Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1162

When Murong Changfeng\'s shadow was swallowed up by the Tai Chi diagram

Murong aristocratic family in the distant dream star region, Murong Changfeng suddenly opened his eyes in the dark secret room underground!

Two pure lights were released from his eyes.

In an instant, the dark secret room became bright!

This Murong genius, who likes to wear a clean white robe, doesn\'t know when to start, always likes to lock himself in this narrow and dark secret room.

He looked up slowly, his face pale and a little scary.

This morbid pallor showed his weakness at the moment.

The self, which is closely connected with the split body, also has a significant decline in his cultivation level because the split body was killed by Shen Lang.

This should not have happened to other martial artists.

Although this kind of thing bears part of the soul, it has no independent consciousness and is basically controlled by the martial spirit.

The death of separation will only hurt your divine consciousness in a short time.

It will not have much impact on my cultivation.

But Murong Changfeng\'s separation is completely different

This shadow separation has a separate sense of autonomy, which seems to be completely separated from Murong Changfeng.

But their cultivation and soul are closely related.

So before the shadow set out to kill Shen Lang, Murong Changfeng warned not to be slaughtered.

Although after being slaughtered, Murong Changfeng can be reborn through the cultivation of Murong Changfeng, but Murong Changfeng\'s cultivation will be dragged down and greatly reduced.

At this time, Murong Changfeng became very weak because of the death of the shadow!

However, when he knew the death of the shadow and felt the decline of his cultivation, Murong Changfeng\'s mouth hung a faint smile!

This is a smile that holds everything in hand;

This is a smile of success

"The realm of magic Yan formula has been knocked down. This war can help me win at least ten years."

"The rebirth of the shadow can no longer threaten me without ten or eight years."

"The killing armor was robbed, which was a little beyond my expectation. Did the evil spirits in the killing armor give up the separation evolved from the magic Yan formula and choose the third brother?"

"The killing armor created by the demon lord, the demon yanjue created by the Demon Lord for the killing armor, and finally the killing armor will abandon the separation evolved from the magic yanjue and choose the third brother? Can it be said that in the view of the killing armor, the third brother is more suitable to become the host of the killing armor?"

"The secret and strength of the third brother really surprised me. However, it\'s not enough, far from enough."

"It\'s hard to predict whether it\'s a blessing or a disaster that the most ferocious thing like killing war armour has fallen into the hands of the third brother!"

"Third brother, I hope you don\'t let me down, keep your heart, and don\'t be confused by the killing armor... Otherwise, I have to grab the killing armor from you and exchange my life for your life."

Murong Changfeng closed his eyes again and hid into the darkness.

It\'s as if it doesn\'t exist at all.


The land of plague.

Shen Lang closed his eyes and was urging the energy in the Tai Chi diagram to flow along the meridians, repairing his broken body and restoring his spirit.

Li Feiyu stood respectfully aside, his eyes full of worship.

Especially Li Feiyu, who is quite familiar with Shen Lang, looked at Shen Lang with bruised hair and inexplicable meaning flowing in her eyes

Just a few months ago, when she first met Shen Lang, Shen Lang was only the cultivation of Wang Wujing and began to fight with Wang Wujing of Zhuque mansion.

At that time, she didn\'t pay attention to Shen Lang at all, and wanted to oppress Shen Lang to kneel down in front of her;

Even if Shen Lang suddenly became a left envoy, Li Feiyu was not convinced at all.

In the back, Shen Lang first found the shadow of ghost Zun night in front of the door of life and death, forced it out, and then showed a terrible means... But anyway, Shen Lang\'s cultivation at that time was undoubtedly in the triple heaven of Wang Wujing.

Because beyond this cultivation, you can\'t enter the door of life and death at all!

Unexpectedly, it has only been a few months. Today\'s shenlang is so strong!

Murong Changfeng urges the killing armor. His breath is no weaker than that of the four heavenly strongmen of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

And the killing armor defense is amazing. Even Lord Shuying of emperor Wujing bachongtian didn\'t do much damage to him!

Unexpectedly, he died in Shen Lang\'s hands!

Even the famous killing armor in the demon God hall was robbed by Shen Lang now

This domineering, this means, this courage, is really convincing.

Who would have believed such a thing if he had not seen it with his own eyes?

After this battle, Shen Lang\'s position in Zhuque mansion has changed greatly.

No one dares to underestimate Shen Lang any more, who pays attention to the strong people above the martial mirror of the emperor of Zhuque mansion here.

Even at the beginning, he was shocked and silent to Shen Lang, the most unpopular right envoy Baili Bing.

The performance of Shen Lang\'s War revealed too much information.

It is not just cruelty and strength in this war.

It also confirmed the previous legends about him in the dragon scale temple... They are all true!


