Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1168

"Click, click, click!"

The unbreakable fist in the eyes of the right envoy was crushed in an instant!

Then came Cheng Qingfeng\'s scream of killing a pig... His right fist was also crushed!

Whether it\'s a solid second-class imperial weapon, a quasi imperial martial mirror, and a powerful body of seven heavenly warriors, it\'s no different from tofu in front of Shen Lang.

Cheng Qingfeng rushed out with amazing momentum. Before everyone reacted, his fist and imperial weapon had been directly crushed by Shen Lang!

The people in the left envoy department behind are even pumping air conditioning!

Such cruel and domineering means really make people cold all over!

In everyone\'s incredible eyes, Shen Lang grabbed Cheng Qingfeng\'s hand, swung it round and hit it hard on the ground!


The dust was flying, and the hard ground was hit directly into a big pit.

Cheng Qingfeng\'s tendon was broken and fractured!

It\'s not over

Shen Lang shook his five fingers, and the terrible killing gas on his fist gathered. He was about to blow down to Cheng Qingfeng in the pit!

"Zuo envoy, show mercy!"

A man\'s voice came from the darkness. A man in armor fell from the air.

At this time, the snow poetry in the air and others also fell down.

The big man saw that the people of the left envoy department were only angry, but not angry. Cheng Qingfeng was also half dead. There was a little anger in his eyes: "don\'t you think it\'s too much to beat the people of the right envoy department one by one?"

"You tell me... Too much?" Shen Lang slowly turned his face.

This man\'s cultivation is already a heaven realm of emperor\'s martial mirror. He has a strong breath and has a surging sword in his eyes. At a glance, he knows that he is a strong swordsman.

"Isn\'t it?" he looked at Shen Lang\'s eyes, both afraid and angry, and said with a hard head.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak, but his shoulder shook slightly, and he disappeared on the spot!

"Ambassador Zuo, you..."

The man was surprised. He couldn\'t care about the master\'s demeanor any more. As soon as his body shook, he retreated frantically at an extremely fast speed!

I\'m kidding. Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng fought from beginning to end. How can he have the confidence to fight Shen Lang?

"Where do you want to go back?"

However, even if he reacted so quickly, he was still a little slower, and a voice that made him feel like falling into an ice cellar came from behind.

The next moment, the sound of broken glass came from behind.

This right makes the protective vigorous air cover around the strong break up in an instant!

It was as if a mountain hit his waist from behind him... The strong man of the imperial martial mirror had no chance to escape, but his eyes blackened and he was kicked to the ground by Shen Lang!

Here comes a man!

"..." everyone present was stunned.

Cheng Qingfeng, who easily knocked over the seven heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, is exaggerated enough.

Even ye Juntao of Emperor Wu Jing can\'t stop a move?


As soon as ye Juntao turned over, Shen Lang\'s foot had stepped on his chest, which made his blood gush!

"Sir Zuo, stop your anger. My subordinates know their sins. My subordinates know their sins!"

Ye Juntao no longer had the style of the previous master, and cried out with fear.

He really underestimated Shen Lang\'s cruelty and overbearing before.

I thought Shen Lang would hit those little rookies at most and would not easily do it to people of his level.

After all, he is a person of Ye Juntao\'s level. He is also a person with a head and face in the first Department of right envoys in Zhuque mansion. Even if a new left envoys wants to take office for three times, he will not be attacked.

Unexpectedly, this guy really didn\'t play cards according to common sense. He just asked a question and he played to death!

I knew this. What garlic did you just come out to pack?

Ye Juntao regretted it!

Sure enough, Shen Lang stepped on Ye Juntao\'s chest and said faintly, "you must have seen my battle with Murong Changfeng, so you know I\'m Shen Lang... Since you know it\'s me and understand my means, why do you still want to die?"

"My people were bullied by the first generation of right envoys. You saw it all, but you didn\'t stop it. When I hurt them, you knew you ran out, and dared to run out and question me, saying I was too much?"

"Do you people of the first Department of right envoys still pay attention to me?"

With that, Shen Lang made an effort on his feet and broke Ye Juntao\'s sternum, which was already the emperor\'s martial mirror.

"Oh... Big... Stop your anger, little man! Little man knows his sin!"

Ye Juntao\'s reaction was also very fast. He softened immediately after getting two feet.

I didn\'t dare to say anything even if I was a little tough. I just begged for mercy.

In the face of this evil star, the hard one can\'t come, but the soft one.

Ye Juntao\'s begging for mercy saved him.

Shen Lang always eats soft rather than hard. If he dares to play hard with him, he will basically play his opponent until he dies.

Ye Juntao didn\'t do anything too much, and Shen Lang\'s power was almost the same.

So there was no more "destroying" the unlucky goods.

On the other side, Cheng Qingfeng, who is struggling to get up, is completely stupid... Is this guy Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion?

How dare you shoot the left envoy?

It\'s over

No one can save themselves in heaven and earth.


Shen Lang snorted softly. Although he didn\'t exert any more force on his feet, he didn\'t move his feet away.

