Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1158

Shen Lang, who had no idea of life or death, suddenly spoke, and everyone was surprised.

Being beaten like this, you can still talk. It\'s really resistant to beating!

"Ambassador Zuo!"

As soon as Shuying\'s eyes changed, he didn\'t catch it.

Everyone\'s eyes immediately focused on Shen Lang below.

At this time, Shen Lang had turned over and sat up, with shocking blood marks on his face, potholes in his armor, and countless cracks and blood dripping.

The whole body was also shrouded in a killing gas that was too strong to melt, as if eroding his vitality.

It was such a miserable situation, but Shen Lang\'s voice was very stable and calm: "no one is allowed to interfere in the affairs of Murong aristocratic family and me!"

Shuying hesitated a little: "ambassador Zuo..."

"Back down!" Shen Lang\'s voice suddenly mentioned, cold and tyrannical.

"Yes!" the thin shadow in the air was fixed and retreated into the void.

Shen Lang supported the ground with both hands and slowly stood up from the ground.

He looked at the sky proudly, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, twisted his neck, shook his hand and put away the immortal sky knife.

Then, on the ground, left and right feet alternate and beat gently.

"What is he... What is he trying to do?"

"Do you still want to fight Murong Changfeng?"

"Don\'t be kidding. The difference in strength can\'t be counted in the Tao. Now I\'m seriously injured. How can I fight?"

"If there are magic soldiers, they don\'t have to use it. Their heads must have been broken."

"Even if you want to fight, you shouldn\'t put the long knife away? Does he want to deal with Murong Changfeng with his bare hands? It\'s a joke!"

"To die is to lose face and live to suffer. It\'s estimated that it\'s because so many people are watching the war and can\'t wipe away their face. That\'s why I took away the shadow of the strong people in the Zhuque mansion? Young man, I don\'t know how to live or die!"

The people around immediately laughed.

At this time, the Shen wave was wrapped by an air flow, rose slowly upward, and stood in a position parallel to the Murong Changfeng.

And he looked up at Murong Changfeng, his feet still jumping gently.

This step, in posture

As like as two peas before the crossing of Bruce Lee, the "butterfly step" on the earth.

In this way, a wisp of silver thread flashed in Shen Lang\'s eyes, jumped, pointed to Murong Changfeng and said faintly, "this killing armor on you is mine."


When Shen Lang was completely at a disadvantage, he said such arrogant words, which immediately made the whole audience roar!

What a big breath!

It is normal to say that his strength can crush Murong Changfeng.

The problem is that Murong Changfeng\'s power far exceeds him. They are not in the same level!

Moreover, he was seriously injured by Murong Changfeng!

On the other side of the demon temple, many people immediately laughed: "this guy must be crazy. He must have been eroded by the killing spirit!"

"It should be that the killing gas on the killing armor is too terrible. He has been seriously injured. Murong Changfeng blasted the killing gas into his body, and he will not die or be disabled."

At this time, Shen Lang smiled at Murong Changfeng and said, "your so-called killing sword is more sharp than accurate, more vicious than smart, and completely depends on the destructive nature of killing gas. In fact, it is just a low-level sword with many flaws."

"It\'s worthless to get rid of the gas of killing!"

All the strong people around were stunned.

Murong Changfeng was angry.

Shen Lang said again, "the killing gas in the killing armor is really strange and strong enough. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the killing gas is, it has no impact on me."

"In addition, the killing armor is like a tortoise shell on you, which is your biggest dependence."

"But there are too many things in this world, not absolute. Killing armor is not absolute defense."

"Your shadow of Murong Changfeng is really different from Murong Changfeng... If this killing battle is really worn on Murong Changfeng, I\'m afraid I have to turn around and go this way now. But you can\'t."

"Haha, haha!" Murong Changfeng laughed angrily: "what a reckless guy, what a arrogant and ignorant guy. You dare to talk nonsense when you are dying? You asked for it!"

Because Shen Lang withdrew the shadow of Zhuque mansion and said that no one was allowed to interfere, Murong Changfeng had no worries!

Before that, when he took action, he was actually on guard against the people in the rosefinch house!

"This time, I see who else can save you!"

Murong drank the first mock exam, and the figure suddenly blurred, and instantly disappeared.

At the moment when Murong Changfeng disappeared, Shen Lang quickly retreated ten meters in the void and blasted out with his palm down: "demon gate!"

"Pass, pass, pass!"

In the explosion, three demon gates with demon breath blocked Shen Lang!

When Murong Changfeng appeared again, he stood in front of the first demon door!

The long sword stabbed forward, as if it had entered another space. The fierce sword Qi dissipated most of the time!


Murong Changfeng was stunned and felt like entering the dark abyss.

