Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1173

When the public heard Shen Lang\'s words asking Shuying to start, no matter the people in Zhuque mansion or the group of people following behind the two heavenly kings, their faces changed one by one.

In the star continent, there are only a few people in the demon Temple who dare to do this to the four heavenly kings!

Moreover, it should never be the left envoy of a demon general\'s house!

The group of people behind the "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind" never expected to hear such words. They thought they had heard wrong and didn\'t react for a while.

A group of people in Zhuque mansion were bitter in their mouths and jumped up with fear.

"Envoy Zuo, it\'s enough for you to play majestic in the rosefinch house. Why did you play with the four heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha?"

"You can play alone if you like. The key is that you are now the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. You represent Zhuque mansion! Do you want to make Zhuque mansion and Tiangang Disha enemies when you treat the two heavenly kings like this?"

"At the end of this day, my heart was disturbed by the left envoy. I haven\'t felt this for hundreds of years..."

At the moment when everyone was stunned.


As soon as the figure flashed, the thin figure kicked the man who had spoken to the ground.

Her accomplishments are the imperial martial mirror octagonal heaven, which is weaker than the two heavenly kings and the right envoy Baili ice in this conference hall;

The cultivation of the man who spoke was just the seven heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, which was much worse than her.

Under this action, the guy called "wild dog" by Shen Lang had no time to resist, so he was kicked to vomit blood.

A group of people behind "the king of ocean and water" and "the king of sky and wind" stared as big as a copper bell. Unexpectedly, Shuying really dared to do it.

And when you do it, you put such a heavy hand on it.

Liu Fang was badly hurt!

Zhuque mansion is going to turn upside down!

It was another stupefied time. Shuying punched, kicked and slapped, which made the man named Liu Fang scream and scream, and he couldn\'t get rid of her.

"Shuying really dares to do it..."

A strong emperor\'s martial mirror just looked at it like a dull chicken.

It\'s no wonder that the film is thin.

Shuying was in the dragon scale temple.

She not only saw Shen Lang see through the ghost, but also saw Shen Lang scold the strong man by pointing to Tiangang.

Finally, I saw Shen Lang\'s knife hit the blood emperor ladaos

After the blood emperor ladaos was hit hard, Shen Lang was in a coma with one arm broken. She flew to take Shen Lang down!

Let\'s not say anything else. At least she knows one thing... Because Shen Lang hurt the blood emperor ladaos, Tiangang killed all the strong people, and other strong people in the demon temple at that time, all owe Shen Lang a life!

Not only that

Because Shen Lang beat away the blood emperor ladaos, he finally saved the eldest lady!

If you have something to do, don\'t say Tiangang, Disha or several evil generals. I\'m afraid all the strong people in the star mainland demon temple, including the black dragon demon king, will be extinguished by the anger of the demon lord!

In other words, the strong of the whole demon temple in the star continent owe Shen Lang a life!

With the strength of "the king of ocean and water" and "the king of sky and wind", can\'t we stop the thin shadow?

They don\'t want to block, they don\'t dare to block!

Besides, Shen Lang now has another identity in addition to the identity of the left envoy of Zhuque mansion. Although the eight characters have not been left, everyone knows that it is the identity of the eight characters... The son-in-law of the demon temple!

Is there anything better than this?

Once this identity is confirmed, even the demons have to be humble to this guy!

So Shuying hardly hesitated about Shen Lang\'s order.

Just do it!

Even the "king of the sea and water" and the "king of the sky and wind" smiled bitterly: "be merciful, be merciful! Liu Fang is presumptuous to the left envoy. It\'s really time to fight, but now it\'s the time to hire people. Don\'t really hurt him?"

But these two people just call it that, but they don\'t go up to block Shuying.

While they were talking, Shuying continued to kick the guy on the ground one by one!

There was a great difference in their accomplishments. The guy couldn\'t resist it. He was kicked to death by the thin shadow and screamed.

The beaten man was stunned;

The group of people following the two heavenly kings were stunned;

A group of strong people in Zhuque mansion were stunned

There\'s something wrong with this painting style.

Although I heard about the blessed land in yumudong, the expressions of the two heavenly kings seem a little abnormal.

It\'s like these two people are afraid of Shen Lang and are worried about offending Shen Lang!

The following sentence further proves the attitude of "king of ocean and water" and "king of sky and wind".

"King of ocean and water" turned to Shen Lang and said, "I haven\'t seen you for many days. The style of envoy Zuo is still... Still?"

After saying this, everyone was stunned, and the "king of ocean and water" was stunned

Because he saw that Shen Lang\'s face was full of cracks and the blood on his body had not been wiped clean in time!

The last time they saw Shen Lang, Shen Lang stormed and hit the blood emperor ladaos with a knife, but he was also seriously injured and lost an arm.

See you again this time. Shen Lang seems worse than the last time?

Is this him? What a desperate Saburo!

