Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1174

And there was a sudden change on the light curtain.

Beyond the pale valley of blood clan, a powerful and thrilling breath appeared inexplicably!

This breath, through hundreds of thousands of miles, still makes a group of powerful imperial martial mirrors in the demon God hall split!

The right envoy Baili Bing even said that the strong breath was still above the two giants of the blood clan.

It is very likely that he is a strong emperor!

The blood clan hides such a terrible strong man, but the main devil generals in the demon God hall have poured out and have entered the pale Valley

Isn\'t that like a sheep in a tiger\'s mouth?

"Doesn\'t the news say that there are only Milos and ox in the blood clan? What\'s the matter?"

The "king of the sea and water" gave a furious cry of great dissatisfaction.

In his voice, there was dissatisfaction with the lack of information of these people in the demon God Temple, as well as anger at the deception of the blood clan.

"The king of the sky and the wind" shouted, "go back! Let them all go back!"

At the next moment, the powerful thoughts of the two heavenly gang and earth evil kings burst out like the sea.

Towards the pale Valley!

There is no doubt about the power of the four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king.

Regardless of their cultivation status, these four people are still above the commander of Tiangang Disha.

He is the real leader of Tiangang Disha.

In an instant, their thoughts of "king of ocean and water" have crossed many spaces and reached near Luocha city!

These two people and grandma Feng are the only strong ones who can reach the plague land of Luocha city in such a short time and through such a long distance.

Even if it is Bailiping, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, it is almost impossible for God to get to dalaozha city so soon.

The mind limit of Baili Bing is almost near Luocha city.

However, the gods of "king of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" circled on Luocha City, threw out several strong people trapped in the demon temple, kept moving for a moment, and quickly moved towards the pale Valley!

"Go back! All go back!"

The "king of sky and wind" thought suddenly sounded over Luocha city and came back through the light curtain.

The voice was full of tyranny, like ten thousand thunder!

At this moment, the horror of the top power of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian is undoubtedly revealed!

But the five figures were like wood in the sea storm. Without any resistance, they were directly thrown out. They were extremely fast!

A group of strong blood clan in Luocha city had no time to resist, so they were crushed to ashes by the God of "king of sky and wind"!

The speed of the two heavenly gang and earth evil kings in the demon God hall is not fast.

However, it is still a step too late to wake up at the moment.

As soon as their thoughts left Luocha city

In the direction of pale Valley, a storm more violent than before set off again!


Roaring like a demon, with the power of breaking mountains and rivers, swept out from the middle of the pale Valley and Luocha city.

"King of the sea and water" and "king of the sky and wind" snorted at the same time.

Before they reached the pale Valley, they were blown back by a terrible force!

They are too careless.

The mysterious strong man on the blood clan side can only be stronger than them now, not weaker.

But because they were anxious, the people in the house of the great demons only escaped from the divine mind, not their own.

This was a big loss. My mind was almost smashed by the power of moving mountains and filling the sea!

Their faces turned pale in an instant. They took three steps back to stand firm!


Seeing this scene, the strong man in the demon temple was surprised, and a bad feeling came naturally!

It was at this time that terrible mushroom clouds rose into the sky.

And with an extremely fast speed, it extends to the direction of Luocha city

As Shen Lang said before, the "small fight and small trouble" in Luocha city is really a small fight and small trouble.

At the moment, the situation displayed on the light curtain has exceeded everyone\'s imagination.

It\'s not too much to say that it is destroying the sky and the earth!

Although only a simple picture is displayed on the light screen, although it is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the rosefinch house, everyone feels an evil force filled with ferocity!

This vast and strange evil force has broken mountains and rivers and turned the world upside down!

Except for the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha and the left and right envoys, everyone else felt like dancing on the blade.

There is a kind of

Life and death is no longer the strange feeling controlled by yourself!

Compared with the current scene, the war between the five or six strong imperial martial mirrors is totally different!

"Demon blood? It\'s demon blood! How is this possible!"

The "king of the sea and water" who came slowly changed his face and said a strange name to many people present.

"The king of the sky and the wind" jumped wildly from the corners of his eyes and said, "trouble, now trouble..."

"Demon bone blood descendant?" hearing the words "demon bone blood descendant", Shen Lang\'s face changed.

"It\'s a demon blood descendant. No wonder I didn\'t notice a little breath before. It seems that this demon blood descendant was hidden deep underground by Milos and oaks."

Pieces of information about the descendants of demon bones and blood emerged in Shen Lang\'s mind.

