Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1163

Shen Lang saw Li Feiyu\'s angry look. For fear that she would say anything messy again, he hurriedly said, "my identity was leaked by AO Yue, commander of Tiangang Disha, when I was in the dragon scale temple. Look at this, Murong Ji and Murong Changfeng have stared at me."

"Even if I\'m the Zuo envoy of Zhuque mansion, it seems that I can\'t hold down the Murong aristocratic family and don\'t let them restrain a little. If I don\'t have my own strength, I won\'t be frustrated by them one day, ha ha."

Li Feiyu was furious: "Murong aristocratic family is so brave! Do you really think they are the people of Tianyuan devil, and our Zhuque mansion will be afraid of them?"

"Emissary Zuo, the rosefinch mansion will certainly be your backing to help you deal with Murong aristocratic family! And haven\'t you killed Murong Changfeng and captured the killing Armor now?"

"Even if the rosefinch mansion can\'t, I\'m afraid they don\'t have the courage to do it to you again!"

Xue Shiyin was surprised: "I\'ve had a lot of contacts with Murong family. Why didn\'t I know that Murong family is so powerful?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "there\'s nothing to be surprised about. Murong aristocratic family is the power of Tianyuan demon king in the demon God Hall... The dark gold level power is just a cover for the outside world."

"You can see that Murong Changfeng\'s part has the power to easily kill the strong of the emperor\'s martial mirror."

"The power hidden in his family is probably stronger than any demon general\'s house."

Snow\'s poetry is not clear how powerful the devil\'s palace is.

But Xue Shiyin also knows that forces like Zhuque mansion control many legendary sects!

Murong aristocratic family\'s strength is really unimaginable.

"Murong Changfeng, what a Murong Changfeng!" the hatred in Xue Shiyin\'s eyes flashed: "no matter how powerful his Murong aristocratic family is, I will make it pay a price!"

Shen Lang was surprised, hurriedly grabbed Xue Shiyin\'s hand and said, "don\'t... I told you this just to tell you why I worked so hard with Murong Changfeng, but I didn\'t want you to fight with Murong Changfeng."

"Murong Changfeng is a man of great importance. I will deal with him. Don\'t make up his mind casually!"

Seeing the panic and concern in Shen Lang\'s eyes, Xue Shiyin\'s heart seemed to melt.

When can we see panic in Shen Lang\'s eyes?

Shen Lang was afraid of her impulse. When he saw Murong Changfeng, he rushed up and tried his best!

The hatred in Xue Shiyin\'s eyes dissipated and was replaced by tenderness and honey.

She didn\'t say anything, just nodded gently.

Then he took out his comb, stood behind Shen Lang and began to comb his messy hair.

"Li Feiyu, tell me briefly what happened in the last seven days in this plague land." Shen Lang took a deep breath and said faintly.

Li Feiyu nodded respectfully and immediately began to bring the events of recent days together.

1、 A few days ago, in the plague land, various races that were originally very brutal and difficult to accept suddenly took Shen Lang\'s keepsake and threw it into the rosefinch house of the demon God hall;

The people of Zhuque mansion have settled all these aborigines.

2、 Until the plague land, the aborigines here came to the rosefinch house. The three forces of the demon god house, the ten thousand demon house and the blood clan maintained a balance, controlled each other\'s elbows and accumulated strength;

Blood clan has two giants: Milos and oux; There is king Mirs with golden wings in Wanyao mansion; There is a wind in the demon temple, mother-in-law.

There hasn\'t been much movement in the blood clan.

However, the power of the ten thousand demon house, the war god hall and the thousand soul hall was gathered over the ten thousand demon house, and many strong people of the legendary clan of the human race arrived, and their power was increasing day by day;

On the side of the demon God hall, the people of the main demon generals are also coming one after another, and their strength is even stronger to the extreme.

Just wait for the people from the four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king to arrive, the demon God hall is ready to launch a general attack on the blood clan and the ten thousand demon house, and directly shovel the two forces in the plague land.

3、 When the three sides were calm, the Luocha city controlled by the blood clan was slaughtered and destroyed by the eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall twice in a row! And the second time, he not only killed a large number of powerful warriors of the blood clan emperor\'s martial mirror, but also completely destroyed the city protection array of Luocha City, shaking the foundation of the blood clan\'s ancient chain array!

This matter will directly break the peace and balance of the three parties.

After receiving the news, except for the rosefinch house, the great demons poured out the strong ones of the house and poured into the territory of the blood clan like a tide.

A great war has lasted until now.

4、 Zhuque mansion didn\'t attack because the leader of the mansion, LAN Mengling, ordered to wait until the left envoy Shen Lang and let Shen Lang preside over all this;

5、 Bai libing, the right envoy, was very angry. He never gave a good face to the people of the first Department of the left envoy. The people of the first Department of the right envoy also ran against the first Department of the left envoy, making the people of the first Department of the left envoy complain incessantly;

Li Feiyu had no choice, so they found a way out and wanted to wait for Shen Lang here.

