Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1161

When all the killing gas was swallowed up by Shen wave

Shen Lang\'s body was greatly consumed, and the remaining chaotic power ran again and gathered to the fracture of his two arms.

Shen Lang\'s two arms appear again after four or five breaths!

Those two arms are white and flawless, crystal clear, and blood vessels can be seen with the naked eye;

Faintly, you can see the dark golden bone on Shen Lang\'s arm, emitting a faint light.

The sound of gold and iron was released from Shen Lang\'s arm, as if the bones inside were violently colliding and changing

Then, Shen Lang\'s two arms began to become ruddy and normal.

However, after these two arms grow up, Shen Lang\'s momentum decreases significantly.

The whole person became depressed and kept panting

The damage of being pierced by the black front long sword consumes a lot of chaotic power and vitality of Shen Lang;

The two arms were broken, and the damage to Shen Lang was even greater;

Repairing these two arms takes more energy than you can imagine.

At the moment, Shen Lang is extremely weak.

When Shen Lang was weak to the extreme, the killing armor finally had a little movement!

A wishful thinking was released from the killing armor and reached the depths of Shen Lang\'s mind: "put on the killing armor and integrate with the killing armor, you will get unimaginable power, and you will step on the world!"

This voice, like a magic sound, is full of temptation and confusion, as if it was Shen Lang\'s idea at the bottom of his heart.

Let Shen Lang\'s eyes appear in a trance for a moment. Subconsciously, he wants to pick up the killing armor and put it on!


It seems that he felt the idea invading Shen Lang\'s sea of knowledge. Feng Tianding trembled slightly, and a clear light came out, enveloping Shen Lang\'s sea of knowledge.

Shen Lang\'s mind just appeared in a trance for a moment, and immediately woke up: "what an evil spirit, I almost caught his way!"

How terrible is the strength of shenlang after integrating the soul of the war emperor?

Even if the divine sense is far from reaching the point of war emperor, it is not comparable to the strong military mirror of ordinary emperor.

Bewitched by this evil spirit, he lost his mind in an instant!

How powerful is this evil spirit?

If Feng Tianding had not guarded the sea, this time it would be far more dangerous than when dealing with Murong Changfeng!

"When it\'s restored, go to the imperial martial mirror and cook you again!"

Depressed his anger, Shen Lang immediately urged the Tai Chi diagram.

The energy in the Tai Chi diagram immediately poured into his baby pill like a river into the sea.

This Tai Chi diagram is like Shen Lang\'s second baby pill.

However, Shen Lang\'s Danying\'s energy storage is limited, while Taiji diagram has no limit at all, and it is only too little, not too much.

As soon as the surging power poured into Shen langdanying, Shen Lang\'s eyes became brighter and his breath recovered a lot.

Shen Lang\'s current state is almost never weak.

Both flesh and divine consciousness have reached the limit and reached the critical point.

Although Tai Chi diagram is powerful, it is unwise to urge Tai Chi diagram to deal with evil spirits under such circumstances.

Shen Lang always makes up his mind and then moves. Even if he is very confident in the Tai Chi diagram, this time he still suppresses the impulse in his heart.

"The evil spirits in the battle armor didn\'t escape, and they even took advantage of my weakest moment to enter and bewitch me. It seems that they really gave up Murong Changfeng and chose me as their master."

"Good, then wait!"

"Hey, hey, hey..."

After making up his mind, he regained a little strength. Shen Lang bent down fiercely, and the "Five Emperors dragon boxing" worked again.

"Bang bang!"

The sound of explosion was continuous, and all the more than ten fierce fists blew on the chest of the killing armor.

That terrible fist strength passed through the defense of killing armor and hit Murong Changfeng who was recovering one by one.

Murong Changfeng in battle armor had not had time to react. The flesh and strength just condensed were immediately smashed by Shen waves!

"You... Shen Lang, don\'t go too far!" Murong Changfeng in the killing armor was terrified.

"Too much?" Shen Lang\'s voice seemed to come from the dark hell, cold and cruel: "I\'m really sorry. What I have to do may be a little more excessive."

Shen Lang grabbed the killing armor and picked it up.

At this time, Murong Changfeng noticed

At this time, Shen Lang was looking at him coldly through the killing armor.

It\'s like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

This is Murong Changfeng\'s shadow\'s most annoying look.

In this world, only he can see others like this!

Now, Shen Lang looks at him with this kind of eyes!

It\'s worse than killing him!

How long has it been since Murong Changfeng got the killing armor and started to inspire the power of killing armor?

He who cultivates the killing magic formula and controls the killing armor

When was this look seen?

Even the emperor\'s martial mirror is not much better than mole ants in his eyes!

