Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1172

After Shen Lang made jokes for a long time, he finally got down to business

The war situation on the other side of Luocha city was really broadcast live in this hall with the joint efforts of many strong players in Zhuque mansion.

Seeing the scene on the light curtain, Shen Lang looked slightly changed and said, "this level of war is a little pediatrics. At most, there are five or six strong imperial martial mirrors in scuffle."

"Look at this, I\'m afraid the people in the demon temple have attacked the pale valley."

As soon as he said this, the voice of the strong man of the rosefinch house as a spy came out on the light screen: "the strong man of my demon God Temple drove the blood clan back after a war with the blood clan in Luocha city. Now he has invaded the pale valley."

"But here in Luocha City, there are still six strong men fighting endlessly, and none of their subordinates dare to go deep."

Although the spy has amazing means to inquire about information, his cultivation seems to be a little low.

So no one dared to go directly through Luocha city and follow him to the pale valley.

Baili Bing and others suddenly shrunk their eyes: "this guy has such keen observation! The scene is so chaotic and fuzzy, and his mind has not been released. Even we haven\'t seen the details yet. He guessed so accurately!"

Immediately, a smile appeared in the eyes of all the people in the right department!

Didn\'t Shen Lang win the bet with right envoy Baili Bing before?

Now the demon temple has attacked the pale Valley!

So it seems that Shen Lang is more likely to lose the bet.

When Shen Lang loses, the left envoy and the first department will become the vassal of the right envoy and the first department. That\'s really

The people of the first Department of Zuo Shi all look a little ugly at the moment.

Although these people believe in Shen Lang, after all, this kind of thing is too absurd.

Shen Lang made such a crazy bet without factual basis and intelligence. In the end, he was not alone, but a group of people!

As for the leaders or chiefs of all races behind Shen Lang, they all smiled like Mona Lisa.

If it was for Yu CHENFENG\'s sake that Shen Lang had surrendered to him before, Shen Lang broke into Luocha City alone and rescued more than 5000 martial artists of all ethnic groups, which really convinced people of all ethnic groups.

Such an incredible thing, even the strong emperor Wujing can\'t do it!

Moreover, according to what the strong man of Zhuque mansion said before, Luocha city was destroyed... What the people of Zhuque mansion said was destroyed by the people of the God of war hall, but how can adami and Shi Hao believe it?

Shen Lang went to save people, then Luocha city was destroyed, and then people were saved. How can there be such a coincidence?

Luocha city was obviously destroyed by Shen Lang!

Such a city is shrouded in the ancient chain array. Even the people of the demon Temple dare not easily say that they will destroy and destroy the array.

Now it has been knocked off by Shen Lang

Who can compare such means?

Who can rival this courage?

The race in the wilderness admires this kind of brave man most!

Such a wise and brave man wants to bet on winning or losing. It\'s strange that he can lose!

At this point, the scene on the light curtain becomes clearer.

It is estimated that the spy further shrouded Luocha city.

The spy\'s voice kept talking about what happened here in Luocha city.

Shen Lang simply closed his eyes and let Ling Xue and Ling Yue knead him and press him.

After the first war with Murong Changfeng, he really needs to rest.

Everyone didn\'t speak, and they just listened quietly.

But the right to make a series of people have a smile on their lips.

Even Bai libing, who has been cold, is full of banter when looking at Shen Lang at the moment.

"The power of the blood clan is not only here, but how can it be so easily beaten into the pale Valley?" Shen Lang closed his eyes, but thought in his mind: "the large array of Luocha city is connected with the other four main cities, which is very important. There is no reason for them to give up."

"If you really give up, then the demon temple and the ten thousand demon house can take this as a breakthrough and drive straight into the Yellow Dragon!"

"Unless they do have cards!"

"And this card is hidden in the ancient array!"

"They want to attract the demon God hall to drive straight into the big array, rely on the power of the big array, add this card, and catch them all!"

Shen Lang analyzed from the perspective of blood clan and immediately came to an amazing conclusion.

Although this possibility is not very great, after all, the power of the main magic generals in the demon God hall is really strong.

But Shen Lang has been to the source of pain tower in Moonlight City, but he knows that the blood clan is as strong as clouds.

With the power of blood clan, if you pour out, it will not be weaker than the power of the demon temple here in the plague land.

According to Shen Lang\'s estimation, the two sides are likely to start a war here in Luocha city.

Even if the demon temple has the upper hand, it should occupy the Luocha City, so that the blood clan can no longer successfully arrange the serial array.

When they occupied Luocha city and destroyed the blood clan\'s continuous array, then the strong ones sent by the black dragon demon king came and finally attacked the Moonlight City... This is what the demon temple should and is most likely to do?

But now the demon temple has abandoned Luocha city and rushed directly to the pale Valley!

What\'s wrong with these guys?

Just when they rushed to the pale Valley, if Luocha city was taken back by the blood clan, and then the big array took shape again, even if the blood clan didn\'t have too many other cards, relying on this ancient serial array, they could be half dead!

The blood clan\'s abnormality and conspiracy taste are too strong

It\'s definitely a deliberate weakness to attract all the demon temple!

"If my guess is right, it won\'t be long before the strong ones in the demon temple in Luocha city will be killed or driven away, and then the big array in Luocha city will take shape again."

"The people of the demon temple will be defeated in the pale valley. Finally, they will be cut into countless pieces by the blood clan and trapped in the large array of the pale Valley and the large array of Luocha city... It is estimated that there will not be too many people who can come back alive."

"It seems that I don\'t need to waste my God killing thunder king for the time being... Hey, if I guess wrong, the demon temple will still return to occupy Luocha city. Then the God killing thunder king will show his face."

"Blood clan, what are the cards?"

"What is hidden so tightly that you don\'t even notice the broken silver eyes?"

Time passed little by little.

The war in Luocha city continued, and everyone was sleepy.


A woman at the door walked in quickly and said in a loud voice, "tell the left envoy and the right envoy that the two heavenly kings\' King of sea and water \'and\' King of sky and wind \'under the black dragon demon king have arrived!"

The people of Zhuque mansion were overjoyed and almost all stood up!

Of course, just say almost.

Because another one is pretending to sleep... Shen Lang doesn\'t move his eyelids. He continues to enjoy the "healing" service of Ling Xue and Ling Yue.

"Da, Da, Da!"

Under the gaze of a group of strong men in Zhuque mansion,

"The king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind", with a group of powerful demons and gods who are overbearing and tragic, enter slowly.

As soon as the two men came in, their eyes fell on Shen Lang on the reclining chair.

Without waiting for them to tell the truth, a man in the back stepped out and shouted, "how dare you not get up and salute when you see the two heavenly kings!"

"Somebody, take him to me and kneel down to the two heavenly kings!"

"The king of sea and water" and "the king of sky and wind" are crossed.

Yes, and such fools flatter!

You can let anyone kneel. Dare you let Shen Lang kneel?

You can\'t die!

Sure enough, Shen Lang opened his eyes when the faces of a group of people in the Zhuque house changed greatly. He snorted coldly: "he? I just fell asleep and rested for a while. Where are the wild dogs barking here!"

"Shuying, go and give me a discount on this wild dog\'s legs!"

The faces of everyone present changed.

How arrogant!

How overbearing!

What trouble