Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1167

Suddenly, it will knock all the people in the first Department of right to the ground. Naturally, it will be Shen Lang.

All the people present, whether the left envoy or the right envoy, were stunned.

No one could have imagined that Lord Zuo envoy would come as soon as he said it.

Come here at this time!

Before everyone could react, Shen Lang grabbed Xiao Mofan\'s neck and threw it out.

Xiao Mofan showed a happy look in his eyes and thought that Shen Lang was afraid of the strong on the right side, so he didn\'t dare to go too far with him.

Otherwise, why is it that other people are crippled, but he is still well?

And Shen Lang let him go at this time

As soon as the idea came out, Xiao Mofan knew he was wrong.

Shen Lang grabbed forward with his left hand at will!

All the right envoys who had been knocked down to the ground, together with Xiao Mofan, were held in the air by an invisible force!

No, to be exact, it was an invisible hand that pinched his neck and mentioned it in the air!

Everyone\'s face turned red and his hands clung to his neck.

But no matter how they struggle, they can\'t move at all.


Shen Lang grabs with his left hand and draws out his right backhand with a slap.


It seems that there are more than twenty palms, which fan on the faces of those people in the air at the same time.

It sounds like a sound.

Broken teeth flew straight out with blood and saliva.

A dark purple palm print appeared on everyone\'s right face.

A simple slap shows that Shen Lang\'s accurate grasp of power has reached the peak!

The warriors of all ethnic groups were still humming. When they saw this, they were all stunned.

As soon as Shen Lang made a move, he seriously injured these people in the first Department of the right envoy.

Now I slapped the past and broke the white teeth of this group of people!

Strong enough!

Tough enough!



Shen Lang said coldly and slapped again.


Or a clear sound, blood gushing, floating all over the sky!

A dark purple palm print also appeared on the left face of the group of people in the air!


Shen Lang raised his hand and slapped again, which made the group howl miserably, but only made a very strange inhuman sound.

"These bastards have finally been punished... No, they have finally found the sanction of the left envoy!"

"Call you arrogant! Call you to insult the left envoy!"

"Beat him to death!"

The fighters of all ethnic groups were very excited, as if they had taken medicine.

Most of these guys are rebellious and savage.

The Lord who fought with wild monster fierce Luan from childhood and grew up in blood and fire.

It is much more tyrannical and ferocious than the Terrans outside the wilderness.

Before, it was because I didn\'t want to cause trouble to Shen Lang, so I endured it for a while.

But Xiao Mofan had been angry before, and now because Shen Lang came strong, he made the blood of the first series of people gush wildly

The rage factor in these guys\' blood seems to be ignited by Shen waves.

One by one, their eyes became red and bloodthirsty.

Even the breath became like a beast, with a murderous spirit!

Dongfang Yang was flustered and blocked those guys.

I\'m afraid they\'ll rush up at this time and twist Xiao Mofan\'s heads off accidentally... There\'s still a big difference between the left envoy twisting Xiao Mofan\'s head off and them twisting Xiao Mofan\'s head off!

"No... impossible!" that Xiao Mofan made an inhuman voice: "Shen Lang... Absolutely, impossible... Has such cultivation!"

Kill Xiao Mofan and don\'t believe that the man in front is Shen Lang, the left envoy of Zhuque mansion.

The legendary borrowing power to do evil is nothing but the advantage of the royal highness and the great lady, and the advantage of the tiger is that it is cheap.

Moreover, Shen Lang\'s cultivation was the initial state of Wang Wujing a few months ago.

But how strong is the cultivation of this man in front of him?

Even if he is the second heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, he doesn\'t feel the slightest resistance!

Such a strong and unparalleled cultivation, such a strange and unpredictable atmosphere, there is no seven heaven of the quasi emperor martial mirror, at least there are six talents of the quasi emperor martial mirror, right!

How could there be such a person in the world who changed from Wang Wujing to quasi emperor Wujing in just a few months?

And it\'s not the first level of quasi emperor martial mirror!

Even if it was Xiao Mofan, it took him 150 years from the first heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to the second heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

The lack of information made Xiao Mofan unlucky.

If he inquired more, why would he provoke such evil stars as Shen Lang?

Now even a group of strong imperial martial mirrors in Wanyao mansion have a headache for Shen Lang and dare not easily provoke him.

He even sent himself to the door, opened his mouth "hillbilly" and closed his mouth "waste"!

"Shen Lang? Can you call Shen Lang?"

Shen Lang slapped again and beat Xiao Bufan and a group of people with blood!

"What gives you the courage to provoke my left envoy with such a little accomplishment?"



Shen Lang slapped his hand, slapped his backhand, slapped each other.