When he becomes the master of killing, the world will crawl at his feet and bow down!

But now

Under the condition that the power can crush the other party, the defeat is here!

He was not only defeated miserably, but also humiliated by Shen Lang, who didn\'t put it in his eyes at all!

Looking at the cold eyes of the demon God who seemed to be high above, Murong Changfeng\'s shadow felt cold all over the body, and the fear in his heart kept rising uncontrollably!


Murong Changfeng roared hysterically: "I don\'t believe it! As long as you can\'t destroy the killing armor, as long as there is killing gas in the killing armor, I won\'t die!"

"You can\'t kill me!"

"I can be reborn with the help of this killing gas!"

"Constantly reborn?" Shen Lang faintly "looked" at Murong Changfeng in the killing armor.

Murong Changfeng is constantly reborn with the help of the power of killing armor.

But since the killing armour gave up Murong Changfeng and took him as the "master" and let Murong Changfeng reborn, it\'s a little unreasonable, isn\'t it?

Kill the evil spirits in the armor. Just now, Shen Lang was bewitching. Put on this armor and keep Murong Changfeng. Isn\'t it unnecessary?

Shen Lang smiled coldly at the corners of his mouth and said without emotion, "I\'m very busy now, so I don\'t listen to your last words."

"Please, go straight to death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang shook his right fist and bombarded the killing armor for several times.

The fist strength of "Five Emperors dragon boxing" was partially offset by the killing armor, and the rest passed through the killing armor one by one, gathered at one point, and all bombarded the soul of Murong Changfeng.

Murong Changfeng\'s shadow soul was blown to pieces in an instant!

This time, Murong Changfeng\'s soul, as Shen Lang expected, did not regenerate through the killing armor!

"Kill armor, hum!"

Shen Lang\'s expression moved and his heart sneered.

Just to confirm the speculation in his heart, Shen Lang didn\'t use the "star sucking Da - Method" when he just dealt with Murong Changfeng.

The so-called cards should naturally be placed last.

"Star sucking Dharma" should be reserved for killing evil spirits in battle armor!


Shen Lang breathed out a long breath and collected the killing armor into Feng Tianding and placed it in a long arranged array.

This time, Shen Lang was so tired that he just wanted to lie down and sleep.

Gasping for breath, Shen Lang sat on a bluestone, grabbed the handle of the black front long sword inserted in his body, and slowly pulled out the long sword with a little effort.

Heart piercing pain, blood gushing

Shen Lang\'s breath dropped sharply again!

Knowledge of the sea is exhausted, chaos is exhausted, several ribs are broken, and the whole body is full of wounds... Everything has reached its limit.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Shen Lang pointed at him like a sword. He even counted the points on his body, which stopped the blood.

But a pair of eyes are dim and tired to the extreme.

He looked at the ground, his chest heaved sharply and gasped violently.

What he killed was only the shadow of Murong Changfeng, not the original master of Murong Changfeng. Shen Lang didn\'t feel any pleasure.

Some are just cold emptiness.

At this moment, he has too many things to think about;

But at this moment, he didn\'t want to think about anything.

Suddenly, the black front sword suddenly shook and shook out a powerful force, almost breaking away from Shen Lang!


Shen Lang frowned slightly. He punched out and hit the sword.

The long sword let out a cry and dared not move any more.

With his wrist turned over, Shen Lang incorporated the killing sword into xumijie.

At this moment, all the strong people watching the war in the distance were silent.

This is a battle of unequal strength, exciting, earth shaking and unimaginable;

This is a crazy battle, brutal and overbearing, unprecedented and incredible!

Seeing Shen Lang so crazy, so violent and so cruel, people on the other side of the sword sect and on the other side of the demon God hall are afraid. They firmly remember the name Shen Lang in their hearts.

"Haven\'t you seen enough? Get out of here!"

Shen Lang hooked his head, and his mind, which was extremely weak, exploded directly in all directions.

The surrounding roads scanned the thoughts here, strong or weak, and immediately retreated like the tide.

No one wants to get into this evil star, whether it\'s the demon god temple or the sword sect.

Shen Lang\'s madness and unimaginable means have deterred everyone.

As for the people in the ten thousand demon mansion, they knew that the dust had settled and all took back their thoughts.

Nearby, it was silent.

After a while, the sound of Robe hunting sounded in the sky.

The three of Li Feiyu fell to Shen Lang from the air.

"Ambassador Zuo..."

Shen Lang didn\'t lift his head. He waved his hand gently. His voice was a little hoarse and said, "I\'m a little tired. Let me have a rest."

"Yes!" Li Feiyu looked at each other and stood respectfully aside.