He saw the fierce sword Qi released by his long sword, burst the devil\'s gate, continued to move forward, and destroyed the two devil\'s gates behind one after another.

However, in his eyes, the sword Qi, which can almost split the void, destroyed the devil\'s gate, but every time he passed through the devil\'s gate, most of his strength dissipated without a trace!

When the sword Qi destroyed the last demon gate, it was as weak as a child\'s fight, and there was no threat to Shen Lang.

Just when the last demon door broke

Shen Lang smiled coldly, his fingers diverged, and grabbed Murong Changfeng\'s emptiness: "artistic conception of death!"

In the whirling sky and earth, Murong Changfeng has appeared in a strange space.

In this space, death is endless.

Countless familiar or unfamiliar figures suddenly crawled out of the dead spirit and crawled towards Murong Changfeng.

These people were all killed by Murong Changfeng

Murong Changfeng waved with his hand, and the startling sword Qi crushed all the mummies thousands of miles around.

However, in the dead sea, more mummies and skeletons came out, howling and rushing!

"The artistic conception of death? Should I use this degree of artistic conception to deal with me?" Murong Changfeng laughed: "I was born and good at killing. I have been immersed in the way of killing for so many years. Can the artistic conception of death affect my mental strength?"

Shen Lang\'s voice sounded in the artistic conception of death: "really? Why do I feel that you are a little guilty?"

Murong Changfeng\'s eyes were cold: "guilty? Ridiculous!"

"In front of absolute power, the mere artistic conception is a joke!"

"I\'ll let you know how far there is between you and me now!"

"I\'ll show you what it\'s called \'breaking skill with strength\'!"

While talking, Murong Changfeng\'s momentum soared wildly.

The long sword in his hand seemed to be a bloodthirsty beast. When he smelled the blood, he began to tremble wildly and get excited!

Just then

Standing outside, Shen Lang grabbed another hand at Murong Changfeng: "abyss artistic conception, condensation!"

In the artistic conception of death, the evil energy of the sea suddenly appeared out of thin air!

The terrible evil energy and the Qi of death immediately stirred up like a dragon and compressed frantically towards Murong Changfeng!

Then it circled around Murong Changfeng and bound and squeezed it!

From the outside, it looks like a gray black dragon and a miserable green dragon, winding Murong Changfeng tightly, making it difficult for him to move!

"What is this artistic conception? How can there be such an evil smell?"

"You have realized two artistic conception, and they can overlap each other?"

"Impossible! How can the power of this artistic conception kill armor penetration!"

Murong Changfeng\'s sword didn\'t go down at last.

His body, in an instant, has been tightly bound by two artistic conception.

Evil energy is madly penetrating his body through the killing armor.

Although 99% of evil energy is resisted and excluded by killing armor and killing gas, even if a little evil energy enters the body, this kind of thing is unimaginable and unbearable for Murong Changfeng.

"What can you do to me? Give it to me, break it!"

Murong Changfeng urged the power of killing armor and suddenly released it, trying to break the shackles of the two artistic conception forces!

The two superimposed artistic conception really can\'t help Murong Changfeng.

This person\'s mind is full of chaos and illusions, but he has little influence at all, and his mind is also very eager to get it.

Under the urging of Murong Changfeng, the forces in the killing armor gathered together. At this moment, they suddenly exploded and smashed those two artistic conceptions!

"Right now!"

Just as the violent force surged in all directions, Shen Lang\'s body disappeared out of thin air!

He did so many things, waiting for this moment!

What we are waiting for is the moment when Murong Changfeng\'s internal forces burst!


When Murong Changfeng\'s power broke out, Shen Lang appeared behind him!

At this time, Murong Changfeng\'s strength is empty!

It is also the time when the killing armor defense is the weakest!

It\'s like a person uses up his strength and blows forward. When that power gushes out, he actually has the weakest moment

Shen Lang appeared behind Murong Changfeng. His long hair was flying, and his divine power soared up and down, like a gray flame.

Like lightning, one punch hit Murong Changfeng\'s heart!


Although Murong Changfeng had a flaw and was caught by Shen Lang, he didn\'t care.

Even the immortal sky Sabre can\'t leave an impression on the killing armor. How can a pair of meat fist deal with him?

"If there are magic soldiers, don\'t use meat fist. Is this what normal people can do?"

The people watching the war shook their heads.

Murong Changfeng chuckled: "fool!"

He didn\'t resist at all. He let Shen Lang\'s fist fall. He just turned slightly and lifted the long sword in his hand quickly back!

In Murong Changfeng\'s opinion, Shen Lang\'s fist is not worthy of tickling him;

But his sword can kill Shen Lang!


The long sword has not been cut to Shen Lang, and Shen Lang\'s fist has been blasted in Murong Changfeng\'s heart.

In an instant, something incredible happened