Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1160

Shen Lang\'s crazy playing style stunned everyone.

Even Murong Changfeng\'s heart gave birth to an unspeakable fear.

At this moment, Murong Changfeng only wanted to urge his strength to kill Shen Lang.

He doesn\'t want to see Shen Lang anymore. He doesn\'t want to fight Shen Lang anymore

However, where does he still have this opportunity?

At the moment, Shen Lang pinched his neck with one hand and pierced his chest with the other. Between them, there is already a bridge through the killing armor!

At the moment when Murong Changfeng wants to break out and urge the killing armor force

Shen Lang\'s body suddenly shook!

The chaotic power on him, like the surging river, rushed into Murong Changfeng\'s body through his two hands!


Whether it is chaos divine power or rosefinch divine fire, as long as it is heterogeneous energy, it will cause hostility and resistance of killing armor.

Especially the chaotic power that crushes all the power of gods and demons!

The strong murderous spirit on the killing armor spontaneously exploded, almost ten times stronger than when Murong Changfeng urged!

In an instant, Shen Lang\'s hands were blown to pieces

Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng snorted at the same time and flew backward!

At this time, Shen Lang even had the black front sword on his body!


Shen Lang, who broke his arms, whirled in the air and flew back again like lightning. Later, he first caught up with Murong Changfeng, raised his right foot high, and made the "Five Emperors dragon fist" with his feet. He wrote down that he split on the head of Murong Changfeng who had lost his resistance!

"The fist melts all Dharma ideas like a knife. I only respect you for thousands of years!"

"Bang Bang..."

Shen Lang kicked his feet out like a whirlwind, and each foot hit Murong Changfeng\'s head!

Rosefinch\'s divine fire, evil energy, the gas of the yellow spring, the power of thunder... All kinds of terrible energy gathered in Shen Lang\'s feet, passed through the helmet of the killing armor, and burst into Murong Changfeng\'s head!

This time, it\'s different from the previous attack.

This time, all the energy is like an introduction to detonate the chaotic power that Shen Lang used to blow in at the cost of destroying his hands!


A terrible mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Murong Changfeng screamed and blew it to pieces!

His strength depends entirely on killing armor.

The strength in his body and the strength of his body can\'t compare with the sinking waves at this time?

Shen Lang not only opened the fifth star of the nine star mystery, but also added the rosefinch fire, the spirit of the yellow spring, the evil energy and the power of thunder in the Tai Chi picture!

The explosion directly blew it to pieces, leaving only an empty killing armor

"Woo woo!"

In the void, the killing armor that lost the control of Murong Changfeng sent out a terrible sound and went towards the West!

"Want to run?"

Shen Lang, who lost his arms, gave a cold drink, raised his right foot and suddenly stepped on the ground. Like lightning, he caught up with the killing armor and kicked it out!


The killing armor was directly stepped into the ground by Shen Lang, but there was no damage at all.

"Ha ha ha!"

Murong Changfeng\'s voice came from the empty killing armor: "why can\'t you kill armor! You can\'t kill me!"

"I was born in killing and grew up in killing. As long as there is murderous spirit, I can\'t die!"

"Lao Tzu is invincible and immortal!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

With his voice, two arms and legs were born from the killing armor.


Shen Lang snorted coldly and stepped on the killing armor with all his strength.

Under the broken arrogant silver eyes, Shen Lang impressively found that there were two energy groups rotating in the killing armor.

One of them is like the light of fireflies, which is Murong Changfeng;

The other one, like the ancient gods and demons, has a vast breath, which really destroys the sky and the earth. It\'s unimaginable!

Even Shen Lang feels shocked!

"How could it be!" Shen Lang was shocked at this look: "such a powerful evil spirit is hidden in the killing armor? This... This is an unparalleled evil god!"

That is, at this moment, the evil spirit energy group like an evil god seemed to sense Shen Lang\'s "eyes", and a pair of red eyes came out and stared at Shen Lang!

Facing the red eyes, Shen Lang felt as if his eyes were stabbed by two sharp needles, which hurt his heart!


Shen Lang roared in his heart, subconsciously put away his broken silver eyes and removed his eyes!

Not only that, but when he was stared at, Shen Lang felt that he had been poured with a bucket of ice water, cold from head to foot, cold from body to soul!

Bitter cold, unspeakable cold

Even if he had just advanced the quasi emperor martial mirror, Shen Lang didn\'t feel this way in the face of the remnant soul of heaven demons!

The secret of killing war armour was inadvertently discovered by Shen Lang.

"What a powerful evil spirit, what a terrible evil spirit! What\'s going on?"

Shen Lang\'s attention immediately moved away from Murong Changfeng and all fell on the evil spirit who killed war armor.

If the expectation is good, this evil spirit should be the real weapon spirit of killing armor.

