Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1176

In the conference hall, the strong men of these great devil generals were laughing, and Shen Lang\'s heart was laughing: "the exciting moment has come, the time to witness miracles... Please don\'t let me down."

"Please come to Luocha city for tea, Amen."

If the people in the demon Temple knew that Shen Lang was not thinking of a way, but thinking of such a thing, I\'m afraid he would spit blood three liters.

Just as everyone\'s eyes twinkled and the wind was about to stop talking for a hundred years, Shen langyouyou said, "there is a way to help you with my relationship with brother Taotie. Oh, I really have no way... Any conspiracy is a joke in front of the crushing power."

Everyone at the scene nodded secretly and felt that Shen Lang\'s words were quite frank.

In places like the demon temple, there are not many people who admit that they are unable or insufficient.

"This guy is a bit self-conscious. He doesn\'t think that his cultivation of quasi emperor martial mirror can be on an equal footing with everyone because he has become the left envoy of Zhuque mansion."

"The two heavenly gang and earth evil kings have nothing to do. How can a boy who depends on his relationship come up with any way to turn the world around?"

"There are no heroes at all times, which makes upright people famous. It\'s surprising that such a bad thing should come near the eldest lady... It\'s hard to tell the true from the false of what happened in the blessed land of yumudong. I don\'t know whether Tiangang and Disha people deliberately made it up in order to please the eldest lady?"

"It\'s a big trouble this time. If even the two heavenly gang and earth evil kings can\'t save those people, I\'m afraid these demon generals will suffer a heavy blow!"

Many strong people in the demon temple were worried while thinking.

At this time, Shen Lang said, "there are two choices you can do at present."

"The first choice, the emperor\'s martial mirror, the strong above the sixth heaven, all jump forward by tearing up the space and go to Luocha city to meet the two heavenly kings;"

"But I don\'t recommend this one. The reason is very simple. Now we don\'t know how many demon blood descendants there are... Even if there is only one, this one plus Milos, the two heavenly kings have to distract themselves from saving people, and the odds of winning are not very big."

"If Oakes also comes out, the two heavenly kings will have a situation of two to three, and the situation will become worse."

"Besides, the sea king just said that there was more than one demon blood descendant!"

"At the same time, the golden winged ROC king of Wanyao mansion is likely to hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to do it!"

"Don\'t blame me for my bad speech. Although the two heavenly kings are powerful, I\'m afraid it\'s not easy to get out in such a dangerous situation."

"Under this premise, it is absolutely impossible for you to expect the two heavenly kings to take care of you when you go."

"If you go, you may not have time, or you may never come back..."

The strong people in the demon temple were shaking as if they were drenched from the head with a bucket of ice water!

In fact, most people want Shen Lang\'s analysis.

But people don\'t think of things as the worst until the last minute.

Demon blood is terrible enough.

In addition, the two giants of the blood clan, Milos and ox, and the golden winged ROC king who is likely to have a knife behind his back... How can the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha deal with it?

It\'s not nice to say. Apart from the blood clan, the four heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha have fought with King Dapeng of golden wings many times. So far, they have never taken any advantage!

Besides, these two have been seriously injured when they were in yumudong blessed land!

Shen Lang sighed in his heart when he saw the faces of these people... I said it casually. How did it scare you like this?

It\'s going to frighten you all. My God of silence, the thunder king, is a bit wasteful!

No, we have to add a fire!

Shen Lang sneered and said, "although the two heavenly kings have temporarily handed over their rights to me, I have insufficient prestige and strength. Few of you convince me. I can\'t afford this important task, so I can only give you suggestions."

"My suggestion is very simple, that is, everyone should not go, because not only can\'t save people, but also they may catch up with themselves."

"So I want to make ugly remarks ahead. You have to choose whether to go or not. Don\'t go and blame me when you die. I can\'t afford it."

This is very ugly, with a taste of irony.

The faces of a group of strong people in the demon Temple became strange except those in the rosefinch house.

What do you mean dead and blame you?

Are you sure that people will die when they go?

How can anyone talk like that?

You are a junior of the quasi emperor martial mirror. You are weird and arrogant?

If not in the face of the eldest lady and the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, who will bird you?

If it had not been for the attitude and orders of the two heavenly kings to Shen Lang, and the relationship between Miss Xue Dingdang and Shen Lang, this group of people would have been restrained.

I\'m afraid someone is going to say something ugly at the moment.

When did a large group of strong men in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror listen to such a boy?

Shen Lang completely ignored the faces of the people present and continued: "the second choice is to wait here and pray... Pray that the two heavenly kings can retreat and save a large number of strong people in the demon temple."

