Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1170

The strong men present had no experience in dealing with such scenes.

One chin is falling off.

Everyone felt that Zuo Shi\'s adult didn\'t speak through his brain... If he did, it was a deliberate provocation!

Everyone just feels cold and wants to find an excuse to leave here immediately.

"Zuo emissary talked and laughed, Zuo emissary talked and laughed." Wang Chunyang waved his hand with a bitter face.

He is very depressed at the moment.

What\'s wrong with sitting? Why are you so unlucky that you just sit next to Shen Lang?

And the opposite right makes Baili Bing, a face from red to white, and from white to red, as if... There is a rhythm that is about to go wild!

"If you deny so quickly, there must be a problem! Well, there must be a problem." Shen Lang winked at Wang Chunyang and suddenly said solemnly: "your faces are a little ugly? What happened?"

Everyone is fainting to death.

What happened? You don\'t know?

You did it all!

If you talk like that again, the right envoy will certainly run away!

It\'s not easy for everyone to sit down with him. What are you going to do?

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "Er, I just see that the atmosphere here is too serious and strange. Make a joke to liven up the atmosphere."

"The right envoy doesn\'t mind. What are you staring at?"

"No wonder you can\'t reach the height of right envoy, because your hearts are not as broad as right envoy!"

Then Shen Lang took a very "calm" look at the surging "mind" of Youshi Baili Bing.

A group of strong people in the rosefinch mansion suddenly showed a smile more ugly than crying.

At this time, the right envoy Baili Bing seemed to take a deep breath and finally spoke: "since the left envoy has come, let\'s discuss the blood clan. When will we start from Zhuque mansion?"

If she doesn\'t speak again, Shen Lang doesn\'t know what to say.

Shen Lang\'s neck tilted and said, "let\'s go? What happened?"

Everyone\'s eyes focused on Shen Lang.

Baili Bing raised his eyebrows and said, "Luocha city was destroyed by the people of the God of war hall, and its array was also destroyed. The chain array of the five main cities of the blood clan broke this node, which is the best time to attack the blood clan."

"Now the big devil generals have sent strong men to attack the Moonlight City and eradicate the blood clan in one fell swoop."

"Is our rosefinch mansion here to watch the play?"

"If you don\'t have any strength, how can you explain it to the black dragon demon king at that time?"

Shen Lang sneered and said, "what do you want to explain? Why do you want to explain?"

"Before the four kings under the demon king arrived, these idiots rushed up and ran out to fight with the blood clan. When the demon king blamed them, the first one would do them! Why do we have to explain?"

"Our Zhuque mansion is a loyal subordinate of the black dragon demon king. How can we act rashly without the command of the black dragon demon king?"

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Even the right envoy Baili Bing supported his head with his hands and stared at the table.

As long as people in the demon Temple know, although the main demon generals\' houses are indeed the forces under the black dragon demon king, they are scattered and independent most of the time.

Otherwise, it would not be said that now a group of demons have poured out the strong in the mansion.

But Shen Lang moved the black dragon demon out. What do you say?

Is the Black Dragon Lord\'s order bullshit?

Or can the big devil generals not listen to the black dragon demon king?

If you dare to say that, I\'m afraid you won\'t live for three days

At this time, Shen Lang seemed not to see the bitter smile of the people, and continued to say, "you should understand that our Zhuque mansion is different from those wastes. We have brains and are the most loyal to the black dragon demon king!"

"Yes, it\'s strange that you are loyal to the black dragon devil! You scolded Tiangang and Desha into dogs in the dragon scale temple!" a group of strong people in the Zhuque mansion secretly despised Shen Lang.

Knowing that Shen Lang is talking nonsense, he can\'t refute it.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Shen Lang said again, "we should open our eyes and take facts as the basis to solve problems scientifically. We can talk about five things, four beauties and three loves... Er, what\'s wrong? I mean, do we have to rush up and fight like those evil generals without organization and discipline?"

"We are the rosefinch mansion, not three religions and nine streams!"

Everyone\'s eyes are straight.

At this time, Wang Chunyang, the strong man of the right envoy department, coughed and said, "then, what does the left envoy mean is that we are here to watch the change?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "of course, we don\'t just wait for the best time."

"When the power of the ten thousand demon mansion and the demon God hall soared, the blood clan didn\'t move at all. According to my guess, the blood clan is not just what we see now."

"In short, I suspect that there are other means hidden in the blood clan, as well as cards that have not been shown."

The right envoy Baili Bing showed a faint disdain and said, "the left envoy is too worried. Grandma Feng used the heavenly eye to observe the blood clan before. Only Milos and ox can really threaten us."