However, the spirit of this weapon is too powerful and hidden too deep. It is covered by layers of God array. There is no trace of breath. Even Murong Changfeng, who is wearing a killing armor, doesn\'t notice it at all.

When Shen Lang was in Luocha City, he saw Murong Changfeng and urged him to break his arrogant silver eyes. He just found that Murong Changfeng hid this powerful killing armor in his body, but he didn\'t feel anything in the killing armor!


"Strange, too strange!"

Aware of the evil spirit hidden in the killing armor, Shen Lang is a little confused.

If the killing armor has such a powerful weapon spirit, even if it releases one ten thousandth of the power, how can he step on the killing armor so easily?

With the power of this evil spirit, if it breaks out, even one ten thousandth of the power can instantly break the strong man of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

Why did the master of the killing armor be blasted to pieces by Shen Lang, and the spirit of the weapon was indifferent?

Such a powerful evil spirit doesn\'t help Murong Changfeng, the master, and doesn\'t resist when Shen Lang steps on his feet... It\'s abnormal.

If you have to find a reason, you can only say

The evil spirit did it on purpose!

The inner thoughts in Shen Lang\'s mind turn.

He must get the killing armor, and now he has already got it.

But how dare Shen Lang wear such a terrible evil spirit inside?

If you don\'t solve the evil spirit, this killing armor can\'t be regarded as Shen Lang\'s thing!

The most important thing is, with the power of the current Tai Chi diagram, can it really be pulled out of the killing armor and swallowed up?

Every thought turned quickly from Shen Lang\'s mind.

Killing armor has such a powerful weapon spirit. What do you want Murong Changfeng to do?

Generations of killing masters are like gods and demons. Not all of them have been killed or sealed by the strong men in the world. Then, where did they go later?

Killing armor neither helps Murong Changfeng nor urges his forces to flee. Why?

Among them, there seems to be a big secret!

Thousands of years ago, when the killing armor appeared, the war emperor once suspected it.

But the war emperor at that time did not have in-depth contact with the killing armor, let alone know that there would be such a terrible evil spirit in the killing armor.

Only those who get the killing armor can accept its inheritance, become the real master of killing, control the killing and destroy the Jedi!

However, did the slayer get the man who killed war armor, or... It\'s the evil spirit in war armor!

"The evil spirit stayed in the killing armor and didn\'t resist me. Did he give up Murong Changfeng and choose me as his master?"

"But I almost blinded just now. Is this the attitude towards the master?"

Shen Lang\'s mind turned. He had caught something vaguely.

In theory, the evil spirits in the killing armor have the power of gods and demons, and then control the killing armor... This is a terrible demon God at all!

Why is it necessary to find people to inherit the killing armor everywhere?

In a short time, Shen Lang\'s thoughts made him feel that the conspiracy to kill war armor was becoming more and more serious.

"When I captured the killing armor, I wanted to explore the secret of the killing armor! Since there is such a powerful evil spirit in it, everything will be clear after the Tai Chi diagram devours the evil spirit and refines it!"

Shen Lang wiped the blood from his mouth and made up his mind.

It\'s not good to think about these messy things now, and you may not be able to think thoroughly.

When Tai Chi tries to devour the evil spirit, all problems will be solved.

As soon as Shen langmeng gritted his teeth, chaos divine power and life spiritual power immediately moved to the shoulder. At the fracture of the arm, granulation was born at an unimaginable speed.

However, the killing gas lingering at the fracture immediately broke out and shrouded the newly grown granulation in it.

As soon as the granulation was shrouded in the killing gas, it immediately withered like plants and trees, became shriveled, and then the vitality dissipated and turned into ashes.

Third, after Shen Lang tried several times, the granulation that grew was always swallowed up by the killing gas.

And after the killing gas swallowed up the growing granulation, it became more surging and more abundant!

"The killing gas in the killing armor can devour my vitality and grow accordingly. It\'s really terrible."

"It\'s a pity to meet me!"

Shen Lang\'s anger flashed in his eyes, and the "star sucking Da Fa" immediately began to work in his body.

Whether it\'s the killing gas that has been injected into the body, or the killing gas that lingers on the broken arm, or those murderous gases that surround the body, it\'s like a long river into the sea. All of them are swallowed up by the Tai Chi diagram!

If this terrible killing gas penetrates into other martial artists, even if it is the fourth and fifth heaven of emperor Wujing, it will have to take off a layer of skin!

However, Shen Lang is a chaotic God, indestructible, and even the rosefinch fire can bear it;

And Tai Chi chart in hand, any energy can be swallowed!

No matter how pure and terrible the killing gas is, what can it do to him?

With Shen Lang as the center, the wind is strong within a hundred meters.

All the murderous Qi was collected into Shen Lang\'s body and disappeared without a trace