He turned around, pointed to Xiao Mofan and said to the group, "slap yourself in the face until I\'m satisfied."

If they were granted amnesty, the group used their strength to eat - milk and slapped themselves in the face.

Fan... Even the people of the left envoy Department feel pain when they look at it!

At this time, Xue Shiyin, Li Feiyu and others helped up all the people in the left envoy department, took out some pills and handed them to some people with minor injuries.

Shen Lang turned slightly at this time and squinted at the dark night sky.

On the night sky, several terrible smells like demons came down.

Then there was light, and the void was as bright as day.

Dozens of strong people lined up, forming a huge channel in the air, and the petals fell down like rain.

A woman wearing a slim silver armor and long hair shawl came slowly with a cold face.

This woman is different from others. Even here in the rosefinch mansion, she is still fully armed. Her fiery red cloak flutters in the wind behind her and makes a sound of hunting.

The coldness and arrogance of the cold pool for thousands of years, combined with her enchanting body, gives people an extremely profound strange temptation.

However, few people in the right envoy Department dare to look directly at her!

They all trembled and lowered their heads

Her eyes are confident and firm, her steps are flowing, and her gestures coincide with the way of heaven, giving people an impeccable feeling.

This is a peerless strong man who came out of the killing;

This is a high-ranking person who commands millions of strong people

There is no need to be introduced. Shen Lang also knows that only one person in the Zhuque mansion has such eyes and temperament.

Right make Baili ice!

"Ambassador Zuo, what a great power!" Bai libing said coldly as soon as he walked out of the hall.

Shen Lang\'s mouth tilted slightly: "right envoy, what a big show!"

"..." Bai Li Bing looked at him.

The right behind the Baili ice made the corner of the eyes of the strong jump, and all looked nervous.

They are afraid that the left and right will escalate the contradiction, so they do it

Anyway, this is not a place to fight.

At this time, the shadows behind Baili Bing stepped out.

With Ling Xue, Ling Yue and others, Shuying falls in front of Shen Lang, kneels down on one knee and rushes into the sky with a loud voice: "my subordinates, see the left envoy!"

The furious and unparalleled momentum was released on the left envoy\'s strong men and swept the whole audience!

For a time, the power of the left envoy system below was in sharp contrast to the right Envoy System in the air.

Shen Lang glanced coldly at the group of strong men kneeling on the ground, and suddenly came out of his mouth: "are you all idiots?"

"...." all the people in the left envoy department were stunned and didn\'t know how to answer Shen Lang\'s words.

Shen Lang snorted coldly and raised his voice a lot. Pointing to Shi Buyu and others, he said, "these ethnic people have given me the greatest trust and followed my orders to go to Zhuque mansion. Now they are bullied like this, but you all turn a blind eye?"

"When I don\'t exist, do I?"

During the strong wind, Shen Lang\'s long hair danced. With the cracks on his face and the violent momentum, it was terrible!

Shuying and others looked at each other and immediately hooked off their heads: "my subordinates know the crime, please punish me!"

They don\'t care where they are. They can\'t take care of it.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing can\'t get into the eyes of the strong in the later period of Emperor Wu Jing.

And it\'s also a small fight, just people at the bottom.

If you get to the top, even if Baili Bing is not happy with the left envoy, you won\'t go too far.

Shen Lang actually knows this.

It\'s just that people of all ethnic groups are abused by the right envoy. They are angry and want to be powerful.

Strictly speaking, Shen Lang regards the people of these races as his own because of yuchenfeng and Yumu clan;

But deep inside Shen Lang, he never regarded the people in Zhuque mansion as his own!

Rosefinch house, this is a demon general house in the demon god house completely opposite to the God of war house!

For these reasons, Shen Lang is a little heavy this time. He directly beat Xiao Mofan and others to one breath

Right envoy Baili Bing looked at all this lightly, with no expression on his face.

The people of the first Department of the right envoy slightly staggered their eyes and dared not look directly at Shen Lang.

Xiao Mofan, who is at the beginning of the quasi imperial martial mirror, doesn\'t know about Shen lang. these strong imperial martial mirrors don\'t know?

The sky Gang ground evil spirit he can point to the nose to scold;

Ladaos, the blood emperor of Emperor Wu territory, was cut in half by him;

Who is willing to touch the mold when he is in a bad mood?

Bai libing said calmly, "since the left envoy has arrived and has been out of breath, please come in and talk."

"I\'ve been waiting here for Ambassador Zuo for a long time."

With that, Baili Bing turned around and walked back.

Right made the people of the first Department breathe a sigh of relief, immediately fell down and came to say hello to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang replied with a smile. As soon as he turned around, his face was cold again. He drank softly and said, "listen to me clearly. Whoever dares to provoke me in the future, fight me! Fight to death!"

"If something happens, I\'ll be responsible! I\'ll support you!"

All the strong men in the first series of right envoys were stunned.

Nima, we all came down to say hello to you. You talk like this in front of us. Where do you put our faces?

Is this deliberately embarrassing us?