Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1169

"They are all from their own families. Harmony is precious, and harmony is precious." a strong man in the first Department of the right envoy said while wiping his sweat: "subordinate Wang Chunyang, I\'ve seen Zuo envoy."

"I\'ve heard a lot." Shen Lang turned his head and looked at the man. Seeing that Wang Chunyang was upright and unrestrained, he smiled and nodded slightly.

"It seems that this guy is reasonable." Wang Chunyang and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knows, Shen Lang turned his face again and said coldly, "remember, although it\'s said to let you fight, there\'s still a premise... If you can\'t fight, you\'ll run away. If you can fight, you\'ll fight me to death! If anyone doesn\'t agree, kill me first!"

"If you can\'t kill me, I\'ll make him Regret living in this world!"

"..." Wang Chunyang and a group of strong imperial martial mirrors opened their mouths and their chins were about to fall off.

Zuo emissary, Shuying and others stared at the boss. They also didn\'t react.

Only adami, huonishang and other alien strongmen were very excited and filled with tears.

The atmosphere was really weird.

Everyone can see that Shen Lang is not acting.

Because the cost of this acting is a little too big... Speaking in front of so many powerful right envoys and Baili Bing is tantamount to provoking contradictions between the left and right envoys!

This is straightforward, provoking the right envoy face to face!

A group of strong men present, whether left or right, were secretly complaining.

"The new Zuo envoy really doesn\'t play cards according to common sense. They don\'t make a sound, and we don\'t make a sound. That\'s because we don\'t pay attention to such small things at all! Children fight and make trouble. Do we have to come and fight?"

"For the sake of several foreign subordinates, he said such words in front of the right envoy and us... We\'ll forget it. How can the right envoy get off the stage?"

"It\'s over. Let\'s use your right to make the adult\'s temperament. It\'s going to fight at the door!"

"Gee, you shouldn\'t fight now if you want to fight? It\'s not easy for the left and right envoys to fight now. If you don\'t discuss the blood clan, the left and right envoys will start to fight. Isn\'t it a joke for outsiders?"

"Our rosefinch house is actually the most united devil general house in the demon God Hall... When there is no left envoy, the rosefinch house is very united. There are occasional small contradictions between the two factions, and it doesn\'t hurt Daya. I didn\'t expect the left envoy to be so stiff. What should I do?"

"Those fools are the same. It\'s not good to provoke anyone. Provoke the evil star Zuo envoy! I should have done it and abolished these people first!"

"Isn\'t it nonsense for the left envoy to make so much trouble for a small matter?"

"You guys pay attention. If you make adults angry for a while, we must hold her and never let her do it! Once you do it, the deadlock will be difficult to clean up!"

A group of strong people communicate with God and fear.

Fearing that Youshi Bailiping would be furious, he ran back directly to fight Shen Lang.

If it does fight, it will look good

But what surprised these people was that Bai libing didn\'t seem to hear Shen Lang\'s words at all. He walked steadily and didn\'t mean to turn back.

The figure just flashed a few times, and the right envoy Baili ice had disappeared in the minds of the people.

Wang Chunyang and others wiped a sweat and said a fluke.

Shuying and others were also greatly relieved.

Although there are contradictions between the two factions, such contradictions should not break out at this time.

Whether it is Zhulong mansion, poor Qi mansion or Bifang mansion, there are many factions in every demon general mansion.

But they always call each other brothers on the surface, secretly intrigue and fight to the death.

It is absolutely impossible to say that a group of strong imperial martial mirrors rushed up to fight like a small gangster.

There is nothing like Shen Lang who doesn\'t give face at all!

But fortunately, anyway, the right envoy Baili Bing didn\'t fight, but Shen Lang jumped there alone, so it couldn\'t make a scene.

This one is over.


A flash of light and shadow.

Tall and abnormal duanmuzheng appeared on the field with four bone demons, such as bone one.

"Hmm?" even the strong Emperor Wu Jing doesn\'t know which GADA these goods came from.

At this moment, Duanmu Zhenghe and the four bone demons had happily rushed to Xiao Mofan and other people.

Zombies and bone demons skillfully grabbed the hands of the group and wiped off the Sumi ring on their fingers.

"You... What do you want?"

Xiao Mofan and other three guys are far more than Duanmu Zhenghe and the four bone demons, but Shen Lang is here, and none of them dare to move.

"What are you doing?" duanmuzheng spit a black breath out of his mouth and almost smoked Xiao Mofan to death: "you beat the boss... No, you beat the people of Zuo envoy like this. You don\'t have to pay medical expenses?"

"Move, hit, move, hit!" bone one and bone two are playing on the side.

They all said to move and fight, and Xiao Mofan and others were even more afraid to move.