"Didn\'t the blood clan\'s evil blood descendants die out in the first World War? Can it be said that there are many evil blood descendants hidden in the blood ancestral mausoleum?"

Shen Lang\'s expression moved slightly: "yes, I determined through various spider silk traces before. Xuezu was calculating all this and promoting everything. In the first World War, he didn\'t do his best, but it was a conspiracy!"

"So it\'s very possible that he hid a large number of demon bones, blood descendants and even demon gods in the blood ancestral mausoleum!"

"I guessed that the blood clan had a lot of cards. Unexpectedly, it was this etheric devil..."

Shen Lang\'s eyebrows locked up.

According to the records in the war temple, this demon blood descendant was the first batch of demon servants of the blood ancestor.

It is said that the blood descendants of demon bones were originally strong human beings. Later, they were transformed into etheric demons by blood ancestors using the blood god atlas.

They don\'t need to suck blood, but they are extremely powerful... Any demon blood descendant who has appeared has no lower cultivation than the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian!

Even in the blood clan rebellion, there were a large number of demon blood descendants in the Wu realm of the great emperor!

Unexpectedly, this terrible devil reappeared in the world!

It is no wonder that the faces of "the king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind" have changed so tragically.

The demon God hall sent so many powerful people from the demon general\'s house and two of the four heavenly kings. They thought they could wipe out all the blood families in the plague place

Unexpectedly, the powerful devil generals who went to attack the pale Valley encountered such a disaster!

Even the "king of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" may not really be able to cope with this demon blood.

Emperor Wujing is a strong man in the Ninth Heaven. Where can he resist this demon attack?


Most of the other people present, except the strong ones at the left and right envoy level, didn\'t seem to have heard of this "demon bone blood descendant", and their eyes were full of confusion.

But whether you know it or not, everyone knows a little

This time, the trouble is really big!

Can make the two heavenly kings so impolite;

It can directly blow back the thoughts of the two heavenly kings;

How terrible should the "demon blood" be?

"It\'s too late, too late... No wonder the blood clan dares to be so rampant. It\'s actually a demon blood descendant! There\'s more than one!"

"The king of the sea and water" roared: "he, who came up with the idea to attack the blood clan without authorization!"

The crowd clapped and their faces became extremely ugly.

Even the "king of the sea and water" said so. Aren\'t all the people who enter the demon general\'s house in the pale Valley going to suffer?

"This... What the hell is this?"

"Two heavenly kings, what should we do?"

"Are you really a strong man in the great emperor\'s martial realm? What is the devil\'s blood?"

"The chaos war has started, and the opportunity is coming." Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly and stared at the light curtain expressionless.

After a while, I saw many small black spots on the light curtain.

These little black spots fled from Luocha city at the speed of reaching the extreme!

And a group of blood princes in red cloak are chasing after them!

Under the cover of the spy\'s mind in the rosefinch mansion, the small black spots became much clearer.

The strong men in the demon Temple recognized these people who ran away almost immediately!

These people are the strongmen of the devil generals!

"My Lord, help me!"

One of the strong men in the demon Temple felt the divine thoughts of the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, and shouted loudly.


The "king of ocean and water" shouted angrily, stood in the conference hall and grabbed it directly forward!

The "king of the sea and water", one of the four heavenly kings of Tiangang Disha, finally showed its terrible strength at this moment!

As soon as he grasped it with his right hand, he directly penetrated the space and the void!

At the same time, on the light curtain, a mountain like giant palm immediately appeared outside Luocha city!

The whole Luocha city was shrouded in this giant palm.

Heaven and earth are dark!


The giant palm, with the sound of terrible wind and thunder, chased a group of blood clan strong men from behind and caught them!

Although the "king of ocean and water" was also seriously injured at the entrance of yumudong blessed place, and now he is wounded, this arrest in anger is still terrible!

Under this grasp, the space outside Luocha city suddenly broke open.

More than 20 blood clan strongmen who came from the chase didn\'t even scream, so they were directly crushed into slag!

Outside the Luocha City, blood was floating, and immediately it was full of blood fog!

More than a dozen strong men in the demon Temple seized this opportunity and ran to the East with speed!

However, when the group of people in the demon Temple escaped, the figures in the sea of blood staggered out... None of the blood princes who had been crushed before ran out again!

Although these blood clan strongmen were dying after they came out, it\'s true that none of them died!

This time, the face of the "king of ocean and water" will be lost