Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1157

Murong Changfeng\'s speed is faster and faster, his attack is more and more fierce, and there are sword shadows all over the sky.

At this time, he played very happily.

On the contrary, Shen Lang has fallen into hard struggle and resisted passively.

Defeat, it seems only after a few breaths

No one noticed that at the moment, the palm of Shen Lang\'s hand holding the handle of the knife had cracked and blood was flowing out!

This is the injury caused by the shock of Murong Changfeng\'s power after the two sides hit each other with swords.

In terms of power alone, Murong Changfeng\'s power has exceeded Shen Lang by several stages.

Even if Shen Lang opened the four stars, he couldn\'t deal with it.

The fifth star, with the strength of Shen Lang\'s current body, once opened, has caused unimaginable damage to himself before facing the enemy.

Even if it is opened, it is still not enough to fight Murong Changfeng.

Although "Nine Star profound meaning" can stimulate potential, it is limited after all. After all, it is not omnipotent

Now Shen Lang can hardly catch up with Murong Changfeng.

He is completely relying on the power of heaven and earth and his fighting talent against the sky, sensing the action of Murong Changfeng!

It\'s like playing Tai Chi. It\'s slow and fast, and the latter comes first.

Had it not been for the understanding of the potential of heaven and earth, Shen Lang would have been separated at the moment!

Such a disadvantage, such a crisis, Shen Lang has not encountered for a long time.

However, under this disadvantage, Shen Lang clenched his teeth, still supported him, and did not choose to escape into fengtianding.

In a sense, the test of life and death is also an opportunity.

The baptism of blood and fire can make people grow crazy!


The sabres and swords keep hitting each other, sparks are everywhere, and the strength is everywhere.

A series of hurricanes erupted from the place where their swords met.

Each time the swords hit each other, each time it was a sudden combination.

In the astonished eyes of the people, their positions were constantly exchanged. They had fought hundreds of times in dozens of seconds!

The surrounding space is full of knife intention and killing intention.

Thousands of sword Qi and knife Qi crisscross and last forever!

Shen Lang raised his speed to the extreme, fought and walked, and kept circling.

At the same time, the abyss artistic conception and death artistic conception have been quietly unfolded

In a plague land full of death and corpse, the development of the artistic conception of death not only did not disturb Murong Changfeng, but also did not notice the four heavenly strongmen of the imperial martial mirror watching the war outside.

The artistic conception of the abyss, hidden behind the artistic conception of death, is also unknown.

"Third brother, where\'s your previous prestige? You can\'t even fight me head-on. Can you only keep running away?"

Murong Changfeng stimulated the power in the killing armor to the limit.

Even if there are more terrible forces in the killing armor, he has been unable to mobilize a penny.

When the strength and speed are far higher than Shen Lang, he still can\'t kill Shen Lang... He can\'t even seriously hurt Shen lang. just now, he felt the incomparable Murong Changfeng, and his heart has begun to change.


The more you fight, the more angry you are, the more afraid you are!

"This is a freak! An unimaginable freak!" Murong Changfeng knew that he underestimated Shen Lang.

But that\'s it. It\'s no use thinking more.

Kill Shen Lang and everything will stop!


"Ambassador Zuo..."

Far away, Li Feiyu saw Murong Changfeng taking advantage, while Shen Lang was in danger. His resentment was really unspeakable.

Unfortunately, their accomplishments are so different from those of the two here. Let alone help, they can\'t change their books even if they are close to the battlefield.


After a loud noise, Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng crossed in the void.

The air in the void was swung away directly. They delimited an almost vacuum corridor and opened a little distance.

"Water magic knife, split the sea and break the sky!"

Shen Lang drank violently, and the first knife of "magic knife formula" took advantage of the situation.

Under the sword Qi, even the invisible air was separated like water, and the unparalleled sword light fell towards Murong Changfeng in an instant.

When this knife was cut out, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed and did not stop at all. The immortal sky knife in his hand stirred wildly in the air at an unimaginable speed. His hand and knife brought a series of residual shadows and instantly waved more than ten knives towards Murong Changfeng!

The sky Sabre Qi is superimposed in a series and forms a net interactively, which complements the water magic sabre in front!

With such a strong and skillful Sabre light, I\'m afraid I can\'t even resist if I change to be a strong emperor\'s martial mirror.

But when Murong Changfeng saw this scene, he did sneer and waved the long sword in his hand!

A sharp sword Qi cut through the sky, like cutting through the space, and cut through the knife net in an instant.


The water magic Sabre and more than ten sabres behind it were instantly scattered by this sword!

"Jie, although your sword skill is strong, it\'s a pity that your strength is too weak!"

"You have sword skills. Don\'t I have sword skills?"

"See if your sword skill is strong or my sword skill is strong!"

In the strange laughter, Murong Changfeng\'s figure disappeared again.

When he appeared, he was three meters in front of the Shen wave!

"The first type of killing magic sword, people kill without killing!"

The cold voice seemed to be the God of murder telling the world.

A ray of sword light fell from the nine days, giving people a feeling of trampling the will and sharpening the soul, making people tremble, as if even time had stopped.

"The second type of killing magic sword, earth does not kill heaven!"

The cold voice rang through people\'s hearts again. Murong Changfeng didn\'t speak, but the voice rose from everyone\'s heart.