Although they dared not move, a group of people cried... NIMA Shi Buyu and Dongfang Yang suffered a little flesh injury at most, but we all had broken tendons and fractures. Do you still ask us for medical expenses? Is there any reason?

"The glittering ring is my love."

"Grandma\'s old man opened the body with red hands..."

Bone three and bone four slipped their lips.

Before they finished singing, bone three and bone four were slapped out by Duanmu Zhengyi and fell on the people of the first Department of the right envoy, which made a group of people of the first Department of the right envoy cry and howl.

The strong men in Zhuque mansion turned their eyes at the farce.

Several of them, who had poor accomplishments, subconsciously took off their Xumi ring and quietly put it away.

Just then, Shen Lang stretched out his hands to Shuying and others... Yes, either one hand or both hands!

"Are there any healing pills? Let\'s have ten or eight. First, your adult, I\'m seriously injured and need to be mended."

Everyone is stunned again. Shit, it\'s true that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Shen Lang is this virtue. No wonder zombies and bone demons touch xumijie so quickly and skillfully!

You think it\'s kidney deficiency?

It\'s shameless of you to ask for things from your subordinates in front of so many people, and you\'re still a female subordinate, aren\'t you?

But Shuying and Ling Xue don\'t think so.

My immediate boss has been hurt so badly, which is flattering... No, this is a good opportunity to "care".

And I was scolded by Shen Lang just now. It doesn\'t mean when to wait?

Zuo emissary, a group of strong imperial martial mirrors, immediately took action. They not only took out a pile of pills to Shen Lang, but also took out many rare spiritual herbs and elixirs to Dongfang Yang, Shi Buyu and others.

This group of people are blessed by misfortune, holding the high-grade pill in their hands. They are stupid and look a little incredible.

Right make a series of people shake their heads again and again. These guys are really generous.

Just like this, Shen Lang\'s eyes have turned to them.


The people of the first Department of the right envoy took a breath of air-conditioning, looked upright one by one, and gave a respectful Fist: "the left envoy, the right envoy has gone in, let\'s go in, and the subordinates are waiting for you!"

With that, a group of strong imperial martial mirror men suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It\'s like running for his life. He didn\'t give Shen Lang any chance to speak!

If the strong man in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu\'s mirror doesn\'t react quickly, he has lived in vain for so many years.

"Yes, you can run very fast!" Shen Lang scolded, "if you can run, the monk can\'t run the temple!"

A group of people were dizzy.


There is a conference hall in the cold iron hall.

It\'s too spacious.

There is a long table in the middle. On one side is the strong one of the left and the strong one of the right.

There are twenty seats on both sides. Those who can sit here have at least more than four days of imperial martial mirror.

At both ends of the long table, one end is right Baili ice.

Bai libing sits upright and has a cold face, like the cold ice of ten thousand years. Behind him are two strong women who breathe like the abyss and the sea;

At the other end, left envoy Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was half lying on the chair, his feet crossed on the table, looking like a fool;

Standing on the left and right are Xue Shiyin and duanmuzheng, as well as Shi Hao, the leader of the stone people and adami, the leader of the cave people.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue are standing behind Shen Lang, beating the crane and kneading Shen Lang\'s body because they know a clever press rub technique.

With the flying of their fingers, pure spiritual power was introduced into Shen Lang\'s body, making Shen Lang\'s injury recover quickly.

Shen Lang turned to look at both sides. There were three men in the right envoy, but all the left envoy were beautiful women.

So many front convex back warped beauties, it\'s hard to take the team

"Ladies and gentlemen... Well, I\'ll follow you in the future?" Shen Lang said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no, it\'s the subordinates who followed the adults later." the left envoy hurriedly replied to a group of strong men.

Shen Lang nodded and said, "well, yes, I\'m a man, and all my men are beautiful women. The right envoy is a woman, and all his men are... Er, there are several men under him. As the saying goes, men and women are not tired, and LAN Er really can arrange."

A group of strong imperial martial mirrors have a feeling of dying.

Generation gap, this is the generation gap. We can\'t catch a word of what the boy said!

It\'s not over

Shen Lang didn\'t surprise himself. He turned his head and whispered to Wang Chunyang of the first Department of the right envoy: "by the way, the right envoy is so beautiful and you are so handsome. She has no hidden rules for you?"

His voice is very small.

The key here is all the strong in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror.

Even if these strong people don\'t deliberately listen to this sound, they can all hear it clearly!

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

This is the conference hall

Even if you are outside, you have to say it secretly. You can\'t get into other people\'s ears!

How can you say it in public?

The worst thing is

The right envoy is sitting here now!

Is Shen Lang deliberately provoking?