Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1166

As soon as the voice fell, the stone Terran youth blushed, and his whole body was shrouded in a fist of ash. He punched Xiao Mofan!

Dongfang Yang secretly complained: "how could Shi Buyu, a fool, be fooled so easily? Xiao Bufan deliberately wanted to annoy us! Why did you do it first?"

"If you want to fight, you should wait until the shift change comes!"

Dongfang Yang was suppressed by the thoughts of several people in the right envoy department. He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Shi Buyu\'s huge fist, like a huge stone, has smashed down at Xiao Mofan with a posture of pressing the top of Mount Tai.

There is a strong wind around, flying sand and stones!

However, Xiao Mofan is the double heavenly strongman of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. How can he pay attention to the stone people in the imperial martial realm?

He put a cold feeling on the corner of his mouth, lifted his left hand, and gently poked a finger upward, just above Shi Buyu\'s wrist.

The slender fingers were completely out of proportion to the size of the strong arm.

But it is such a finger that doesn\'t seem to be threatening, but there is a finger wind like a magic sword on the fingertip


With a light sound, Shi Buyu\'s wrist was directly pierced by Xiao Mofan\'s finger wind, and a terrible blood hole appeared.

In the blood hole, blood flows!


Shi Buyu screamed and his arm was bounced off.

At the moment of Shi Buyu\'s scream, Xiao Mofan raised his foot and kicked Shi Buyu\'s abdomen with a fierce wind


The thick layer of rock on Shi Buyu\'s body split in an instant.

The stone people, who are always famous for their defense, can\'t resist the attack of such a strong man!

Almost too late to react, Shi Buyu flew out like a shell.

It fell to the ground hard and kept rolling.

Dust all over the sky

The two stone man warriors were surprised and ran out to help Shi Buyu who had fainted.

Xiao Mofan raised his head proudly and said, "stupid and ignorant guy, you can\'t even distinguish the cultivation achievements of the enemy and me. Do you dare to attack me with such a little ability?"

"As the saying goes, people are divided into groups and birds of a feather flock together. Ambassador Zuo wooed a group of losers like you. Sure enough, he is just a loser!"

"Wang - Ba - egg, you\'ve deceived people too much! Kill him!" this sentence completely angered a group of aliens.

"I have repeatedly mocked the left envoy. I can\'t spare him!"

"Fight with him!"

I don\'t know who shouted, and the blood of the alien in the presence was completely aroused.

A group of people completely ignored the obstruction of Dongfang Yang and rushed forward in anger!

Dongfang Yang tried to stop the martial artists of all ethnic groups. As a result, even the shortest cave people drilled under his feet, and none of them stopped.

"Fuck him, I can\'t stand it anymore. Call me!"

Dongfang was angry and attacked his heart. His fierce breath was released and rushed after a group of foreign fighters.

Chaos, once it rises, is difficult to control.

Dongfang Yang can\'t care so much.

"Oh, how dare you fight us?"

The right makes a series of people happy. They are eager to make a series of people do so.

They are waiting for this opportunity!

At that time, a group of people went down the mountain like tigers and rushed into a group of alien people.

"Bang bang!"

The fighting was very poor.

A group of strong men in the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial realm fought together like street gangsters.

But the gap between the two sides is really a little big.

Among a group of aliens in the Zuo emissary department, the strongest is the five or six heavy days in the Huangwu territory;

The three of Dongfang Yang, the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, have been restrained by Xiao Mofan alone;

There are also two strong quasi imperial martial mirrors in the first Department of the right envoy. There are two in the eighth heaven of the imperial martial realm. They haven\'t started yet, and the outcome is doomed.

The light of the spell flickers and the strength of the wind soars.

The sound of the wind, the cry of anger, the sound goes to your ears;

Straight fist, swing fist, right hook fist, fist out of the heart!

It was only ten seconds before more than twenty people were blown out and lying on the ground.

Even Dongfang Yang was hurt by Xiao Mofan. He broke two ribs in his chest and couldn\'t stand up.

"A group of losers also want to fight us? Overestimate!"

The people of the first Department of the right envoy laughed and stepped on the people of the first Department of the left envoy one by one.

