Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1159

When Shen Lang\'s fist hit Murong Changfeng\'s heart

An incredible scene happened... Murong Changfeng\'s eyes stood out and he snorted!

The power of Shen Lang\'s fist broke the defense of killing armor and bombarded Murong Changfeng!

No, it\'s not exactly breaking the defense of killing armor, but passing through killing armor!

How is this possible?

At this time, the long sword in Murong Changfeng\'s hand suddenly trembled, and he could not lift it up any more.

Psychologically, there are also flaws!

"What\'s going on? What happened?"

Just when people don\'t understand

Shen Lang\'s stormy attack has been unfolded!

"Tianying star, open!"

After the four stars opened, Shen Lang dodged, easily avoided the swords, and returned to Murong Changfeng\'s dozens of fists!

"Bang bang!"

With lightning like fist and thunder like power, Murong Changfeng directly blasted to the ground and collapsed several peaks on the ground!

Shen Lang, like a gangrene attached to a bone, kept roaring close to Murong Changfeng\'s body, just like his power... Endless!


When his life was at stake, Murong Changfeng gave a strange cry, and an unimaginable killing gas broke out from him.

It was as if he suddenly shot out of him with thousands of sword Qi.

From a distance, Murong Changfeng looks like a hedgehog with countless sword thorns!

At the moment when thousands of sword Qi were shot out, Murong Changfeng suddenly disappeared without a trace.

In the face of this power, Shen Lang dared not underestimate it. He staggered his hands to open his defense and backed back quickly!

"Boom, boom!"

The terrible sword Qi shot out like an arrow and bombarded Shen Lang\'s defense with both hands.

The waves were so heavy that they couldn\'t stand it and retreated again and again.

The power of killing armor is very important!

Murong Changfeng\'s strength erupted under the madness, and Shen Lang was extremely hard to resist.

It was at this time that the killing intention behind him made Shen Lang\'s hair stand upright... Murong Changfeng seized this opportunity and killed him back!

"Heaven doesn\'t kill!"

The third move of killing magic sword, like black lightning, roars towards the Shen wave!


Shen Lang snorted coldly and suddenly turned around. He didn\'t dodge. He made a circle of his hands and held a Tai Chi diagram!

Murong Changfeng is convinced that Shen Lang can\'t hide at his speed, but he never thought Shen Lang wouldn\'t even hide!

The black front long sword passed through the Taiji diagram in an instant, as if it was stabbed on a film with strong elasticity, and the speed suddenly slowed down.

Then with that layer of film, he went through Shen Lang\'s chest and came out!


Li Feiyu and others in the distance screamed.

Whether Murong Changfeng or the people watching the war around him, they are stunned!

With the speed shown before Shen Lang and amazing attainments in combat skills, it\'s not so easy to be pierced by a sword?

Then he saw the tip of the black front long sword passing through Shen Lang\'s body, revealing from behind, and the blood of the big canopy gurgling out of the sword!

Between the lightning and flint, the killing gas that ran through Shen Lang\'s body turned around in Shen Lang\'s body under the operation of the Tai Chi diagram, then came out through his body and gathered on Shen Lang\'s two arms!

At that moment, Shen Lang\'s left hand was wrapped in the dark air of killing, and instantly poked out, holding Murong Changfeng\'s throat!

"How possible!"

Everyone watching the war was surprised.

Only some of the most powerful people in Zhuque mansion can see what\'s going on!

At the moment, the power on Shen Lang\'s left hand is the power with Murong Changfeng blowing into his body.

This power is the power on the killing armor!

It is the same as the power in killing armor!

After all, the killing armor is armor, not human. Facing the power released by yourself, it will not produce a little defense!

It was in this case that Murong Changfeng\'s throat was pinched by Shen Lang in an instant!

The killing armor did not start defense when Shen Lang did so!

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s right hand was also coerced by the killing spirit. He turned his palm into a knife at the extreme speed, and one hand squeezed into Murong Changfeng\'s chest from the gap of armor!

Both of them are bleeding!

"Madman! You... Madman!"

Murong Changfeng roared and wanted to urge the killing armor to smash Shen Lang!