiles\'?" Shen Lang turned his eyelids and glanced at the wind for a hundred years.

How can you name it!

Young master, I\'m the emperor of war. Have you become the God of war?

Shen Lang saw this man in the dragon scale temple and vaguely impressed him.

The first time I saw this man was in front of the life and Death Gate of the dragon scale temple.

At that time, Hou Feng and Taotie were chasing Zhulong and Xiaoyao, the strong man of Zhulong mansion.

When Shen Lang saw this man, he was attracted by a big knife in his hand

On the hundred year old broadsword, a golden dragon is carved on both sides of the blade, which is glittering and very ostentatious.

This first impression made Shen Lang feel that this guy was not like a strong man, but more like a local tyrant.

But he knew that when he came up to ask himself, he showed that he was smarter than others.

"There is no way but to wait." Shen Lang said faintly.

"As soon as the devil\'s blood descendant comes out, even the two heavenly kings may not be able to win safely. When others go up, they just want to die. What can they do?"

Everyone present looked at each other.

Although people at this level have heard of the descendants of the devil\'s bones and blood, they don\'t really understand it.

I can only say that I know a little fur, so I don\'t know how strong the demon blood is.

Shen Lang said again, "I know you are anxious, but it\'s too late to rescue the strong ones in the demon Temple who have reached the pale valley with your cultivation."

"There is no imperial martial mirror for more than eight days in this battle, and I am not qualified to participate at all."

"Even if the emperor\'s martial mirror is eight strong, the possibility of falling is more than 70% in this war."

"I\'m afraid that\'s why the two heavenly kings didn\'t let you follow."

"Seventy percent? How could it be?" the strong man in the demon Temple showed an incredible look.

He became more and more curious and surprised about the demon blood.

"Zuo emissary, can we really only wait here and have no choice?" Feng still didn\'t give up for a hundred years.

A large group of strong people in Taotie mansion have gone to the pale Valley, among them is his younger brother who has a big ticket for a hundred years.

If they all hang up, he, the right envoy of Taotie mansion, may be alone.

No one wants to see that the forces they have cultivated for thousands of years are lost once.

"This guy thinks highly of me and wants me to help him." Shen Lang frowned at the wind for a hundred years.

I\'m kidding. Shen Lang wants the demon temple to die.

How is it possible to find a way for them?

Before, the king of Nara and the king of Nara destroyed Luocha city and sent the wind to the demon God hall. Isn\'t it to lead the people of the demon God hall?

But even Shen Lang didn\'t expect that the people in the demon God hall "cooperated" so much that they rushed up without waiting for the arrival of the strong in Tiangang and earth.

At this time, what Shen Lang thought was not the strong men who saved the devil generals\' house

But thinking about how to create conditions and catch this group of people together with blood families!

Of course, there is no way to save these people.

If you go to ask mother-in-law Feng of the rosefinch house now, even if there are demon blood descendants, mother-in-law Feng can at least save dozens of strong people in the demon temple.

Mother-in-law Feng is stronger than the two Tiangang and Disha heavenly kings who are seriously injured, but she doesn\'t know how much.

But where would Shen Lang do such a thing?

Don\'t mention Shen Lang, even Bai libing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, pretended to be deaf and silent!

It\'s not a day or two for the main demons in the demon God hall to fight with me. Anyway, all the people in the rosefinch house are here except a few spies.

The lives of the rest of the devil generals are none of their business?

Although the faces of right envoy Baili Bing and others also showed a worried color.

But in my heart, I\'m already happy!

The people who came to the devil general\'s house in the plague ran out impatiently. If they all died, these devil general\'s houses were seriously damaged.

This is only good for Zhuque mansion, not bad!

Before that, the people of Zhuque house thought that the demon God hall would win. At that time, Zhuque house could not explain to the black dragon demon king.

But now

Just now, the "king of the sea and water" roared: "he, who came up with the idea to attack the blood clan without authorization!"

So it seems that Shen Lang\'s guess is undoubtedly very correct.

Zhuque mansion doesn\'t need to worry about being made difficult by others.

What we should really worry about is these powerful demons who pour out and return home with great defeat!

The eyes of the people in Zhuque mansion became a little strange.

There are some hidden gloating in this look. What\'s more, it\'s a deep worship of Shen Lang!

This worship is not just because Shen Lang predicted what might happen.

Because Shen Lang saved everyone\'s life!

If it weren\'t for LAN Mengling, the leader of the mansion, who asked to wait until Shen Lang, if Shen Lang hadn\'t stopped the attack of Zhuque mansion, I\'m afraid the people of Zhuque mansion wouldn\'t be able to avoid this robbery

At this time, Shen Lang deliberately frowned, as if he were meditating and helping Feng find a way for a hundred years.

But what I thought in my heart was how to deceive this group of people and let them "reunite" with the strong ones in the demon temple over the pale valley.

When everyone is "reunited", the silent thunder king in Luocha city can give full play to its maximum effect!

And Shen Lang\'s biggest problem now is

How can we make the blood clan and the devil Temple regard Luocha city as a battlefield!

In other words, how can this group of people just gather in Luocha city?

This is a question of probability. It is a problem with almost no solution.

It\'s all luck.

Under the current situation, if you want to change the war situation, it is only possible to cultivate such accomplishments as mother-in-law Shen Lang Youfeng.

The king of annihilation thunder was put in Luocha city to deal with the blood clan.

But now the chaotic war has begun. It is absolutely a matter of boundless merit to seize this opportunity to destroy the blood clan and the demon God hall together, or to cripple them together.

But now even Shen Lang can\'t think of a better way.

If there is no way to destroy the blood clan and the demon God hall at the same time, Shen Lang can only choose one to detonate the silent God thunder king.

Whether to choose the demon temple or the blood clan

This is also a problem.


The wind here has been worried for a hundred years to see Shen Lang frowning and not talking.

He looked pale, hesitated and asked, "do you know that demon blood descendant very well? Is that demon blood descendant really strong enough... Even Zuo envoy can\'t help it?"

This guy\'s attitude towards Shen Lang made everyone look at him.

The right envoy of Taotie mansion talks to Shen Lang like he is Shen Lang\'s subordinate?

Even if you have a better relationship between Taotie mansion and Shen Lang, are you so humble?

At the critical moment, he places all his hopes on Shen lang. how much does this guy have confidence in Shen Lang?

Demon blood, it\'s something that even two heavenly kings are shocked and pale. Go and ask a quasi emperor martial mirror guy how to deal with it?

This is a joke!