Why do you always look like this?

Sure enough... The style is still the same!

"The king of the sky and the wind" hurriedly changed the topic and said, "who is so bold that Zuo emissary suffered such a heavy injury?"

"Whether it\'s an individual or a force, the left envoy will say it, and we\'ll send someone to wipe them out!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "it\'s Murong Changfeng."

"..." the king of sea and water "and" the king of sky and wind "are stupid.

Although Tiangang and Disha are powerful, they can be domineering even in the face of major demon generals.

But in the face of Murong family

Even the black dragon devil dare not say such words!

Two people, you look at me, I look at you, very embarrassed.

I don\'t know if they had a good heart. As soon as they raised their eyebrows, they shook their bodies at the same time and ran to Liu Fang, who was still humming on the ground. They slapped each other in the face!

The crowd was stunned again.

Didn\'t the two heavenly kings plead just now?

Didn\'t they just want to divert Shen Lang\'s attention and change the topic?

Why did you turn back?

Indeed, he turned back, "the king of the sea and water" yelled, "Liu Fang, are you impatient with your life? Do you know who the left envoy is? Do you dare to make the left envoy kneel? You don\'t know how to live or die!"

Compared with the Murong aristocratic family, the "king of ocean and water" and the "king of sky and wind" think it is simpler to fight Liu Fang.

In order for Shen Lang not to mention the words Murong aristocratic family and the "promise" just made by the "king of sky and wind", Liu Fang had to be wronged.

The whole audience understood at this time.

Each one took a breath of cold air in their hearts.

Shen Lang\'s eyes became a little awed.

Many people have made a decision in their hearts. Even if they don\'t please, don\'t provoke this evil star in the future!

At this time, Shen Lang ended the farce.

Shen Lang youyou said, "the two heavenly kings came all the way. They are tired. I\'d better save some energy... I just want to break his legs, but you two are breaking all his bones. What if he misses me?"

"I\'m not afraid of being stolen, but I\'m afraid of being remembered by thieves."

What\'s that called? Who dares to miss you now?

The crowd turned their eyes.

"If he dares to miss Zuo envoy, I will abandon him!" the "king of the sea and water" said a cruel word, and then gave Liu Fang a wink.

The guy completely forgot that he was the strong man in the seventh heaven of emperor Wujing. He ran to Shen Lang and kowtowed to apologize.

Shen Lang glanced at Liu Fang on the ground with disgust, kicked him over, and said faintly, "let\'s still talk about business."

Everyone was shocked: "it\'s time to get down to business. Alas, this farce is really... The faces of the two heavenly kings have been lost."

Shen Lang smiled brightly and said the "main thing": "just now the heavenly king said I was seriously injured..."

People\'s hearts clattered. Shit, why did they turn back?

Do you want Tiangang Disha to help you fight Murong aristocratic family?

Seeing the faces of the people, Shen Lang smiled more brightly: "it\'s all right. I\'ve killed the shadow of Murong Changfeng. What I want to say is... I\'ve been hurt so badly. Do the two heavenly kings and adults have any good healing pills? If so, give some to help me heal quickly."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Everyone in Zhuque mansion turned away.

They have seen Shen Lang\'s shamelessness.

Not only shameless, but also bold.

audacious in the extreme!

Not only bold, but also careful... Because Shen Lang seems to have completely expected the result!

As he said, the two heavenly kings and a group of people behind them not only didn\'t get angry or unhappy, but smiled one by one and all ran to "give gifts"!

Shen Lang clearly wants "healing medicine", but some of them even sent out a long knife with the spirit of killing!

Others took out an ancient and exquisite pagoda of vicissitudes!

Some people also sent out defensive jade pendants... Can these things heal wounds?

Shen Lang was stunned by a group of people in Zhuque mansion. Under the stunned gaze, he did not refuse to come and smiled one by one.

Duanmu Zhenghe and the four bone demons helped Shen Lang receive gifts with great joy.

Even Xue Shiyin had to come up to help.

The meeting hall was a little noisy.

Correspondingly, the battle on the light curtain condensed by the powerful of the first series of right envoys is still going on.

And it\'s getting harder and harder.

But the strong present turned a blind eye.

Everyone\'s attention is all on giving gifts to Shen Lang!

It\'s so weird

At this time, on the light curtain, there were two sharp screams like ancient wild animals!

Soon, at the position of the pale Valley on the light curtain, a world destroying storm rose into the sky!

Just like a terrible ancient wild beast, it will drill out of the earth and wreak havoc on the world!

Terror and ferocity passed through hundreds of thousands of - miles, making the strong people in the demon temple in the conference hall cold and cold

"What is this ferocious spirit... How can it be stronger than Milos and ox!" the right envoy of Zhuque mansion Bailiping screamed: "is it the powerful existence of the great emperor\'s martial realm?"

A group of people in the demon Temple fell to the bottom of the valley.