With Shen Lang\'s current power, he can directly shoot this group of people to death with a slap, but he doesn\'t kill this group of people, but controls the power and slaps them with a slap!

The right envoy is a group of people who are pinched by Shen Lang\'s neck, and their cultivation accomplishments are completely imprisoned. Let alone resist, they can\'t even urge their strength to resist a chin and palm.

You\'ll be smoked to death!

"After today, you will remember one thing..."

"Shen Lang never likes to provoke others casually, but whoever provokes me will never be better!"

"My people are not so easy to bully."

When saying this, Shen Lang\'s right palm began to clench into a fist, and the joints of his bones made a crackling sound.

"Wuwu... No!"

"Lord Zuo, spare your life..."

"No, no, no!"

Right make a series of people know that next, it is obviously not a slap.

It is likely that the left envoy Shen Lang will blow them to pieces with one punch!

This guy is so crazy. What else can\'t he do?

Get a few slaps, even if they are badly beaten, they will admit it.

If you get this punch

The eyes of a group of people are full of fear and regret!

Just then, the sudden change protruded!

In the dark night sky, a figure with a sharp breath like a knife suddenly appeared. A fist with a lavender boxer, 30 meters away from Shen Lang, broke through the air with a strange black gas and blasted at Shen Lang!

"Those who dare to touch our Zhuque mansion, you are impatient!"

There are always such fools everywhere.

Cheng Qingfeng is such a fool.

When the people of the first Department of Youshi were beaten to death by Shen Lang, this guy neither asked the cause and effect of the matter nor Shen Lang\'s identity.

Relying on his own cultivation, he is the seventh heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. As soon as he appears, he will sink the waves to death!

As soon as Cheng Qingfeng appeared, all the people in Youshi department immediately showed great joy in their eyes.

Anyway, because of the appearance of Cheng Qingfeng, at least Shen Lang won\'t kill them now.

Of course, whether Cheng Qingfeng will be killed by Shen Lang is not their concern.

Don\'t die a poor friend.

It\'s King\'s way to survive in Shen Lang\'s hands!

It\'s important to keep your life.

Seeing Cheng Qingfeng\'s fist with faint light, he released a fist gang with a diameter of two meters. He suddenly rushed into the air and turned into a huge and ferocious faucet. With the power of destroying mountains, he roared straight at Shen Lang\'s head!

In the big mouth of the dragon head, the murderous spirit filled the air, and the thunder and lightning burst madly!

The atmosphere is whistling!

Space is shaking!

It\'s awesome and powerful!

Although Cheng Qingfeng is a little stupid, his cultivation is really a real quasi emperor martial mirror seven heaven.

When such a blow comes, it still uses killing moves. It has unparalleled power, and the control of power is extremely accurate.

The fist Gang turned into a dragon head did not cause the fluctuation of vitality around, and did not hurt other people in the right envoy department!

"I don\'t know what to do!"

Shen Lang\'s right hand flashed out and seemed to make a very slow circle in the air!

In the void, with the rotation of his five fingers, a spiral ripple was formed in an instant.

The terrible fist Gang turned into the dragon\'s head was in the middle of the spiral ripple in an instant!

"I dare to take the magic dragon fist. This idiot is dead!"

Cheng Qingfeng\'s mouth showed a cruel sneer.

He was already imagining that the strange man in front of him was directly smashed into slag by the fist gang.


That strange and powerful faucet, as if it had drilled into the deep-sea vortex, disappeared without a trace!


Cheng Qingfeng was shocked when he saw this!

The person who can eliminate his powerful skills so easily has a cultivation of more than eight days of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Where can he compete with such a strong man?

His heart suddenly jumped. Cheng Qingfeng\'s strength immediately formed a counterattack force and immediately wanted to escape back!

"It\'s all here. Why rush away?"

Shen Lang sneered and held his open right hand gently!

In the void, it seems that an invisible hand pinches Cheng Qingfeng in his hand!


Cheng Qingfeng\'s shrill scream pierced the night sky.

If Alice was present, her first reaction would be to frown and think deeply, and then say mysteriously, "well, someone has been blasted!"

When Cheng Qingfeng screams, Shen Lang\'s palm suddenly opens again!

Without waiting for the breeze to fall, Shen Lang\'s palm shook quickly, and the spiral vortex immediately appeared and suddenly rotated.


A huge suction pulled the breeze over in an instant!

Cheng Qingfeng\'s whole body is full of blood. He hasn\'t reacted at all. The fist with purple fist has been caught by Shen Lang!

"You want to kill me as soon as you make a move. You have a lot of courage!"

The next moment, Shen Lang\'s palm gently pinched!