At the same time with this sound is the second sword following the first sword.

This sword is not fancy, but the light of the sword raises a cold despair... It should not be a sword in the world!

"The third move of killing magic sword, heaven doesn\'t kill!"

The sound sounded again, like a sharp pierced through the ear and straight into everyone\'s head. It made people have a headache and want to crack. Although they were alive, they were still dead.

"The fourth move of killing magic sword, I will kill if I don\'t kill!"

"The fifth move of killing magic sword, all things in heaven and earth can be killed!"

An extremely strange thing happened

Five soft drinks and five swords are in order, and they sound very long.

But it\'s almost to the extreme again!

The five swords are like one sword, and the five sword lights are like only one sword. As soon as they appear, they cut into Shen Lang!

When you get to the extreme, you slow down

The five swords, which are approaching the extreme, give people a very slow feeling.

Everyone felt their heartbeat stopped.

In my eyes and mind, there are only five swords superimposed together!

The real sword of killing!

The Shen wave shrouded in the sword light seems to have been suppressed by a huge mountain, which is difficult to turbulence

This sword is too fast!

It\'s too fierce!

The fierce killing gas, the sharp sword intention of huff and puff, and the raging ferocity of death make Shen Lang have no room to dodge.

As soon as Shen Lang gritted his teeth, his violent power burst out and opened the fifth star of the nine star upanishadism "Tianying star" in an instant!

"Earth magic knife, burn the sky, cook the sea and twist the universe!"

This time, Shen Lang did not use the more powerful heaven magic knife, but used the second knife of "magic knife formula".

When the light of the knife bloomed, the ground of the plague made a popping sound, and thousands of giant blades drilled out of the ground and converged towards the Shen waves.

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s body fell rapidly.

Countless huge blades immediately wrapped them and blasted at Murong Changfeng\'s sword!

Sooner or later, the swords burst together!


Just like a meteorite hitting the earth, the collision between the two sides seemed to burst into a thunderbolt in the sky, which made the heads of the strong people who paid attention to here buzzing.

A world destroying storm suddenly broke out at the gas junction of knife, light and sword.

Shen Lang, who had been retreating rapidly, snorted miserably, and the blood gushed and fell rapidly.

Even the right hand holding the immortal sky knife was weak... Falling down!

"Hahaha, die!"

Murong Changfeng was like a God and a devil in the storm. He laughed wildly and rushed down at an invisible speed. He wanted to kill Shen Lang and end the battle!

Right now!

In the void, a cool female voice suddenly sounded: "Murong Changfeng, how dare you!"

The space directly broke a crack, and a thin and white palm suddenly grasped it, as if it were catching a small insect, and grabbed the Murong Changfeng flying down quickly!

The owner of the palm seemed extremely angry. After grasping Murong Changfeng, he suddenly pinched it!

"Boom, boom!"

A huge roar came from the palm of your hand.

As soon as the palm turned, it suddenly patted Murong Changfeng on the mountain wall in the distance!

The huge mountains immediately collapsed and turned into powder.

Just under the stunned gaze of the people, a dark shadow rose from the smoke and dust all over the sky.

Murong long storm drank unharmed: "Shuying, dare you move me? Do you Zhuque mansion want to fight with my Murong family!"

The strong people watching the battle around took a breath of cold air: "the killing armor has changed to such a state? It was pinched and fell by the strong man of the eighth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, and it was unharmed? No wonder Shen Lang was defeated so miserably!"

The people of Jianzong and Wanyao mansion saw that the strong man of Zhuque mansion appeared and immediately withdrew thousands of miles later.

At this time, I saw a beautiful woman in soft armor coming out of the space crack.

This woman is the strong man of Zhuque mansion who appeared in the dragon scale temple, Shuying!

Thin shadow took an anxious look at the bottom.

The Shen wave lying on the ground has a weak breath, eyes closed and motionless

Shuying\'s eyes were full of anger and said coldly, "war? If your Murong family wants to fight, we will accompany you to the end!"

"You dare to move the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, but you are impatient!"

Murong Changfeng knew that even if there was a killing armor on him, he could not cope with the strong man like Shuying.

He turned his eyes and said, "as you are, you naturally know that Shen langnai came from Murong aristocratic family!"

"I\'m his second brother and he\'s my third brother. My relationship with him is the family affair of Murong aristocratic family!"

"Even if the black dragon demon is present, he won\'t intervene casually!"

"Your rosefinch mansion is a force under the black dragon demon king. How dare you interfere in the family affairs of our Murong aristocratic family? If the black dragon demon king blames it, can you bear it?"

As soon as Shuying\'s eyes contracted and her wrist turned, the surging and unpredictable energy in the void immediately converged towards her palm.

The emperor\'s martial mirror is eight times. If the strong man doesn\'t make a move, it will really turn the world upside down, making the strong people around watch the war thirsty and nervous!

"Don\'t worry about your family. If you dare to move the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, I will never let you go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the thin shadow was about to catch Murong Changfeng below!

Although he has scruples about Murong aristocratic family, Shuying is really angry. This time, Murong Changfeng has to suffer!

At this time, the sound of Shen Lang suddenly sounded below

"Thin shadow, you step back!"