Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1155

"Nonsense?" Murong Changfeng said calmly, "I just want you to understand the gap between you and me, let you die clearly, and let you know the consequences of forcing me to wear killing armor."

"Killing armor, killing is born, but it\'s not as simple as armor!"

"Just this sword, my murderous intention and murderous spirit have eroded your body and completely destroyed you."

"If you change other emperor\'s martial mirror, the strong one in the triple sky has been disturbed by the gas of killing, and the meridians are broken. If you are not crazy, you will die."

"And you can stick to it until now. You really have a little ability."

"Unfortunately, it\'s just a little bit. I thought I could play with me at least for a while, but I didn\'t expect that you couldn\'t even catch my sword... Alas, it\'s so lonely as snow!"

Murong Changfeng looked lonely at the distance for a year, and there was no Shen wave in his eyes.

Like a peerless strong man, seeking a defeat but not, his heart is lonely to the extreme

However, in the weak Shen Lang, the corners of his mouth showed a cruel smile at the moment and stood up slowly.

"Hey, hey, ha ha..."

Under the gaze of the crowd and Murong Changfeng, Shen Lang laughed inexplicably!

As like as two peas and his blood on his face, the waves at the moment are exactly like those of the devil\'s temple, which are murderous and then mad.

The hearts of the three people in Zhuque mansion sank immediately

"Zuo emissary, have you really been eroded by the killing spirit? Why don\'t the strong men in the Zhuque mansion do it?"

On the contrary, Murong Changfeng said coldly, "the time of death is coming. You can still laugh so happily. The third brother is really a wonderful flower? What are you laughing at?"

Shen Lang tilted his mouth and said, "I laugh because I think of a guy named Chu Qingcheng. I hated his outfit Bi before I saw you."

"But after seeing you, I found that even if it\'s pretend to compare, it\'s also divided into realm and realm."

"Old Chu wears Bi from his bones. Although he exaggerates, he is natural."

"And you, like a lame monkey, want to learn to walk and do things... Ha ha!"

Murong Changfeng jumped twice from the corner of his eye: "the price of offending me is that life is better than death..."

It was at this time that Shen Lang took a big mouth and sucked all the terrible killing gas around him like water!

Everyone around was surprised.

"What is this? Is he impatient with his life?"

"His body has been eroded by murderous Qi. Unlucky Gong blew out the murderous Qi in his body and dared to swallow so many pure and strange murderous Qi? Has his mind really been completely confused?"

Even the strong of Jianzong are afraid of the murderous spirit. How dare ordinary people touch it?

How dare you swallow it?

Is this too long?

Murong Changfeng in the air was stunned.

The killing gas released from the killing armor, even Murong Changfeng himself, dare not touch it easily.

Except for his special case born from the killing gas, who dares to swallow such killing gas into the body?

Suddenly, Shen Lang stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot!

"Nine stars, Tianpeng star, open!"

"Tianren star, open!"

"The sky rushes to the stars, open!"

"Tianfu star, open!"

With every sip of Shen Lang, his breath soared several times or even ten times!

The first star, the second star, the third star and the fourth star open one after another!

As soon as the fourth star opens, Shen Lang feels a tingling pain all over his body!

The current strength of the chaotic God body is a little reluctant to open the fourth star, which makes Shen Lang feel that all his muscles are cracked.

However, where can such a little pain be put in Shen Lang\'s eyes?

When the fourth star opened, the surging and unpredictable power immediately flowed through Shen Lang\'s body. The surrounding wind was strong, and the violent breath climbed to the extreme, forming a nine day terror vortex!

"If I let you move, you will be very proud and pretend. I like to beat your green goods best!"

"This time, it\'s my turn!"

A mouthful of turbid Qi suppressed in the chest was long spit out by Shen Lang.

A chaotic light that did not attract much attention slowly surged out of Shen Lang.

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s bones collided with each other, and the sonorous sound of gold and iron resounded through the void!

All other energy in Shen Lang\'s body converges, leaving only pure chaotic power!

The tens of thousands of ten divine beast particles came alive when Shen waves stimulated their strength and released the breath of swallowing the sky and eroding the earth

As soon as the nine stars and the four stars are opened, all the ten divine beasts seem to be fierce beasts who are full of blood and food, raising their power to the extreme!

As soon as the power of chaos comes out, the earth rumbles, the sky changes, and visions occur frequently!

Whether it\'s the strong people present or the top strong people in Zhuque mansion who pay attention to here, at this moment, their faces change greatly: "what\'s the matter? Why is there so much movement? It feels like the world is about to collapse!"

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s sense of war rose, his sense of killing filled the air, and his fierce and unparalleled medium-term sword intention bloomed.

He suddenly took a step forward, rose into the sky, and fell on the head of Murong Changfeng like lightning.

