Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1156

When Murong Changfeng was blown out, Shen Lang didn\'t chase him.

Accurate grasp of the strength between ourselves and the enemy has always been Shen Lang\'s greatest advantage.

Even if Murong Changfeng\'s strength is much stronger than him, Shen Lang can still find his flaws and give a devastating blow.

Therefore, Shen Lang was happy and unafraid and fought hard to the end.

But the super defense of killing armor exceeded Shen Lang\'s expectation

The previous four sabres are the strongest four sabres Shen Lang can send now.

In this way, if the four knives are thrown out one after another and stacked in series, they can\'t cause damage to the killing armor in the end, it\'s useless to cut another 100 knives.

The information returned from the power collision is the reason why Shen Lang did not continue to pursue.

The time for the "Nine Star Mystery" to open the four stars is running out. Only by seizing this opportunity to breathe, can it be opened again.

"It\'s a little troublesome. The killing armor is more powerful than you can imagine. I forced Murong Changfeng to take out the killing armor. On the one hand, I want to beat it and kill it; on the other hand, I want to directly capture the killing armor and take it back for a good study."

"If you can, give the killing armor to Mo Ge, cooperate with the killing armor, let him practice the \'killing book of heaven\', and let him surpass the great emperor in the shortest time, even before the accident in xuezuling!"

"Unexpectedly, Murong Changfeng\'s separation was born from the killing gas. Unexpectedly, before the emperor\'s martial mirror, he can slightly stimulate the power of the killing armor, making the armor\'s defense strong to this point!"

"This guy hid in the tortoise shell and wanted to hurt him, but it\'s a little difficult..."

Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk, and his brain ran rapidly.

Undead Tiandao is powerful, and chaotic power is unparalleled

However, no matter how strong the immortal Sky Sword is, it does not urge the power of gods and demons in it. At present, it can only be regarded as a divine soldier in the human world, while the killing armor is the armor of gods and demons in the upper world;

Shen Lang will not use the power of the terrible gods and Demons sealed at the palm of immortal Tiandao unless he has to.

Such an unpredictable force, destroying heaven and earth, was beyond his control.

The last time I used it, if Feng Tianding\'s power hadn\'t dissolved it, I\'m afraid what Shen Lang wasted at that time was not an arm, but the whole body.

The chaotic divine power has now reached a bottleneck. If it does not break through the imperial martial mirror, with the current strength, it can not break the defense of the killing armor;

Killing armor is really not a human thing, but a first-class Demon Armor!

Shen Lang is floating in the air, and the method to deal with killing armor is constantly deduced in his mind.

On this killing armor, there is not only the power of gods and demons, but also a god array from the upper world.

It\'s really indestructible!

And now in this situation, Shen Lang clearly knows that Murong Changfeng has not inspired the killing armor!

How powerful would this killing armor be if it were all inspired?

If you don\'t think of a way to break through the killing armor defense, this war will be defeated before the war

Such a powerful defense, even with the knowledge of the emperor of war, has never been seen.

Not to mention that Murong Changfeng relies on this killing armor force to soar. Only this terrible defense force has put Murong Changfeng in an invincible position.


"Four knives in a row hit the killing armor. What a wonderful move, what a fast knife!"

Compared with Shen Lang\'s depression, the strong men of Jianzong and Wanyao mansion were impressed by his previous attack.

The two imperial martial mirror four strong men looked at each other, their throats rolled slightly, and they couldn\'t say a word.

On the side of the demon temple, many people\'s throats made a "cluck cluck" noise, and their eyes were full of incredible color!

Shen Lang\'s strength is obviously far away from Murong Changfeng\'s, and his speed is also weak. How can Murong Changfeng be hit by four knives in an instant?

This guy is too changed, isn\'t he?

Is it difficult that all the legends in yumudong blessed land are true?

There was a cold sweat on the faces of the strong men in the demon house.

An expert knows whether there is one.

Few people looked down on Shen Lang before. Now Shen Lang fought with Murong Changfeng wearing killing armor. He also gained the upper hand and hit Murong Changfeng for four knives!

If it weren\'t for the killing armor, Murong Changfeng should have died on the spot!

The breath released by Murong Changfeng, even the three or four strong heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, feels frightened!

Two martial artists who are not in a series at all have this situation

When the people in the sword sect and the demon God hall changed their attitude towards Shen Lang, Shen Lang and Murong Changfeng in the air were as motionless as stone men.

Their faces were not good.

Murong Changfeng felt that his strength was obviously stronger than that of the other party. He was hurt a few times and was not angry in his heart;

Shen Lang found that there was not even a knife mark on the other party\'s armor. He had a further understanding of the power of this killing armor;

"The long sword in your hand is very good. Your fighting skills are rare in the world!" Murong Changfeng sneered: "unfortunately, no matter how you jump, you can\'t even break my defense!"

