Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1171

"Easy as a palm?" Shen Lang sneered, "it\'s meaningless to argue with me about this kind of thing."

"Not to mention the others, two of the eight heavenly kings in the God of war hall broke the Luocha City, and then released the news... It is clear that it is to provoke the demon God hall and let the people in the demon God hall fight with the blood clan."

"It\'s clear that it\'s a big pit. Don\'t the people in the devil\'s house jump in the same way?"

"I\'ve been fooled casually, and I\'m still here to shut up and destroy others? It\'s easy to destroy them?"

The right envoy Baili Bing said in a hate voice, "everyone can see their little tricks, but the devil temple will make plans because of their confidence in their own strength!"

"The demon God hall is the master of the world. Whether it is the blood clan, the God of war hall or the ten thousand demon house, it can\'t be our opponent!"

Shen Lang sneered and said, "if you want to talk like this, there\'s really no need to talk."

"OK, you are so powerful, then lead the people of the first Department of right envoy to do it. Go now!"

"Kill the blood clan directly, and then eradicate those people in the ten thousand demon mansion. By the way... It\'s best to kill the blood ancestor."

"Don\'t stare at me like that and don\'t expect me. Anyway, you don\'t listen to what I say."

"But I\'m too weak and seriously injured. I\'ve just been in charge of the first Department of the left envoy. I can only lead the people of the first Department of the left envoy to give you spiritual encouragement and support... Don\'t be afraid, you are so arrogant, you will return triumphantly. We will prepare flowers to welcome you back!"

Right make a series of people turn their eyes.

The irony is so smooth. It seems that Ambassador Zuo\'s speech is very powerful.

No wonder Tiangang Disha was scolded by him and couldn\'t answer back.

Right envoy Bai libing said coldly, "now it\'s time to talk about what to do. It\'s useless for left envoy to be weird. It\'s no good for us to fight each other."

"But don\'t say I can\'t promise to cooperate with Wanyao mansion. Other demon generals can\'t promise, even the coming heavenly kings."

"I don\'t care whether other devil generals agree or not, as long as you don\'t disagree with me. As for several heavenly kings, I will naturally convince them." Shen Lang smiled and said.

He paused and continued: "otherwise, I\'ll make a bet with the right envoy, and take the current war between the blood clan and the demon God hall as the bet."

"I bet that the people in the demon temple will be defeated and return home. At the same time, they will be stabbed by tens of thousands of demon mansion, which will greatly hurt their vitality;"

"According to the right envoy, the demon temple is the strongest. It can not only destroy the blood clan, but also eradicate the ten thousand demon house. Then the right envoy must have won the gambling on the demon temple, right?"

"If I lose, I will be blamed by the top, and Shen Lang will bear it; and in the future, I will be the right envoy to follow suit, and there will never be any disobedience."

"If I win, you will listen to me in the future. Don\'t mess around all day."


The audience was so quiet that the needles could be heard.

Whether it is the first left envoy or the first right envoy, after the arrival of the new left envoy, we all know that there will be contradictions between the left and right envoys.

There will certainly be differences of opinion, and there will be primary and secondary disputes over all kinds of things.

But everyone did not expect that the new left envoy was like a crazy gambler. He casually gambled himself and his whole family!

It\'s a straight game!

You know, even if there is no left envoy in Zhuque mansion for a long time, it is impossible for the first Department of right envoy to annex the first Department of left envoy!

Now he said, if he loses, won\'t the left envoy\'s first department become a thing in the right envoy\'s bag?

In the future, when people from the left envoy Department saw those from the right envoy department, they all had to lower their heads?

Such a crazy bet, where did he get his confidence?

What kind of dependence does he have before he dares to bet that the blood clan can win?

Although there are two giants in the blood clan, Milos and oux, they are restrained by the golden winged Mirs of the ten thousand demon mansion and the mother-in-law Feng of the demon God hall, and they won\'t do it easily?

It\'s time to fight. Naturally, these two will deal with it.

No matter whether Milos and Oakes do it or not, there is at least a 70% chance that the blood clan will lose!

How can the blood clan beat the demon temple?

The cold ice on Bai Li Bing\'s face melted all the time. He smiled and said, "are you sure you want to bet a game? After you are sure to lose, follow my arrangement in the future?"

"A man\'s big husband can\'t catch up with a word." Shen Lang smiled and said, "for me, losing or winning is a good thing."

"Whether you lose or win, there will be only one voice in the Zhuque mansion in the future, and it won\'t cause trouble to Lan\'er;"

"If I win, the plan to deal with the blood clan in my heart can be implemented normally; if I lose, it means that the demon God hall has seriously damaged the blood clan and it is just around the corner to destroy the blood clan. This is not only the blessing of all living creatures and races living here in the moonlight forest, but also the great blessing of the world."

The Council hall became silent again.

In the eyes of the strong men of Zhuque mansion, it is rare for Shen Lang to speak so seriously.

But such words are really moving

Especially Shi Hao, adami and others behind Shen Lang, their eyes were all touched.