"Get rid of these two people. Their strength is far inferior to that of the demon God Temple."

"Even if these two giants go out at the same time, so many powerful demons will rush up, and basically they can be crippled."

"What\'s more, the two people dare not act rashly under the control of mother-in-law Feng and King Dapeng of Wanyao mansion."

"Granny Feng..." Shen Lang paused and said, "after the meeting, I\'ll visit her old man and thank her. However, Granny Feng has helped me several times. I\'m very grateful. But it doesn\'t mean what she sees is the truth."

"This guy is so brave..." the strong man of Zhuque mansion was surprised!

In the rosefinch mansion, even the mansion leader LAN Mengling dare not say that about grandma Feng!

Although mother-in-law Feng doesn\'t care much, she is definitely the elder of Zhuque mansion with the highest seniority!

If she doesn\'t speak, she will. Who dares to say half a word when she speaks?

Right envoy Baili Bing\'s cold sweat also flowed down: "left envoy adult is so confident in his guess, what\'s the basis?"

"There is no basis." Shen Lang was so angry that Bai libing almost scolded his mother: "I just guess by intuition."

The left-wing leaders were quite ashamed and lowered their heads one by one.

Those who make a series of right make a mockery in their eyes.

Sure enough, it\'s still too young!

Dare you talk nonsense about such an important matter without any basis or data?

I thought he had discovered the secret of the blood clan. Unexpectedly, it was a wild guess!

The left envoy of Zhuque mansion is very unreliable, isn\'t he?

The left envoy is under his command. He can\'t guarantee how much loss he will suffer!

This is a little inconsistent with the legendary wisdom like a demon?

At this time, Shen Lang said, "you can\'t believe my intuition, but..."

Everyone was surprised. Why? And the following?

Shen Lang added, "in fact, I don\'t believe it myself."

The crowd collapsed, and then many people laughed.

I didn\'t expect this guy to know himself.

Shen Lang added: "anyway, aside from my guess, it\'s absolutely stupid to run to the war at this time."

"What does the left envoy mean?" the right envoy Baili Bing raised his eyebrows!

She made the decision to go to war!

Shen Lang is pointing at the bald man and scolding the monk!

But Shen Lang\'s next words finally changed her face

Shen Lang said faintly, "first, they have been playing for several days. Even if they have no results, they are fast. Now, you can almost see a general idea;"

"If the blood clan has an advantage, the Zhuque mansion can\'t change the defeat of the demon God hall at this time, but will compensate ourselves."

"Moreover, the ten thousand demon mansion is still eyeing us and may attack us at any time."

"If the demon temple has an advantage, the goods in the candle dragon mansion will say... If we go to rob their combat achievements, the rosefinch mansion will be pushed to the vortex center by ourselves, and even they may attack us. How many magic generals can the rosefinch mansion cope with no matter how strong it is?"

Everyone looked slightly, knowing that Shen Lang\'s worry was not aimless.

According to the temperament of these evil generals in the demon God hall, if they win, the rosefinch house will run over at this time. I\'m afraid they will really be beaten!

Shen Lang continued, "second, it is said that the black dragon demon king will come tonight after sitting down several heavenly kings. It has been waiting for several days. Why care about these hours?"

"When several heavenly kings arrive, what\'s the matter? They are blocking us and they are our shield. We\'re afraid of a hair?"

A group of strong men began to wipe their sweat again.

If you are so single and shameless, it is estimated that only the left envoy can speak such righteous words.

If those heavenly kings hear it, they don\'t know how to feel.

Before people arrived, they had been taken up by Shen Lang as a shield

"Third, we have other things to do... After the heavenly king sent by the black dragon demon king arrives, I will go to the ten thousand demon mansion and talk about cooperation with them."

Bai libing and others were absorbed. When they heard the last sentence, they were surprised: "cooperate with Wanyao mansion? It\'s impossible!"

The strong men on both sides of the long table stared round, as if they had heard something incredible.

Shen Lang pressed his temples with a headache and said, "is the reaction so big?"

"Even if there is no cooperation, at least the two sides should have a good talk. Don\'t count me in the plague, I\'ll count you."

"Hum, you really think you are strong enough to eat the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion?"

"I really want to wipe out the ten thousand demon mansion after killing the blood clan?"


The right envoy Bai Li\'s ice face showed an unhappy color and said, "the left envoy is a little ambitious. Do others destroy his prestige? Wanyao mansion, qianhun hall, and some people from the legendary sect are mixed together. They want to compete with the demon hall? It\'s a joke!"

"It\'s easy for the demon temple to destroy these guys!"