"Can you mortals imagine the power of killing armor?"

Murong Changfeng\'s voice has admiration, tyranny and unhappiness.

"Hum, in 13 years, you can develop from a waste to this point. You really deserve to be my third brother!"

"It seems that if you want to die convinced, I must improve the power of killing armor to the extreme!"

"You forced me!"

With Murong Changfeng\'s roar, his body suddenly shook, and circle after circle of energy ripples swept outward.

Murong Changfeng\'s breath soared again!

The people at the sword sect and the demon God Temple were stunned... The power of killing armor, as he said, was not all revealed! This killing armor is so terrible!


Murong Changfeng drank hysterically.

Soon, his figure disappeared into the murderous atmosphere!

The next moment, in the void behind Shen Lang, a dark long sword seemed to break the space and cut silently towards Shen Lang\'s neck!

No wind, no clouds.

After the killing armor strength soared, Murong Changfeng\'s attack completely lost its previous prestige.

It becomes completely unpredictable. Even a wisp of strong wind is not brought up on the black front long sword. It becomes strange and unpredictable and difficult to prevent

He is clearly in the front of the move, in an instant even moved to the rear, and even the thoughts of the four heavenly strong people around the imperial martial mirror are not aware!


Shen Lang took two steps forward without turning his head. He returned and cut out with a knife.

The immortal Tiandao and Murong Changfeng\'s black sword immediately collided with each other!

This collision, Shen Lang\'s body shook violently, his steps were disorderly, and he staggered forward!

Murong Changfeng, whose strength is climbing crazily again, is now several times faster, opening the gap between the two again!

All the people around were terrified. They were all in a cold sweat for Shen Lang.

Shen Langgang stumbled and suddenly cut down the long knife in front of him!

When they were stunned, they found Murong Changfeng\'s killing sword appeared in front of Shen Lang!

The killing sword vibrated gently, and with the gas of rolling killing, you long lifted it towards Shen Lang\'s chest!

This first cut immortal Sky Sword and the later killing sword immediately bombarded together.

The violent wind swept out, and Shen Lang suddenly moved, like catkins flying in the wind, flying out in the direction with the strongest strength, avoiding the sweeping sword spirit between lightning and flint.

"Jie Jie!"

Murong Changfeng\'s laughter sounded in the void, but his body still didn\'t appear.

But the killing sword condensed the unspeakable meaning of killing, and cut it again towards Shen Lang\'s shoulder like lightning.

The seemingly simple move made Shen Lang\'s eyes cold, holding a knife in both hands and splitting down!


The sound of gold and iron kept ringing.

Murong Changfeng seemed to be missing, but a black sword attacked Shen Lang from all directions and took the complete initiative!

Shen Lang, on the other hand, is completely downwind and defends passively.

In my opinion, both sides are no longer at the same level.

It seems that Shen Lang will die sooner or later.

"What\'s going on? What about Murong Changfeng\'s people? How could they disappear?"

Someone from Jianzong asked puzzled.

"Murong Changfeng didn\'t disappear, because his speed was so fast that your mind couldn\'t keep up with his speed!" said the strong man of the imperial martial mirror four heaven of the sword sect bitterly.

Under the strong man\'s gaze, Murong Changfeng was almost just a faint shadow, swimming wildly around Shen waves.

If Murong Changfeng is against him at such a terrible speed, whether he can deal with it like Shen Lang is really a matter of two words!

These two people on the court are really unheard of peerless geniuses.

It was such an incredible battle!


With the sound of gold and iron, the strength of terror spread out in circles.

The endless killing gas swept outward like smoke.

The strongman of Jianzong had foresight and had already run far away, so he was not affected;

A group of people in the nearest demon temple were caught by the killing spirit. Before they had time to respond, they cried and asked their parents to climb away!

Many people kept emitting black gas from their seven orifices. Their eyes were red. They attacked the people around them with swords!

Just a little bit affected by the killing gas. All the warriors under the imperial martial mirror are eroded by the killing gas and become crazy!

Murong Changfeng once again aroused the killing Qi formed after the killing armor. It\'s almost impossible to prevent it.

Its terror. Far beyond people\'s imagination!

In the face of such terrible killing gas, even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror should be frightened and turn around and leave!

"Ha ha ha!"

Murong Changfeng was so excited that he laughed wildly: "I think you can stop me!"


Yesterday, I only updated one chapter and talked about the depression in my heart. Today, many book friends reward, leave messages, subscribe, encourage and add group support. Lao Hai is really moved, really moved, thank you!

With you, Lao Hai is not alone. Come on! The strongest war emperor will be more wonderful!