Lord Zuo\'s kindness to these races is really deeper than the sea and higher than the sky.

When he came to the cold iron hall, Shen Lang released all the martial artists of all nationalities rescued from Luocha city and joined Shi Hao, adami and others.

The relatives who thought they would die appeared again, and people of these races burst into tears.

Shi Buyu and others, who had been wounded by the first Department of the right envoy, finally understood why the patriarch and others were so heavy and heavy.

He broke into Luocha City alone and saved more than 5000 people... It\'s a miracle! It\'s a legend!


Hearing Shen Lang\'s confirmation, Bai libing drank softly: "OK, I\'ll bet with you!"

"If I lose, you say I will never go west!"

"You envoy is indeed a heroine among women, a heroine, and a heroic man!" Shen Lang nodded slightly and slapped his hands.

Speaking of it, Shen Lang is really a bit risky in this gamble.

Because he really doesn\'t have much data to support.

Even with the broken false silver eyes, he didn\'t find any other strange places in the blood clan at the beginning.

There is no hiding of the strong except Milos and ox.

But after knowing that the three blood clan emperors came here and were defeated by the green dragon family, Shen Lang has been speculating about the blood clan\'s cards.

Even the three great emperors came out and sent only such a little power, which is totally unreasonable!

Ten thousand steps back, even if Shen Lang guessed wrong

In Luocha City, Shen Lang buried a silent God thunder king!

Strong people pour out from the demon temple. The first battlefield is Luocha city where the big array is broken.

In this Luocha City, there must be the most people in the demon God Temple - because the power of blood clan is distributed in the five main cities.

When the two sides fight in Luocha City, as soon as Shen Lang detonates, it\'s hey hey

It\'s hard for the demon temple to be invincible!

Shen Lang said happily, "well, since the right envoy has said so, let\'s have a look at the war over there."

"Although the rosefinch mansion did not participate in the war, it must have sent strong people to the front line to inquire about news?"

"Yes." right envoy Bai libing nodded slightly, and then looked at Wang Chunyang with a slight movement in his eyes.

Wang Chunyang immediately stood up.

Wang Chunyang looks a little strange. He looks like he is in his twenties and eighties.

He wears a slim scale armor and is as dark as ink. He smiles when facing Shen waves. He looks very friendly.

But when he stood up, the powerful breath of the six heaven of Emperor Wu Jing naturally spread out, and his whole body was filled with a dangerous breath that can not be ignored.

He stood upright, domineering and evil, tough and neat.


The sound of a quivering bow string came, but Wang Chunyang took out a long bow.

The long bow releases the breath of ancient and simple vicissitudes, but it gives people a feeling of towering and ferocity.

Looking at this long bow, people feel that they are facing this ancient fierce beast!

Wang Chunyang grabbed the bow string empty handed and made a sudden effort!


A thunderous voice sounded.

Countless vitality of heaven and earth converged towards Wang Chunyang\'s fingers, forming a shining light arrow!


Wang Chunyang drank violently and released his hand.

With a long tail, the light arrow pierced the cold iron hall and flew straight to Luocha city.

"What do you think of your subordinates\' archery?" Wang Chunyang stood proudly and said, "I\'m the fastest person in the world to shoot - without any hesitation!"

Shen Lang said with a smile, "it\'s really nothing to be proud of to shoot the fastest. It\'s worth boasting if it lasts."

"..." Wang Chunyang ran away and dared not show off in front of Shen Lang anymore.

In the conference hall, a group of women blushed with shame, but they still had to maintain a strong posture, with strange expressions.

Xue Shiyin covered her mouth and smiled forward and backward... Only she dared to be so presumptuous in such a place.

At least Ling Xue and Ling Yue behind Shen Lang wanted to laugh, but they didn\'t dare to laugh.

They all controlled themselves, and their faces turned red.

The people of the major races behind showed the eyes of their confidants one by one: "well, Mr. Zuo is a man of temperament and a fellow man!"

Right envoy Baili Bing also had an overwhelming feeling about Shen lang. he could only pretend that he didn\'t hear Shen Lang\'s words, turned his head sideways with a red face and said, "Wang Chunyang\'s message has been sent out. There must have known it. You two start casting spells."

"Yes, sir!" the two women standing behind her nodded respectfully.

They went to the open space near the left envoy department and began to cast spells at the same time.

As the two played the formula, a huge circular light curtain appeared on the field.

The light curtain, from blurred, began to become clear.

The scene above is the scene of Luocha city!

From this point of view, this should be what you can see from the top of the mountain in the distance of Luocha city.

"This is the battle situation that our spy passed back through the secret method. What we see now is what he sees now." Bai libing said faintly.

Shen Lang smiled: "live broadcast? Oh, good!"

After saying this, both Shen Lang and others immediately held their breath and looked at the light curtain with a dignified expression!

Inside and outside narosha City, wars are unfolding!

The roar of destroying heaven and earth kept ringing.

The crazy and terrible air flow makes it look like a sea in a storm for five thousand miles