6、 Calculate the time, the strong sent by the black dragon demon king may arrive tonight, and the war between the demon God hall and the blood clan over there may have reached the high tide stage

Things came out of Li Feiyu\'s mouth one by one.

These things are not different from what Shen Lang knows and expects.

The only thing awesome with the anticipation of Shen Lang is that Shen Lang did not expect the magic temple to be so powerful that wind sways grass and it came out.

If it is so easy to deal with the blood clan, it is also a happy event.

But when Shen Lang was in the amber dream, he already knew that the three great emperors of the blood clan had appeared in the moonlight woodland.

This proves that the blood family attaches great importance to the eternal tree!

Shen Lang certainly doesn\'t believe that the blood clan has only put such a little power in the plague land.

"Those fools in the demon temple have high eyes. They not only want to kill the blood clan, but also prepare to eradicate a group of people in the ten thousand demon mansion... This calculation is very good."

"Hum, this chaotic war depends on whether you can come back..."

Shen Lang is very satisfied with the result of the battle between the blood clan and the demon God hall, no matter who is strong and who is weak, who loses and who wins.

When I was satisfied with... I almost smiled.

At this time, a crane\'s cry came from the sky, tore open the clouds and went straight into the sky.

A huge flaming crane with red feathers broke through the sky.

The flaming crane\'s wings are 100 feet long, its feathers are red, there is no speck of color, and its whole body is still burning with flames, bringing out a long flame passage in the air.

On her back, adami, the leader of the cave people who had been with Yu CHENFENG, stood with his hands behind his back, like a little bit.

When they arrived in front of Shen Lang and others, the Flamingo gently flapped its wings in the air and turned into a beautiful young woman in a red robe.

She and adami fell to the ground and knelt on one knee in front of the Shen wave.

"Wing clan fire clothes..."

"Cave man adami..."

"I\'ve seen the left envoy!"

Shen Lang reached out to help them: "Uncle adami, you are so polite."

"My lord..." adami looked at Shen Lang and opened her mouth. She didn\'t speak for a while.

The first time I saw Shen Lang was when Yu CHENFENG left. At that time, Shen Lang was like being cut by a knife for thousands of knives, and his whole body was dripping with blood;

After that, Shen Lang went to Luocha City, adami and others went to Zhuque mansion.

This time adami saw Shen Lang again. He was very glad that Shen Lang came back from Luocha City safely, but now he saw that Shen Lang was worse than that time... He was not only scarred, but also his breath was weak to the extreme.

Adami blinked and controlled her mood for a long time. She gently said, "my Lord, grandma Feng asked us to pick you up."

The fire neon on the side has never seen Shen Lang, and has been looking at Shen Lang curiously.

It is unimaginable that a human race was recognized by the major races here and finally became a leader.

Huonishang clearly knew that the wild races were complacent, arrogant and unruly, and there were many contradictions among the major races before the disaster.

But after this Terran appeared, it brought all races together and respected it as king.

This kind of thing is a little incredible.

However, before the war between Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng, the strong men of all ethnic groups, such as huonishang, were all "seen" in the eyes.

The beauty of the wing clan finally understands why Shen Lang has such a high reputation among so many races.

Only such characters can convince these savage races!

"Let\'s go."

Shen Lang didn\'t make a gesture and waved his hand gently.

With the sound of a crane, the huge flaming crane turned into a flame, immediately took Shen Lang and others and flew towards the Zhuque house.


On the other side of Wanyao mansion, the golden winged ROC King standing at the gate of the hall snorted, shook his sleeve robe, and walked back slowly with his hands on his back.

A strong man in the ten thousand demon mansion frowned and said, "the so-called left envoy of the rosefinch mansion is definitely a wonderful flower!"

"What happened to him, subordinates... Subordinates really didn\'t understand anything."

"How could there be such a monster?"

"Your Majesty, if this kind of person is allowed to continue to develop, it is absolutely impossible. We should eradicate it early!"

A group of people from the ten thousand demon mansion immediately nodded and agreed: "yes, this son must not stay, otherwise he must be our strong enemy at that time!"

"Now it seems that if this person gets the resources of the demon temple and continues to be strong, I\'m afraid it won\'t take long, and its threat will far exceed those demon generals!"

When Shen Lang appeared in the plague place before and the breath of Zuo Wentian attracted the strong from all sides, the people of Wanyao mansion talked about eradicating Shen Lang.

This time, because of the war between Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng, someone mentioned the old story again.

However, this time, even the strong man of qianhun Hall who had stopped before was silent.

The left envoy of Zhuque mansion, whose cultivation is not very good, has revealed his talent for terrorist fighting and cultivation, which has shocked a group of supreme and powerful people.

In the hall of Wanyao mansion, there are many strong people who support killing Shen Lang