"These two choices are up to you."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came out of the crowd, sneered and said: "the heavenly king handed over the matter here to envoy Shen Zuo. Unexpectedly, envoy Shen Zuo was as timid as a mouse and said that he would let us all watch the play here?"

"What else do you say that we will never come back... Isn\'t this to grow others\' ambition and destroy their prestige?"

"But it\'s also true. After all, the cultivation of Zuo emissary is only the quasi emperor martial mirror. On that occasion, just a small storm may ruin Zuo emissary. It\'s normal to do so."

"But we are different. We are the strong men in the middle and late period of the emperor\'s martial mirror. What great storms and waves have we never seen? How can we be really frightened by such a scene and by the words of the left envoy?"

Shuying, the strongman of the rosefinch mansion, scolded coldly: "Sun Mo, please be polite to me!"

A group of strong men in the Zhuque mansion stared at the sun devil coldly at the same time.

In this conference hall, the most powerful is naturally the intact Zhuque mansion.

Sun Mo Gaga smiled and said, "I\'ve always been very respectful and polite to Ambassador Shen Zuo. What I just said is just a fact."

Speaking of this, sun Mo snorted and said, "all the people in the Zhuque mansion are here. Naturally, we don\'t need to worry, but most of the people in the poor mansion who came to the plague are in the pale Valley!"

"If something happens to them, my poor house will suffer a heavy blow!"

"You can wait here at ease because your rosefinch house is intact and it\'s none of your business."

"But we can\'t!"

"Ha ha." Shen Lang looked at the sun devil indifferently and said ha ha twice.

Sun Mo is really good. Shen Lang hopes to play such a role and sing the opposite tune.

Otherwise, if they are so obedient and really stay here, it will be a waste of Shen Lang\'s "good intention" to bury the silence killing God thunder king.

Sure enough, sun Mo\'s words aroused the anger of the powerful people in the mansion.

Look at a group of people standing in the Zhuque mansion in the conference hall, and then think about the disaster that a group of strong people in the Magic general mansion may suffer. A group of people are so angry that they want to vomit blood.

If you hadn\'t taken into account the eldest lady, I\'m afraid someone would have pointed at the nose of the people in the Zhuque mansion.

"No, we must do it! Our Bi Fang mansion can\'t afford such a big loss!"

"The devil\'s blood descendants are the demons created by the blood ancestors in their heyday. They are naturally very powerful. However, when the blood clan rebellion appeared, they have been killed. Now, they are obviously made again by the blood ancestors who have recovered a little strength. They can never have the prestige of that year!"

"The people of the ten thousand demon mansion give them courage and dare not plot against us at this time! It really annoys our demon general mansion and will eradicate them directly... I don\'t think the two heavenly kings can be attacked on both sides!"

"Yes, only we can fight back and save the people in the mansion!"

All the people in the demon general\'s house immediately began to talk, and they were all ready to try.

Seeing that the people around him were a little supportive of him, sun Mo smiled proudly and said, "since the left envoy said that we should choose by ourselves, then..."

He stopped for a while, then drank coldly and said, "all the people in poor Qi mansion listen to the order and go to Luocha city with me to meet the two heavenly kings!"

"I\'d like to see how powerful the legendary demon blood descendant is!"

All creatures in the world, whether human or beast, are like this - only someone takes the lead and someone follows.

They all like to go to crowded and lively places.

As soon as sun Mo\'s voice fell, the people of Bi Fang\'s house and Kunpeng\'s house immediately came out.

"Ambassador Zuo, we are going to Luocha city to meet the two heavenly kings. Please forgive me."

Some people who wanted to go to Luocha city but didn\'t want to annoy Shen Lang also came out and said hello politely.

"HMM." Shen Lang nodded slightly and didn\'t say much.

In the hall, there were a lot of people at the time.

In the middle and later period of Emperor Wu mirror, the strong tore open the space, jumped and marched towards Luocha city.

"A bunch of fools, I\'ll show you my methods later!"

Shen Lang quietly looked at the group\'s movements, expressionless, neither talking nor stopping.

Tearing up the space takes a lot of energy. It\'s more than 200000 miles away from Luocha city. When these guys run over in a hurry, they\'re basically at the end of their power.

Even if you can\'t touch the silent God thunder king, how can you stop the sweep of demon blood?

If you can stop the mopping up of demon blood descendants, how can you stop the strong ones such as the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall?

Before the "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind" left, they didn\'t let these people keep up. I\'m afraid they thought so.

But no one else can blame them for running to death.

"The fierce war, after adding these people, looks like it can become more heated and noisy... The silent killing God thunder king is really a good thing. I hope that the people of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect can cooperate with them and refine a few more when they arrive at the xuandao sect!"

Shen Lang held his chin and looked at the light curtain a little bored.

"The people of ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall should be near Luocha city at this time?"