Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1165

The night wind blows gently, bleak and lonely.

On the right side of the first department, a handsome young man at the head looked at the opposite side with his head tilted for a while. The more he looked, the more unhappy he became.

He suddenly snorted, lengthened his voice, pointed to the people on the left side and said, "I\'ve been unlucky to watch the night with you losers."

As soon as the left envoys listened, their faces became very ugly. They hated the young man who stared at him.

The man sneered and said, "why, do a group of idiots think they can stare me to death with their eyes?"

"Really him? Originally, there were enough leftist envoys. I didn\'t expect you to take in such a large number of aliens!"

"Look at how many people have come these days? Is this Zhuque mansion or an alien base camp? Raising an animal can be pulled out and sold. What are you doing with such a large group of waste?"

"I\'ll give you food, shelter and training resources. I have to protect you like a nanny! I didn\'t make you, grass!"

The people of Youshi group immediately laughed and pointed at the group of aliens.

On the left side of the first department, the faces of a group of aliens suddenly turned iron blue.

But everyone did not speak and remained restrained.

It\'s not the first time since I came to Zhuque mansion.

But the heads of all ethnic groups told us to bear it early in the morning!

"You must bear it! You must not cause trouble to the left envoy!"

"Ambassador Zuo is a great benefactor of all races here. For him, no matter how much injustice you have suffered, you should bear it!"

"We must not embarrass the left envoy for our reasons!"

It is precisely because of this explanation that people of all ethnic groups can stay here safely until now.

Otherwise, according to the rebellious character of these races, even the guy who can\'t speak will now jump directly.

On the contrary, the leader of the Zhuque mansion said in a hate voice, "Xiao Mofan, do you know him? Who is the animal and who is the waste!"

"Keep your mouth clean! We are Zuo Shi adults. You\'d better consider the consequences!"

"Consequences? What consequences?" the Xiao Mo fan sneered and said, "you use the so-called left envoy to pressure me? Sorry, I only recognize the right envoy."

Xiao Mofan pointed to a row of people in the left envoy department and said, "look, look! There are all kinds of things, tall, short, fat and thin. Even being a guard here can disgrace our Zhuque mansion!"

"And the accomplishments are so rubbish. Not even one of the prospective emperor\'s martial mirror accomplishments!"

"With so much garbage, your so-called Zuo envoy is like a garbage king, ha ha!"

Right make a person of a department, immediately echoed and laughed.

"Xiao Mofan, you are too presumptuous!" Dongfang Yang was furious: "if you are disrespectful to Ambassador Zuo again, don\'t blame us for being rude!"

"How dare these bastards laugh at Zuo emissary and fight with them!" a group of aliens stirred up, and their eyes were also angry.

"Hmm? The skin is itchy, isn\'t it?"

Seeing the people here blush and have thick necks, he made a series of strong people over there with cold eyes.

Powerful as the sea, the pressure came out and pressed towards the left envoy department.

The cultivation of the people in the first Department of the right envoy is extraordinary, far more than that in the first Department of the left envoy.

As soon as the pressure was released, Dongfang Yang and a group of aliens turned red and stepped back three steps!

A group of people from the first Department of the left envoy clenched their teeth and worked hard to resist the pressure from the first Department of the right envoy.

There is a huge gap between the two sides. The other side just bombards them at will with divine thoughts. A group of alien races can\'t resist

Those who come to this plague land in Zhuque mansion are elites.

Where can these aborigines cope?

In this competition, there was a dull hum in the alien crowd, and the people with the worst divine knowledge were directly blown out!

"Oh, a bunch of losers want to play less with Ben?" Xiao Mofan sneered. "What\'s the matter? You don\'t like it? Do you want to have a fight with me?"

"Come on, I only use one hand. Let\'s go together. Let me see how powerful your left envoy department is!"

Xiao Mofan stood up as he said.

He was really afraid that those guys would endure like a shrinking turtle as before.

If the other party tolerates it, it\'s hard for him to do it.

Because it\'s forbidden to fight privately.

"But if you can force these steamed stuffed buns to fight first, Hei hei......" a cruel smile hung on the corners of Xiao Mofan\'s mouth. On the palms of his hands, he has quietly gathered strength.

"Don\'t be too arrogant, Xiao Mofan!" Dongfang Yang, the leader of the left envoy\'s first department, looks more and more ugly: "our left envoy\'s first department is no worse than your right envoy\'s first department, but we don\'t want to cause trouble to the left envoy! Don\'t think we\'re afraid of you!"

Xiao Mofan\'s face was ferocious and said, "is it not worse than the right envoy? Hum, the left envoy exists in name only. Do you mean to say that?"

"Even if you add such a large group of barbarians to the left envoy department, what can you do? Add 100000 garbage, or garbage!"