The immortal heaven Sabre carries the power that runs through heaven and earth and rushes straight into the nine days. Cut it off with one knife!

"Prison sword skill, heaven and earth magic robbery!"

The sixth move of "prison sword skill", when the devil of heaven and earth is robbed, the chaotic divine power soars by 30% and turns into the light of killing the world!

Too fast, this knife is too fast!

The terrible knife Qi cut through the air and formed an unimpeded vacuum tunnel in the air. When it first appeared, it had reached the head of Murong Changfeng!


Murong Changfeng\'s confidence in killing armor has reached the point of blindness. Will he be frightened by Shen Lang\'s knife?

Seeing that the long knife fell with the smell of terror, he didn\'t avoid it. He shook it directly with a sword in the air!


A knife and a sword hit together, so that the murderous spirit filled the air over the plague land was forcibly torn open one by one!

It\'s like there are hundreds of millions of swordsmen. Swordsmen cut the space into countless pieces at the same time!

Unparalleled power swept out in all directions, destroying mountains and mountains!

"Kill armor? Take my sabres first! Ha ha!"

Shen Lang smiled. When he opened the four stars, he raised his speed and power to the extreme. The immortal sabre in his hand bloomed and cut out at a speed hundreds of times faster than the sound speed.

The sound of gold and iron kept ringing.

Under the urging of immortal Tiandao, chaotic divine power turned into matchless light. With the speed elusive to the naked eye of ordinary strong people, it cut Murong Changfeng with one knife!

The sky is full of knife light, and the sky is full of Shen Lang\'s figure!


Murong is too confident, and he doesn\'t understand why Shen Lang\'s cultivation has soared so much.

He had to passively urge the killing spirit and spread the killing sword to resist the attack of Shen wave, storm and storm.

In the void, the murderous intention is diffuse and the murderous spirit is towering.

The two of them kept walking in the void, and the swords kept blowing at each other!

In a short time, it was a match!

The people around held their breath and stared at all this.

As soon as I saw it, I saw the doorway

In addition to the strong ones above the triple heaven of emperor Wujing, I can\'t see where the swords of these two people are!

No matter how their thoughts urge them, they can\'t follow the tracks of these two people!

Inside their ears were a series of sounds of gold and iron. In their eyes, they saw the powerful energy constantly shooting outward, as well as the terrible knife Qi and sword light!

The strong men in the imperial martial mirror triple heaven and above all saw clearly and took a breath of air conditioning!

Theoretically, although Shen Lang\'s accomplishments soared more than 20 times, there was still a big gap with Murong Changfeng.

But he used the "Vientiane demon" he had used before, and the speed was closer to Murong Changfeng, which was not very different!

Making up for the speed gap, Shen Lang used his fighting skills to press Murong Changfeng!

For example, when Murong Changfeng wanted to stab Shen Lang in the chest with a sword, Shen Lang came first after a knife and blew at Murong Changfeng\'s wrist, forcing him to change his moves!

It seems that all the moves and movements of Murong Changfeng have been predicted by Shen Lang!

Obviously Murong Changfeng is faster and stronger, but he has been passive, defending more and attacking less!

Moreover, Shen Lang\'s sword is very fast. As soon as the long sword is cut out, his figure has changed its position, which makes Murong Changfeng uncertain.

"Boom, boom!"


The glare of strong light from the sky, and a thunderous explosion seemed to ring through the heads of the strong people around.

A terrible storm swept out of the sky. Where the storm passed, the space shook!

No one dares to approach within 300 miles!

This kind of fighting between the two has maintained a certain balance for a time!

However, the balance in people\'s eyes did not last long.

Only a minute later, in the stormy battle, Shen Lang twisted his waist and put his right foot out like a whip, kicking Murong Changfeng\'s sword wrist!

Murong Changfeng snorted stiffly. His right hand immediately swung away, and the middle door was wide open!

Shen Lang\'s body follows the sabre, combines people and sabres, grabs the middle line, steps on the middle palace, and cuts four sabres in an instant with the momentum of thunder!

These four knives are like thunder, hurricane and meteor, with the invincible intention of the person who is invincible, all of them hit Murong Changfeng\'s chest!


Sparks burst all over the sky!

Murong Changfeng\'s body was like a shell and flew back, bringing a shocking sound of wind and thunder in the air!

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s face suddenly sank!

When Murong Changfeng was killing armor in the explosion of immortal Tiandao, Shen Lang clearly saw

The position where the immortal sky Sabre contacts the killing armor suddenly emits red light, showing a six pointed star array. The golden light is transmitted from the six pointed stars along the black veins in all directions. The power on the immortal sky Sabre has not caused any fluctuation!

Not to mention the damage to the killing armor!

The golden energy is very familiar to Shen Lang

Magic power!