At the moment when Li Feiyu and his three people were stunned, the light and shadow flashed, and the snow poetry with tears on his face suddenly appeared next to Shen Lang, startling Li Feiyu and his three people.

"Why are you crying again?"

Shen Lang raised his hand to wipe away his tears for Xue Shiyin. Xue Shiyin turned his head and hid.

"Just a little injury, don\'t worry." Shen Lang sighed and comforted.

Xue Shiyin looked at him and turned away a little angrily, just didn\'t talk to him.

But her hands kept for a moment, releasing green spiritual power, which was absorbed by Shen waves.

Since Shen Lang helped Xue Shiyin unlock the seal of the divine sword Tianqi on cangxia mountain and finally accepted Xue Shiyin... Xue Shiyin treated Shen Lang like this for the first time.

Before that, she was like a considerate, gentle and virtuous wife, waiting on Shen Lang.

Even if she was ridiculed by Nalan Ziyan, she kept smiling.

Finally, he lowered his identity and used magic medicine to please Nalan Ziyan.

But now she has such a cold face towards Shen Lang.

When she was in fengtianding before, Xue Shiyin kept holding back, with tears on her face, but she didn\'t speak. She didn\'t even scream once. She was afraid of Shen Lang\'s distraction in the battle.

It was not until the end of the battle that she whispered out with a cry.

As soon as she came out, she didn\'t speak, just shed tears and squatted down to wipe Shen Lang\'s blood.

Then use the skill to help Shen Lang heal.

Shen Lang\'s desperate play made Xue Shiyin extremely sad.

Shen Lang\'s life, Xue Shiyin actually doesn\'t know much.

When Tianfeng City killed Yu wenhuaji, Xue Shiyin didn\'t see it, but learned it from Jingdong\'s Aunt Xue hongluan.

There was not much reaction at that time

At that time, her heart was all about Emperor Zhan. She noticed Shen Lang because she suspected that Shen Lang was a disciple of emperor Zhan.

This time, snow poetry is from the beginning to the end.

No woman wants to see her man fight so recklessly with others.

No woman has ever seen her beloved man seriously wounded, pierced by a long sword, shattered her arms, and can be calm.

The previous scenes lingered in the mind of Xue Shiyin, just like lingering nightmares.

She would rather bear all this instead of Shen Lang.

The heartache of seeing all this made her feel that life was worse than death.

Xue Shiyin blamed Shen Lang for the first time.

No matter what Shen Lang said, she ignored him.

Standing on the side, Li Feiyu looked at all this with strange eyes.

"This woman... Why is she so much like the eldest lady? And her relationship with Ambassador Zuo seems..."

Now xuedingdang is in the rosefinch house. They are more familiar with xuedingdang than any other Magic general house.

Moreover, the three also vaguely heard of the affair between Shen Lang and the mansion master LAN Mengling.

For this inexplicable woman, Li Feiyu\'s eyes were not very friendly.

It seems that Shen Lang is right about the unfriendliness in the eyes of Li Feiyu. Shen Lang slightly looks up and looks at Li Feiyu.

The three men looked up and counted the clouds very "attentively".

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and said again with a little embarrassment: "it\'s really all right... I promise you I\'ll never do this again next time, okay?"

Xue Shiyin wiped away the tears on her face and said coldly, "it\'s no use comforting me. You have to do what you say..."

The front sentence was insincerely cold, but the back sentence unknowingly restored the tone of previous words: "you are always like this... You don\'t know to take care of yourself, you are too easy to get hurt!"

"Why... Do you have to?"

Shen Lang youyou said, "fighting still depends on who is fighting. In the face of Murong Changfeng, I have a evil fire in my heart. If I don\'t release the evil fire, I don\'t have a clear idea."

"Just now you heard that Murong Changfeng is my second brother. Although the man who appears here is not Murong Changfeng."

"I was born in Murong aristocratic family. When I was six years old, I was chased by my eldest brother Murong Ji and my second brother Murong Changfeng."

"The bodyguard, sister Hongyu, took me out of the siege and fled to Tianfeng city..."

Shen Lang seemed to be talking about other people\'s affairs, and his tone was very calm: "when sister Hongyu died in front of me, I swore that one day, I would return to Murong aristocratic family."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

"Unexpectedly, I haven\'t found them yet, but they found me again!"

"It is estimated that my work in the dragon scale temple has been passed back to the Murong aristocratic family, so Murong Changfeng can\'t wait to send his body to hunt down the plague."

Li Feiyu shouted violently, "even his brothers are killed. Murong aristocratic family doesn\'t have a good thing! It\'s all animals!"

"..." Shen Lang looked up at Li Feiyu.

Listen, why is it so wrong?

Murong aristocratic family is full of animals... Didn\'t you scold yourself?