"Do you think you can compete with our right envoy when the left envoy arrives?"


Dongfang Yang bit his teeth and said, "Xiao Mofan, don\'t be aggressive. You are just a side hall guard who dare to disrespect the left envoy. You will pay a price!"

"Pay the price? What price?" Xiao Mofan approached Dongfang Yang step by step, sneered and said, "did I say something wrong?"

"It\'s said that the left envoy is so powerful, so powerful and bullshit! We don\'t want to think... Where can a person with such a little cultivation be powerful? This is just a deliberate exaggeration to raise Shen Lang\'s face and make Shen Lang look better!"

"Your so-called Zuo emissary, when he entered the gate of life and death, cultivated the triple heaven of the king\'s martial mirror. Don\'t say that he is no different from the strong men in our right emissary department, even in front of me!"

Dongfang Yang and others lowered their heads.

The lower martial arts of Zhuque mansion can\'t know too much information.

Although the events in the dragon scale temple are widely spread, it is certain that when the left envoy entered the gate of life and death, it was Wang Wujing\'s cultivation.

Even if he is gifted, I\'m afraid his accomplishments can\'t increase much in the past few months.

Shen Lang pointed to the strong man in Tiangang and scolded him. Finally, he seriously injured the blood emperor ladaos. How can these things be contacted, not those characters at the top?

Dongfang Yang and others are still like this. The people of the major races behind know less about Shen Lang.

These more than 20 people have never seen Shen Lang, but they have heard of such a person, who is a benefactor of all races.

But I basically know nothing about Shen Lang\'s accomplishments and means.

Being ridiculed by Xiao Mofan, everyone lowered their heads.

In this world of power, power is also based on power.

Although Shen Lang is already the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, he can really frighten some people.

But if there is only such a little cultivation, it is impossible to convince people.

Wang Wujing\'s accomplishments, want to lead quasi emperor Wujing and even emperor Wujing, it\'s a disaster.

According to their ideas, not to mention Xiao Mofan, a member of the right emissary faction, I\'m afraid many people are very unhappy even in the left emissary faction.

Just didn\'t say it.

Xiao Mofan\'s words were like a needle nailed to the hearts of a group of people in the left envoy department, which made them feel unspeakable pain, but they could not refute it.

Xiao Mofan saw that these people did not dare to refute. He was even more elated and said, "open your mouth and shut your mouth, left envoy, left envoy. Hum, if you have a big fart, do you dare to be left envoy?"

"A guy who is completely dependent on his relationship, a hillbilly who comes out of the poor mountains and rivers, do you think that after he comes, the left envoy will be able to raise his eyebrows?"

"Such accomplishments are no different from mole ants in front of me. How can I lead the strong of the left envoy department?"

"I think all of you left envoys are obedient. Let\'s join you right envoys... Of course, these aliens are not necessary. They are just a group of dregs, and raising them is also a waste of food."

"You!" Dongfang Yang and a group of aliens were so angry that they blushed and had a thick neck.

Xiao Mofan, with his hands on his back, said leisurely: "A hillbilly who came out of poverty and evil water has no ability to fart. After winning over such a group of waste, he wants to show off in the rosefinch house. He really doesn\'t know whether to live or die!"

As he spoke, Xiao Mofan pointed the spearhead directly at the left envoy who had not met.

While he was talking, a group of martial artists in the right envoy department behind him urged their minds and suppressed the group of people opposite.

One mouth also said dirty words.

After the left envoy of Zhuque mansion died in the war with the God of war hall, the contradiction between the left and right envoys became more and more acute.

With an absolute advantage, the right makes it difficult for the left to breathe.

This is among the rosefinch mansion. The rosefinch mansion is the most united of these demon generals.

If other magic generals were replaced, I\'m afraid the power of the left envoy system would have been embezzled long ago without the left envoy. How can we persist until now?

Dongfang Yang stood in the front, urged his mind to resist the powerful pressure from the opposite side, blushed and said, "if you scold us, scold us. Don\'t him scold Zuo envoy!"

"Or I won\'t finish with you!"

Xiao Mofan sneered and said, "the defeated generals under his hand deserve to be brave?"

"Now I am the double heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, but you are still stuck in the double heaven of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor. The gap between us is like the earth. What do you take to fight me?"

"And the garbage behind you. I don\'t know where the hillbilly left envoy picked it up. Can it stop one of my fingers?"

Hearing this, a stone man youth as high as 2.5 meters couldn\'t bear it anymore

The stone Terran youth, whose anger had already reached the peak, stepped out and shouted, "Xiao, we can bear how you scold us, but if you dare to scold Zuo envoy as a hick or a waste, I\'ll kill you!"