Xiao Mofan looked at a group of aliens and Dongfang Yang lying on the ground, stepped on a thin cave man, stepped on the cave man who wanted to get up with a cry of pain, and fell down again.

Xiao Mofan raised his head proudly and said, "do you still expect your country bumpkin left envoy to come to rescue you?"

"Hehe, I also want to see how powerful your left envoy is?"

One person behind him also scolded: "he? Originally, our rosefinch house could be the same as other demon generals\' house. We rushed up to beat the blood clan by taking advantage of the broken blood clan Luocha City array... Because of the left envoy, our rosefinch house failed to achieve anything, and the losers should be a shrinking turtle here!"

"Now the other devil generals have rushed out of the house, but we are watching the play here. At that time, we can\'t tell how to be laughed at by other devil generals... It\'s all thanks to your local envoy!"

Another person in the right envoy department immediately answered and said, "yes, our Zhuque mansion came here to deal with the blood clan. Unexpectedly, because of the left envoy, it has become a \'nanny\' of these wastes. It\'s unreasonable!"

"I\'d like to see how capable the so-called Zuo envoy is!"

Another man rolled up his sleeve and said harshly, "yes, a group of waste people eat and live us, but also rob us of our cultivation resources. Do you dare to fight with us?"

"Get rid of them all!"

A group of strong people in the right envoy Department laughed one by one, and were ready to fight again against a group of aliens who had been seriously injured and fell to the ground!

Just then

There was no sign, no vitality fluctuation. A young man with scars on his face and blood all over his body appeared on the field out of thin air and stood in front of Xiao Mofan.

With the appearance of this strange man, there was a moment of silence on the field

As soon as this inexplicable guy appeared, he clearly stood in front of the crowd, but he had no breath at all.

The cold feeling in his eyes was like connecting the bottom of the nine netherworld prison, which made people in the right department cold.

He stood in front of Xiao Mofan and didn\'t speak.

However, it makes people feel like facing an ancient fierce beast, with rapid heartbeat, panic and fear.

"It\'s weird!"

Xiao Mofan\'s reaction is also very fast. As soon as he finds something wrong, he will immediately step back!


The freak finally moved!

Dozens of residual shadows appeared on the field!

It was as if this man had separated dozens of people and rushed out towards the right!

"Damn it!"

Right makes the souls of the first series of people come out, subconsciously drawing out all the swords!

However, their speed is too slow compared with this strange man.

Everyone\'s swords were just in their hands. Before they could mention them, they felt as if they had been hit by a mountain on their chest, their eyes blackened, and a mouthful of blood rushed into their throat!


The people of the first Department of the right envoy, except Xiao Mofan, spewed out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

Then, like a broken kite, he flew backwards and hit the ground hard!

"How possible!"

Xiao Mofan was so frightened that he almost screamed.

All his strength gathered on his feet, and with a sudden force, his terrible Qi burst out on his feet, and he wanted to run out to the right!


The strange man, like a ghost, appeared in front of Xiao Mofan out of thin air.

His right hand seemed to break the space, and he pinched Xiao Mofan\'s neck!

Xiao Mofan, who was about to rush out under the action of the foot\'s back impulse, was picked up by his neck in an instant

The strong man of the double heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor almost destroyed the mountains.

Unexpectedly, the wind doesn\'t startle the clouds, and people choke their necks simply?

Those right soldiers who fell to the ground surprised the first series of martial artists, and even forgot to wipe the blood from the corners of their mouths.

Xiao Mofan blushed and said in a hoarse voice, "you... Who are you? Dare to meddle in... My Zhu... Bird house..."

The right envoy immediately shouted, "let go of US adults! Dare to interfere in the affairs of our Zhuque mansion, you are impatient!"

These guys shouted in their mouths, but they used their strength to eat - milk and tried to climb out, trying to stay away from the freak, a little further.

"Who am I?" the strange man stared at Xiao Mofan coldly, his eyes full of killing intention and said, "I\'m the \'hick\' in your mouth."

——————————Today, I went back to my hometown to do business. The chapters of these days are scheduled. I hope I don\'t break the clock, but I don\'t know how many days it will take. If it\'s fast, it\'s two days. If it\'s slow, it\'s hard to say.

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